People pee and moan (why can we not say that word here? it is far from obscene) because they see inequality in less fortunate countries so they feel their personal gaps inside with extending a hand (arm) and are completely oblivious to the born-into countrymen in their own neighborhoods dying from neglect. How do they sleep at night knowing their pseudo-humanitarian mindset is part of the bigger problem?
Like it or not, you've described MOSTLY republicans. BTW, the only possible answer I can come up with for your (probably) rhetorical question is -- DENIAL -- that ominous psychological defense mechanism.
That article is the type that tree-hugging-humanitarians use as their justification to give America away. And the more outraged we become the more barbaric they make us appear. So I wonder if perhaps they have incomes into their homes that have blinded them to the greater need.
Again, your interpretation is basically upside down. It is repugnicanism which ignores the needs and realities of Americans. It's just that the ones like rhino don't want to address needs of ANYONE... which is obviously a more stark version of repugnicanism.
Sorry, I do not have time at the moment to respond, but I had to check-in and see how things were going.
Rhino- thanks for your response, I appreciate your candor and the tone. will gander at the links you provided.
Kathy and Rocky, good replies as to the topic. you guys have been wonderful too
Rocky- I understand your last two posts, but would caution against the thread turning into a partisan pis$ing match. I suspect that what got you going was her use of the descriptor "tree-hugging", and I can see how you saw that as convoluted however. Just a caution, okay?
~HAP (a tree-hugging registered republican who quite often votes dem)
Like it or not, you've described MOSTLY republicans. BTW, the only possible answer I can come up with for your (probably) rhetorical question is -- DENIAL -- that ominous psychological defense mechanism.
That is why I have no party association. :)
Again, your interpretation is basically upside down. It is repugnicanism which ignores the needs and realities of Americans. It's just that the ones like rhino don't want to address needs of ANYONE... which is obviously a more stark version of repugnicanism.
Now Rocky dear we can't be doing that or they'll send us to 'tacks. :)
Sorry, I do not have time at the moment to respond, but I had to check-in and see how things were going.
Rhino- thanks for your response, I appreciate your candor and the tone. will gander at the links you provided.
Kathy and Rocky, good replies as to the topic. you guys have been wonderful too
Rocky- I understand your last two posts, but would caution against the thread turning into a partisan pis$ing match. I suspect that what got you going was her use of the descriptor "tree-hugging", and I can see how you saw that as convoluted however. Just a caution, okay?
~HAP (a tree-hugging registered republican who quite often votes dem)
I would weigh in on the side of "the bigger the government the more the problems."
When I was in college (I graduated from California State school, UC Berkeley, in 1972).
Registration was $49 a quarter. Period. Legislation was being introduced to raise tuition. Now it's up to over $175 per unit per quarter. And books and supplies will kill you now!
When the legislation was being introduced, I felt so sorry for the middle class white kids who would be coming around because the justification was that there would be scholarships, grants and low-interest loans for the kids who needed it, and I knew the kids like myself, lower middle class, [hard] working class white would not have the high finances to go to school.
The State university system was developed after the war to ensure America could compete academically and maintain an intellectual competence.
What a travesty it has become!!!
Of the staff I work with, all much younger white middle class working men.
1. 1 mid-40's guy got his degree taking night classes and online. It was very expensive.
2. One guy had his wife support him while he got his degree.
3. Two guys had parents and grandparents who helped pay their way.
Our admin assistant is (black) is in school by grants and scholarships and she does a lot of her school work on company time. She is a dear, and I am happy for her, but just wish education was more equally available.
My son went into the Marine Corps to be able to qualify for the GI bill to go to school. He stretched his GI bill out by working and only using part of it, but he has been borrowing student loans after his gi bill ran out,and I think the weight of that is getting him very discouraged so that he is thinking of quitting before graduating.
I only hope he can finish, and I wish I could have helped him more.
