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Possible Reason Why the World Considers Americans Stupid


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Where does KFC chicken come from?

I don't know.

Do you know what KFC stands for?

Kentucky Fried Chicken.

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

Edited by GreasyTech
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Whoah, I looked at it again and I'm thinking that's ATLANTA! :o

I think they were in several different cities, Evan. I recognized Hollywood and Venice, Calif., but not all the scenes were shot there. Looks like some were maybe in Fla., some in Texas. Don't know about the rest.

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Maybe that guy was putting together an audition tape to replace Jay Leno... after all, it was a RIP OFF of Jaywalking.

It would be funny if it weren't tragically sad.

And I thought I saw the Alamo (San Antonio, TX), and a truck with a Dallas Cowboys star (probably in TX).

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Evan's basically bored, folks. And I think he's still miffed at me about my comments to him from another thread. :realmad: <-- Evan

Oh and Evan, update your Rolodex, guy. I don't live in Atlanta anymore; I live in Huntsville, AL, where my family are, as well as a good number of _intelligent_ people also reside. Got it?

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I saw the Alamo too Rock ( American money....)and a lot of Folks with Star hats (Dallas Cowboy style) backing the plans to protect us from Krzykistan....I spose there everywhere....

What else would we expect from a country that perfected such heady things as Professional Wrestling and pet psychics. We may not solve world poverty anytime soon but we do have the important stuff --like the longest lasting bubble gum and sneakers that blink

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I wonder how many people they had to ask to get the answers that they were obviously looking for.

Probably not too many...In my experiences, I've discovered that there are far too many people in this country that can't find their arse with both hands...Did you know that over 50% of the people in Houston, Texas are illiterate?...

If you have a roof over your head, food on the table, clothes on your back and can read "My Pet Goat"...your old heart should just be bubbling... :B)

Edited by GrouchoMarxJr
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If you have a roof over your head, food on the table, clothes on your back and can read "My Pet Goat"...your old heart should just be bubbling..

Yah! ... Right!

"food on the table". Or as Dubya puts it, "food on the family". :rolleyes:

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