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Are You Doing Much?


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Real churches honor real accomplishment - people that stay married if they get married, conduct their business honestly, have fruitful relationships, raise successful families and make honest contributions to help others.

It's no surprise to me that all the strident self-pumped so-called "Ministers" have trouble doing simple things like that when they're more concerned about solving everyone else's problems instead of their own.

Thank you socks for writing what I was thinking (except my thoughts wouldn't have translated to the keyboard so beautifully...mine would have come out something like "me did good...uptown wrong").

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Well, re-reading Updown's posts again, on face value, it's faceitious and arrogant to poke someone and say "how's about doing some time for God?"

If someone walked up to me on the street and asked me what was I doing with my time for God, my answer would be "staying away from you".

No joke, socks!



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Is minding other people life, and their own business "doing something"?

WHY is it with these folks it is always always always about what the other guy/girl is doing or not doing?

I think a life focused on being the best you can be is kinder and more and loving and more peaceful and dare I say more Godly than living a life full of controversy and strife and trouble and slander and busy bodyness, is just better.

It seems some forget they get PAID real cash and real nice lifestyle , all their kids go to college, they hardly ever worry about what their boss may be critical about or lose their job! (well till now) they work and travel when they chose they go to school, the motive is never clear other than saving the other guy from hell and damation, while collecting the real time reward now.

to me it seems unormal and a little twisted to have them live in that world "doing" and me here living like the rest of america and being accussed of not enough.

fact is they truly believe God loves them more than everyday folks, today and in the future they are just better people that God honors more does more for, and LOVES more.

it is a lie. ALL Sin, and God loves us ALL. hello grace (not just YOU screwed up) grace is unconditional if you attneded the last meeting or wrote a new book.

the spin is yes BUT we did this and that so we understand it to be that we will get more from that same God.


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thanks for this thread, Belle.

uptown's attitude is one of the things I'm so thankful to get away from in twi. while people like that hold each other up as examples of what everyone should be like, those of us who are caring for parents or children, who don't make enough money or are trying to better our financial situation so we can take care of our own and have resources to genuinely bless others (and I'm not talking about having a stupid bible "fellowship" in my house) are made to feel bad because we aren't sacrificing our children or parents or career or education to do such a research project??? whatEVERdude.

here's my verse for today:

2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

I remember a not-so-funny story... some of the husbands got the bright idea that they should be able to "work" the "word" like vpw, and since mrs. vpw worked as a nurse while he did that, they should be able to expect their wives to do the same for them so they could be "great men of God", and the little women could raise the kids, too.

according to uptown, I guess those couples should have been commended for it, but really all that happened was a bunch of lazy men had fun and wore their poor wives out.

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We did all sorts of "stuff" during our tenure in "The Way".

Much of it didn't really amount to a hill of beans.

God told us to love one another. If the "stuff" we are doing doesn't have that at its core, we are really just fooling ourselves with delusions of self importance.

ps---It's much more than just SAYING it.( though it certainly doesn't hurt to say so now and then)

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Thanks so much, y'all!! (((((Greasespots))))

Just when I think I'm doing a really good job of getting over my way-brained TWIt thinking....

I read something like this and my mind automatically jumps to all the "more" (according to TWIt standards) I know I could be doing.... but all of that at the expense of the really good things that I'm already doing and enjoying doing. Things that, by TWIt standards are a waste of time and/or money. You know, things like, really helping people...

It's amazing how some comments can dredge up that filthy silt at the bottom of the barrel.

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Am I doing much? I'd say I did my share today - I shoveled my entire driveway of 6 inches of snow!

Here's the best shot I could find of the driveway - it's got a 5-ton pile of sand over on the little extra pad of concrete on the right - no, I didn't shovel that piece, but I've got blisters on my fingers and right hand, so I'd say I've done enough today and it really IS my call 'cause I'm the momma around here.


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Do you remember how busy we were doing the work of the ministry? Fellowship nights, witnessing nights(different from fellowship nights) listening to the mandatory tape of the week, memorizing the special retemories of the week, getting up early to do your 30 min thing, preparing the exactly ten minute long teaching--oops, I mean sharings--based on the tape or the book or the class segment du joir. Then there were those Adv class grad study weekends, branch meeting which ended up taking awhole day--set up, meeting, clean up...and those mag articles to 'study.'

