No, rascal, I was not assigning racial motives to all...just to those who have expressed their motives to be at least in some part racially based.
And I know you meant no insult...and I got the line you were drawing for me. I hope I addressed these things to your satisfaction. If not, ask again...and I'll try again.
For years I've heard all manner of rhetoric from assorted "group think" types who justify their attitudes and actions using vague generalities and stereotypes.
For example, the Ku Klux Klansman who carries on about blacks and other minorities or blacks who rant about whites and hispanics who despise blacks etc. etc.
I'm curious as to what the difference might be between your rhetoric regarding white middle class people and the Klansmans rhetoric about his pet peeve du jour.
If you defend this type of activity...that advocates violence to disrupt the status quo of a particular racial or economic demographic, then you're no different than the Klansman...and neither are your "gang" buddies.
I read most of the folks here as willing to take arms to defend their private property, families, lives etc. This is certainly the right thing to do since they don't advocate aggression against others as you evidently do in defending those who do. The posts from the "liberal" types like Pee Mosh, Rocky etc are quite predictable since it seems liberals, like Pavlov's dogs, can only masticate, micturate, fluctuate, defacate and masturbate at the sound of certain stimuli, and can't be taken too seriously.
I think your comments to Jonny Lingo are particularly offensive because, it's true, he DIDN'T say anything about calling SEALS in to attack Christian fellowships because they might harbor pedophiles, however, he MIGHT take a different view if the fellowships were armed and aggressively killing and stealing to achieve their ends.
So tell me, why are you and your beloved "gang" types any better than the Klan or the nazi types you seem to want to accuse others of being?
For gawd's sake, people!!!! I have said over and over again right here on this thread that I have worked diligently and successfully to REMOVE gangs, wannabe gangs, gang activity, etc. from my neighborhoods. How in the he11 does anybody conclude that I support crime in any way, shape or form????? Good grief.
Am I bigoted? Ya know, I probably am. The worst experiences in my life have all been perpetrated by whites. When I go into a middle class white neighborhood these days, I lock my doors and literally shake with fear until I am out of those neighborhoods. rascal can testify to this about me!
I think your comments to Jonny Lingo are particularly offensive because, it's true, he DIDN'T say anything about calling SEALS in to attack Christian fellowships because they might harbor pedophiles, however, he MIGHT take a different view if the fellowships were armed and aggressively killing and stealing to achieve their ends.
Please tell me you're not saying that perpetrating sex crimes on children is the lesser of evils...????
This fellowship was the military, btw...because aside from my family, it was a military twig.
Well, I for one maintain my right not not like crappy neighbors - gang or otherwise...and nobody here or in or out of TWi or any group of people I am associated with can tell me I don't have that right....
AND I dont give 2 u no whats what CW or anyone thinks about what I think about crappy neighbors making crappy neighborhoods.
Frankly--throwing a bucket of judgement on someone for not liking or conforming to your way of thinking CW is very wayish.
Well, I for one maintain my right not not like crappy neighbors - gang or otherwise...and nobody here or in or out of TWi or any group of people I am associated with can tell me I don't have that right....
AND I dont give 2 u no whats what CW or anyone thinks about what I think about crappy neighbors making crappy neighborhoods.
Frankly--throwing a bucket of judgement on someone for not liking or conforming to your way of thinking CW is very wayish.
I would take this seriously if you would point out exactly what I'm saying that is wayish. Otherwise, I have to conclude that you're in this for the mud slinging.
you said noone has told you where should we draw the line
as far as i am concerned
i would draw the line as soon as these predators moved in to my neck of the wood
then the 12 gauge comes out
could it be called
setting an example
You say "as soon as these predators moved in to my neck of the wood". How would you know they had moved in? What is your criteria for discerning a 'predator'? How would you who to shoot? If you determined an 8 year old to be a predator, would you shoot the 8 year olds as readily as you shot the adults?
Hey Cool, glad that you took my post in the spirit that it was offered.
I know that you told me once, you had a perception based on your experiences that there might be racial hatred and persecution in this particular area of the country.
Your perceptions of my area at the time seemed possibly colored by your experiences in other areas. It was my impression that you didn`t find the bigotry that you expected.
That was simply the connection that I was trying to draw. That your perception as to the reasons for people being offended and willing to defend against the gang was not race based, but violence and crime based.
