If I find that CES is right and I have been wrong on this issue then I will be compelled to change. If I think that CES is wrong in their conclusions (and I will unless they come up with an amazing argument that I have never seen even though I believe I have studied this intently enough to change from my previous position) then I would think that you would want to know why I think so, but changing your opinion is not my goal in reading this book.
If you don't believe me... oh well... at least I know who the one is that has made up their mind already.
Mea Culpa -- from what I read of your previous posts --
the impression I got was that you had your mind made up already.
A copy of "Power for Abundant Living" for which I paid 30 cents for at a yard sale sold on Ebay
three years ago for $35 (Don't be so quick to toss those old "cult" books).
I know Danny, that's what I've heard... so I've still got all of my books and syllabi, and a couple of extras... heck, I even have "School of the Prophets"!
That's my retirement! (well, that and it helps fill up the bookcase so I look smarter than I am)
I know Danny, that's what I've heard... so I've still got all of my books and syllabi, and a couple of extras... heck, I even have "School of the Prophets"!
That's my retirement! (well, that and it helps fill up the bookcase so I look smarter than I am)
It might not be an ideal point anytime soon to cash in those "cult stocks", Tom, perchance the USA invades Berlitz and takes out those loophole publishing houses
that were ( or still are?) offering the old gigantic cult stuff on Ebay.
son of arthur, i did receive a free copy years ago. i got robbed.
everybody has an opinion, of course. mine is that the book wasn't very good. first of all, they started with a premise and then set out to prove it (same thing they did with "don't blame god"), instead of doing what they profess to do, letting the bible speak for itself. for me, there was very little i hadn't heard already, in one form or another. not worth the time, in my opinion.
It might not be an ideal point anytime soon to cash in those "cult stocks", Tom, perchance the USA invades Berlitz and takes out those loophole publishing houses
that were ( or still are?) offering the old gigantic cult stuff on Ebay.
I know... those dang Belizians! ...but I don't think they have "School of the Prophets"... why don't those Belizians get back to what they do best... snorkeling and reefer? Of course, if Chavez keeps this up we may have to invade Belize so's we can set up a staging area... then I'll be back in business!
I know... those dang Belizians! ...but I don't think they have "School of the Prophets"... why don't those Belizians get back to what they do best... snorkeling and reefer? Of course, if Chavez keeps this up we may have to invade Belize so's we can set up a staging area... then I'll be back in business!
Ah, thanks for correcting me on the name of that country, Tom. I apparently confused "Belize" with the name of the late author of "The Bermuda Triangle",
Charles Berlitz , which, interestingly enough, features a picture of the writer on the back cover wearing scuba gear.
Perhaps Berlitz was scuba diving at Belize when he came up with the idea for his book, even though it's not anywhere near the "Triangle"...
though "Belize" certainly does appear to be a vortex where international copyrights mysteriously disappear.
You could just pick up Kyrios Christos by Wilhelm Bousset, Lord Jesus Christ and "One God, One Lord" by Larry Hurtado, and vol 2 of Kerygma and Mythos by Rudolf Bultmann at your local library, save the $29 and reach the same conclusions. But may not save on time in reading them all.
son of arthur, i did receive a free copy years ago. i got robbed.
everybody has an opinion, of course. mine is that the book wasn't very good. first of all, they started with a premise and then set out to prove it (same thing they did with "don't blame god"), instead of doing what they profess to do, letting the bible speak for itself. for me, there was very little i hadn't heard already, in one form or another. not worth the time, in my opinion.
dmiller I don't know you from Adam but it sure is refreshing from my perspective to see that someone can see beyond what was written and see the backround noise in this original post.
It's not about the book at all it...dang if he really had a heart to read the book I 'd lend him mine...this post was all about trashing CES and their works...had nothing to do with this fool wanting the book.
Don't stand to close to me here because I am sure I will not win the Greasespot popularity award:-)
My concern is that I can not in good conscience give money to support the further preaching of something that I currently find both morally and theologically repulsive.
If you're referring to the non-trinitarian teaching as to what is morally and theologically repulsive, I have to give a good hearty and mocking laugh at that kind of response. The (still running) conflict between Trinitarians and Unitarians in this respect has been going on for the past, at least 1600 years, and has helped and benefited _no one_, and has contributed not one iota of progress to humanity in any size shape or form.
