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The class or seminar you hated the most


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no wait... that living Gawd's word as a family or whatever it was that the most recent CF&S incarnation.

it took audible revelation from God to heal me from that class.

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I gotta side with Groucho on "Basic Keys To Research".

I mean really, did we NEED to know that Bourgois typeface is 9 points large and that a point is 1/72th of an inch?

(I only know because I'm looking at my syllabus.)

And how about those emphatic connectives like"indeed, only, this, these,therein,thereby,hereby and herein"?

I'd like to say they're all Greek to me except that they happen to be ,well,you know------ENGLISH!

Likewise "What is the 'wherefor' there for?"

It was really just a bunch of made-up gobble dee goop that may have had some merit in an English Literature class but was,for the most part, useless in terms of application to "researching" scripture.

On the other hand, it was an awsome opportunity to zone out and replay King Crimson songs in my head!

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Keys to Research.

We giggled through most of it. I remember Donna pointing out that a Bible had it's page numbers at the bottom of the page, a good place. I mumbled that it was certainly better than having all the numbers on one page.

Probably the worst class was the first B/W CF&S class. Terrible technical quality, doctrine that could not be reconciled to the Bible, then being insulted a few days later by being told the only reason we went to the class was to hear VPW say the word "penis".

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  Nottawayfer said:
It's a tossup between Rise and Expansion and the class Walter Cummins did (I can't remember the name). The Walter Cummins class was one from the early 70s and he made us look in the mirror and say "Behold! The glory of the Lord!" It was really dorky and boring.

Was that the "Renewed Mind" class?

(If I recollect correct -- Walter taught that one).

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The Wap advanced class. LCM: this verse would remind him of that verse, then some other verse--oh and this that and that other thing!

It was a 'new' kind of teaching.

Yup, the insane kind.

Did any of you have to do 'blabb school'? Where you released all the wonderful stuff building up in your hearts from Craig's fine teaching?

I have to say, VP was quite a show man, with the right dramatics at all the right times to get his points across. He must have rehearsed, thought about the things he wanted to emphasise etc.

LCm was more like a manic epiluo from the mouth experience.

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Good point Bramble.

In all the years I've read Trancenet, Waydale and Greasespot, I've never heard anyone criticise VPW's ability to teach or to move a crowd. OTOH, my first reaction to seeing LCM teach at ROA (74 I think) was where did this jerk come from?

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That live Advance class in Ohio. We were in residence just had the Adv. class and went to the one in Ohio. Get this, we hitched hiked all the way there from Emporia. Payed $50 to attend only to have to work everyday on bless patrol and other jobs. What a joke. Then hitched hiked back to Emporia. A lot of us were grieved in the spirit.

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  fellowshipper said:
That live Advance class in Ohio. We were in residence just had the Adv. class and went to the one in Ohio. Get this, we hitched hiked all the way there from Emporia. Payed $50 to attend only to have to work everyday on bless patrol and other jobs. What a joke. Then hitched hiked back to Emporia. A lot of us were grieved in the spirit.

I had a good time at both the live AC class in 79, and the live PFAL 77,

but I sure did get tired of hearing "Beautiful Ohio",

marching across the grounds to the day's first teaching!

(but then again -- I wasn't corp -- so I didn't have to work!)

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Trying to stay awake during that class and every subsequent one was misery, but I was determined to become a full-fledged cult member come he77 or high water! And I did!

Ohhhhhhh, but I loved the perverted CF&S....absolutely LOVED it. Why? Phhff...not because that class was going to teach me anything about sex and it's perversions that I didn't already know, but there was the cutest guy there whom I had this mad crush on........I always had my priorities in order.

Advanced Class in Ohio, another miserable class turned beautiful, (no pun intended), because guess who was there? Yup, that cute guy.

It's amazing how your classmates can change everything.

Edited by Dawn Redwood
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Defeating the Adversary.

It was ok seeing it the first time when he recorded it live. Had a hard time staying awake watching it two months later during corpse week. Practically impossible to stay awake the third time when the branch ran it 6 weeks later. The next spring they ran it again and the full-of-himself branch coordinator wanted me in the class again, to show support for it. I said, "no thanks. Seen it 3 times this year already." "But it's the word of god!" "Go shove your word of god...."

Craig's 1st advanced class.

Boring 1st time at Rome City, except for seeing him brandish guns, claiming they were the best thing to keep debil spirts away. That was kind of funny. But then he got the idea up his butt about running it in every state over a 4 weekend period. So everyone, whether they'd seen it or not, was giving up 4 weekends to sit through the thing (I think they were consecutive weekends, can't remember right now). Some places booked hotels to run it in, which would have been nicer. But my local corpse decided to mimic the now defunct ROA settings so he booked a camp. Four weekends of living in a cabin with 10 other couples sleeping in the same room. No option to get a hotel room for myself and my wife. I couldn't sleep all weekend and couldn't wait to get the hell out of that camp. Then we got to do the same thing all over again the next year.

I was spared the keys to biblical research. Craig had banished that to cop-out land before I showed up.

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Ummm ..... All of em?

They were all torturous. I faithfully attended any offered as any earnest believer would do in order to grow spiritually. I was always waiting for the bells and whistles to go off . After each class or seminar I would hide my dissapointment, assuming that my lack of spirituality was why I jut didn`t get it......

I`d have to say that the advanced class at Emporia in 84 was a blast, but that was because John Lynn made it really funny in between the boring teachings, and we had a blast when class wasn`t running. Did anybody else go downstairs and sneak a peek into the strictly forbidden room?

Sound out 84 was a blast, but again it was the location and extra curricular activities that made it memorable.

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"Keys to Research" was certainly the most boring-the first major group reaming out I can recall came as a result of everyone falling asleep. We get screamed at for quite some time after the break for not being into it enough.

but the class I hated the most was 'blessings of liberty' taught by the way's favorite poitician Hayes Gahagan (whatever happened to him?) As politically naive and easily swayed as I was at the time,it suddenly hit me how we were being grooved to be good right wing conservatives (except for abortion rights of course) We're not a democracy-that's MOB RULE. We're a REPUBLIC dammit!

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The Way Tree. It didn't seem to actually have much to do with what The Word says about the church.

Now I see that most of what the Way Tree was about was made up to support their heirarchy.

Way tree, my foot. Yeah the trunk supports the tree including the leaves. Right. Turn the tree upside down and you get the real picture.

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  outandabout said:
The Way Tree. It didn't seem to actually have much to do with what The Word says about the church.

Now I see that most of what the Way Tree was about was made up to support their heirarchy.

Way tree, my foot. Yeah the trunk supports the tree including the leaves. Right. Turn the tree upside down and you get the real picture.

Yeah........wierwille concocted The Way Tree set-up to fit his agenda. Imagine, after "all those YEARS of studying nothing but the Bible"........wierwille can't grasp the truths of THE ONE BODY WITH CHRIST AS THE HEAD as plainly written in verse after verse...?????

The Way Tree class was total bullpatooie......and got discarded around 1979/ 1980 (I think). Even the upper twi leadership could no longer support it.

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