As far as ms13, there was a television special on them not to long ago. They are dangerous and viscious, and completely terrifying. NOT because they are Latino, or that they come from South AMericaa, but BECAUSE they chose to bring their drugs and violence and cruelty to us who simply want to live in a society governed by rules that protect us while we work hard to earn a living and raise our children
They want to make the rules, and when we don`t agree, we die.
cw if that eight year old had a gun in hand {or a knife or a pipe bomb}you are very correct in assuming i would blow him away if i had reason to think he was threatining me or any one else
and by the way i am 58 years old and have never been a fight in my live
i have a 12 gauge but i am not in any way a violent man
Well, I happen to know Dot personally. I also happen to have lived in the same profile crappy neighborhoods as Dot. I also have live in Northern Ireland and dealt with some very serious gangs. UVA UDA IRA name a few. To assume one does not remember there are good people in the midst of horrible is to deny one's one presence.
But - that said-- why is it so wrong and why do you get venomous about people not liking gangs or any threatening situation. You have assumed prejudice where there is mature discernment.
Do you know the way to kill a frog? You cannot throw them into boiling water - they will jump out and rightfully so. If you put a frog in cold water in a pan that you slowly heat up, that frog will not jump out. It will die. It will be convinced its okay.
People who have managed to get away from gangs, drug dealers, etc. have the right not to be "boiled." If one is in the middle of it and cannot see how horrible it is, it is much harder to accept others "outside the forest" viewpoint.
In Albuquerque, we have a much higher crime rate than many places in the country. Most of it is gang related and most of it is within certain neighborhoods. Some of the neighborhoods have fought back and manage to get rid of the gang influence, some have not.
I also cannot accept the miserble --oh its in the poor areas -- the poor poor people....when we moved here, we had 1 job for a family of 3 and it was 8.00 an get what you go after.
The reason people are in gangs...and we have em in all ages, is simply for community...there are entire psych classes on this issue, but that is the cut to the chase reason. Doesn't make their behavior okay. There is a line to be drawn as to what is acceptable in our world and what is not.
My experience in your neighborhood was very good, I have to say. But didn't it take a while for me to settle down and want to stay? I felt it did.
I had other experiences that weren't so good during that time, though.
At no point in time did I even remotely consider that I should have been armed to go into such neighborhoods. Afterwards, though, I realized that there was at least one point I should have ran to the nearest bus station and never looked back. Still, I never once even thought about 'defending' myself with violence. In fact, I was too terrified to even consider that I could defend myself.
Look, I said it in my last post to you but maybe not so clearly, so I will say it again here: I didn't bring race into this and I did not refer to race until it was brought into this. I did not coerce anyone to make racial comments. I simply responded to the race issue once it was introduced.
Those trying to make me out to be a bigoted, lying, twisted sicko at this point are simply doing the same thing a cat does when it takes a crap...trying to cover its own stench.
WW, do you read my posts or just fly off when you're told to fly off?
cw if that eight year old had a gun in hand {or a knife or a pipe bomb}you are very correct in assuming i would blow him away if i had reason to think he was threatining me or any one else
and by the way i am 58 years old and have never been a fight in my live
i have a 12 gauge but i am not in any way a violent man
cw take meds
you are a GOOd person
Being called a good person by someone who would shoot an 8 year old is not something I like too much...with or without meds.
By the way-- We did have a Neighborhood association president try to allow a sex offender to live with him for safety. He had left Michigan with warnings that he was extremely dangerous. It was all over the press, even on Connie Chung. The guy was an activist trying to make a point. But he lived 2 streets away, and if this offender moved in, he would be that close to our house. ( I have children) We did what we needed to do ---long story--short version is that he still lives offender left New Mexico, He is no longer Pres...We asked the city to disban that association, an we started another one...,He ruined his repuation, all of us personally did many things, but yeas we did act, and yes we did keep him out.
CW- I read this whole thread-- was shocked at you response and tried to understand what it is you are so angry about.
By the way-- We did have a Neighborhood association president try to allow a sex offender to live with him for safety. He had left Michigan with warnings that he was extremely dangerous. It was all over the press, even on Connie Chung. The guy was an activist trying to make a point. But he lived 2 streets away, and if this offender moved in, he would be that close to our house. ( I have children) We did what we needed to do ---long story--short version is that he still lives offender left New Mexico, He is no longer Pres...We asked the city to disban that association, an we started another one...,He ruined his repuation, all of us personally did many things, but yeas we did act, and yes we did keep him out.
And that is how it should have been handled, imo. That is very much like what I've explained many times on this thread how things were/are handled in my neighborhoods.
I notice that you didn't mention any use of guns and didn't bring up race.
It is easy for me to 'hear' this type of communication and get that what you were doing was protecting your neighborhood.
It didn't seem like that was difficult to post, but seemed like you were just telling me what happened.
How can you with this extremely varied background that you have mentioned on another thread,not respect another's desire to avoid gang activity, other's desire to draw the line when crime and violence start to creep in?
You have made yourself out to be the martyr that lives near gangs or something...could it be that you have rebelled from the "senator's wife" that was forced on you as a young person?
Cool, I loved your visit. I loved meeting you. I am explaining this very badly.
