Probably not GW checking us out- only 1 in politcs and tacks..
I can't imagine the Bush administration would have any interest in our politics forum... besides, that forum is NOT open to guests (one has to log in to get access)... besides, from their perspective, our petty bickering would probably seem quite mundane.
Who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we this way and not some other? What does it mean to be human? Are we capable, if need be, of fudamental change, or do the dead hands of forgotten ancestors impel us in some direction, indescriminately for good or ill, and beyond our controll? Can we alter our character? Can we improve our societies? Can we leave our children a world better than the one that was left to us? Can we free them from the demons that torment us and haunt our civilization? In the long run, are we wise enough to know what changes to make? Can we be trusted with our own future?
again... yes, there HAS been user activity in the politics forum, but since everyone must be logged in, as soon as anyone in there goes to any other forum (or the main index page), they are considered no longer in that forum...
The person I mentioned is in the military and has an office in the pentagon. The person was brought up in TWI and is a PFL grad. He/she has been around here for years and use to post often.
I only mentioned it because you never know these days who may decide what is important to look into for whatever reason. Homeland security you know.
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Maybe it's a screen error.
Before we crossed 200 users, we'd almost certainly crash the server.
If not, page downloads would slow to a crawl.
I'm seeing 37 users right now.
And NOW I'm seeing 317, but the numbers of guests, anonymous users and users totals 37.
MUST be a screen error.
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We're all waiting to see what your next profound statement will be.
That, or the special on strawberry filled donuts today.
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I started seeing this last night... and was wondering about it myself.
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Popular place, no?
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Now we're showing 28.
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301.. sounds about right for the number of students in a psychology class at one of the big three or something..
the eyes of strange, eerie things may be upon us..
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I know for a FACT that someone in the "PENTAGON" in Washington lurkes here. Maybe GWB and his band are tuned in to the political forum.
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We're all waiting to see what your next profound statement will be.
Edited by OnionEaterLink to comment
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Come on, OE - give us something profound to ponder all day.
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adjective 1. penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having deep insight or understanding: a profound thinker.
2. originating in or penetrating to the depths of one's being; profound grief.
3. being or going far beneath what is superficial, external, or obvious: profound insight.
4. of deep meaning; of great and broadly inclusive significance: a profound book.
5. pervasive or intense; thorough; complete: a profound silence.
6. extending, situated, or originating far down, or far beneath the surface: the profound depths of the ocean.
7. low: a profound bow.
8. deep.
–noun Literary. 9. something that is profound.
10. the deep sea; ocean.
11. depth; abyss.
[Origin: 1275–1325; ME < AF < L profundus deep, vast, equiv. to pro- pro-1 + fundus bottom (see found2)]
—Related forms
pro·found·ly, adverb
pro·found·ness, noun
—Synonyms 1. deep, sagacious.
—Antonyms 1. shallow, superficial.
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234 users in the last ten minutes..
I still think it's somebody's psych class researching cult behavior
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Deep subject.
They've got their pick of dysfunction to observe today, don't they?
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53 on CES
56 on Open
37 on about the vey
2 on prayer forum
2 on just plain silly.
Probably not GW checking us out- only 1 in politcs and tacks..
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Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee....for we be brethren.
Genesis 13:8
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I can't imagine the Bush administration would have any interest in our politics forum... besides, that forum is NOT open to guests (one has to log in to get access)... besides, from their perspective, our petty bickering would probably seem quite mundane.
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Who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we this way and not some other? What does it mean to be human? Are we capable, if need be, of fudamental change, or do the dead hands of forgotten ancestors impel us in some direction, indescriminately for good or ill, and beyond our controll? Can we alter our character? Can we improve our societies? Can we leave our children a world better than the one that was left to us? Can we free them from the demons that torment us and haunt our civilization? In the long run, are we wise enough to know what changes to make? Can we be trusted with our own future?
Carl Sagan
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
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Douglas Adams
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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Now at 205 active last 35 minutes.. and 177 are guests..
only 19 members plus several anonomous wascals..
51 in about the vey, 47 are guests..
49 in open.. 40 guests..
33 in CES forum.. 26 are guests..
not one in tacks.
that leaves about 60 of "whoever" milling about the lobby or something..
maybe they just need directions.
".. ah, the bathroom.. take the long hall, look for the second door on the left.."
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again... yes, there HAS been user activity in the politics forum, but since everyone must be logged in, as soon as anyone in there goes to any other forum (or the main index page), they are considered no longer in that forum...
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quote: I know for a FACT that someone in the "PENTAGON" in Washington lurkes here.
Do you mean "lurks here" as part of his/her job? or just someone you know whose interest is piqued?
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I'm also interested in what you mean exactly. :)
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The person I mentioned is in the military and has an office in the pentagon. The person was brought up in TWI and is a PFL grad. He/she has been around here for years and use to post often.
I only mentioned it because you never know these days who may decide what is important to look into for whatever reason. Homeland security you know.
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I can see that. I know there are quite a few characters here at the counter I'd consider threats to national security. :ph34r:
Thank you for explaining what you meant. :)
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and it doesn't stop...
284 active in the last 35 minutes, only 23 members and 12 anonymous(you know who you are
23 in open..
36 in CES
24 in about der vey
NOBODY in tacks or decaf..
where are the rest of them? Milling about, trying to get an interview with the dishwasher?
Paw, did you put a "now hiring" sign outside?

Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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