After hearing that there were still AC grads who hadn't taken it, he decreed that if you weren't a grad of his class, you would not be considered an Advanced class grad and would not have any of the "priveleges" of being an AC grad.
Reminds me of what we used to say in the Army.
<sarcastic voice>"What are they going to do, send me to Nam?"</sarcastic voice>
After hearing that there were still AC grads who hadn't taken it, he decreed that if you weren't a grad of his class, you would not be considered an Advanced class grad and would not have any of the "priveleges" of being an AC grad.
When you take the class (take my class...please [thanks and RIP, Rodney D]) you become a Way "believer".
But when you become an un-believer, then you've untaken the class.
You're a cop-out (what would be a cop-in? Is that like copping a ... never mind), an empty floating next to the greatest cargoes of life, an unsalted walking meat stick.
(If someone's salt loses its savor, does someone's pepper lose its papor?)
I wonder if we are still listed as corps? Or did they burn us in some ritual?
Since you're no longer a Way "believer", you've untaken every class (hell, some of the classes you took have become "disappeared"), you're unrecognized in the Way Corps program, you're service has become unrecorded. It's like you never existed. For the Way.
You've become a Way "unbelieving unperson".
But for those of us whose lives you all touched (whose heart was to do a little good in the world), you will live forever.
Frack the Way.
Ah, back to topic.
I found Donna Randall's 'Keys to Research' rather dry, but then again, I kind of expected a class that would cover actual research principles to be so.
Christian Family and Sex? It didn't faze me much, even with nakee people and slang terms. Well ok, the "head gasket for a hot rod" joke was getting tired the 4th or 5th time he told it. I was somewhat taken aback with the "original sin = masterbation" thing, not because I had never heard it before (and it was outside the Way framework), but by his statement of "Now, I can't prove this from the Bible...". I figured that statement gave me license not to believe his theory. So I didn't.
I think the class I was most disappointed in was the Advanced Class at Emporia in 1978. I and another person had hitched from Baltimore to Emporia, getting almost non-stop rides (we left late Thursday night and got there either early Saturday or Sunday morning [can't remember which day anymore, but I know we were there by Sunday]). It was an amazing trip, and we were both blessed, "high on God" and ready to receive. I was expecting to receive the fullness of instruction about the "revelation and impartation manifestations". I was actually expecting to have "excellor's sessions" as "Doctor" had described in the Foundational Class.
What I got was a lot of blather about the Illuminati. What I got was Mr. Wierwille's bad 'tude and crap about how we weren't committed to the Word and he was going to send us all home. What I got was Craig Martindale acting like King S--t of Turd Mountain. And the closest I got to doing the revelation and impartation manifestations was memorizing their definitions of those things.
I think the class I was most disappointed in was the Advanced Class at Emporia in 1978. I and another person had hitched from Baltimore to Emporia, getting almost non-stop rides (we left late Thursday night and got there either early Saturday or Sunday morning [can't remember which day anymore, but I know we were there by Sunday]). It was an amazing trip, and we were both blessed, "high on God" and ready to receive. I was expecting to receive the fullness of instruction about the "revelation and impartation manifestations". I was actually expecting to have "excellor's sessions" as "Doctor" had described in the Foundational Class.
What I got was a lot of blather about the Illuminati. What I got was Mr. Wierwille's bad 'tude and crap about how we weren't committed to the Word and he was going to send us all home. What I got was Craig Martindale acting like King S--t of Turd Mountain. And the closest I got to doing the revelation and impartation manifestations was memorizing their definitions of those things.
Kevlar......yeah, that class was a bummer for me too. I really expected SO MUCH MORE from the advanced class, having heard it lauded for a couple of years by then. And, having been on my wow year.......I'd been in several situations where hearing God's still, small voice was of great interest to me. Those definitions........uuuugh. I'd almost forgotten about them.