The bottom line is that the United States has become the International Enabler
You have a government that is oppressive or corrupt the solution
1) work from inside to change it
2) overthrow said regime by force of arms if necessary--the cost will be high but it is after all your government/country
3) flee to the United States where you can live in luxury with none of the responsibilities of citizenship
4) have the United States overthrow the government for you then complain the the United States is the oppressor
The Economic situation in your country is abysmal the solution
a) work with groups in your country to improve working conditions/start new industry
b) flee to the united states where you can work illegally and send money back home while enjoying all the benefits of citizenship with none of the responsibilities
Your 22 year old son has just quit his 6th job because The boss was "mean" do you
1) let him move home and pay for his upkeep
2) let him move home with the clear understanding that he has one month to have a job and be back on his own and stick to your guns
Your brother's gambling addiction has cost him his marriage, his family and his home do you
1) let him live with you even though several small valuables seem to disappear every time he is around
2) slip him money because he is "sick'
3) tell him you will not support his addiction he needs to go to treatment--you will always love him and be there for him but you will not give him money or otherwise enable him to continue his lifestyle
Amazing isn't it--we have learned it isn't healthy to let our loved ones use us a doormats so that they can continue is their unacceptable behaviors but at the same time we feel obligated to be the doormat for the world.
DO you think if we cut off all programs and entitlements to those within our borders who were not citizens, or seeking to become citizens that we might be able to afford to have a Medical program that gave basic medical care to all our citizens?
DO you think if we quit sending medical and food supplies overseas to people who hate us we might have enough resources to see that no citizen of the United States goes to bed hungry???
DO you think if instead of tax breaks to businesses who "outsource"to third world countries we assessed tax penalties for same and gave the breaks to the businesses who manufactured here and hired US citizens
their might not be unemployment in the United States?
WHat is so wrong about keeping the United States and it resources for citizens of the United States???
Nothing is wrong with that thinking. Nothing at all.
I take care of all my responsibilities, and one of them is an "extra" savings account. When everything is paid, what's ever left over goes into this account. When I see someone who would be helped or blessed by the $ in there - I just do it.
Most of us live similar lives. Although I'm on a fixed income and I live modestly the is still a little something left over.
Wouldn't it be very cool if we operated like this as a Nation. Mo is right...there would be plenty of money to feed everybody nutritious meals, provide decent housing, not piled on top of each other and squeezed in so tightly that you can hear the rats next door. And everybody would have ample medical care.
Getting back to special scholarship and programs for minorities:]
When I worked as a teacher, there were many many scholarships open ONLY to latino students. There were a few open to Black students ONLY...but there were none open for white students ONLY. Everybody could compete for those with no particular designation.
However if you search for special scholarships, you would be amazed to find out about the special ones for special circumstances. One mid-western school offers a full scholarship for anyone named Maureen if she wants to study nursing AND has red hair. No kidding. It is a special endowment...and if you meet those requirements, you are in for a free ride. If there are 2 or 3 who meet them, they take the one with the highest SAT scores.
Oh my but what great stuff that has been added but I'm in need of kicking back for awhile so it will be a bit before I read it again and add to it. I just love that there is such quality posts on this thread. And I reckon I needed to say it again.
DO you think if we cut off all programs and entitlements to those within our borders who were not citizens, or seeking to become citizens that we might be able to afford to have a Medical program that gave basic medical care to all our citizens?
I believe there is NOT a correlation between "illegals" and the high cost of health care coverage for Americans. Period.
DO you think if we quit sending medical and food supplies overseas to people who hate us we might have enough resources to see that no citizen of the United States goes to bed hungry???
Again, emphatically NO... I do NOT think cutting off foreign aid would do ANYTHING to ensure all Americans would have adequate resources.
DO you think if instead of tax breaks to businesses who "outsource"to third world countries we assessed tax penalties for same and gave the breaks to the businesses who manufactured here and hired US citizens
their might not be unemployment in the United States?
THIS is a GREAT idea. Getting it done, however, is another story altogether.
WHat is so wrong about keeping the United States and it resources for citizens of the United States???
Simple, for the most part, except for the last one (above) those proposals would do NOTHING for everyday Americans. BUT cutting off foreign aid WOULD exacerbate international tension/distrust of the US.
Nothing is wrong with that thinking. Nothing at all.
I take care of all my responsibilities, and one of them is an "extra" savings account. When everything is paid, what's ever left over goes into this account. When I see someone who would be helped or blessed by the $ in there - I just do it.
Most of us live similar lives. Although I'm on a fixed income and I live modestly the is still a little something left over.
