I did the colon cleanse after much promotion by the homeopathic wing of the way.
I can't claim a connection, but within a few months of doing it (which certainly felt like I was abusing my body), I came down with ulcerative colitis, an intestinal disease involving chronic bleeding, diarhea, abdominal pain and other pleasantries.
The only 'cure' is surgery, removal of the colon, which I finally decided on after 8 years of suffering.
That was in '93, and the results have been great-a total new lease on life.
I do wonder what the 'cleanse' contributed to it. It was a miserable experience, drinking 'dirt', eating nothing but 'green life' pills, and living in a daze for days from lack of food.
I never had the pleasure personally, but knew several people who did. The green pills were cold pressed alfalfa,and the gel-like substance one drank a lot of mixed in water on the half-hour was called bentonite and was supposedly derived from something spewed out of a volcano or something. On the hour one drank a quart or so of water.
There was also a whole protocol for one's coming off the cleanse. One's first meal, I believe, consisted of 10 red grapes, with seeds, and a certain number of raw spinach leaves. Afterward, there were several more mealswhich were specifically designated as to content and number, and then one was to continue thereon with consumption of organically grown, freshly plucked, extremely healthful, high nutritious raw, crunchy, juicy, delicious fruits and vegetables.
Mostly it required discipline. It was supposed to break down and flush out the toxins that your liver had stored for the last several years. If you had, for example, been a user of hallucinogenic drugs, you might well have flashback hallucinations, or "trips," while the toxins were being flushed out. You might become very ill from the breakdown of toxins stored in the liver when you were having an illness sometime in the past.
Medically, this is probably a lot of hooey. If you were say 30 years of age, and your liver had been dutifully storing toxins for 30 years, you would probably be dead, or at least very jaundiced. It just doesn't work that way.
My husband did the cleanse for a few days one time when we were first married. Then, he went to Perkins Pancake House and saw some coconut cream pie, and that was all she wrote!
It may well be wonderful for some folks. I have known a couple people in my lifetime who paid minute attention to what was coming out of them, even to drinking water laced with 1/4 cup of flax seeds, which are the RotoRooter of the human digestive system. But I was never impressed enough to try it.
This post was from the "Don't ya just love it when" topic.
Hope R said
"When you tell someone you have a medical condition and they immediately tell you to go to the health food store and buy vitamins, or do the cleanse or take some other concoction when they no NOTHING about your illness.
I have a chronic condition that I've learned to live with. If and when I tell people what it is, 9 times out of 10 they say "oh, my Grandmother had THAT! She stopped drinking milk and got better." or "you should think about doing the colon cleanse."
OMG - the cleanse would probably just about KILL me!
What I want to do is hand them all the books I've read and give them the links to the websites I've looked at regarding my medical disorder and say "read these, then come back and tell me what to do". Instead I just try to quickly explain what is wrong with me and how they've got it mixed up with something else, which is usually the case."
This is from the "Good or Evil?" thread.
Pirate1974 said
"Looking back from over 25 years of being out, I can't say that I ever experienced anything that I could classify as "evil." Stupid, yes. Lots and lots of stupid.
Of course, I was never in any kind of leadership position at all. I was just the nut on the way tree. I had no contact with New Knoxville except for an hour wandering around the farm at the ROA.
If I had to describe most of the people where I was, they would be "nerds." Except for a few exceptions, good little boys and girls who never stepped out a line, especially in anything involving twi, no matter how hard I tried to push them.
I enjoyed the twig meetings and coffeehouses, but I hated the pressure to take classes and witness and go wow and do the colon cleanse. If you didn't do those things, you weren't walking the walk. If they had just left me alone to be the nut on the tree, I might have stayed longer, but probably not because of personal stuff.
When I was in, we were all supposed to aspire to the Holy Grail of the Advanced Class. To reach that pinnacle of spiritual success, one had to complete something called "home studies" a fill-in-the blank exercise in way doctrine. I did the first one, got marked down for putting a comma in the wrong place, threw it in the trash and never did another one. No spritual perfection for you!!!
The only way corps people I ever met were some passing through on their way to somewhere else,like Bo Reahard or Randy Anderson. I've been told I met Martindale, but he must not have made much of an impression on me, because I have no memory of it. Our leaders were all college kids my own age or a little older. Even the limb leader was in his 20s, and this was one of the twi "hot spots" Greenville, NC.
Different times, different places, different experiences. When I first discovered Waydale, it was hard to connect the stories that I read there with the collection of dorks and twerps that I knew. When I heard that Rosalie was president, I almost fell out of my chair. When I knew her, she could barely run a twig.