Sigh...deep breath....You appear to be viewing people as being intolerant racists when it is simply the lawless, violent, destruction that the gangs bring with them that is objectional.
People are frightened, and are doing the best that they can to stop the spread of frightening lawlessness. To accuse Dot, and anyone else who choose not to live in a rough neighborhood of *whitey flighty* was unkind, and the first *racial* stone thrown here, and unjust.
How can you with this extremely varied background that you have mentioned on another thread,not respect another's desire to avoid gang activity, other's desire to draw the line when crime and violence start to creep in?
You have made yourself out to be the martyr that lives near gangs or something...could it be that you have rebelled from the "senator's wife" that was forced on you as a young person?
I asked you this once and now I ask you this again: Do you actually read my posts or just fly off when you're told to fly off?
WHERE have I ever stated or even intimated that I do not respect another's desire to avoid gang activity or another's desire to draw the line when crime and violence start to creep in???????
When you snapped at Dot *whitey flighty* when she moved out of the tough neighborhood, Cool. I am not siding against you, I just think that you jumped someone unjustly.
A thought I have about race and poverty and statistics is--without ethnicity-- there would be no affirmative action. without ethnicity -- there would be no statistics to tell you how much money welfare should have budgeted next year.
People complain all the time about a "race issue," when it looks to be unfavorable, but as soon as it is favorable, then the ethnicity card is played and the minority using it to their advantage have no problem...
Statistics are a double edged sword. % of minorites in gangs..higher....ways to get more college funding, be a minority.
I didn't write to the rules. I'm just saying if I or anyone talks about a race/ethnic issue in less than sterile terms, you seems to get defensive. If we speak of the millions that minorities get, that a single white mother of 2 cannot get because she happens to be white someone else will get mad, the point is, when you look at the reality of statistical evidence, certain ethnicities are more involved in gangs than others. Yes I know about white collar crime and all these other what about's--but they do not make up the bulk of violent crime statistically.
cw- I do read you posts, and yes - your attack on Dot was mean. I dont think you know me very well. I do read and do write okay these days. but you do seem mad at everyone and defensive.
Cool, I loved your visit. I loved meeting you. I am explaining this very badly.
Sigh...deep breath....You appear to be viewing people as being intolerant racists when it is simply the lawless, violent, destruction that the gangs bring with them that is objectional.
People are frightened, and are doing the best that they can to stop the spread of frightening lawlessness. To accuse Dot, and anyone else who choose not to live in a rough neighborhood of *whitey flighty* was unkind, and the first *racial* stone thrown here, and unjust.
rascal, maybe I'm not getting what you're saying.
I don't view "people" as being intolerant racists...I view the person who made intolerant and racist statements as being intolerant and racist.
I said only to Dot "So you practiced White Flight.." because she said that's what she did. She didn't out-and-out call it White Flight. What she did say was:
Bottom line is
I worked VERY hard to get a home with an acre and a half. I choose NOT to live in the city. I did NOT want to be in the buzz, the crime or anything else. I drive a distance to work for that privellage and for the saftey. I obey the rules. (now, you can pull apart each statement saying what makes me think you do not -- I am not talking of you I am now speaking of me, you gave us your perspective)
I am not, at the advent of these punks comming into my HOME or neighborhood, going to allow it. Nor will I NOT have protection.
IF you are arguing about guns -- I will never change my position and I assume you will not either.
I am not talking about the poor inner city kids -- the cities have them. I am not talking about how they need direction -- they do.
I am talking about arriving in the burbs with their paint, destruction and attitudes about how America owes them something... or about how little regard they have for what people worked their lives for--
From Wikipedia:
White flight is a colloquial term for the demographic trend of upper and middle class Americans (predominantly white) moving away from inner cities (predominantly non-white), finding new homes in nearby suburbs or even moving to new locales entirely. A major cause of white flight in United States cities was redlining, the practice of denying or increasing the cost of services, such as banking or insurance, to residents in certain, often racially and economically determined areas such as inner-city neighborhoods[1][2].
In areas of some of the largest cities in the United States, the trend reversed itself in the 1990s to a limited extent (see gentrification). White flight is often attributed to racism.[3] Some have argued that it is primarily attributable to economic prejudice or rapidly increasing crime rates in racially mixed neighborhoods beginning in the 1960s.[citation needed] People often leave dense urban areas for financial reasons such as increasing taxes, lucrative suburban mortgages and high rent rates in major urban centers.
A thought I have about race and poverty and statistics is--without ethnicity-- there would be no affirmative action. without ethnicity -- there would be no statistics to tell you how much money welfare should have budgeted next year.
You honestly believe that welfare budgets are because of ethnicity????????????????????
That's just ignorant! (Ignorant means unlearned...I didn't call you stupid.)