Wouldn't it be very cool if we operated like this as a Nation. Mo is right...there would be plenty of money to feed everybody nutritious meals, provide decent housing, not piled on top of each other and squeezed in so tightly that you can hear the rats next door. And everybody would have ample medical care.
But I know that's wishful thinking!
BTW, THAT thinking (of which there is nothing wrong) IS Socialism. Not that there's anything wrong with that... but it IS socialism.
Getting back to special scholarship and programs for minorities:]
When I worked as a teacher, there were many many scholarships open ONLY to latino students. There were a few open to Black students ONLY...but there were none open for white students ONLY. Everybody could compete for those with no particular designation.
However if you search for special scholarships, you would be amazed to find out about the special ones for special circumstances. One mid-western school offers a full scholarship for anyone named Maureen if she wants to study nursing AND has red hair. No kidding. It is a special endowment...and if you meet those requirements, you are in for a free ride. If there are 2 or 3 who meet them, they take the one with the highest SAT scores.
To determine whether there is a problem with ANY such special scholarship program, you would have to know -- WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM?
I'd be VERY shocked and surprised if ANY Latino only or Black only scholarship program were funded by any US government source.
AND private scholarship funds have EVERY right to direct scholarships to whomever they see fit.
I was told I needed to include an option in my voice mail that accommodated other speaking languages and I refused. I said fire me if you want but if you cannot speak English while calling an American company for assistance with something then you need to get an interrupter and have them call me but I will not allow my voice mail to have an option that if you speak English press 1 and if you speak yada yada press 2.
I wasn't fired. And there are no options but English!
Okay I had to get that off my chest. Now I will read some more and come back.
I would weigh in on the side of "the bigger the government the more the problems."
When I was in college (I graduated from California State school, UC Berkeley, in 1972).
Registration was $49 a quarter. Period. Legislation was being introduced to raise tuition. Now it's up to over $175 per unit per quarter. And books and supplies will kill you now!
When the legislation was being introduced, I felt so sorry for the middle class white kids who would be coming around because the justification was that there would be scholarships, grants and low-interest loans for the kids who needed it, and I knew the kids like myself, lower middle class, [hard] working class white would not have the high finances to go to school.
The State university system was developed after the war to ensure America could compete academically and maintain an intellectual competence.
What a travesty it has become!!!
Of the staff I work with, all much younger white middle class working men.
1. 1 mid-40's guy got his degree taking night classes and online. It was very expensive.
2. One guy had his wife support him while he got his degree.
3. Two guys had parents and grandparents who helped pay their way.
Our admin assistant is (black) is in school by grants and scholarships and she does a lot of her school work on company time. She is a dear, and I am happy for her, but just wish education was more equally available.
My son went into the Marine Corps to be able to qualify for the GI bill to go to school. He stretched his GI bill out by working and only using part of it, but he has been borrowing student loans after his gi bill ran out,and I think the weight of that is getting him very discouraged so that he is thinking of quitting before graduating.
I only hope he can finish, and I wish I could have helped him more.
And people wonder why prejudice exists. Could it be because equality does not exist? The goods sold to us that it was to make everyone equal backfired. And while I'm one it why do we have to make equality for others? Were is their responsiblity in this?
I'm not a evil person but these type things that you brought from first hand accounts can easily make people take the laws into their own hands and turn and it would be the fault of the people making policy, not even the people being allowed to have advantages over the rest of us. Although their attitudes about it, okay okay I know I've beat that one to death by now.
The bottom line is that the United States has become the International Enabler
You have a government that is oppressive or corrupt the solution
1) work from inside to change it
2) overthrow said regime by force of arms if necessary--the cost will be high but it is after all your government/country
3) flee to the United States where you can live in luxury with none of the responsibilities of citizenship
4) have the United States overthrow the government for you then complain the the United States is the oppressor
The Economic situation in your country is abysmal the solution
a) work with groups in your country to improve working conditions/start new industry
b) flee to the united states where you can work illegally and send money back home while enjoying all the benefits of citizenship with none of the responsibilities
Your 22 year old son has just quit his 6th job because The boss was "mean" do you
1) let him move home and pay for his upkeep
2) let him move home with the clear understanding that he has one month to have a job and be back on his own and stick to your guns
Your brother's gambling addiction has cost him his marriage, his family and his home do you
1) let him live with you even though several small valuables seem to disappear every time he is around
2) slip him money because he is "sick'
3) tell him you will not support his addiction he needs to go to treatment--you will always love him and be there for him but you will not give him money or otherwise enable him to continue his lifestyle
Amazing isn't it--we have learned it isn't healthy to let our loved ones use us a doormats so that they can continue is their unacceptable behaviors but at the same time we feel obligated to be the doormat for the world.
