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what happen at Way Believers on Myspace


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God first

Beloved dmiller

God loves you my dear friend

I glad you were able to comment on the Red Thread discussion

yes all ways be nice

I tried to be nice when I was there my goal was to get them to think out side the way which a lot do

while there I got a lot of personal messages and I hope they talk to you that way too

then you can help the one's ready for help or the one's who just need questions answer

I may be too far out there walking on sun rays for them at this time

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved Belle

God loves you my dear friend

you hit the nail on the head when you said - "I suspect there isn't much activity over there due to the sheer fact that even the kids know they can't really talk about anything they want or think over there" great truth my friend

I would say many stop bye here at times

yes great truth -- "if they did want to talk about those things, it wouldn't be at these TWI monitored sites." that why it blesses me to see some from here there so they can send a private message if they want

I got a few for a while

yes -- "they aren't stupid when it comes to knowing what the consequences for breaking those unwritten rules are."

great things to bring to light my friend Belle and we should all keep these things in mind if we visit

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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You offered respect Roy, no small gift.

A word fitly spoken can be like a pebble tossed into a pond that doesn't make a big splash at the time but sends ripples out, slowly and smoothly and ends up when and where it does in it's own time. Life's greatest pleasures can be the ones that come back to us when we least expect it!

Edited by socks
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