It is a good book. I have two copies. One of which has never been used. Would you be willing to pay for it? I would sell it to you for less than $29 plus book rate shipping. Do you know how private messaging works here? Just click on my name and then click send message if you are interested.
I was wondering if any of you people have a copy of the book "One God & One Lord" that CES put out a few years ago that you would be willing to give away? I can't bring myself to give CES $29 of the money that God has put in my care.
If you can help let me know... I AM willing to pay for shipping.
What is the purpose of your post. I find it distasteful and religiously nausiating. If you can't trust CES with "the money God put in your care" then why trust CES with the Word they published in care for Him and His people.
I was wondering if any of you people have a copy of the book "One God & One Lord" that CES put out a few years ago that you would be willing to give away? I can't bring myself to give CES $29 of the money that God has put in my care.
If you can help let me know... I AM willing to pay for shipping.
What is the purpose of your post. I find it distasteful and religiously nausiating. If you can't trust CES with "the money God put in your care" then why trust CES with the Word they published in care for Him and His people.
A) Looks like "the purpose of his post" is to get a copy of the book "One God & One Lord
that CES put out, without giving CES $29 directly. I may be wrong, but that seems
pretty straightforward.
B) If you're having nausea, there are a number of rather effective remedies on the market
now besides Dramamine, and your local pharmacy should be able to supply you with
one or more.
C) He doesn't owe you an explanation of why he wants the book or why he
doesn't want to give them money.
And he never said he "trusted CES with the Word."
He said he wanted that book.
He never said WHY he wanted it or how he considers it.
If you don't think that's enough of an answer to help him,
then don't help him.
Curl your lip in disdain, don't waste time posting, and just go on to the next thread.
I find posts like this distasteful and religiously nauseating.
Good thing I already went to my local pharmacy and stocked up on useful supplies.
Thanks for reminding me of why I never want to have anything to do with the CESpool dwellers!
Now, Belle, how do you know if FriscoGuy is involved with CES (unless he PM'd you and said he was)?
And you know, some very fine people have been associated with CES; Raf and DMiller come to mind. So, on their behalf, I find "CESpool dwellers" offensive. Maybe they don't, but it makes me cringe. I don't think it's fair to paint every person involved in a group with the same brush the group's big shots might deserve to be painted with.
Just my opinion. Not trying to tell you what to do.
I still can't find any real biblical authority for the trash they are pushing, even in their own work Just as JAL says prophecy is very biblical, this worthy of rear wiping work that allows the creepy crap that has lead to the destruction of marriages contains some bible and a lot of justification for leaders running rough shod over their followers. It's as devilish as it can be.
Come on, one of the big things this bunch promoted was Jesus as the head and now they have degrees of prophets and have to keep long records of being accurate.
What God joins together let no man (or possessed woman) separate. Clear simple bible there isn't it?
Yeah they "solved" their problems ( cough cough) feel free to give free $$$$$$$ to them
David, I often agree with you, but I don't see anything unethical about straightforwardly asking if someone has a copy of a book to give away.
Perhaps, as is often the case around here, he wants a copy so he can pick it apart, but he doesn't want to put money in the coffer of anything as screwed up as CES. I can understand that.
I was wondering if any of you people have a copy of the book "One God & One Lord" that CES put out a few years ago that you would be willing to give away? I can't bring myself to give CES $29 of the money that God has put in my care.
If you can help let me know... I AM willing to pay for shipping.
Linda -- that's what bugged me (my emphasis in the bold).
It seems my simple request has sparked a little bit of controversy.
That was not my intent.
My request was in the spirit of "you have not because you ask not".
A few years ago I asked John S. for a free copy via email directly and he refused.
I think workman ARE worthy of their labor and I do not have a problem paying for things.
My concern is that I currently DO NOT agree with most of the conclusions that I have heard that this book comes to.
I grew up believing and teaching JCING. My study of scripture since then as led me to concluse that Jesus Christ is indeed God. Having said that, I believe it is ALWAYS healthy to evaluate and test what I believe, and it is in this spirit of meekness that I would like to read CES's work on the subject.
Personally, I think $29 is way too much for a book. Then again, I don't have any qualm with people making a profit for their hard work. My concern is that I can not in good conscience give money to support the further preaching of something that I currently find both morally and theologically repulsive.
That is why I would be glad to pay a small price for the book to cover shipping and its own production. I would even pay this to CES directly. I just don't want them to make any profit from me. Since the last time I checked we live in a capitalistic free society, it is NOT illegal to resell a used book and it is certainly not illegal or unethical to give it away.
Thanks for your understanding. I will be willing to trade some good books that I have and even some that I don't care for anymore. I have thrown away most of TWI books that I once had but I still have a few... anyone interested in a trade?
Arthur, from what you just wrote, you don't sound that interested in the contents of the book. With so many books available why would you then want to read this one? Frankly, I am not going to give you a copy of this book for free either. Mostly because you don't really sound interested in the contents. If you are not really interested why go through the motions of reading it? And it is a scholarly book in my opinion. It is even well foot noted.