DO you think if we cut off all programs and entitlements to those within our borders who were not citizens, or seeking to become citizens that we might be able to afford to have a Medical program that gave basic medical care to all our citizens?
DO you think if we quit sending medical and food supplies overseas to people who hate us we might have enough resources to see that no citizen of the United States goes to bed hungry???
DO you think if instead of tax breaks to businesses who "outsource"to third world countries we assessed tax penalties for same and gave the breaks to the businesses who manufactured here and hired US citizens
their might not be unemployment in the United States?
WHat is so wrong about keeping the United States and it resources for citizens of the United States???
I'm afraid I won't be the one to say you are wrong! It pointed out the insanity very eloquently IMHO!
I think I might have to frame this post.
BTW I was part of a group of people that helped the needy this past holiday. This group of people have been hit hard by things spoken of on this board and have had to rely on aid to help get them back on their feet. The adults have jobs and the children have chores and they are a good group of people that twi would have called not worth our attention. Our gift to them this year was new underclothes, yup socks and underwear. You would not believe their precious hearts over these simple gifts.
Nothing is wrong with that thinking. Nothing at all.
I take care of all my responsibilities, and one of them is an "extra" savings account. When everything is paid, what's ever left over goes into this account. When I see someone who would be helped or blessed by the $ in there - I just do it.
Most of us live similar lives. Although I'm on a fixed income and I live modestly the is still a little something left over.
Wouldn't it be very cool if we operated like this as a Nation. Mo is right...there would be plenty of money to feed everybody nutritious meals, provide decent housing, not piled on top of each other and squeezed in so tightly that you can hear the rats next door. And everybody would have ample medical care.
But I know that's wishful thinking!
Beautiful Krys!
If all of us had such wishful thinking and real actions like yourself!
Getting back to special scholarship and programs for minorities:]
When I worked as a teacher, there were many many scholarships open ONLY to latino students. There were a few open to Black students ONLY...but there were none open for white students ONLY. Everybody could compete for those with no particular designation.
However if you search for special scholarships, you would be amazed to find out about the special ones for special circumstances. One mid-western school offers a full scholarship for anyone named Maureen if she wants to study nursing AND has red hair. No kidding. It is a special endowment...and if you meet those requirements, you are in for a free ride. If there are 2 or 3 who meet them, they take the one with the highest SAT scores.
Simple, for the most part, except for the last one (above) those proposals would do NOTHING for everyday Americans. BUT cutting off foreign aid WOULD exacerbate international tension/distrust of the US.
You mean they trust us now? And hold no tension towards us? Okay don't flog me dude!
BTW, THAT thinking (of which there is nothing wrong) IS Socialism. Not that there's anything wrong with that... but it IS socialism.
I don't know about templelady but I reckon I could live with being called one to some degree, cept I don't know the full meaning of the word so I best be careful on claiming it hadn't I?
I'd be VERY shocked and surprised if ANY Latino only or Black only scholarship program were funded by any US government source.
Why would you be?
AND private scholarship funds have EVERY right to direct scholarships to whomever they see fit.
Well we can all go to their houses when we have no more aids left for us I reckon.
And yup there was some p1$s and vinegar in there, but you can take it can't ya?
Kathy, YOU typed in what you claim is a QUOTE... misleading, wouldn't you say?
Why would I be shocked if government scholarships were available on a racially targeted basis? Because IT'S AGAINST THE LAW. In other words, IT DON'T HAPPEN. You can GOOGLE the "Civil Rights Act of 1966" (I think that's the correct year).
What you are seeing that you don't like is PRIVATE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS deciding to whom they will offer their funds. THEY get to decide... otherwise, we'd be observing COMMUNISM... and that wouldn't fly in America.
Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements that envisage a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to social control.[1] This control may be exercised either directly through popular collectives such as workers' councils or indirectly on behalf of the people by the state. As an economic system, socialism is characterized by state, community or worker ownership of the means of production. The primary concern of socialism is social equality and an equitable distribution of wealth that would serve the interests of society as a whole.
"Communism is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization, based upon common ownership of the means of production."
Now, I mentioned communism in an earlier post... an example of COMMUNISM (common ownership of resources) is the (at this time hypothetical, and very unlikely to ever happen) private scholarship funds targeted to minority students.
Under communism, there would be NO private ANYTHING. And thus there would be NO targeting minority students for scholarships, because there is NO class distinction. And while this might sound like a nice, romantic notion... it's COMMUNISM. It AIN'T gonna happen. And I don't think it should happen. For plenty of reasons.
Kathy, YOU typed in what you claim is a QUOTE... misleading, wouldn't you say?
Why would I be shocked if government scholarships were available on a racially targeted basis? Because IT'S AGAINST THE LAW. In other words, IT DON'T HAPPEN. You can GOOGLE the "Civil Rights Act of 1966" (I think that's the correct year).
What you are seeing that you don't like is PRIVATE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS deciding to whom they will offer their funds. THEY get to decide... otherwise, we'd be observing COMMUNISM... and that wouldn't fly in America.
What did I do wrong? Is it that I should have put my responses in a different color or note it was me not you? If so yup then I can see there could be confusion but we use to do it that way and no one ever said anything. would you do it then...I think I'm having a brain fart?
And like I said okay fine if the private scholarships funders want to give to people outside of US born citizens then fine and dandy. When there is no means for US born citizens to educate themselves in the manner that their foreign ONLY speaking neighbor can we will all go shack up with those private big daddies.
What did I do wrong? Is it that I should have put my responses in a different color or note it was me not you? If so yup then I can see there could be confusion but we use to do it that way and no one ever said anything. would you do it then...I think I'm having a brain fart?
Well, I suppose you're having something, but I'm not sure what it is. ;)
And like I said okay fine if the private scholarships funders want to give to people outside of US born citizens then fine and dandy. When there is no means for US born citizens to educate themselves in the manner that their foreign ONLY speaking neighbor can we will all go shack up with those private big daddies.
AGAIN -- there is NO such thing as government assistance programs for higher education that target NON US citizens. There ARE assistance programs FOR US citizens. In FACT -- the NEW Congress (the House anyway) just passed a bill that will lower student loan interest rates... It will likely pass the Senate, but the SHRUB has threatened a veto.
The ONLY government assistance programs targeted to NON US citizens are for LEGAL refugees, for relocation assistance.
On a state by state basis, laws and/or voter initiatives have been passed (just this year in AZ) to prohibit administering various general assistance programs (ie. food stamps, TANF, etc.) to ILLEGALS.
I just don't understand where you're getting your information.
Okay Rocky, you have more knowledge and understanding than I do apparently so you tell me how we can fix it?
And I have no interest in either of those options you provided. Socialism or Communism!
Surely there is a means to allow the people that have and will continue to be crapped on because they are white and make too much money for aid yet not enough to pay the rent and buy food both do more than get by while their veiled headed neighbors who can't speak freaking English have the works provided to them.
Yup, I'm pi$sed and it ain't at you but you just happen to be the one to get it but you can handle it also I am more than certain.
Also I don't care that I might appear jumping with emotions rather than facts. It's good to get down right mad as h3ll over these freaking situations!!!!!
Well, I suppose you're having something, but I'm not sure what it is. ;)
AGAIN -- there is NO such thing as government assistance programs for higher education that target NON US citizens. There ARE assistance programs FOR US citizens. In FACT -- the NEW Congress (the House anyway) just passed a bill that will lower student loan interest rates... It will likely pass the Senate, but the SHRUB has threatened a veto.
The ONLY government assistance programs targeted to NON US citizens are for LEGAL refugees, for relocation assistance.
On a state by state basis, laws and/or voter initiatives have been passed (just this year in AZ) to prohibit administering various general assistance programs (ie. food stamps, TANF, etc.) to ILLEGALS.
I just don't understand where you're getting your information.
Honest to pete I still can't understand the above thing I did wrong.