Well, I take part of that back. The only people who has benefited from the conflict are those orthodox leaders who want doctrinal and political control over their flock.
son of arthur, i did receive a free copy years ago. i got robbed.
everybody has an opinion, of course. mine is that the book wasn't very good. first of all, they started with a premise and then set out to prove it (same thing they did with "don't blame god"), instead of doing what they profess to do, letting the bible speak for itself. for me, there was very little i hadn't heard already, in one form or another. not worth the time, in my opinion.
Definitely agree this book was poorly written...in the we (John, Mark and John). Beyond that it was kinda like hearing one of JAL's long winded teachings that just went on forever. I do however agree with the conclusion and certainly no stone went unturned. I would recommend it for insomnia.
All this HOOOOOHAAAA just for asking for a book..............................
what about my post about ''giving away all my Way children's books?"
Are you going to judge my "Intent''?
"well bliss, if you don't agree with the Way, then why would you even want to give it to someone who supports them, or still believes in their trash............................."
I have to stand up and say I think why the book is wanted may be relevant to whether or not someone feels inclined to give this guy THEIR copy, but I don't think it's right to judge someone for WHY they want a book.
studying materials because you disagree with the POV is perfectly legitimate. people are allowed to read and critique books they don't agree with. they're allowed to read books so they understand their opponent's position before a debate. scholarly inquiry often demands becoming familiar with ideas we don't agree with.
why does anyone really care why he wants the book? either you've got one to trade with him or you don't. what's the big deal?
believe me, if i still had the dang thing, you could certainly have had it and i would have gladly paid the probably under $5 postage to send it to you. What's wrong with doing another human being a favor?
I don't think giving $29 to CES is going to have all that big of an impact. Spend the money and get the book. Researchers do this kind of thing all the time.
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Mea Culpa -- from what I read of your previous posts --
the impression I got was that you had your mind made up already.
Thus -- the comments I made afterwards.
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(lol!) You haven't bought that many theological books, have you?
It's not unusual to see various works going upward from $100- $250 and even higher,
depending on the subject and/or rarity of the work.
$29 is nothing for a theological work. In fact, it may turn out to be a small investment.
For example, an English translation of Harnack's "Marcion" that went for $30 back in 1990
is now selling for as high as $250.
A copy of "Power for Abundant Living" for which I paid 30 cents for at a yard sale sold on Ebay
three years ago for $35 (Don't be so quick to toss those old "cult" books).
In any event, I agree with Tom's earlier comments - I wish I had a copy of CES' work to bestow to you,
for whatever reason you wanted it (for study, for toilet paper, whatever - that's your business) but alas I sold my
copy on Ebay awhile back.
Of course another good alternative to purchasing a book would be to simply search the online library catalogues and borrow
a copy from your local library via interlibrary loan.
But hopefully someone here will spare you those steps and give you a copy.
Good luck.
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Tom Strange
I know Danny, that's what I've heard... so I've still got all of my books and syllabi, and a couple of extras... heck, I even have "School of the Prophets"!
That's my retirement! (well, that and it helps fill up the bookcase so I look smarter than I am)
Edited by Tom StrangeLink to comment
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It might not be an ideal point anytime soon to cash in those "cult stocks", Tom, perchance the USA invades Berlitz and takes out those loophole publishing houses
that were ( or still are?) offering the old gigantic cult stuff on Ebay.
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sprawled out
son of arthur, i did receive a free copy years ago. i got robbed.
everybody has an opinion, of course. mine is that the book wasn't very good. first of all, they started with a premise and then set out to prove it (same thing they did with "don't blame god"), instead of doing what they profess to do, letting the bible speak for itself. for me, there was very little i hadn't heard already, in one form or another. not worth the time, in my opinion.
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Tom Strange
I know... those dang Belizians! ...but I don't think they have "School of the Prophets"... why don't those Belizians get back to what they do best... snorkeling and reefer? Of course, if Chavez keeps this up we may have to invade Belize so's we can set up a staging area... then I'll be back in business!
