Housekeeping, verb - Retaining your TWI-funished residence even though your spouse was booted out.
Ermaled, verb - Having a husband's position in TWI weaked by a more dynamic wife, As in "Howard would have been Ermaled if Imogene wasn't such a bully"
The integrity of the Word is at stake – A diversionary tactic by TWI leadership. May also be used in conjunction with the phrase “Let’s look at the truth behind the facts.” It is the best counter-measure that a TWI leader can launch against an attempt to investigate something they did. The basic meaning is “How dare you question me!”
To murmur – a discussion by two or more TWI followers that usually revolves around the questionable behavior of a TWI-leader. It is considered by TWI leadership as one of the most taboo acts.
Lockbox – 1. As a noun it refers to the place where any dirt on TWI-leadership should reside. Akin to the Phantom Zone of Superman fame – it takes a special gizmo to put the information in there [which is TWI leadership appealing to your concern for the integrity of the Word – see above entry] 2. As a verb it can be used as a directive to squelch your better judgment as in "If I were you I'd lockbox what just happened." 3. Sounding like the term "black box" which is a nearly indestructible flight recorder of technical and practical data used on commercial airlines – the Lockbox can serve a similar role – especially at GSC. Ex-TWI followers will often piece together what really happened on a particular occasion or can determine the details that led up to a "fatal crash" [traumatic event].
When it comes to the Word I have no friends – A veiled threat by TWI leadership that is equivalent to saying "Better not cross me on this one."
I wish you could see it in the original – A useful technique in the repertoire of shysters – equivalent to saying "I have no documentation for my interpretation – so just take my word for it."
I wish you could see it in the original – A useful technique in the repertoire of shysters – equivalent to saying "I have no documentation for my interpretation – so just take my word for it."
Third aid - TWI's theoretical order of things when it comes to healing. In reality, this is really NOT an option because it costs precious money that they really want in their ABS coffers.
Feelings come and go but the word of God abideth for ever--shut the hell up about your heart being torn out/being hurt, used or abused because we don't care about you, we just care that our doctrine reigns supreme
Only a devil spirit would talk bad about a leader (LCM in one of the advanced seminars) Hey you packing a bunch of 'friends' there? We'll know if you point out a short coming in one of our leaders.
I wouldn't go to church with you either--they won't let me in so I started my own cult.
We're in the primary will of God--we got the listing and we'll let you know where you stand too.
Silence covers a multitude of sins--a corrupt version of Bible scripture used to keep you from talking about alleged sexual misbehaviors of leadership and if this doesn't make you feel guilty to keep your mouth shut, see number 2 about who talks bad about leadership.
All nine all the time--an impossible juggling feat designed to make you turn inward to police yourself to see if you are living up to par and to keep you distracted from what leadership is doing.
I am going to get that guy healed/in the class/delivered--I am god, screw the primary will I will accomplish what I set out to do because I am almighty
"A unforgettable half baked effort, more aptly named, 'dancing with debils in the pale moon light', or 'frolicking with loy by the light of the full moon' "
As an aside note, I believe VP died before Athletes aka Spazy Ballerinas went onto stage to perform for audiences. Or did it all occur in the same month, May 1985? I remember traveling from our Vey Home about May or June 1985 to see one of the first perfomances of Leotards a Leapin'
It was a mind error (mistake) not a heart error. We're watching and know you screwed up but it wasn't because you figured us out for the sheet we are and acted on that knowledge.
It's the Word, the Word and nothing but the Word. --Heil Hitler Heil Hitler Heil Hitler or wave your little red book around like in the Chinese Culture revolution. Everyone needs a cheer.
Seed of the Serpent--People who had more fame and made more money than the envious TWI Leadership.
Discerning of Spirits – The ability to know if that's Drambui in your glass by just one sip. Accuracy of discernment will diminish over extended drinking binges – then it really doesn't matter what's in your glass – just keep it coming.
Casting out Spirits – the miraculous power to bring back up into the senses realm the liquor you just poured down your throat.
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Ok Ham, what about these...
Housekeeping, verb - Retaining your TWI-funished residence even though your spouse was booted out.
Ermaled, verb - Having a husband's position in TWI weaked by a more dynamic wife, As in "Howard would have been Ermaled if Imogene wasn't such a bully"
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NEGATIVE - when a person experiences something bad and remembers it AND by remembering seeks not to repeat the experience
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The integrity of the Word is at stake – A diversionary tactic by TWI leadership. May also be used in conjunction with the phrase “Let’s look at the truth behind the facts.” It is the best counter-measure that a TWI leader can launch against an attempt to investigate something they did. The basic meaning is “How dare you question me!”
To murmur – a discussion by two or more TWI followers that usually revolves around the questionable behavior of a TWI-leader. It is considered by TWI leadership as one of the most taboo acts.
