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A Joke for fun


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God loves us all

A Joke for fun


A Way Ministry Believer and a Jehovah's Witness believe met together to have drinks in a bar.

After a few drinks the Way Ministry Believer said our group has the only right answers look how pure our beliefs are for they are white as snow.

After a few drinks the Jehovah's Witness Believer said No our group has the only right answers look how pure our beliefs are for they are white as snow.

The poor unbeliever look up and said to the Way Ministry Believer and Jehovah's Witness Believer , Are you two color blind?

Then the poor unbeliever said to the Way Ministry Believer your beliefs are red like the hate to have for all other believers outside your church.

Then the poor unbeliever said to the Jehovah's Witness Believer your beliefs are blue like the cold hearts to have for all other believers outside your church.

Now this was wrote in fun and I met there is better ways to use colors.

Next a story

God came to the north side of my house in a dream and said to me

“You have a nice red house” I said that is so I all ways think of the blood line of Christ.

God came to the south side of my house in a dream and said to me

“You have a nice green house” I said that is so I all ways think of the new life Christ gave me

God came to the east side of my house in a dream and said to me

“You have a nice blue house” I said that is so I all ways think of the pain Christ was in for me

God came to the west side of my house in a dream and said to me

“You have a nice white house” I said that is so I all ways think how pure Christ lived on earth.

Now God was either lying one of the three times or I have a house of many colors.

Does the four times build a 3-D picture of my house or is God color blind?

Just sharing out loud

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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