Later, I learned that wierwille's bad and condescending attitude came from an ordeal with three 8th corps guys who had put together a research paper.......and it contradicted wierwille's teachings. Apparently, wierwille and martindale had confronted these guys and they refused to back vpw & lcm were still steaming from it.
I have often wondered where any knowledge I gleened from the classes went. As soon as someone typed the letters DFAC after my name a supernatural thing occured. POOF!! any and all knowledge that I gained thru the TWI evaporated. Too bad they couldn't have perfected this supernatural power further and erased a few memmories Like craigs spit flying over my head while trying to eat, Or the pointy little finger of Dave Barnyard being jammed into my chest while trying to comminucate like a christian
I have often wondered where any knowledge I gleened from the classes went. As soon as someone typed the letters DFAC after my name a supernatural thing occured. POOF!! any and all knowledge that I gained thru the TWI evaporated. Too bad they couldn't have perfected this supernatural power further and erased a few memmories Like craigs spit flying over my head while trying to eat, Or the pointy little finger of Dave Barnyard being jammed into my chest while trying to comminucate like a christian
Now in residence that was my least favorite class. Only I had Wally manatee getting in my face because I didn't keep it in the first person present tense. I would dread those times and you had to be "honest" about the story you chose to tell. There were some pretty personal stuff being displayed in that room.
I hated them all, seriously. I was a teenager to young woman spending how much of my time sitting down for hours remaining silent while everyone's eyes had to be glued to a t.v. screen. And that especially includes the PFAL class. What was even worse than sitting for three hours a night in front of a t.v. screen listening to VP drone on and on was sitting in a room with no t.v. because it was a audio tape class only. And even worse than that was being the chart lady with a list in my lap, listening for ONE sentence as a clue to tell me when to change the chart for the first time hearers. That was in the late 1970's.
The big kahunas and their friends got to go outside and smoke their ciggies or congregate elsewhere during the class, but us peons (grad support s.i.t.ting like houses a fire) stayed put in our metal chairs laughing at the appropriate times at the same dumb jokes over and over again..why didn't they play cards on Noah's ark, I look under my bed and someone is either coming or going (dust bunnies).
I wanted to LIVE my life but it seemed we were doomed to sit for classes and meetings and classes and more meetings. Oh yes, I forgot, don't forget the time out of our lives to set up and then break down. Sheesh. The only blessing or miracle is that we all weren't plagued with hemmoroids from all that sitting.
Wait wait, one class I remember fondly is the Advanced Class 1986 in San Diego CA. Not for the information, god we already knew it by then from others sharing and just being duly involved in TWI. It was good only because I got to circulate and meet people and get into people's lives and make friends. That and perfect weather and a decent roof over your head didn't hurt either.
Meal time was sing time. Recite Phillipians 4:13 now sing it, I can do all things through Christ who strengths me
What is the definition of Discerning of spirits crowd mumbles in unison OKay, now sing it!
What was that class Earl Burton taught? Something with the manifestations. The tongues a certain length, and the interpretation had to match it in length. It was horrible. It made everyone feel like they were being put on the spot.
I'm glad I started this thread...I've had more than a few good laughs reading the various responses...
...I only wish I has a dollar for every hour I spent sitting through all the classes and seminars that twi ran...I would buy camp Gunnison and start my own cult.
I've seen the movie "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson twice because I thought it was a really good movie...I sat through pfal about 20 times!...I finally got to the point where I was volunteering to do children's fellowship just to avoid having to sit through it again!...I kept finding excuses to miss sessions..."my car broke down", "I had to work overtime", "the dog ate my syllabus"...ANYTHING to get out of it!
...of course, this was before the days of severe public humiliation...the worst was when they made me the class coordinator! I actually had to be there for every session!...horrors!!! and of course what a "blessing" it was when little Johnny T*wnsend (a cross between VP Wierwille and Alfred E Newman) made a surprise visit during session 12...of couse it DID take the pressure off of me when the borderline schizophrenic failed to speak in tongues on cue...little Johnny took him into the next room ( I can still hear the guy sobbing)...and "ministered" to him...ah yes, what memories.