Lockbox – 1. As a noun it refers to the place where any dirt on TWI-leadership should reside. Akin to the Phantom Zone of Superman fame – it takes a special gizmo to put the information in there [which is TWI leadership appealing to your concern for the integrity of the Word – see above entry] 2. As a verb it can be used as a directive to squelch your better judgment as in "If I were you I'd lockbox what just happened." 3. Sounding like the term "black box" which is a nearly indestructible flight recorder of technical and practical data used on commercial airlines – the Lockbox can serve a similar role – especially at GSC. Ex-TWI followers will often piece together what really happened on a particular occasion or can determine the details that led up to a "fatal crash" [traumatic event].
When it comes to the Word I have no friends – A veiled threat by TWI leadership that is equivalent to saying "Better not cross me on this one."
I wish you could see it in the original – A useful technique in the repertoire of shysters – equivalent to saying "I have no documentation for my interpretation – so just take my word for it."
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A la prochaine
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Third aid - TWI's theoretical order of things when it comes to healing. In reality, this is really NOT an option because it costs precious money that they really want in their ABS coffers.
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Feelings come and go but the word of God abideth for ever--shut the hell up about your heart being torn out/being hurt, used or abused because we don't care about you, we just care that our doctrine reigns supreme
Only a devil spirit would talk bad about a leader (LCM in one of the advanced seminars) Hey you packing a bunch of 'friends' there? We'll know if you point out a short coming in one of our leaders.
I wouldn't go to church with you either--they won't let me in so I started my own cult.
We're in the primary will of God--we got the listing and we'll let you know where you stand too.
Silence covers a multitude of sins--a corrupt version of Bible scripture used to keep you from talking about alleged sexual misbehaviors of leadership and if this doesn't make you feel guilty to keep your mouth shut, see number 2 about who talks bad about leadership.
All nine all the time--an impossible juggling feat designed to make you turn inward to police yourself to see if you are living up to par and to keep you distracted from what leadership is doing.
I am going to get that guy healed/in the class/delivered--I am god, screw the primary will I will accomplish what I set out to do because I am almighty
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"Not enough, try harder"
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Please sir, may I have another...
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A la prochaine
Full Circle and Hammie...
Priceless ... absolutely priceless definitions!
You put a smile (in a disturbed way) on my face.
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Go until you break glass or burn yourself out on the cult until your time money and health is depleted
for the greater good of the ministry.
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"Athletes of the Spirit".
"A unforgettable half baked effort, more aptly named, 'dancing with debils in the pale moon light', or 'frolicking with loy by the light of the full moon' "
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Now, I wonder what vic thought, as he watched his "man" strutting his stuff in tights, in front of the whole world..
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Probably about the same time some poster here related that they heard vic say, "I think I've made a mistake..."

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"Snow on the gas pumps"
"a mystical experience, usually attained by ingesting copius amounts of LSD, and/or subjecting oneself to long periods of meditation and fasting"
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"visible AND unvisible snow in Tulsa"
"see 'snow on the gas pumps'"
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If it will bless you.... meaning you will do it at your expense time diffuculty also it is some crap job he or
she will not do themselves
It is time for an activity... meaning they get thier house cleaned for free
Will you give a hand,,,meaning your day nite is shot doing somthing stupid
Redeeming the time...meaning you really are screwed whether it be class witneesing or some other way to promote the cult
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Hey, wanna get blessed – you're about to be asked to give or do something.
I'm believing God for financial abundance – "I expect you to give me some money."
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"a rational response to run like h*ll from real and perceived danger, modified by assurances that things are really not as they logically seem to be"
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Reproof ....aka....Look out, run for cover, I had a bad day and in the love of God I'm giving it to you.
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As an aside note, I believe VP died before Athletes aka Spazy Ballerinas went onto stage to perform for audiences. Or did it all occur in the same month, May 1985? I remember traveling from our Vey Home about May or June 1985 to see one of the first perfomances of Leotards a Leapin'
It was a mind error (mistake) not a heart error. We're watching and know you screwed up but it wasn't because you figured us out for the sheet we are and acted on that knowledge.
It's the Word, the Word and nothing but the Word. --Heil Hitler Heil Hitler Heil Hitler or wave your little red book around like in the Chinese Culture revolution. Everyone needs a cheer.
Seed of the Serpent--People who had more fame and made more money than the envious TWI Leadership.
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"Discerning of spirits"
"See snow on the gas pumps".
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Discerning of Spirits – The ability to know if that's Drambui in your glass by just one sip. Accuracy of discernment will diminish over extended drinking binges – then it really doesn't matter what's in your glass – just keep it coming.
Casting out Spirits – the miraculous power to bring back up into the senses realm the liquor you just poured down your throat.
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"The Rock of Ages"
"A three day festival, of sex, drugs, and rock and roll.."
whoops, wrong dictionary..
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"the spiritual equivalent of putting a half-nelson on the lord, until you force him to give you your favorite parking spot."
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