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what happen at Way Believers on Myspace


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God first

Beloved All

God loves us all my dear friends

I took a new look at Way Believers on Myspace


and post I wrote in 05-24-2006 is still on page 3 and page 4 has has 5 treads

I was not there after May of 2006 but my post are still there a few

Do they no have alot to say or are they afraid to post things

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved DMiller

God loves you my friend

I saw many names from here on pages there

I glad you know the last poster on CANABIS

I skip over his post but it looked like a good read

I saw one called "I have a dumb question.." I had to write the person and tell her its ok to be a vegetarian because her question was about if its ok to be a vegetarian

I did not know the Way was against being a vegetarian or at least some teach that from what I saw

I guess it will become law fish on friday, Pizza on Saturday, and pot roast on monday and so on

I love to look in from time to time

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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dmiller debuggin'! :biglaugh:

Roy, I was reading there for a bit. I think you have to recognize that the group is for "Way Believers", members of whatever status with the Way International. I guess - I don't really know but - I'd assume they'd entertain particpation actively with people that have an interest in particpating in Way activities and discussion that weren't members. But it's obviously designed for people that are members at some level or interested in finding out more about the group.

You're not a member of the Way International if I understand correctly. Nieither am I. I don't think it's out of line for them to decide for themselves if a non-members posts contribute to the direction of their myspace group.

I read what you wrote in several posts, it seems like they discussed it as far as they were interested in going. Ultimately the most meangingful discussion for them is going to be amongst Way believers and their interests.

I posted on the Cannabis thread, and qualified my status with the Way. In reading through the group posts it was something I felt moved to do, but I have no intention of getting involved in the group, and wouldn't be surprised if they let my comments drop. They're good comments of course, :biglaugh: but it was a one time thing on a topic I felt I could offer some advice. I'm certainly not going to hassle them or debate anything with them, I just wouldn't feel right about it. That's just me.

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One of my employees just got back from Nepal by way of Amsterdam where he found a cafe with these things on the menu, Weedochini alfredo, Buttered hash soup, chocolate weed cookies and of course brownies. I may have to give him a drug test before long.


Weedochini alfredo -- sounds Italian. Dooj??????


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God first

Beloved socks

God loves us my dear friends

yes the group is for "Way Believers"

yes I'm not a member either

yes I had a good time while there and I understand me have to leave and that ok

yes I do not want to hassle them and I have advice to a few but that is rare

what makes me say WOW is the lack of movement there and that some of my treads are still there and they have not been delete

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved GrouchoMarxJr:

God loves you my dear friend

enjoy your new laptop computer

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved Tom Strange, Out There, and dmiller

God loves you my dear friends

good to see you three there

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Ps maybe some of you can help because there are a lot of good people there who personally E-mail me for a while

Edited by year2027
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They won't let me in anymore, Roy.

I've tried to reply to a few posts there in the past,

but I guess I am persona-non-grata. :(

easy to fix... new myspace account :spy:

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God first

Beloved DMiller, and potato

God loves you my dear friends

yes I could sign up on another name but I will not lie to them I help as I am sure others have help too and my time is over but others like socks can have their time to try

I know I help because of the things I was told in private about some being still put on probation

I sorry your not welcome either David but like me you can personal send out to one if something stands out

very few things stand out because I do not go there very must but I guess I like to know what happen there from time to time more being just being nosely

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Edited by year2027
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wow, it's so cool to hang out with "bad guys". you must have poked at them too hard and pus came out or something. can't have that happening! better to ban you and keep it controversy-free and beautiful.

how boring.

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Probably VeyGB cracked down on em again..

I hope they saw what they have taught these kids..

they seem to have a rather obvious hardness, as far as abuse of others is concerned.

"well, I'm blessed.. less jess get back to business as usual.."

As a parent, I'd be ashamed.

Edited by Mr. Hammeroni
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Roy, I'm sure your intentions were in their best interests. I guess in the interest of 'Netiquette, it's advisable to honor a groups statement of purpose. Theirs is - "Anyone who is part of the Way International Biblical Research Ministry join!!!! This is a place for like-minded believers to talk about the Word or just to get in touch."

I'm beating a dead donkey here, but it's clear what their purpose is. Like the vegetarian discussion, you probably had some good input. Cool. That group is set up for people that are part of the Way not those who aren't. Another group could be set up to discuss the pros and cons of the Way and any other issues and if they wanted to they could participate.

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As a parent, I'd be ashamed.

I managed to read the thread again right before it was deleted. it was the kind of controversy that twi people can only shut down by ignoring the issues and questions. I'm sure those kids' parents are proud beyond belief at how their kids shut down the naysayers with the standard "focus on the positives" tactic they always use. you know, none of that negative stuff matters cuz we're HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

most of those kids look familiar. I think at least a few of them are staff brats. it wouldn't surprise me at all if this is part of twi's PR effort for reaching the middle class. they've got to be realizing by now that people don't want them knocking on their doors, they get their information on the internet, so an internet presence is a necessary evil.

the threads smack of keyword seeding :D

Another group could be set up to discuss the pros and cons of the Way and any other issues and if they wanted to they could participate.

that's actually a good idea, since so many young people hang out on myspace. I hate myspace because it's slow, but I'll think about starting a group if anyone wants to lend a hand.

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God first

Beloved Mr. Hammeroni

God loves us all my dear friend

yes some of the things they teach their children I do not agree with too

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved socks

Yes it is only open to "Anyone who is part of the Way International Biblical Research Ministry" and that is there right

As for vegetarian discussion all I did was tell her its ok to be a vegetarian because Adam was order to eat of the trees not animals

I used the myspace to private the person now I may be wrong I do not know I will have to think about it for a while

Now in myspace they can delete and not read what I wrote or not write me back but I try one time and leave it there but its very rare I do this

but I will think on it my friend

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved potato

God loves us all my dear friend

yes a new group would be nice and I am sure some here would come and join

My space is a great space I look there alot but I do more on boards another great place is Care2 which I am a member too

But I do not know my way around Care2 yet but they do a lot of good

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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Well whadda-ya-know!!! I logged into *my space*, and was able to comment

on the Red Thread discussion going on over there.

Will wonders ever cease?? Glowwwwry!


(Ps -- all my comments were *nice*,

so they may decide to not delete them this time!)


Edited by dmiller
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I suspect there isn't much activity over there due to the sheer fact that even the kids know they can't really talk about anything they want or think over there. Pretty brave of the first kiddo to even approach the subject.

I suspect those kids are extremely active on other myspace groups where there really is freedom to express themselves.

They aren't interested in hearing anything negative and if they did want to talk about those things, it wouldn't be at these TWI monitored sites. They'd want to read, ask questions and discuss those things where they know their parents and leadership can't see. Those kids may be naive in some ways, but they aren't stupid when it comes to knowing what the consequences for breaking those unwritten rules are.

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