...and how could I ever forget listening to Martindale explain that the serpent seed was actually a "physical thing" inside the human brain! Oh begora! be young again!... and the funniest part of all of it was that in spite of all the classes, seminars, corps training, going out wow, etc etc etc...they STILL didn't trust anyone to make their own decisions about anything...everything had to be "cleared through" the waytree!...need to get a tooth filled?...better call your branch leader.
I'm glad I started this thread...I've had more than a few good laughs reading the various responses...
...I only wish I has a dollar for every hour I spent sitting through all the classes and seminars that twi ran...I would buy camp Gunnison and start my own cult.
I've seen the movie "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson twice because I thought it was a really good movie...I sat through pfal about 20 times!...I finally got to the point where I was volunteering to do children's fellowship just to avoid having to sit through it again!...I kept finding excuses to miss sessions..."my car broke down", "I had to work overtime", "the dog ate my syllabus"...ANYTHING to get out of it!
...of course, this was before the days of severe public humiliation...the worst was when they made me the class coordinator! I actually had to be there for every session!...horrors!!! and of course what a "blessing" it was when little Johnny T*wnsend (a cross between VP Wierwille and Alfred E Newman) made a surprise visit during session 12...of couse it DID take the pressure off of me when the borderline schizophrenic failed to speak in tongues on cue...little Johnny took him into the next room ( I can still hear the guy sobbing)...and "ministered" to him...ah yes, what memories.
...and how could I ever forget listening to Martindale explain that the serpent seed was actually a "physical thing" inside the human brain! Oh begora! be young again!... and the funniest part of all of it was that in spite of all the classes, seminars, corps training, going out wow, etc etc etc...they STILL didn't trust anyone to make their own decisions about anything...everything had to be "cleared through" the waytree!...need to get a tooth filled?...better call your branch leader.
Groucho it was all part of indoctrinating you and brainwashing you. There are still parts of that class I can quote in my sleep. I stopped counting how many times I took it. heck i was in 28 years and some years were banner years in the category of new recruits.
Any class on the local level that was run in the winter time; because they either did not have brains enough, or were too scared of getting reamed royally, to have common sense enough to cancel the thing. Instead, WE would get chewed for 30 minutes that our believing wasn't big enough to protect us. I actually made the comment one night about what the Words says about being not ignorant of the adversary's devices. Oh Boy......BIG Mistake. Banned from the last 2 sessions and a lecture from big brother BC for a half hour.
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you walked up to him and said "shut up" ???????
or you wanted to ?
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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what a sad joke that man was
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Reminds me of what we used to say in the Army.
<sarcastic voice>"What are they going to do, send me to Nam?"</sarcastic voice>
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Tom Strange
...there were "priveleges"???
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well DUH. it means you are spiritually trustworthy enough to work your foot off doing stupid crap for free.
I should have worked at losing my AC status, I had no idea there could be such benefits.
I did not type foot. I might have said a bad word by accident.
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Why, surrrrre, bless your heart!
When you take the class (take my class...please [thanks and RIP, Rodney D]) you become a Way "believer".
But when you become an un-believer, then you've untaken the class.
You're a cop-out (what would be a cop-in? Is that like copping a ... never mind), an empty floating next to the greatest cargoes of life, an unsalted walking meat stick.
(If someone's salt loses its savor, does someone's pepper lose its papor?)
Since you're no longer a Way "believer", you've untaken every class (hell, some of the classes you took have become "disappeared"), you're unrecognized in the Way Corps program, you're service has become unrecorded. It's like you never existed. For the Way.
You've become a Way "unbelieving unperson".
But for those of us whose lives you all touched (whose heart was to do a little good in the world), you will live forever.
Frack the Way.
Ah, back to topic.
I found Donna Randall's 'Keys to Research' rather dry, but then again, I kind of expected a class that would cover actual research principles to be so.
