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I am a simple, humble prophet. A prophet never lies, and I am a prophet. This is thus the truth. Through me, His Holy Highness and Majesty sayeth (as it were, in a dream, and yea verily I dreameth it) you (though I much love you and wish you to come back to the goodly truth) are vessels of evil. For it is not what proceedeth into his mouth that maketh a man bad, but what proceedeth out of the nose. For instance, spiders. Some people have a hard time with this. They are not spiritual.

Take heed, ye vessels of evil. Take heed, fellowshippers with darkness who defend yon vessels of evil. Repent of your wickedness, and we shall all get along just fine, as if nothing ever happened, but a little sin on your part.

To summarize:

Do not reject the Lord Almighty or his prophet (myself) shall weigh you in His balances and find you wanting.

Do not reject the Lord Almighty's prophet either, or persecute me, or demote me, or make fun of me, or you shall hear from my lawyer.

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Ductape, in my latest dream I saw many scorpions, some black, some red, carrying the ensign of the Adversary, 666, and they were crawling out of your butt. Angry golden wasps of fire, trailing green flames and blazing, crimson sparks, and a terrible buzzing, like a decaying carcass covered in flies on a hot summer's day, coming out of your mouth and ears. The noise was awful, but I took a Tylenol before bedtime.

Yea, verily, though you are my friend of many years, and you try to be a good persion, I must but speak the truth, in which the prophetic dream (copyright 2007, all rights reserved) reveals and manifests that truth, that EVERY bad thing that happeneth to you (that you made the mistake of talking about), or to those around you, especially believers, is because you have truck with the EVIL one. Yea, you are infested with demons. Big ones, little ones, fat ones, skinny ones... I could go on. Take no offense at my revelation. It wouldn't be spiritual. Remember Who it's from.

I can help you. Yea, I am commanded to do so, but only if you but fulfill your end of this little bargain. Just confess before the elders that my dream is so, and we're off to a great start. Verily, should you fail to confess, on the advice of my holy shyster, I must sue you for casting a shadow upon my good name and impeccable reputation. I have "street cred" to protect. Amen. I may sue you anyway, because the shyster and I could use the cash, and it might scare the other sheep into submission. Who needs these headaches? As soon as you confess, we can begin your rehabilitation.

This holy chastening in no way means I do not love you as a brother. To suggest otherwise only DEFAMES the purity of my heart, and that impacts the bottom line in this business - say so at your peril. Yea verily, I only serve Him. In that holy purpose, all else is considered collateral damage, unfortunate but unavoidable, the cost of doing business. Amen.

Edited by satori001
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We need some kind of tag team competition. Satori, Groucho and Belle on the GSC team, JAL, KG and MG on the spiders and dragons team, Rosie, her b(tch and Platig for The Waste International team...kinda have a Mexican standoff. I'm guessing the sheer audacity of the satire that the GSC team uses will shred the personal profits, er, prophecies of the other two teams. Losing team has to put spiders in their noses.

Edited by RumRunner
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  RumRunner said:
We need some kind of tag team competition. Satori, Groucho and Belle on the GSC team, JAL, KG and MG on the spiders and dragons team, Rosie, her b(tch and Platig for The Waste International team...kinda have a Mexican standoff. I'm guessing the sheer audacity of the satire that the GSC team uses will shred the personal profits, er, prophecies of the other two teams. Losing team has to put spiders in their noses.

If those at Wayworld or CES were capable of honesty, and willing to communicate, these caricaturizations would serve no purpose. They are so full of themselves and their self-importance there is no room left to consider any other position. They may as well be dead for all the consideration they could muster.

These threads are for those who know them, or maybe follow them, and just haven't stepped back and rubbed their eyes yet, so to speak. Their kids. Their friends. Their associates. Their "followers." -- For anyone who has failed, due to proximity, or circumstances, or "relationships," to put unethical and abusive behaviors in a more rational (real world) context. Sure, there's nothing "real world" about the imagery, in the same way there is nothing necessarily "real world" about a parable. Like the finger that points to the moon, the (effective) metaphor points to the real world. The hyperbole is just to catch their attention, and to have a little fun, too.

The "badges of authority" worn by the dysfunctional frauds that lead those organizations often blind those closest to them. No stranger, friend or neighbor would behave this way and evade the light of sound judgement, but a "man of God" gets a free pass because we have agreed to attribute his/her motives to spirituality (to God, actually).

