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the friends thing


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excie, are you talking about the friends list thingy where you can add people and they appear on your profile, under the friends tab?

if it is, here's my answer... it's one of those social networking type things. I like what you write, so I put you on my friends list. myspacers use it a little differently than I do, but I have class. you're on my friends list because you're interesting and I would like people who look at my profile to follow it to yours and read what you've written. if we were myspacers, you'da had to post a photo of yourself in your undies to get on anyone's friends list. thank God we don't need to do that here, it can be based on intellectual respect.

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A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

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Ahhhh, friends. :love3:

Friends know all your dirt and idiot-syncracies and love you anyway.

Friends are happy when you're happy. Cry with you. Work you into their day no matter how inconvenient if it's something that's important to you.

When my best friend in the whole wide world got married, after I got over the gawd-awful $300 pink dress she made me wear, all I could think about while they were saying their vows was, "I wonder if he knows she snores like a freight train..." :biglaugh:

When I got out of TWI and called her, she accepted me back with open arms and said, "I didn't understand but if you were happy, I was happy for you. I just missed you."

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I'm glad you brought that up excie! And I'm going to be serious for a moment here.

I'm not alwways so sure I want everybody knowing my friends, because if we agree on a thread about something, people may say we're just saying that because we're "friends" doncha know.... Now friends will frequently think alike, but not always - so I'm not sure if I should include some people on my friends list.

Then there are others whom I greatly admire, yet I don't think we consider each other friends!

But you're always my friend exie...mwah

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I'm glad you brought that up excie! And I'm going to be serious for a moment here.

I'm not alwways so sure I want everybody knowing my friends, because if we agree on a thread about something, people may say we're just saying that because we're "friends" doncha know.... Now friends will frequently think alike, but not always - so I'm not sure if I should include some people on my friends list.

Then there are others whom I greatly admire, yet I don't think we consider each other friends!

But you're always my friend exie...mwah

I agree Krysilis. I have utilized that feature hardly at all since being on gs because of exie's question about not understanding the purpose of it. :confused:

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It's just for fun. Use it or don't. Everything doesn't have to be so friggin' serious all the time.

I've made quite a few friends here at the cafe and I'm not going to hide that fact. If someone thinks that a person is jumping to my defense just because we might be "friends" (cyber or otherwise), then that's THEIR problem - not mine. I disagree with my friends as much as I do with anyone else sometimes.

The people on my "friend" list are folks I consider true friends, or are folks I just really like and enjoy reading but might not "technically" be called friends.

I think we strain gnats too much sometimes.

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The people who are my closest friends are those that I've had disagreements with, yet we are still "friends." It would be boring to me to have friends that think just like I do. Makes for shallow relationships, imo, if you can't disagree, and enjoy it. ;)

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The people who are my closest friends are those that I've had disagreements with, yet we are still "friends." It would be boring to me to have friends that think just like I do. Makes for shallow relationships, imo, if you can't disagree, and enjoy it. ;)

agreed. so, technically everyone could be my friend on this forum...that's why I haven't utilized it much, lol.

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Potato! :redface2:

What did the potato say to the cow?

"I only have eyes for ewe".

Being a "Friend" is much more complicated that it appears at first glance, it seems. I suggest that we set up our friends differently then - maybe everyone on GS could be one person's friend, for a month. Then another, etc. It could go alphabetically. That way, there'd be like 527 "friends" for one person, but just that one. Then it would change every month. So for that one month, anything that one person says everyone agrees with, or at least posts some kind of positive response.

It could work, it could. :wink2:

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What list???

Knowing excathedra, she is talking about quality of friends and is concerned that we have never talked about it before. (I think she needs a cyberhug)

so are we talking about the quality of friendship or the use of the friends list on GSC. I think I am lost here.
Potato! :redface2:

What did the potato say to the cow?

"I only have eyes for ewe".

Being a "Friend" is much more complicated that it appears at first glance, it seems. I suggest that we set up our friends differently then - maybe everyone on GS could be one person's friend, for a month. Then another, etc. It could go alphabetically. That way, there'd be like 527 "friends" for one person, but just that one. Then it would change every month. So for that one month, anything that one person says everyone agrees with, or at least posts some kind of positive response.

It could work, it could. :wink2:

Wasn't that what did the potato say to the sheep?

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What list???

Knowing excathedra, she is talking about quality of friends and is concerned that we have never talked about it before. (I think she needs a cyberhug)

Is that it EX? Are you fishing for a cyber hug. Hey just ask it's yours


Friendship well how to define it. It's hard but a friend will be your friend no matter what is going on in your life.

They say you are lucky if you experience that once in your life. I do have one friend that I will say has stuck with me through everything and I her. I have been through hell and back with divorce, heart surgery (tumor in the right ventricle), and leaving the Way, and she was there the whole time. There wasn't much she could do FOR me but she was always giving me moral support.

She on the other hand is an alcoholic, and I am there for her. I drive her home when she is too drunk to drive herself. Help her through her suicide episodes, and try and give her moral support as her neurochemistry is such that she is always depressed (side effect of the drinking.) At times I am even surrogate mom to her daughter who is having her own issues these days (sex drugs and alcohol.)

Sometimes I think it's an unhealthy friendship for me and want to give up but she is my friend and I bear with her through it all. I like it that I am the one she calls when she is contemplating suicide, because I know she trusts me to love her through it and trusts that I will check up on her later, and also that other of our acquaintances won't know about her situations. And the converse is true with things I might share with her, and believe me I share things with her that would curl the toes of others. I had to shatter that prim and proper image she had going of me. lol

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