Okay I think I see part of my problem. I have wandered off into something not related to illegals. Gee whiz but I must be really having a brain wreck or something. :unsure:
I swear I will pay someone to make that edit option change.
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I am going to get away from here for a bit while I resume packing but will take a break and read links provided.
And nothing I say or feel is to hurt less fortunate even if it may sound that way at times. I just think giving away what we do not have is insane.
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Like it or not, you've described MOSTLY republicans. BTW, the only possible answer I can come up with for your (probably) rhetorical question is -- DENIAL -- that ominous psychological defense mechanism.
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Again, your interpretation is basically upside down. It is repugnicanism which ignores the needs and realities of Americans. It's just that the ones like rhino don't want to address needs of ANYONE... which is obviously a more stark version of repugnicanism.
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Sorry, I do not have time at the moment to respond, but I had to check-in and see how things were going.
Rhino- thanks for your response, I appreciate your candor and the tone. will gander at the links you provided.
Kathy and Rocky, good replies as to the topic. you guys have been wonderful too
Rocky- I understand your last two posts, but would caution against the thread turning into a partisan pis$ing match. I suspect that what got you going was her use of the descriptor "tree-hugging", and I can see how you saw that as convoluted however. Just a caution, okay?
~HAP (a tree-hugging registered republican who quite often votes dem)
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That is why I have no party association. :)
Now Rocky dear we can't be doing that or they'll send us to 'tacks. :)
Oops, I hadn't read this post before I posted.
And I will be careful myself. Oops. :)
Oh that is how I can use that word...
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Entirely reasonable... In Arizona, that party ("none of the above") is the fastest growing party on voter registration roles.
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Kit Sober
I would weigh in on the side of "the bigger the government the more the problems."
When I was in college (I graduated from California State school, UC Berkeley, in 1972).
Registration was $49 a quarter. Period. Legislation was being introduced to raise tuition. Now it's up to over $175 per unit per quarter. And books and supplies will kill you now!
When the legislation was being introduced, I felt so sorry for the middle class white kids who would be coming around because the justification was that there would be scholarships, grants and low-interest loans for the kids who needed it, and I knew the kids like myself, lower middle class, [hard] working class white would not have the high finances to go to school.
The State university system was developed after the war to ensure America could compete academically and maintain an intellectual competence.
What a travesty it has become!!!
Of the staff I work with, all much younger white middle class working men.
1. 1 mid-40's guy got his degree taking night classes and online. It was very expensive.
2. One guy had his wife support him while he got his degree.
3. Two guys had parents and grandparents who helped pay their way.
Our admin assistant is (black) is in school by grants and scholarships and she does a lot of her school work on company time. She is a dear, and I am happy for her, but just wish education was more equally available.
My son went into the Marine Corps to be able to qualify for the GI bill to go to school. He stretched his GI bill out by working and only using part of it, but he has been borrowing student loans after his gi bill ran out,and I think the weight of that is getting him very discouraged so that he is thinking of quitting before graduating.
I only hope he can finish, and I wish I could have helped him more.
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Very good food for thought Kit. Excellent input.
(away again should I not reply if spoken to)
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The bottom line is that the United States has become the International Enabler
You have a government that is oppressive or corrupt the solution
1) work from inside to change it
2) overthrow said regime by force of arms if necessary--the cost will be high but it is after all your government/country
3) flee to the United States where you can live in luxury with none of the responsibilities of citizenship
4) have the United States overthrow the government for you then complain the the United States is the oppressor
The Economic situation in your country is abysmal the solution
a) work with groups in your country to improve working conditions/start new industry
b) flee to the united states where you can work illegally and send money back home while enjoying all the benefits of citizenship with none of the responsibilities
Your 22 year old son has just quit his 6th job because The boss was "mean" do you
1) let him move home and pay for his upkeep
2) let him move home with the clear understanding that he has one month to have a job and be back on his own and stick to your guns
Your brother's gambling addiction has cost him his marriage, his family and his home do you
1) let him live with you even though several small valuables seem to disappear every time he is around
2) slip him money because he is "sick'
3) tell him you will not support his addiction he needs to go to treatment--you will always love him and be there for him but you will not give him money or otherwise enable him to continue his lifestyle
Amazing isn't it--we have learned it isn't healthy to let our loved ones use us a doormats so that they can continue is their unacceptable behaviors but at the same time we feel obligated to be the doormat for the world.