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Ah, thanks for correcting me on the name of that country, Tom. I apparently confused "Belize" with the name of the late author of "The Bermuda Triangle",
Charles Berlitz , which, interestingly enough, features a picture of the writer on the back cover wearing scuba gear.
Perhaps Berlitz was scuba diving at Belize when he came up with the idea for his book, even though it's not anywhere near the "Triangle"...
though "Belize" certainly does appear to be a vortex where international copyrights mysteriously disappear.
Coincidence? I wonder....
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You could just pick up Kyrios Christos by Wilhelm Bousset, Lord Jesus Christ and "One God, One Lord" by Larry Hurtado, and vol 2 of Kerygma and Mythos by Rudolf Bultmann at your local library, save the $29 and reach the same conclusions. But may not save on time in reading them all.
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Ditto, although I bought mine.
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SonofArthur -- you can read excerpts of it HERE!,
and save the 29 bucks. :)
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dmiller I don't know you from Adam but it sure is refreshing from my perspective to see that someone can see beyond what was written and see the backround noise in this original post.
It's not about the book at all it...dang if he really had a heart to read the book I 'd lend him mine...this post was all about trashing CES and their works...had nothing to do with this fool wanting the book.
Don't stand to close to me here because I am sure I will not win the Greasespot popularity award:-)
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Friscoguy -- I *lost* the popularity award a long time ago.;)
But for whatever reason -- folks here still keep me on board!
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Friscoguy -- I need to amend that last statement.
Every last person here is a unique individual.
My opinions count just as much as another's do,
and as do yours.
'Nother words -- what we all have to say is important.
And what each and every one of us here at GSCafe has to say --- is important.
Please don't think that your comments will be *dissed*, if they aren't *main-stream*.
Lotsa folks here have minds made up already, and many more are open to discussion.
More are willing to discuss (than those that are closed), so post away!
I'm betting you'll get more positive responses, than negative ones.
Give it a try.
Welcome to GreaseSpot -- there are no strangers here,
just friends we haven't met before.
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If you're referring to the non-trinitarian teaching as to what is morally and theologically repulsive, I have to give a good hearty and mocking laugh at that kind of response. The (still running) conflict between Trinitarians and Unitarians in this respect has been going on for the past, at least 1600 years, and has helped and benefited _no one_, and has contributed not one iota of progress to humanity in any size shape or form.
Well, I take part of that back. The only people who has benefited from the conflict are those orthodox leaders who want doctrinal and political control over their flock.
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d, next time you enter the popularity contest, remember: Vaseline on the teeth, Preparation H under the eyes.
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Definitely agree this book was poorly written...in the we (John, Mark and John). Beyond that it was kinda like hearing one of JAL's long winded teachings that just went on forever. I do however agree with the conclusion and certainly no stone went unturned. I would recommend it for insomnia.
Edited by CalflorLink to comment
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All this HOOOOOHAAAA just for asking for a book..............................
what about my post about ''giving away all my Way children's books?"
Are you going to judge my "Intent''?
"well bliss, if you don't agree with the Way, then why would you even want to give it to someone who supports them, or still believes in their trash............................."
come on~!
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sprawled out
no wonder i lost! i thought it was the other way around!
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studying materials because you disagree with the POV is perfectly legitimate. people are allowed to read and critique books they don't agree with. they're allowed to read books so they understand their opponent's position before a debate. scholarly inquiry often demands becoming familiar with ideas we don't agree with.
there, I said my piece now I'll stop being mad.
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believe me, if i still had the dang thing, you could certainly have had it and i would have gladly paid the probably under $5 postage to send it to you. What's wrong with doing another human being a favor?
Edited by waterbuffaloLink to comment
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I don't think giving $29 to CES is going to have all that big of an impact. Spend the money and get the book. Researchers do this kind of thing all the time.
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i'm thinking of buying the dam n thing and and giving it to arthur's son
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$29 certainly won't come anywhere near covering the lawyers' fees.
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I think it is kind of funny and kinda understand how somebody would like the examine the thing, but doesn't want to give them another red cent..
I wonder how many others feel this way now..
Son of Arthur, I hope you find one somewhere on the cheap..
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