I'm not going to lose any sleep over it Roy. What do you think of it?
Everytime someone says "G-d F-King-D-MMIT" and "J-zuz F-KING CHR-st!" they do the same thing, display their lack of respect.
I live in a different world, I guess. I don't care what you believe or don't believe as long as I'm not being forced to accept either one.
Some pimply kid or an adult with a stutter and a hungry dog aren't exactly what I'd call "blaspheming", but I guess it'll be big whoopdee doo for awhile.
They don't "believe". Fine. Maybe they can start pulling their pants down and waving their d-ks at the camera, add some entertainment value to it. Videos of people talking on Youtube is kind of like watching a book. Y'know?
My brief excursions into Youtube have only underscored the fact that if you give an idiot a platform, he will invariably climb on it just to show how much of an idiot he really is...
My brief excursions into Youtube have only underscored the fact that if you give an idiot a platform, he will invariably climb on it just to show how much of an idiot he really is...
You know, its interesting that whenever an atheist or atheists speak out or someone openly deconverts, a lot of Christians go apes**t (even among many of those who say that they don't really care). I mean, look at the organized response to 'stand up for Christianity'. Ohh NOO, as if Christianity is under attack! :o Mothers quick, hide your children! Fathers, grab your shotgun to defend your family against those dasterdly infidels! ... ((sob)) ... Will Lassie ever come home?!
Hey, if you religious people can openly proclaim and give thanks for your religious experience, ... have at it. Civilization ain't a-gonna crumble and burn because of it, right? That's right. ..... Same principle for someone who openly proclaims their deconversion and walks away from religion. But the reason why this open deconversion on YouTube gets TV coverage is because so many people who walk away from religion hardly ever say anything about it, even to their families, .... because they are afraid of the social/religious fallout if they do.
Wow! Wonderful Christian religion ya got there folks, if you are intimidated or afraid to walk away or even think about doing so or decide its not for you anymore. (Hellfire and damnation and falling into the Hands of an Angry God and all that to drive the point home, donchaknow. <_< )
But Hey! This is a free country! You can not believe if you don't want to. Right? ..... Just don't go around and be open about it, or worse yet, ... spread your deconversion among others, and tell them why you think its so great!
So the religious folks who 'spread the Word', they do it to be seen too, right? I mean, that's basically the point. They need to 'be seen' so that they can get their message across.
I do it to share my heart and I believe its ok to share one's heart whether for God like me or against God like some people in the world
But to do it just to be seem or just to look good to others those are fools and yes there are fools on both sides
one side being believing in God and the other side being not believing in God
but doing something out of the heart a person is justing showing truth in their life and this two can be done on both sides
but when one does it to be seem and feel big there no heart because that person will do one thing one day and another thing the next day as long as they are seen
Garth, no, I think we can safely say that anyone who fulifills the job description of being an idiot and a fool can be labelled such. Sort of an "if it walks like a duck...) etc.
Most of the guys I saw doing the "blasphemy" thing didn't impress me.
A statement of unfaith is fine.
Howver it's not abnormal for someone who likes something to respond negatively when someone else is highly critical of it. Knock, cut down, blaspheme, insult something , whatever you want to call it - that's PRObably going to get a negative reaction from those who like that thing.
But call me a snob, I'd like some craft, art, intelligence and respect in the criticism I DON'T care what you believe, scream it as loud as you want.
That's just me though. No intelligence is required, of course. It's perfectly acceptable for people that want to keep saying the same things over and over, every time a subject comes up, regardless. No biggie.
Thankfully there's no "organized" effort here by "religious folk" to smash the poor unfaithed people, just discriminating viewers.
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I'm not going to lose any sleep over it Roy. What do you think of it?
Everytime someone says "G-d F-King-D-MMIT" and "J-zuz F-KING CHR-st!" they do the same thing, display their lack of respect.
I live in a different world, I guess. I don't care what you believe or don't believe as long as I'm not being forced to accept either one.