"Godly anger." Remember that one, old-timers? That was Way lingo for Vic Wierwille's temper tantrums. Eventually, every Corps snot with a bad attitude learned to call it godly anger too. Who were we to judge? They wore that badge of authority, conferred NOT by God, but by a multitude of suckers who didn't realize where the power really came from.

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As long as one understands the "economics of spiritual truth telling", it becomes clear that we are endangering their paychecks...and of course, this brings me great glee. I would welcome the opprotunity to engage these fools in a "tag team competition"...but of course, they would never agree to meet any of us on these sacred forums...that would require them to debate with humans outside of their fantasy land of name tags and bullsh *t...and of course, they do not debate...they pontificate.

John Lennon warned us about the "instant karma", Jerry Garcia sang of a "ship of fools" and Jesus spoke of the "whited sepulchers"...the bottom line is that we have been liberated from these soothsayers and charlatans, therefore we speak to those who have ears to hear. Unfortunately, many have their ears filled with scorpions (or was that their butt?)...

in other words, they get no "free pass" when they enter the dining room of the GS Cafe...They would be like the guy who sticks his head through the hole in the wall at the carnival...and we would ALL be throwing tomatoes....In the real world they just don't pass the smell test.

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  satori001 said:
The "badges of authority" worn by the dysfunctional frauds that lead those organizations often blind those closest to them. No stranger, friend or neighbor would behave this way and evade the light of sound judgement, but a "man of God" gets a free pass because we have agreed to attribute his/her motives to spirituality (to God, actually).

"Godly anger." Remember that one, old-timers? That was Way lingo for Vic Wierwille's temper tantrums. Eventually, every Corps snot with a bad attitude learned to call it godly anger too. Who were we to judge? They wore that badge of authority, conferred NOT by God, but by a multitude of suckers who didn't realize where the power really came from.

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In America we are allowed to speak an opinion!

defamation is only the facts involved in a situation.

if you have dark hair and i say I think it looks like it is yellow or white it is my opinion, even if you disagree and I have a right to say it.

If i think your interperation of a dream is crazy it is my opinion and not defamation.

If I say Most of the world thinks your interperation of a dream is crazy it is my opinion and again legal.

If I say 60% of the population thinks the dream is crazy I better be heading to court to prove the fact I just claimed as truth .

STF is a business and im certain they have a business contract and employee handbook and any dispute would be handled in the labor laws of that state.

as far as OPINION crap Mark I say everyone has one and that is why we are America!

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I wanna be your bus driver. I am well qualified. While everyone else is sitting around possessed and unable to function I will spend hours cleaning the bus and waxing. While everyone else is in a fog doing nothing I will buy groceries and stock the fridge with Drambuie, etc. While everyone else is screwing everything up I, me, the great I, will go out and procur the women for your bus and make sure they are ready and willing. I will do your laundry, paint the house, print and ship the books and tapes and count the money. Cook the food wash the dishes fold the laundry. In other words while every other spiritual loser is sitting around losing I will work 72 hours a day making sure the spiritual tenor of your life is perfect oh great MOG. I just wanna own the copyrights to your works.

Please keep believing to live oh great Satori!!


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  richnchrispy said:

I wanna be your bus driver. I am well qualified. While everyone else is sitting around possessed and unable to function I will spend hours cleaning the bus and waxing. While everyone else is in a fog doing nothing I will buy groceries and stock the fridge with Drambuie, etc. While everyone else is screwing everything up I, me, the great I, will go out and procur the women for your bus and make sure they are ready and willing. I will do your laundry, paint the house, print and ship the books and tapes and count the money. Cook the food wash the dishes fold the laundry. In other words while every other spiritual loser is sitting around losing I will work 72 hours a day making sure the spiritual tenor of your life is perfect oh great MOG. I just wanna own the copyrights to your works.

Please keep believing to live oh great Satori!!


You are hired on the condition that, after I ascend to the Great Beyond, you go on to become a rogue cult leader, in my own fine tradition.

Edited by satori001
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  satori001 said:
Ductape, in my latest dream I saw many scorpions, some black, some red, carrying the ensign of the Adversary, 666, and they were crawling out of your butt. Angry golden wasps of fire, trailing green flames and blazing, crimson sparks, and a terrible buzzing, like a decaying carcass covered in flies on a hot summer's day, coming out of your mouth and ears. The noise was awful, but I took a Tylenol before bedtime...

Dear Prophet Satori001 - since the bus driver position is already taken [hmmmm…let me think about that image for a minute…eeehhhhww] perhaps I could work on your research staff I’m a big fan of scorpions and would do anything to work with a prophet-type-person that dreams about them.


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