And actually I originally bought three copies of this book. I gave one of them away to a friend who was never in the way or CES, but who was in the process of reading the bible from cover to cover. I was impressed by that as she also showed good insights and comprehension in our conversations about what she had read.
dmiller said: "If your mind is already convinced -- You needn't check out the "other side"."
I disagree with that entirely. We should be constantly learning, always growing, continually seeking to learn more about God and to test that which we think we already know against the Scripture.
The truth has nothing to fear from an honest critique. If I was one that agreed with CES's position, I would jump at the opportunity to share this "scholarly book" with anyone and everyone that would listen.
I want to listen.
If I find that CES is right and I have been wrong on this issue then I will be compelled to change. If I think that CES is wrong in their conclusions (and I will unless they come up with an amazing argument that I have never seen even though I believe I have studied this intently enough to change from my previous position) then I would think that you would want to know why I think so, but changing your opinion is not my goal in reading this book.
If you don't believe me... oh well... at least I know who the one is that has made up their mind already.
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Mark Sanguinetti
Hi Arthur:
It is a good book. I have two copies. One of which has never been used. Would you be willing to pay for it? I would sell it to you for less than $29 plus book rate shipping. Do you know how private messaging works here? Just click on my name and then click send message if you are interested.
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What is the purpose of your post. I find it distasteful and religiously nausiating. If you can't trust CES with "the money God put in your care" then why trust CES with the Word they published in care for Him and His people.
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A) Looks like "the purpose of his post" is to get a copy of the book "One God & One Lord
that CES put out, without giving CES $29 directly. I may be wrong, but that seems
pretty straightforward.
B) If you're having nausea, there are a number of rather effective remedies on the market
now besides Dramamine, and your local pharmacy should be able to supply you with
one or more.
C) He doesn't owe you an explanation of why he wants the book or why he
doesn't want to give them money.
And he never said he "trusted CES with the Word."
He said he wanted that book.
He never said WHY he wanted it or how he considers it.
If you don't think that's enough of an answer to help him,
then don't help him.
Curl your lip in disdain, don't waste time posting, and just go on to the next thread.
I find posts like this distasteful and religiously nauseating.
Good thing I already went to my local pharmacy and stocked up on useful supplies.
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Wish I'd known you wanted a copy, sonofarthur, before I thumbed through and then pitched mine.
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Hey, FriscoGuy!
Thanks for reminding me of why I never want to have anything to do with the CESpool dwellers!
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Linda Z
Now, Belle, how do you know if FriscoGuy is involved with CES (unless he PM'd you and said he was)?
And you know, some very fine people have been associated with CES; Raf and DMiller come to mind. So, on their behalf, I find "CESpool dwellers" offensive. Maybe they don't, but it makes me cringe. I don't think it's fair to paint every person involved in a group with the same brush the group's big shots might deserve to be painted with.
Just my opinion. Not trying to tell you what to do.
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OK how about I make ya wanna spiritually puke? ( If that can be done)
I would like to look at their prophecy book but for the life of me can't see from what has been posted it has any value.
Anyone wanna give that sick pup away?
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Captain Crunch
Maybe this will tell you what you want to know...
Excerpts from Prophecy: Understanding and Utilizing the Manifestation of Prophecy
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Thanks CC,
I still can't find any real biblical authority for the trash they are pushing, even in their own work
Just as JAL says prophecy is very biblical, this worthy of rear wiping work that allows the creepy crap that has lead to the destruction of marriages contains some bible and a lot of justification for leaders running rough shod over their followers. It's as devilish as it can be. 
Come on, one of the big things this bunch promoted was Jesus as the head and now they have degrees of prophets and have to keep long records of being accurate.
What God joins together let no man (or possessed woman) separate. Clear simple bible there isn't it?
Yeah they "solved" their problems ( cough cough) feel free to give free $$$$$$$ to them
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For what it is worth -- I have One God, And One Lord, and won't *chuck* it.
I've also got JCING (by docvic), and his *work* pales, compared to OG&OL.
And I have to agree about what others have said here,
concerning this "shameless" plug to get free info ----
"Excuse me -- I would like a copy of a Billy Graham book --
but I don't agree with him theologically, and have NO wish to contribute to his org --
So who has a copy they would like to give away for free?"
Buncha Bull$h!tt.
If you want to access info offered by others, and aren't willing to pay for it ---
You don't deserve it. If yer willing to read it, get it legally.
Sure -- you'll pay for shipping?? So you support the person that bought the book,
with the money God entrusted you with, yet won't support the person behind the work?
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dear god and one lord, please put more money in my care
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Good argument if Brother Billie was living one life and preaching another like your CES friends.
Now you go grow up.......
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DuctTape -- I don't care if you're talking CES, BG, or the Webster dictionary.
