Vomitous. An overwhelming desire to bring up a hot meal; some references include the idea of premeditated hurling as portrayed by Linda Blair in The Exorcist. May be used literally, "Sorry to cut ahead on the bathroom line but I'm feeling rather vomitous after that thirteenth Boiler Maker." Or figuratively, "Sorry to cut ahead on the bathroom line but I'm feeling rather vomitous after having to listen to those two TWIt-heads at the back of the line yammer on about how some class literally changed their lives. I think thirteen Boiler Makers would do the same thing – and for a lot less money and time."
Cool idea for a thread, NotMatilda - what a fun idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Used in the morning when one awakes with scratchy, itchy eyes, due to lack of sleep. "I'm feeling scritchy this morning," loosely translated means, "look at me, touch me, or talk to me, before I've had my coffee, and I'm not responsible for the damage to your overall emotional or physical well-being."
The process by which one dog barking can sequentially alert the other dogs in the neighborhood, so that in a matter of minutes every dog in the neighborhood is barking also.
"While we were on our evening walk, Sophie barked at a cat and started a Rovalert."
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Vomitous. An overwhelming desire to bring up a hot meal; some references include the idea of premeditated hurling as portrayed by Linda Blair in The Exorcist. May be used literally, "Sorry to cut ahead on the bathroom line but I'm feeling rather vomitous after that thirteenth Boiler Maker." Or figuratively, "Sorry to cut ahead on the bathroom line but I'm feeling rather vomitous after having to listen to those two TWIt-heads at the back of the line yammer on about how some class literally changed their lives. I think thirteen Boiler Makers would do the same thing – and for a lot less money and time."
Cool idea for a thread, NotMatilda - what a fun idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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scritchy (adjective)
Used in the morning when one awakes with scratchy, itchy eyes, due to lack of sleep. "I'm feeling scritchy this morning," loosely translated means, "look at me, touch me, or talk to me, before I've had my coffee, and I'm not responsible for the damage to your overall emotional or physical well-being."
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This week's theme: eponyms.
jarvey (JAR-vee) noun
1. A hackney-coach driver.
2. A hackney coach.
"The empty vehicle was waiting without a fare or a jarvey."
James Joyce; Ulysses; 1922.
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you guys are all too smart for me!!!!
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Ahhhh, not really (speaking for myself). I subscribe to Wordsmith.
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speetch (noun) and freedom of speetch
the practice of spanking children for skeetching
eg. The Congresswoman, by law, cannot prohibit freedom of speetch
for those dissenting the practice of spanking for skitching(sic).
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scrubbles (noun)
The resulting foamy, bubbly stuff that appears as if by magic after spraying spot remover on the carpet.
"Please do not walk through the scrubbles on the carpet where the cat just spit up a hair ball."
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"scratch", a vital ingredient for various baking purposes.
Organic scratch is often fertilized with itch.
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Note: This is a clarifitory post for the marine oxen:
eponyms (noun) also mneumonically known as Ipanymphs
any of a passing group of potentially promiscuous brazilian babeage
eg. Tall and tan and young and lovely, the girls from Ipanema are often eponyms.
This is also a fine example of malapropism.
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pupkiss - The smear that your adorable dog leaves all over the windows to the car
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puffle verb (to puffle, puffled)
noun (the puffle, puffler)
the least offensive of anal gastric emissions, often undetected, mostly feminine in origin
eg. The church puffler never billowed her skirts during a sermon.
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The sudden silence in a car when you drive under and underpass or bridge in a heavy rain.
"While driving to Granny's house in a thunderstorm, there were many down-pauses."
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Watered Garden
The process by which one dog barking can sequentially alert the other dogs in the neighborhood, so that in a matter of minutes every dog in the neighborhood is barking also.
"While we were on our evening walk, Sophie barked at a cat and started a Rovalert."
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scrambritch (noun) skcram' burr it CH'
1. A sandwich made of with scrambled eggs, western style eggs, or omlet like filling.
"We had a scrambritch and an apple for lunch today."
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A superlative adjective, used by elephants.
Question --- "How was your vacation to the water park??"
Answer --- "We had an elephantastic time!!

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nubulating (verb)
the earliest beginnings of some organic growth
eg. The dogwoods were nubulating and fresh with the promise of spring.
eg. Anticipating nubulation, the Mom gave in to her insistent ten year old's badgering for a training bra.
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DMiller, that is too cute!!!!
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polar bear
Wallyerup-def.-"wall yer up" get me a beer
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momular (adjective)
any activity generally attributed to mothers
eg. Signalled by the baby's burp, her momular activites were complete.
not to be confused with mammification, the sated state of infants after nursing,
not to be confused with mummification, a result of being doted on by British mothers,
not to be confused with smother love, a condition endured by loved ones who aren't allowed to think or act for themselves
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ludiculous (adjective)
beyond absurd; stupidity in its superlative form
used of anything to do with Paris Hilton in the news;
also used of other people's political views we disagree with
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Some one at work told me that, upon telling a young niece something that seemed incredulous, the niece remarked,"Don't be 'dickless'."
Maybe that belongs on "Silly things kids say".
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cabboogies (noun)
plant producing tiny (or baby-like) cabbages aka brussels sprouts
eg. The Sunday repast was complete with all manner of veggies, including caboogies.
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Orientate: verb
1.) The adjusments made to a person's belt after a large dinner of Asian cuisine.
2.) Any adjustment made to physical object to make more comfortable
"All of the students were able to orientate their schedules to accomodate the Cafeteria's "Thai Thursday" menu.
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