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Dog Park Website


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Well we have finally launched our website , at least most of it anyway still a work in progress. It has been a fun experience working with the webmaster. The forum may turn out to be interesting hopefully it will not require a lot of moderating. None of our dogs were involved in a cult so that should be helpful. Anyway that's what I have been up to in real life......

Here It Is

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  WhiteDove said:
None of our dogs were involved in a cult so that should be helpful.

You are under a serious delusion, WD, if you think your dogs were never in a cult. In fact, they are cult leaders unto themselves. We feed them, we take care of almost every need (some do by having their dogs brought out to stud).

And what do we get in return? I don't know about you, but I get the pleasure of cleaning up after them, since their lack of thumbs seems to be a problem with them operating the pooper scooper (or any other method of excrement extraction from the carpet, for that matter). And, just remember, God spelled backwards is DOG. :biglaugh::confused:

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How do you handle it when one of the dogs wants to always start a fight with other dogs? Or if a dog in heat inadvertantly shows up? Who takes responsibility? I ask this because our town has just designated one of our parks as a free roam zone.

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WW, I usually remember the dog's name before the human's. LOL!

We're on our honor here, Sudo. There usually gets to be quite a 'regular' crowd and they're pretty good at policing folks. I've heard people asked to leave with their aggressive dogs from our park. People who don't pick up after their dogs have been ridiculed into leaving.

Serious dog owners know how hard it is to get to have a place like that generally won't let a few folks ruin it for everyone else. At least that's the way it's worked down here. It's also why I don't take Vixen into the small dog part of the parks.... she's a pug hater for some unknown reason. We just stay away from the pugs.... far away from the pugs.

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Belle pretty much covered it ,but the first rule of the park is enter at your own risk. As far as dogs in heat it shows up pretty quick and as Belle said the people there are good about self policing the park, dogs in heat are not allowed in the park. Some parks have had the park rules made into city ordinances which gives them another layer of enforcability if needed as they are then fineable offences. We may look into that in the future. Dogs are going to fight at times it's bound to happen, when it does we ask both parties to leash their dogs for a time out. That's no fun for them watching their friends play most get the message quickly. If they don't they must leave until another day. We have two fenced areas one for small dogs and one for large. We have been pretty fortunate in that we have not had to many serious problems and we work closely with our animal control officers so they respond to calls quickly if we do. We also may add a small time out area in the future if it gets to be problem.

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If you could get it to not only find the pile but also clean it up.... THAT would be da bomb!

Vixen LOVES to play in the water, WD. Is the pool the kind that slopes down to get in or does it have steps? How'd you like to clean THAT filter?

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