DO you think if we cut off all programs and entitlements to those within our borders who were not citizens, or seeking to become citizens that we might be able to afford to have a Medical program that gave basic medical care to all our citizens?
DO you think if we quit sending medical and food supplies overseas to people who hate us we might have enough resources to see that no citizen of the United States goes to bed hungry???
DO you think if instead of tax breaks to businesses who "outsource"to third world countries we assessed tax penalties for same and gave the breaks to the businesses who manufactured here and hired US citizens
their might not be unemployment in the United States?
WHat is so wrong about keeping the United States and it resources for citizens of the United States???
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Nothing is wrong with that thinking. Nothing at all.
I take care of all my responsibilities, and one of them is an "extra" savings account. When everything is paid, what's ever left over goes into this account. When I see someone who would be helped or blessed by the $ in there - I just do it.
Most of us live similar lives. Although I'm on a fixed income and I live modestly the is still a little something left over.
Wouldn't it be very cool if we operated like this as a Nation. Mo is right...there would be plenty of money to feed everybody nutritious meals, provide decent housing, not piled on top of each other and squeezed in so tightly that you can hear the rats next door. And everybody would have ample medical care.
But I know that's wishful thinking!
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Kit Sober
you would have to cut out gambling to make it work.
An incredible amount of$ is poured into those place. No one is helped, unless you c onsider the jobs provided by casino developers and other workers.
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Getting back to special scholarship and programs for minorities:]
When I worked as a teacher, there were many many scholarships open ONLY to latino students. There were a few open to Black students ONLY...but there were none open for white students ONLY. Everybody could compete for those with no particular designation.
However if you search for special scholarships, you would be amazed to find out about the special ones for special circumstances. One mid-western school offers a full scholarship for anyone named Maureen if she wants to study nursing AND has red hair. No kidding. It is a special endowment...and if you meet those requirements, you are in for a free ride. If there are 2 or 3 who meet them, they take the one with the highest SAT scores.
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Oh my but what great stuff that has been added but I'm in need of kicking back for awhile so it will be a bit before I read it again and add to it. I just love that there is such quality posts on this thread. And I reckon I needed to say it again.
See y'all later.
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I believe there is NOT a correlation between "illegals" and the high cost of health care coverage for Americans. Period.
Again, emphatically NO... I do NOT think cutting off foreign aid would do ANYTHING to ensure all Americans would have adequate resources.
THIS is a GREAT idea. Getting it done, however, is another story altogether.
Simple, for the most part, except for the last one (above) those proposals would do NOTHING for everyday Americans. BUT cutting off foreign aid WOULD exacerbate international tension/distrust of the US.
BTW, THAT thinking (of which there is nothing wrong) IS Socialism. Not that there's anything wrong with that... but it IS socialism.
To determine whether there is a problem with ANY such special scholarship program, you would have to know -- WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM?
I'd be VERY shocked and surprised if ANY Latino only or Black only scholarship program were funded by any US government source.
AND private scholarship funds have EVERY right to direct scholarships to whomever they see fit.
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I was told I needed to include an option in my voice mail that accommodated other speaking languages and I refused. I said fire me if you want but if you cannot speak English while calling an American company for assistance with something then you need to get an interrupter and have them call me but I will not allow my voice mail to have an option that if you speak English press 1 and if you speak yada yada press 2.
I wasn't fired. And there are no options but English!
Okay I had to get that off my chest. Now I will read some more and come back.
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And people wonder why prejudice exists. Could it be because equality does not exist? The goods sold to us that it was to make everyone equal backfired. And while I'm one it why do we have to make equality for others? Were is their responsiblity in this?
I'm not a evil person but these type things that you brought from first hand accounts can easily make people take the laws into their own hands and turn
and it would be the fault of the people making policy, not even the people being allowed to have advantages over the rest of us. Although their attitudes about it, okay okay I know I've beat that one to death by now.
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I'm afraid I won't be the one to say you are wrong! It pointed out the insanity very eloquently IMHO!
I think I might have to frame this post.