Christian Family and Sex? It didn't faze me much, even with nakee people and slang terms. Well ok, the "head gasket for a hot rod" joke was getting tired the 4th or 5th time he told it. I was somewhat taken aback with the "original sin = masterbation" thing, not because I had never heard it before (and it was outside the Way framework), but by his statement of "Now, I can't prove this from the Bible...". I figured that statement gave me license not to believe his theory. So I didn't.
I think the class I was most disappointed in was the Advanced Class at Emporia in 1978. I and another person had hitched from Baltimore to Emporia, getting almost non-stop rides (we left late Thursday night and got there either early Saturday or Sunday morning [can't remember which day anymore, but I know we were there by Sunday]). It was an amazing trip, and we were both blessed, "high on God" and ready to receive. I was expecting to receive the fullness of instruction about the "revelation and impartation manifestations". I was actually expecting to have "excellor's sessions" as "Doctor" had described in the Foundational Class.
What I got was a lot of blather about the Illuminati. What I got was Mr. Wierwille's bad 'tude and crap about how we weren't committed to the Word and he was going to send us all home. What I got was Craig Martindale acting like King S--t of Turd Mountain. And the closest I got to doing the revelation and impartation manifestations was memorizing their definitions of those things.
Well, at least I had a great trip out there. <_<
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Kevlar......yeah, that class was a bummer for me too. I really expected SO MUCH MORE from the advanced class, having heard it lauded for a couple of years by then. And, having been on my wow year.......I'd been in several situations where hearing God's still, small voice was of great interest to me. Those definitions........uuuugh. I'd almost forgotten about them.
Later, I learned that wierwille's bad and condescending attitude came from an ordeal with three 8th corps guys who had put together a research paper.......and it contradicted wierwille's teachings. Apparently, wierwille and martindale had confronted these guys and they refused to back vpw & lcm were still steaming from it. flags a'flying..!!!!!
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Out There
I have often wondered where any knowledge I gleened from the classes went. As soon as someone typed the letters DFAC after my name a supernatural thing occured. POOF!! any and all knowledge that I gained thru the TWI evaporated. Too bad they couldn't have perfected this supernatural power further and erased a few memmories Like craigs spit flying over my head while trying to eat, Or the pointy little finger of Dave Barnyard being jammed into my chest while trying to comminucate like a christian
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Now in residence that was my least favorite class. Only I had Wally manatee getting in my face because I didn't keep it in the first person present tense. I would dread those times and you had to be "honest" about the story you chose to tell. There were some pretty personal stuff being displayed in that room.
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I hated them all, seriously. I was a teenager to young woman spending how much of my time sitting down for hours remaining silent while everyone's eyes had to be glued to a t.v. screen. And that especially includes the PFAL class. What was even worse than sitting for three hours a night in front of a t.v. screen listening to VP drone on and on was sitting in a room with no t.v. because it was a audio tape class only. And even worse than that was being the chart lady with a list in my lap, listening for ONE sentence as a clue to tell me when to change the chart for the first time hearers. That was in the late 1970's.
The big kahunas and their friends got to go outside and smoke their ciggies or congregate elsewhere during the class, but us peons (grad support s.i.t.ting like houses a fire) stayed put in our metal chairs laughing at the appropriate times at the same dumb jokes over and over again..why didn't they play cards on Noah's ark, I look under my bed and someone is either coming or going (dust bunnies).
I wanted to LIVE my life but it seemed we were doomed to sit for classes and meetings and classes and more meetings. Oh yes, I forgot, don't forget the time out of our lives to set up and then break down. Sheesh. The only blessing or miracle is that we all weren't plagued with hemmoroids from all that sitting.
Wait wait, one class I remember fondly is the Advanced Class 1986 in San Diego CA. Not for the information, god we already knew it by then from others sharing and just being duly involved in TWI. It was good only because I got to circulate and meet people and get into people's lives and make friends. That and perfect weather and a decent roof over your head didn't hurt either.
