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WWJD becomes WWJS

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Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? I Corinthians 6:1

Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated? No, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do these things to your brethren! 1 Corinthians 6:7-9

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  TheInvisibleDan said:
Quite possibly a great number of churches today for "defamation of character".

Like Earlham College of Richmond Indiana, a Quaker school?

Quoting from their Principles & Practices:

Peace and Justice

The Quaker peace testimony is perhaps the most distinctive of Friends’ beliefs, distinguishing Quakers from many other believers. It holds that violence, whether physical, emotional, or verbal, is an injustice that harms not only victims but also those who are violent, and is never the means to achieving a just and lasting peace. Friends also seek to challenge institutional and social structures that, while sometimes invisible or taken for granted, still do violence.

Many thoughtful and moral people disagree with the strong form of Quaker pacifism that deplores all use of violence, but the Quaker peace testimony will always challenge us to seek non-violent responses to conflict and to look for just and peace-making solutions.

Practicing Peace and Justice

We work actively for the peaceful resolution of conflict, and for the removal of causes of violence and injustice. We strive to live peacefully within our own community as we pursue a more just, non-violent, and sustainable world.


When conflicts arise, do I make creative and non-violent efforts to resolve them?

Am I careful to avoid all forms of violence and coercion in my relations with others?

Do I think about power: who has it, and how it should be used? Am I careful to use my own power for just and constructive ends?

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Oh, I get it now. Don't resort to physical violence to resolve conflicts. Instead sue them. Besides, this is more effective in giving me a better chance to get my way and exert authority in the situation. Never mind that it could cause more harm to others than a physical confrontation. Never mind that it will cost myself, the people I am suing and the organization we started a great deal of money, which is the representation of other people's finances and work. Just sue them all and let Gawd sort it out.

Do we all see a disconnect in this approach?

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Sorry Invisible - my bad, wasn't going after you at all. Just unclear in my post. Forgive me please.

The principles are good ones - they seem to share much with the sermon on the mount and many other good things Jesus spoke about.

I thought it might go at least a little while before people spoke up about the Earlham connection, but hey you people are sharp.

All involved with the CES BOD mess would do well to re-read these principles and meditate on them and take them to heart.

Even what has already been revealed here about the division seems to be things that could be mediated. But from offline conversations and relationships I have had it seems that even what GSC reveals is only the tip of the iceburg.

A while back an inadvertent comment was made in front of one of the little people about next needing to get rid of JS. So who was got rid of first, JL?

This is why I must conclude that a clique that would seem to be in agreement with peaceful principles would resort to verbally violent means: To achieve a separate agenda. One based upon ousting others, attempting to intimidate people to resign and eventually to have total control. Total power.

But stacking the BOD did not work.

One might conclude that God has a different plan.

I have an image in my mind of people getting up to testify in court and placing their hand on the Bible and swearing to tell the whole truth. And I can't imagine what the holy spirit on the inside will be doing. SCREAMING? Or whispering. And of course it is always up to Jesus if he should choose to appear at the back of the courtroom to the person testifying - perhaps weeping.

There's always room for Jello. And it's never too late to repent.

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  Gilligan said:
Sorry Invisible - my bad, wasn't going after you at all. Just unclear in my post. Forgive me please.

No need to apologize nor ask for forgiveness, really.

I now recognize that my original comment was rather weak in several respects, I must confess.

For one, I don't think Jesus would ever sue anyone let alone judge anyone,

at least according to my admittedly romantized Marcionite background.

And - judging churches as a whole is a rather thoughtless and poor approach - because

all churches comprise of the good, the bad (and the ugly). I think there are

genuine kind people in the most rotten of groups.

You were instinctively right to point out to one fallacy among many in my inconsiderate

expression. And I thank you, really.

Welcome to Greasespot, Gilligan.

I like your posts.


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  Gilligan said:
Marcion - an interesting person who from the little I have studied was probably trashed by the "other side". Is there another forum where we can talk Paul and Marcion? I'm very interested in what you think of him. Lead the way.

Hi Gilligan,

I'm not aware of any forum exlusively devoted to the subject of Marcion (though a Google search on forums

dealing with "Gnostics" and "Gnosticism" may produce some info).

Much of the information I've gathered on Marcion may be checked out at my website


I haven't updated it in quite awhile.


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From MG's article linked by CC above:

For instance, Quakers have traditionally called clearness committees before taking major steps in their lives,

like marriage, a career change...It is felt that a genuine leading will be discerned and corroborated by others in whom is the Spirit

of God...

Good grief, that all really "translated" well in his case, and in that of the mysterious "Prophetic Council",

which visions were as clear as mud.

It's too bad he didn't nod off through that part of the class.


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