BTW I was part of a group of people that helped the needy this past holiday. This group of people have been hit hard by things spoken of on this board and have had to rely on aid to help get them back on their feet. The adults have jobs and the children have chores and they are a good group of people that twi would have called not worth our attention. Our gift to them this year was new underclothes, yup socks and underwear. You would not believe their precious hearts over these simple gifts.
Beautiful Krys!
If all of us had such wishful thinking and real actions like yourself!
in 30 seconds on that one. 
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Kathy, YOU typed in what you claim is a QUOTE... misleading, wouldn't you say?
Why would I be shocked if government scholarships were available on a racially targeted basis? Because IT'S AGAINST THE LAW. In other words, IT DON'T HAPPEN. You can GOOGLE the "Civil Rights Act of 1966" (I think that's the correct year).
What you are seeing that you don't like is PRIVATE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS deciding to whom they will offer their funds. THEY get to decide... otherwise, we'd be observing COMMUNISM... and that wouldn't fly in America.
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I found this:
when I googled "civil rights"+"higher education"
There IS a civil rights act of 1966, but this one has specific reference to:
" authorize the Attorney General to institute suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public education..."
..."to prevent discrimination in federally assisted programs..."
You guys are barking up the wrong tree when you blame illegal immigrants and (citizen) minorites for most of the things you have cited.
This link is to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Socialism refers to a broad array of doctrines or political movements that envisage a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to social control.[1] This control may be exercised either directly through popular collectives such as workers' councils or indirectly on behalf of the people by the state. As an economic system, socialism is characterized by state, community or worker ownership of the means of production. The primary concern of socialism is social equality and an equitable distribution of wealth that would serve the interests of society as a whole.
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Needless to say, COMMUNISM is even more radical than socialism.
"Communism is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization, based upon common ownership of the means of production."
Now, I mentioned communism in an earlier post... an example of COMMUNISM (common ownership of resources) is the (at this time hypothetical, and very unlikely to ever happen) private scholarship funds targeted to minority students.
Under communism, there would be NO private ANYTHING. And thus there would be NO targeting minority students for scholarships, because there is NO class distinction. And while this might sound like a nice, romantic notion... it's COMMUNISM. It AIN'T gonna happen. And I don't think it should happen. For plenty of reasons.
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What did I do wrong? Is it that I should have put my responses in a different color or note it was me not you? If so yup then I can see there could be confusion but we use to do it that way and no one ever said anything. would you do it then...I think I'm having a brain fart?
And like I said okay fine if the private scholarships funders want to give to people outside of US born citizens then fine and dandy. When there is no means for US born citizens to educate themselves in the manner that their foreign ONLY speaking neighbor can we will all go shack up with those private big daddies.
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Well, I suppose you're having something, but I'm not sure what it is. ;)
AGAIN -- there is NO such thing as government assistance programs for higher education that target NON US citizens. There ARE assistance programs FOR US citizens. In FACT -- the NEW Congress (the House anyway) just passed a bill that will lower student loan interest rates... It will likely pass the Senate, but the SHRUB has threatened a veto.
The ONLY government assistance programs targeted to NON US citizens are for LEGAL refugees, for relocation assistance.
On a state by state basis, laws and/or voter initiatives have been passed (just this year in AZ) to prohibit administering various general assistance programs (ie. food stamps, TANF, etc.) to ILLEGALS.
I just don't understand where you're getting your information.
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Okay Rocky, you have more knowledge and understanding than I do apparently so you tell me how we can fix it?
And I have no interest in either of those options you provided. Socialism or Communism!
Surely there is a means to allow the people that have and will continue to be crapped on because they are white and make too much money for aid yet not enough to pay the rent and buy food both do more than get by while their veiled headed neighbors who can't speak freaking English have the works provided to them.
Yup, I'm pi$sed and it ain't at you but you just happen to be the one to get it but you can handle it also I am more than certain.
Also I don't care that I might appear jumping with emotions rather than facts. It's good to get down right mad as h3ll over these freaking situations!!!!!
Honest to pete I still can't understand the above thing I did wrong.
Okay I think I see part of my problem. I have wandered off into something not related to illegals. Gee whiz but I must be really having a brain wreck or something. :unsure:
I swear I will pay someone to make that edit option change.
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