That was my experience. Doesn't mean I don't believe what happened to other people just because I never saw it."
That's what I found, anyway.
I'd check those threads for discussions so far, but feel free to have a new discussion on it,
especially since sometimes new stuff comes to light.
(And even if it doesn't, enjoy your discussion. :) )
I don't remember the posters name but one of the funniest posts I ever read was by someone who wrote about his or her WOW brother doing coffee enemas. The only thing is, the dumb guy didn't let the coffee cool off before putting it in the enema bag and dispensing it up his @rse.... they said they could hear him "OOOH!-ing" and cussing from the hot coffee...
I don't remember the posters name but one of the funniest posts I ever read was by someone who wrote about his or her WOW brother doing coffee enemas. The only thing is, the dumb guy didn't let the coffee cool off before putting it in the enema bag and dispensing it up his @rse.... they said they could hear him "OOOH!-ing" and cussing from the hot coffee... biglaugh.gif
Thanks for the coffee spew, from my mouth that is....
I do an every other day beer cleanse. Nothing but beer all day ... then when I start spewing beer from every orifice and spewing beery messages here on GS, I know I am purified.
I think this relates to the CES thread on pp errors. I do find I make more pp errors when I have had more beer. If your pp errors involve other people, that is especially bad, and you really should quit drinking at that point.
Coffee enemas? Believe it or not help stimulate the liver to produce glutithione (sp?) which helps the body dump toxins.
So rhino along with your beer cleanse...you ought help that liver out. Donchaknow?!?
Sounds like fun, but I did hear that drinking a lot of coffee is good if you drink a lot of beer. I can't remember if it was a liver thing, but I think so. 4 or 5 beers and a pot of coffee in the morning ... works for pee, I mean me. (what happened to the strikeout thingy in text formatting?)
While "The caffeine is therefore absorbed more quickly (and in higher concentration) than it is in when coffee is drunk." I do find it more satisfying and less messy to put the coffee in from the top while on the internet, as opposed to ... well, build your own image ... :)
Is there a difference between the kidney and the liver? I know kidneys look like kidney beans, but you get psoriasis (sp?) of the liver. But I guess you can be delivered, if things get too bad. I just go to those psychic healers that do surgery on the cheap ... they work for beer. Clearly I am in the beer phase of my spurchal cleansing ... :)
One of the funniest stories I have ever heard told was John Lynn talking about "the appendix incident." It was either shortly after or perhaps during the time he was doing the colon cleanse at HQ ... it caused his appendix to swell ... he described his trip to Indianapolis with then-wife-Pat in his usual humorous style ... but I remember the description of his going to the bathroom along the way and him screaming as "hot molten glass" came out ... this story, though it made us all laugh in-residence till we cried because of his storytelling abilities, made me doubly glad I had never done the cleanse.
Don't know much about colon cleanse, but I can assure you all that mine was as clean as a whistle after ingesting a chicken tandoori from a shoddy Pakistani restuarant in London on one of my visits.
Funny thing was, I wanted something 'lite' while my wife and friends ordered the lamb. Unfortunately for all of us, my colon decided to 'cleanse' as we were stuck in traffic right in front Buckingham Palace. I can assure you that the guards at the gate not only blink but make faces and protests of disgust when they are properly motivated. <_<
By the time we made it to where we we were staying, I had left 30 years of 'undigestibles' on the road and in the rental car. I spent the next 2 days about 2 steps from the camode and nearly died from what was being wrought in me.
Moral of the story?
Mother is right yet again!
If you're going to meet the Queen, be sure to put on your clean underwear...
The cleanse consisted of finely ground volcanic ash which is basically powdered glass
ended up on the bathroom floor after four days with blood pouring out of every orifice on my body--literally---
not a good plan
so WAY-brained I had to call the then branch leaders wife C-nn-- K-ng and get permission to quit the program--fortunately she sighed a lot but did give me permission
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I did the colon cleanse after much promotion by the homeopathic wing of the way.
I can't claim a connection, but within a few months of doing it (which certainly felt like I was abusing my body), I came down with ulcerative colitis, an intestinal disease involving chronic bleeding, diarhea, abdominal pain and other pleasantries.
The only 'cure' is surgery, removal of the colon, which I finally decided on after 8 years of suffering.
That was in '93, and the results have been great-a total new lease on life.
I do wonder what the 'cleanse' contributed to it. It was a miserable experience, drinking 'dirt', eating nothing but 'green life' pills, and living in a daze for days from lack of food.