Oh, and those 'fun' fellowships, always geared for adults. The little kids could color...for two hours. Yup, that is meeting the needs of a three year old. They need to listen remember and obey, by golly. And God help you if the three year old acted up!


I would much MUCH rather live like everybody else, take care of my family etc!

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Really and truly, this probably got so many responses because we forget that God doesn't ask us to be super-Bible Geeks.

If you look in the Bible and really read it - lot of folks were "one hit wonders." They did that one thing for God that made enough of a difference to make it into the Bible and then were on their way living their lives. It's great to be a "repeat offender" (LOL) when it comes to making a difference but I don't see that God requires it. I'm just concentrating on doing the NEXT RIGHT THING.

Besides, who's to say that the person that does a major research work, and teaches it, has done more than the person that makes their home safe and lives peaceably with his or her neighbor?

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i know it can be dangerous work, when one claims to speak for God He does listen.

In revelation it says if anyone changes the words of the lord they will be punished. I think it does say we can honor many different roles in life as worthy of Gods calling to us to worship HIM only.

I pray I can be good use in this world, in the mean time I do what I must and keep praying.

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What makes this a great thread is not the original question but the answers that followed...

Super conqueror?...Some days I feel that I have my hands full just putting on my pants in the morning and making it to work. To me, the most important thing that I do in my life is to love other people...to honestly care about them and to be a good friend. Do I believe in God?...You bet I do. I believe that He lives within me and that there's times when he "steps aside" and winces at the things I say, do and think...other times, I am hopeful that he smiles and says "nice try Groucho"...

In no way do I think that I have any right to tell other people how to live their lives...that would make me a hypocrite because of my many shortcomings and my failures...and besides, that's THEIR call, not mine.

There are times that I feel that with all the hatred, violence, and devilishness in this world, it's somewhat of an accomplishment not to contribute to THAT...I would like to think that there are times that I make a difference in other people's lives...whether it's making them laugh, showing them that I care or maybe just giving them $20 when they're broke.

My inclination is to think that God is an individual God and not so much a corporate God...it's the little things that nobody ever hears about that are important. I'm aware of my "sphere of influence" in this world...it's not very big, but it is mine...and I honestly try to extend my heart to others because I am aware that someday my life will be over on this earth.

I feel priviledged to be a part of the GreaseSpot community, with so many of you wonderful people. Every day that I wake up, I am thankful because tomorrow is not promised to anyone...I suppose the following lyrics sum it up for me:

If this earthly tabernacle were to be dissolved today

I'd trade it for a better one that would not fade away

but until that day arises and it's time for moving out

it's such sweet peace to know the Lord still lives in this old house

The sweetest fellowship I've known has fortified these walls

and peace has reigned since He's been walking up and down these halls

there's snow upon the rooftop now and these hinges are near wore out

it's such sweet peace to know the Lord still lives in this old house

To Him it's been a dwelling place, where He's held my hand in His

To me it's home away from home and that's all that it really is

Well it sure ain't fine or fancy but it's all I can boast about

that after all these years the Lord still lives in this old house.


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there was only one time in my life i ever felt i got a clear answer when i asked God a question. it was years after i left twi, and i was wrestling with the idea that i should be "doing more." i was driving home one night, thinking about it, and asked God outright: "What should i be doing?" the answer was immediate. i don't really know if it came as words or a feeling or impression or what, yet it was clear as can be: YOU'RE DOING IT.

it was good enough for me.

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Lots of good points on this thread.

IMO, when someone comes at me with an accusatory tone or comparing MY LIFE with other believers (and much less, with "church leaders")......they've already exposed their lack of understanding of the scriptures and, consequently, walking contrary to God's doctrine and good pleasure.

Read I Corinthians 12:12-31.....this whole section HIGHLIGHTS what God orchestrated and what pleases Him. Point by point, God sets the record straight: every believer is unique and a member (equally measured in importance) and needful in the Body of Christ.

To those who accuse and tempt to manipulate..............READ THE SCRIPTURES.


Edited by skyrider
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