I'm talking about the ETHICS involved, in the above request.
Looking for SOMETHING for NOTHING -- reminds me a helluva lot of docvic, and his practices.
Yer turn to grow up, smell the coffee, and give credit, where credit is due.
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Linda Z
David, I often agree with you, but I don't see anything unethical about straightforwardly asking if someone has a copy of a book to give away.
Perhaps, as is often the case around here, he wants a copy so he can pick it apart, but he doesn't want to put money in the coffer of anything as screwed up as CES. I can understand that.
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Linda -- that's what bugged me (my emphasis in the bold).
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scuse me,
you still hold them in to high of reguard.
BG also lived one way and preached another?
And the coffee smells great,
The destruction their doctrines have caused makes them unworthy of honor, which includes $$$$$
And IMHO the book in question is a lot of ego by some very distructive cult leaders.
You want the "package" you can pay for it.
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Linda Z
Maybe I'm just dense, but I wouldn't want to give CES $29 either.
If he bought it used for $5 on ebay, would that be unethical?
If someone here was about to throw a copy out and decided to give it to him, what would be so unethical?
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No. Absolutely not.
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Ductape -- you haven't been following my posts too closely, have you?
I have serious doubts about them now, but maybe you didn't pick up on that.
I have NO issue with you, it is the idea/ thought process I'm against.
Asking for something for nothing is only ok, if someone is willing to get rid of it anyway.
And I grant you -- you won't know if you don't ask.
To *qualify* a request by saying --
"I don't want to pay the org, but I'll pay you for shipping",
is what *frosted* me.
So I'll let it go at that.
Regardless of what I may say about this will be *dissed*.
I've said my *piece*. I wonder if you have the "ears to hear"
what I am REALLY saying??? So far -- it isn't evident.
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It seems my simple request has sparked a little bit of controversy.
That was not my intent.
My request was in the spirit of "you have not because you ask not".
A few years ago I asked John S. for a free copy via email directly and he refused.
I think workman ARE worthy of their labor and I do not have a problem paying for things.
My concern is that I currently DO NOT agree with most of the conclusions that I have heard that this book comes to.
I grew up believing and teaching JCING. My study of scripture since then as led me to concluse that Jesus Christ is indeed God. Having said that, I believe it is ALWAYS healthy to evaluate and test what I believe, and it is in this spirit of meekness that I would like to read CES's work on the subject.
Personally, I think $29 is way too much for a book. Then again, I don't have any qualm with people making a profit for their hard work. My concern is that I can not in good conscience give money to support the further preaching of something that I currently find both morally and theologically repulsive.
That is why I would be glad to pay a small price for the book to cover shipping and its own production. I would even pay this to CES directly. I just don't want them to make any profit from me. Since the last time I checked we live in a capitalistic free society, it is NOT illegal to resell a used book and it is certainly not illegal or unethical to give it away.
Thanks for your understanding. I will be willing to trade some good books that I have and even some that I don't care for anymore. I have thrown away most of TWI books that I once had but I still have a few... anyone interested in a trade?
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Sonofarthur -- thanks. That clarifies things. :)
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Mark Sanguinetti
Arthur, from what you just wrote, you don't sound that interested in the contents of the book. With so many books available why would you then want to read this one? Frankly, I am not going to give you a copy of this book for free either. Mostly because you don't really sound interested in the contents. If you are not really interested why go through the motions of reading it? And it is a scholarly book in my opinion. It is even well foot noted.
And actually I originally bought three copies of this book. I gave one of them away to a friend who was never in the way or CES, but who was in the process of reading the bible from cover to cover. I was impressed by that as she also showed good insights and comprehension in our conversations about what she had read.
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I agree with Mark S. Getting a book (or whatever) for honest perusal thereof is one thing,
but to get it in order to pick it (or a belief) apart -- is another.
'Nother words -- your mind is already made up (obviously),
and you're looking to *validate* an opinion you already hold,
by (perhaps) using the "other side's words" against them.
If your mind is already convinced -- You needn't check out the "other side".
Whatever you quote from them, will be slanted in your favor.
Which would have been said anyway -- because it's your opinion being promoted,
not the books you might have checked out.
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dmiller said: "If your mind is already convinced -- You needn't check out the "other side"."
I disagree with that entirely. We should be constantly learning, always growing, continually seeking to learn more about God and to test that which we think we already know against the Scripture.
The truth has nothing to fear from an honest critique. If I was one that agreed with CES's position, I would jump at the opportunity to share this "scholarly book" with anyone and everyone that would listen.
I want to listen.
If I find that CES is right and I have been wrong on this issue then I will be compelled to change. If I think that CES is wrong in their conclusions (and I will unless they come up with an amazing argument that I have never seen even though I believe I have studied this intently enough to change from my previous position) then I would think that you would want to know why I think so, but changing your opinion is not my goal in reading this book.
If you don't believe me... oh well... at least I know who the one is that has made up their mind already.
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