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I have heard of this before.
Didn't someone die because of this?
I believe it was in the late 70's.
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Watered Garden
I never had the pleasure personally, but knew several people who did. The green pills were cold pressed alfalfa,and the gel-like substance one drank a lot of mixed in water on the half-hour was called bentonite and was supposedly derived from something spewed out of a volcano or something. On the hour one drank a quart or so of water.
There was also a whole protocol for one's coming off the cleanse. One's first meal, I believe, consisted of 10 red grapes, with seeds, and a certain number of raw spinach leaves. Afterward, there were several more mealswhich were specifically designated as to content and number, and then one was to continue thereon with consumption of organically grown, freshly plucked, extremely healthful, high nutritious raw, crunchy, juicy, delicious fruits and vegetables.
Mostly it required discipline. It was supposed to break down and flush out the toxins that your liver had stored for the last several years. If you had, for example, been a user of hallucinogenic drugs, you might well have flashback hallucinations, or "trips," while the toxins were being flushed out. You might become very ill from the breakdown of toxins stored in the liver when you were having an illness sometime in the past.
Medically, this is probably a lot of hooey. If you were say 30 years of age, and your liver had been dutifully storing toxins for 30 years, you would probably be dead, or at least very jaundiced. It just doesn't work that way.
My husband did the cleanse for a few days one time when we were first married. Then, he went to Perkins Pancake House and saw some coconut cream pie, and that was all she wrote!
It may well be wonderful for some folks. I have known a couple people in my lifetime who paid minute attention to what was coming out of them, even to drinking water laced with 1/4 cup of flax seeds, which are the RotoRooter of the human digestive system. But I was never impressed enough to try it.
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This is an old topic.
This topic overlaps it.
This post was from the "Don't ya just love it when" topic.
Hope R said
"When you tell someone you have a medical condition and they immediately tell you to go to the health food store and buy vitamins, or do the cleanse or take some other concoction when they no NOTHING about your illness.
I have a chronic condition that I've learned to live with. If and when I tell people what it is, 9 times out of 10 they say "oh, my Grandmother had THAT! She stopped drinking milk and got better." or "you should think about doing the colon cleanse."
OMG - the cleanse would probably just about KILL me!
What I want to do is hand them all the books I've read and give them the links to the websites I've looked at regarding my medical disorder and say "read these, then come back and tell me what to do". Instead I just try to quickly explain what is wrong with me and how they've got it mixed up with something else, which is usually the case."
This is from the "Good or Evil?" thread.
Pirate1974 said
"Looking back from over 25 years of being out, I can't say that I ever experienced anything that I could classify as "evil." Stupid, yes. Lots and lots of stupid.
Of course, I was never in any kind of leadership position at all. I was just the nut on the way tree. I had no contact with New Knoxville except for an hour wandering around the farm at the ROA.
If I had to describe most of the people where I was, they would be "nerds." Except for a few exceptions, good little boys and girls who never stepped out a line, especially in anything involving twi, no matter how hard I tried to push them.
I enjoyed the twig meetings and coffeehouses, but I hated the pressure to take classes and witness and go wow and do the colon cleanse. If you didn't do those things, you weren't walking the walk. If they had just left me alone to be the nut on the tree, I might have stayed longer, but probably not because of personal stuff.
When I was in, we were all supposed to aspire to the Holy Grail of the Advanced Class. To reach that pinnacle of spiritual success, one had to complete something called "home studies" a fill-in-the blank exercise in way doctrine. I did the first one, got marked down for putting a comma in the wrong place, threw it in the trash and never did another one. No spritual perfection for you!!!
The only way corps people I ever met were some passing through on their way to somewhere else,like Bo Reahard or Randy Anderson. I've been told I met Martindale, but he must not have made much of an impression on me, because I have no memory of it. Our leaders were all college kids my own age or a little older. Even the limb leader was in his 20s, and this was one of the twi "hot spots" Greenville, NC.
Different times, different places, different experiences. When I first discovered Waydale, it was hard to connect the stories that I read there with the collection of dorks and twerps that I knew. When I heard that Rosalie was president, I almost fell out of my chair. When I knew her, she could barely run a twig.
That was my experience. Doesn't mean I don't believe what happened to other people just because I never saw it."
That's what I found, anyway.
I'd check those threads for discussions so far, but feel free to have a new discussion on it,
especially since sometimes new stuff comes to light.
(And even if it doesn't, enjoy your discussion. :) )
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I am on a juice cleanse right now........................
no one told me to, except my body.... I had a little too much COOKIE DOUGH last week :o
It's only been since Sunday, I will retire tomorrow.