Some pimply kid or an adult with a stutter and a hungry dog aren't exactly what I'd call "blaspheming", but I guess it'll be big whoopdee doo for awhile.
They don't "believe". Fine. Maybe they can start pulling their pants down and waving their d-ks at the camera, add some entertainment value to it. Videos of people talking on Youtube is kind of like watching a book. Y'know?
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My brief excursions into Youtube have only underscored the fact that if you give an idiot a platform, he will invariably climb on it just to show how much of an idiot he really is...
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proof positive

:unsure: :o
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God first
Beloved socks, GrouchoMarxJr, and Ductape
God loves us all my dear friend
yes I not going to lose any sleep over it either
I all so think it means nothing with most because it not done with their hearts but their wants to look like fools
yes its proof that they are idiots
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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A free copy of The God Who Wasn't There for committing blasphemy?
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God first
Beloved GreasyTech
God loves you my friend
thanks for a better link
I saw this movement on Fox news
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Fools? Idiots? Not done with 'their hearts'?
Yah. Sure, ... whatever.
You know, its interesting that whenever an atheist or atheists speak out or someone openly deconverts, a lot of Christians go apes**t (even among many of those who say that they don't really care). I mean, look at the organized response to 'stand up for Christianity'. Ohh NOO, as if Christianity is under attack! :o Mothers quick, hide your children! Fathers, grab your shotgun to defend your family against those dasterdly infidels! ... ((sob)) ... Will Lassie ever come home?!
Hey, if you religious people can openly proclaim and give thanks for your religious experience, ... have at it. Civilization ain't a-gonna crumble and burn because of it, right? That's right. ..... Same principle for someone who openly proclaims their deconversion and walks away from religion. But the reason why this open deconversion on YouTube gets TV coverage is because so many people who walk away from religion hardly ever say anything about it, even to their families, .... because they are afraid of the social/religious fallout if they do.
Wow! Wonderful Christian religion ya got there folks, if you are intimidated or afraid to walk away or even think about doing so or decide its not for you anymore. (Hellfire and damnation and falling into the Hands of an Angry God and all that to drive the point home, donchaknow. <_< )
But Hey! This is a free country! You can not believe if you don't want to. Right? ..... Just don't go around and be open about it, or worse yet, ... spread your deconversion among others, and tell them why you think its so great!
Ie., Stay in that damn closet, ... boy!
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God first
Beloved GarthP2000
God loves you my friend
should they Stay in that damn closet I say no if they really do not believe in God but if they did it to get seem I think they are fools
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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So the religious folks who 'spread the Word', they do it to be seen too, right? I mean, that's basically the point. They need to 'be seen' so that they can get their message across.
S-o-o, ... are they fools too? ;)
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God first
Beloved GarthP2000
God loves you my dear friend
I do it to share my heart and I believe its ok to share one's heart whether for God like me or against God like some people in the world
But to do it just to be seem or just to look good to others those are fools and yes there are fools on both sides
one side being believing in God and the other side being not believing in God
but doing something out of the heart a person is justing showing truth in their life and this two can be done on both sides
but when one does it to be seem and feel big there no heart because that person will do one thing one day and another thing the next day as long as they are seen
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Garth, no, I think we can safely say that anyone who fulifills the job description of being an idiot and a fool can be labelled such. Sort of an "if it walks like a duck...) etc.
Most of the guys I saw doing the "blasphemy" thing didn't impress me.
A statement of unfaith is fine.
Howver it's not abnormal for someone who likes something to respond negatively when someone else is highly critical of it. Knock, cut down, blaspheme, insult something , whatever you want to call it - that's PRObably going to get a negative reaction from those who like that thing.
But call me a snob, I'd like some craft, art, intelligence and respect in the criticism I DON'T care what you believe, scream it as loud as you want.
That's just me though. No intelligence is required, of course. It's perfectly acceptable for people that want to keep saying the same things over and over, every time a subject comes up, regardless. No biggie.
Thankfully there's no "organized" effort here by "religious folk" to smash the poor unfaithed people, just discriminating viewers.
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