Meal time was sing time. Recite Phillipians 4:13 now sing it, I can do all things through Christ who strengths me
What is the definition of Discerning of spirits crowd mumbles in unison OKay, now sing it!
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Tom Strange
...we just stood in back mouthing the words and imitating the facial expressions of veepee
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What was that class Earl Burton taught? Something with the manifestations. The tongues a certain length, and the interpretation had to match it in length. It was horrible. It made everyone feel like they were being put on the spot.
That had to have been the worst!
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Tom Strange
Length schmength Lori! :)
don't you remember? ...if your interpretation was longer, it just meant that it rolled over from 'interpretation' to 'prophecy'... that's all!
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Worst was rise and expanction.
Waste of a good football weekend.
Could hardly stay awake do not remeber what was taught.
The best part was when we went out to speak the word in two feet of snow.
We were to have goals and I wanted to see signs, mircales and wonders.
I was assigned with so corp lady on the field that year. She would not stop talking to people
even if they said no. We ....ed off everyone in that mall because she was so
confrontational. When we were leaving people threw snowballs at us.
I guess my wonder was we we not ran out of town.
Another was pfal.
Why was it that the always had one bathroom.
In the 15 min break there was always one guy that would destroy it, while five others were
were about to pee their pants. Why not put in a candle. Walk in love please.
One time when I was young and single I walked in behind the mass destruction and had to
hold my breath to avoid throwing up. Well when I get out these two hot college girls get one whiff of
death from the bathroom give me a look like I am a pig and walk away. All I can
say is it's not me.
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Well I think they would all be a waste of the only time most people have to rest and relax whether it be Football or some other activity.
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Do college courses count? Because I'm taking one I'm starting to hate. It's just this professor author jargain I'm trying to read......
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Out There
Maybe a better thing to do would be to start a thread asking "what TWI class did you sleep through the most?"
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Its a close call between Christian Family Sex and Lifestyles of a Believer, but I think the latter actually wins by a hair.
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How funny. Point taken
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I'm glad I started this thread...I've had more than a few good laughs reading the various responses...
...I only wish I has a dollar for every hour I spent sitting through all the classes and seminars that twi ran...I would buy camp Gunnison and start my own cult.
I've seen the movie "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson twice because I thought it was a really good movie...I sat through pfal about 20 times!...I finally got to the point where I was volunteering to do children's fellowship just to avoid having to sit through it again!...I kept finding excuses to miss sessions..."my car broke down", "I had to work overtime", "the dog ate my syllabus"...ANYTHING to get out of it!
...of course, this was before the days of severe public humiliation...the worst was when they made me the class coordinator! I actually had to be there for every session!...horrors!!! and of course what a "blessing" it was when little Johnny T*wnsend (a cross between VP Wierwille and Alfred E Newman) made a surprise visit during session 12...of couse it DID take the pressure off of me when the borderline schizophrenic failed to speak in tongues on cue...little Johnny took him into the next room ( I can still hear the guy sobbing)...and "ministered" to him...ah yes, what memories.
...and how could I ever forget listening to Martindale explain that the serpent seed was actually a "physical thing" inside the human brain! Oh begora! be young again!... and the funniest part of all of it was that in spite of all the classes, seminars, corps training, going out wow, etc etc etc...they STILL didn't trust anyone to make their own decisions about anything...everything had to be "cleared through" the waytree!...need to get a tooth filled?...better call your branch leader.
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Groucho it was all part of indoctrinating you and brainwashing you. There are still parts of that class I can quote in my sleep. I stopped counting how many times I took it. heck i was in 28 years and some years were banner years in the category of new recruits.
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copenhagen, I've been ROTFLMAO since I read this.
"Walk in love, you steenking sumbeeeeches!"
HAHAHAHAHAHA! god, I'm still laughing! Thanks!
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who's we, paleface ? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
a cross between veepee and alfred e
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
you people are hilarious !!!!!!!!!!
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railroader II
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