Man a hoagie sounds good..................................
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i go on a juice cleanse once in a while too
they are awesome..it's called orange juice and voldka!!!!!!
yeah i do remember the colin cleanse
i was never so sick in my life
thanks for reminding
i had almost forgot
NOT lol.
lol now
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I don't remember the posters name but one of the funniest posts I ever read was by someone who wrote about his or her WOW brother doing coffee enemas. The only thing is, the dumb guy didn't let the coffee cool off before putting it in the enema bag and dispensing it up his @rse.... they said they could hear him "OOOH!-ing" and cussing from the hot coffee...
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I've heard of the caffeine thing.. question. Does it give you like a super caffeine "rush"?
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Thanks for the coffee spew, from my mouth that is....
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I do an every other day beer cleanse. Nothing but beer all day ... then when I start spewing beer from every orifice and spewing beery messages here on GS, I know I am purified.
I think this relates to the CES thread on pp errors. I do find I make more pp errors when I have had more beer. If your pp errors involve other people, that is especially bad, and you really should quit drinking at that point.
Hope this helps.
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I Love Bagpipes
Just for clarification a cleanse is not homeopathy.
Of course as with other alternative approaches, there are varying opinions to validity.
Coffee enemas? Believe it or not help stimulate the liver to produce glutithione (sp?) which helps the body dump toxins.
So rhino along with your beer cleanse...you ought help that liver out. Donchaknow?!?
Here's how:
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While "The caffeine is therefore absorbed more quickly (and in higher concentration) than it is in when coffee is drunk." I do find it more satisfying and less messy to put the coffee in from the top while on the internet, as opposed to ... well, build your own image ... :)
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Sounds like someone needs a leg bag!! and the thingy it attaches too! heehee..we are talking about kidneys, right?
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Is there a difference between the kidney and the liver? I know kidneys look like kidney beans, but you get psoriasis (sp?) of the liver. But I guess you can be delivered, if things get too bad. I just go to those psychic healers that do surgery on the cheap ... they work for beer. Clearly I am in the beer phase of my spurchal cleansing ... :)
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psychosis(sp) of the liver is one thing..but the cost to travel to the Phillipines for psychosis surgery is another thing!!
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One of the funniest stories I have ever heard told was John Lynn talking about "the appendix incident." It was either shortly after or perhaps during the time he was doing the colon cleanse at HQ ... it caused his appendix to swell ... he described his trip to Indianapolis with then-wife-Pat in his usual humorous style ... but I remember the description of his going to the bathroom along the way and him screaming as "hot molten glass" came out ... this story, though it made us all laugh in-residence till we cried because of his storytelling abilities, made me doubly glad I had never done the cleanse.
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Watered Garden
Are you guys trying to write cirrhosis of the liver? Psoriasis is a skin condition and psychosis is a mental illness.
WG, medical transcriptionist extraordinare!
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Dawn Redwood
Thank you WG - that was making me a little nuts too.
I never did the cleanse, but I have question.
How did it go for you cleansers in the Corps when they began to ration the toilet paper? :unsure:
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They "rationed" toilet paper?
Like, were you given like 20 squares a day you could use or something?
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Don't know much about colon cleanse, but I can assure you all that mine was as clean as a whistle after ingesting a chicken tandoori from a shoddy Pakistani restuarant in London on one of my visits.
Funny thing was, I wanted something 'lite' while my wife and friends ordered the lamb. Unfortunately for all of us, my colon decided to 'cleanse' as we were stuck in traffic right in front Buckingham Palace. I can assure you that the guards at the gate not only blink but make faces and protests of disgust when they are properly motivated. <_<
By the time we made it to where we we were staying, I had left 30 years of 'undigestibles' on the road and in the rental car. I spent the next 2 days about 2 steps from the camode and nearly died from what was being wrought in me.
Moral of the story?
Mother is right yet again!
If you're going to meet the Queen, be sure to put on your clean underwear...

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The cleanse consisted of finely ground volcanic ash which is basically powdered glass
ended up on the bathroom floor after four days with blood pouring out of every orifice on my body--literally---
not a good plan
so WAY-brained I had to call the then branch leaders wife C-nn-- K-ng and get permission to quit the program--fortunately she sighed a lot but did give me permission
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WG on da case!
Nothing worse than a nutty colon.
What did the liver say to the urinal tract?
"You're WHAT? You've got to be kidneying!"
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Yea, just a play on words..cute joke..:)
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