Dr. John Juedes is one person with class and integrity. For someone who has never been a part of The Way International, he has done more research to expose them for what they are than anyone I know. Someone who knows the meaning of helping someone else.
When I was going through my divorce, he was kind enough to write a personal letter to the court handling my case detailing what he knew of the dangers of allowing a child to grow up in The Way. He never knew me before that point, but he saw he could help someone and did.
Well worth the wait, Paw! :eusa_clap: I've been helped by John Juedes sooo much and never even let the man know. Hearing his voice and the compassion that caused him to devote so much time and effort to making it easy for folks to sort through the b.s. of TWI is truly remarkable. How absolutely unselfish and truly "good samaritan" like of him.
I'm even more impressed, as if that were possible. Great nuggets of truth and food for thought, too.
When I was trying to figure out how to survive the cult, John Juedes was more tender and kind to me than anyone in TWI had ever been. We emailed back and forth for a good while until I was brave enough to really tell people what happened to me in TWI. He truly helped to put me back together.
He was one of the first REAL ministers I have ever really met. I have the utmost repect for him.
Dr. Juedes: You know, I think there’s been too little critical thinking. I often think of when people were in The Way there was always this impression that they thought for themselves, and as an outsider, they all think exactly alike.
Thanks, Paw, for pointing me at the Podcasts.
When I emerged into the "real world" I found and sometimes still find it quite difficult to keep up in my mind with what someone's saying. I have now resumed my professional career but instead of analyzing what clients are telling me and looking for what they are NOT telling me, I just let it all in and take every word as truth - instead of asking the "further question" to get that bit of information they DIDN'T tell you, that puts a different complexion on what they've just told you.
I can only put that down to never getting proper answers to questions in TWI. If you get bawled out enough for asking questions or an environment is encouraged where you are told what to do and "you wlll see the benefits/blessings/get the understanding later," you just learn to shut off that part that still wants and needs answers NOW.
But worse than shutting off one's professional and personal critical abilities, we were trained to shut off God's voice as much as they could train us to do that.
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Dr. John Juedes is one person with class and integrity. For someone who has never been a part of The Way International, he has done more research to expose them for what they are than anyone I know. Someone who knows the meaning of helping someone else.
When I was going through my divorce, he was kind enough to write a personal letter to the court handling my case detailing what he knew of the dangers of allowing a child to grow up in The Way. He never knew me before that point, but he saw he could help someone and did.
Excellent interview Paw.
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Dr. Juedes has been that quiet beacon in the fog for well over 20 years.
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I'm only half way thru the first part and I've heard incredibly humbleness, gentleness and deep understanding.
I look forward to each word spoken more than I have for anything of this nature in a long time.
Thank you for emailing me Paw. :wub:
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Well worth the wait, Paw!
I've been helped by John Juedes sooo much and never even let the man know. Hearing his voice and the compassion that caused him to devote so much time and effort to making it easy for folks to sort through the b.s. of TWI is truly remarkable. How absolutely unselfish and truly "good samaritan" like of him.
I'm even more impressed, as if that were possible. Great nuggets of truth and food for thought, too.
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Dot Matrix
I love John Juedes
When I was trying to figure out how to survive the cult, John Juedes was more tender and kind to me than anyone in TWI had ever been. We emailed back and forth for a good while until I was brave enough to really tell people what happened to me in TWI. He truly helped to put me back together.
He was one of the first REAL ministers I have ever really met. I have the utmost repect for him.
Thank you for interviewing him
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good stuff

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We now have a transcript of the podcast
(With much thanks to bowtwi)
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Thanks, Paw, for pointing me at the Podcasts.
When I emerged into the "real world" I found and sometimes still find it quite difficult to keep up in my mind with what someone's saying. I have now resumed my professional career but instead of analyzing what clients are telling me and looking for what they are NOT telling me, I just let it all in and take every word as truth - instead of asking the "further question" to get that bit of information they DIDN'T tell you, that puts a different complexion on what they've just told you.
I can only put that down to never getting proper answers to questions in TWI. If you get bawled out enough for asking questions or an environment is encouraged where you are told what to do and "you wlll see the benefits/blessings/get the understanding later," you just learn to shut off that part that still wants and needs answers NOW.
But worse than shutting off one's professional and personal critical abilities, we were trained to shut off God's voice as much as they could train us to do that.
Huh (snort)
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