We don't live on rules…we live on acceptance from grace…and that's what we look for most in a friend…a wife or husband and a parent…that's what keeps us going…what encourages us…inspires us…
You're a great interviewer, Paw! It's full of great wisdom, observations and advice. I hope all the CES and other offshoot folks listen to this if they don't listen to anything else. Very sage advice for all of us.
I listened to John Juedes' evaluation of CES because I have recently been in council with two of the CES leaders. I can confidently say that John Juedes' evaluation and insights regarding CES and personal prophecy are right on target and correct. In fact, his statement towards the end of the episode hits the bullseye of the crux of the problem with CES.
Juedes' insight into the offshoots setting themselves up very much like TWI is almost accurate. Even when an offshoot, for example, does not have a "foundational class", it has foundational tapes. Actually, I don't mind too much if CES or CFF has much of the same old format as TWI so long as they don't do a MOG worship thing or alienate its followers and actually tries looking at VPW's teachings all over again. There are still a lot of his teachings still taken for granted.
Of course, even if one started his or her own church apart from TWI and even pushed the trinity again, there would be disagreement from one church to the next.
Maybe someday we can focus on our agreements rather than disagreements.
It was a great interview. I listened to Part I and II. They were very enjoyable and look forward to going back and listen to the rest and listen to upcoming broadcasts.
Wow, are we not all apart of the body of Christ? Do we not all know that it is the advisory's goal to
steal kill and destroy. To take the church of Christ and make it a joke or of little value to Gods people.
Why can't the Christian community uplift, exhort, comfort and for goodness sake pray for one another's
Ministry's. Why is it a default to ridicule, judge and point the fingers at something that unless you are
personally involved in you really know not enough about to pass any judgment (as if it were even in your power or right to judge). CES/STF is endeavoring to do God's will and minister to people and if the
presences of conflict or internal problems is supposed to indicate Godliness or heart then I think we
better look at the book again. How about David? or better yet look at the twelve, "who's the greatest
among us. Is that maybe what is going on here? Who's the greatest ministry out there and lets bash
the rest? Get a grip. Maybe the Lord is pruning the branches of this ministry or maybe it is as evil as
some say but nonetheless Christ is preached. Amen............
We have a transcript of Part 1 and should have part 2 in the near future. We are trying to figure out the best way to set it up. So to answer your question, there will be soon.
Thank you for presenting info on TWI and CES. I have read only two or three of John's papers in the past and would not normally seek him out on these issues. But finding him here at the grease spot site made him "more accessible" and me more comfortable. I actually felt like he was talking to me ( and not at me ). He hit the mark several times over noting the grief, lack of trust, and emptiness leftover from years trying to "live the Word" 24/7 within such a legalistic and unforgiving environment. It's taking me years to wash these toxins out of my lifestyle.
I applaud John's genuine concern and efforts to reach out and help.
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We don't live on rules…we live on acceptance from grace…and that's what we look for most in a friend…a wife or husband and a parent…that's what keeps us going…what encourages us…inspires us…
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Thank you Paw and Dr. JYuedes for insights and understandings that have and will continue to set the captives free.
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Awesome - Just Awesome!!!
You're a great interviewer, Paw! It's full of great wisdom, observations and advice. I hope all the CES and other offshoot folks listen to this if they don't listen to anything else. Very sage advice for all of us.
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Mark Sanguinetti
I listened to John Juedes' evaluation of CES because I have recently been in council with two of the CES leaders. I can confidently say that John Juedes' evaluation and insights regarding CES and personal prophecy are right on target and correct. In fact, his statement towards the end of the episode hits the bullseye of the crux of the problem with CES.
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Juedes' insight into the offshoots setting themselves up very much like TWI is almost accurate. Even when an offshoot, for example, does not have a "foundational class", it has foundational tapes. Actually, I don't mind too much if CES or CFF has much of the same old format as TWI so long as they don't do a MOG worship thing or alienate its followers and actually tries looking at VPW's teachings all over again. There are still a lot of his teachings still taken for granted.
Of course, even if one started his or her own church apart from TWI and even pushed the trinity again, there would be disagreement from one church to the next.
Maybe someday we can focus on our agreements rather than disagreements.
It was a great interview. I listened to Part I and II. They were very enjoyable and look forward to going back and listen to the rest and listen to upcoming broadcasts.
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Dot Matrix
I just Love this man!!! I am so glad you interviewed him!!!
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Wow, are we not all apart of the body of Christ? Do we not all know that it is the advisory's goal to
steal kill and destroy. To take the church of Christ and make it a joke or of little value to Gods people.
Why can't the Christian community uplift, exhort, comfort and for goodness sake pray for one another's
Ministry's. Why is it a default to ridicule, judge and point the fingers at something that unless you are
personally involved in you really know not enough about to pass any judgment (as if it were even in your power or right to judge). CES/STF is endeavoring to do God's will and minister to people and if the
presences of conflict or internal problems is supposed to indicate Godliness or heart then I think we
better look at the book again. How about David? or better yet look at the twelve, "who's the greatest
among us. Is that maybe what is going on here? Who's the greatest ministry out there and lets bash
the rest? Get a grip. Maybe the Lord is pruning the branches of this ministry or maybe it is as evil as
some say but nonetheless Christ is preached. Amen............
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Undone -- you might want to check out the CES IN CRISIS Forum,
if you haven't done so already.
This forum (GS Radio), is for comments about the interviews,
and not for theological debate.
If you're willing to head to the CES forum, or the About the Way forum,
You'll get plenty of takers/ repliers to your comments. ;)
Btw --- Welcome to GreaseSpot Cafe!
First cup of coffee is on me!!!

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And Paw -- I forgot to thank you for getting Dr. Juedes to speak to both the situation of twi, and ces.
It was awesome, humble observations, no ego, no self promotion, and eye opening.
Again -- thanks to the both of you.
Lighting the path, for others to see as they travel life's journey.
(Or should I say "Lighting the Way, For the USA")??

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Is there a transcript available?
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We have a transcript of Part 1 and should have part 2 in the near future. We are trying to figure out the best way to set it up. So to answer your question, there will be soon.
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Here is the transcript of Episode 8 Part 2 where we discuss the crisis at CES
(with much thanks to Bowtwi)
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one T
Thank you for presenting info on TWI and CES. I have read only two or three of John's papers in the past and would not normally seek him out on these issues. But finding him here at the grease spot site made him "more accessible" and me more comfortable. I actually felt like he was talking to me ( and not at me ). He hit the mark several times over noting the grief, lack of trust, and emptiness leftover from years trying to "live the Word" 24/7 within such a legalistic and unforgiving environment. It's taking me years to wash these toxins out of my lifestyle.
I applaud John's genuine concern and efforts to reach out and help.
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