Where have I attacked Dot? This is the 3rd time I've asked you to specify what I've actually said...and the 3rd time you've played it off as a given without any need to point out what I said.
To the cat a former GSCer used to say.
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No, rascal, I was not assigning racial motives to all...just to those who have expressed their motives to be at least in some part racially based.
And I know you meant no insult...and I got the line you were drawing for me. I hope I addressed these things to your satisfaction. If not, ask again...and I'll try again.
I mean no insult, you or anyone else.
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Ron G.
Cool Waters...
For years I've heard all manner of rhetoric from assorted "group think" types who justify their attitudes and actions using vague generalities and stereotypes.
For example, the Ku Klux Klansman who carries on about blacks and other minorities or blacks who rant about whites and hispanics who despise blacks etc. etc.
I'm curious as to what the difference might be between your rhetoric regarding white middle class people and the Klansmans rhetoric about his pet peeve du jour.
If you defend this type of activity...that advocates violence to disrupt the status quo of a particular racial or economic demographic, then you're no different than the Klansman...and neither are your "gang" buddies.
I read most of the folks here as willing to take arms to defend their private property, families, lives etc. This is certainly the right thing to do since they don't advocate aggression against others as you evidently do in defending those who do. The posts from the "liberal" types like Pee Mosh, Rocky etc are quite predictable since it seems liberals, like Pavlov's dogs, can only masticate, micturate, fluctuate, defacate and masturbate at the sound of certain stimuli, and can't be taken too seriously.
I think your comments to Jonny Lingo are particularly offensive because, it's true, he DIDN'T say anything about calling SEALS in to attack Christian fellowships because they might harbor pedophiles, however, he MIGHT take a different view if the fellowships were armed and aggressively killing and stealing to achieve their ends.
So tell me, why are you and your beloved "gang" types any better than the Klan or the nazi types you seem to want to accuse others of being?
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i thought you were a cool person
but your post here seem to me you could have a bigot sprit
please tell me i am wrong
again gangs have NO place in the usa
if they moved to my neighborhood i would have no qualms using the old 12 gauge
the only gang welcomed in my neck of the woods is
"spanky and our gang"
the rest deserve them same thing {and worse} that they want to give
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For gawd's sake, people!!!! I have said over and over again right here on this thread that I have worked diligently and successfully to REMOVE gangs, wannabe gangs, gang activity, etc. from my neighborhoods. How in the he11 does anybody conclude that I support crime in any way, shape or form????? Good grief.
Am I bigoted? Ya know, I probably am. The worst experiences in my life have all been perpetrated by whites. When I go into a middle class white neighborhood these days, I lock my doors and literally shake with fear until I am out of those neighborhoods. rascal can testify to this about me!
Lord have mercy!
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i thought you were a cool person
but your post here seem to me you could have a bigot sprit
please tell me i am wrong
again gangs have NO place in the usa
if they moved to my neighborhood i would have no qualms using the old 12 gauge
the only gang welcomed in my neck of the woods is
"spanky and our gang"
the rest deserve them same thing {and worse} that they want to give
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Please tell me you're not saying that perpetrating sex crimes on children is the lesser of evils...????
This fellowship was the military, btw...because aside from my family, it was a military twig.
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i thought you were a cool person
but your post here seem to me you could have a bigot sprit
please tell me i am wrong
again gangs have NO place in the usa
if they moved to my neighborhood i would have no qualms using the old 12 gauge
the only gang welcomed in my neck of the woods is
"spanky and our gang"
the rest deserve them same thing {and worse} that they want to give
dot you said noone has told you where should we draw the line
as far as i am concerned
i would draw the line as soon as these predators moved in to my neck of the wood
then the 12 gauge comes out
could it be called
setting an example
ps dot and jonny
i agree with you
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Well, I for one maintain my right not not like crappy neighbors - gang or otherwise...and nobody here or in or out of TWi or any group of people I am associated with can tell me I don't have that right....
AND I dont give 2 u no whats what CW or anyone thinks about what I think about crappy neighbors making crappy neighborhoods.
Frankly--throwing a bucket of judgement on someone for not liking or conforming to your way of thinking CW is very wayish.
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I would take this seriously if you would point out exactly what I'm saying that is wayish. Otherwise, I have to conclude that you're in this for the mud slinging.
You say "as soon as these predators moved in to my neck of the wood". How would you know they had moved in? What is your criteria for discerning a 'predator'? How would you who to shoot? If you determined an 8 year old to be a predator, would you shoot the 8 year olds as readily as you shot the adults?
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Hey Cool, glad that you took my post in the spirit that it was offered.
I know that you told me once, you had a perception based on your experiences that there might be racial hatred and persecution in this particular area of the country.
Your perceptions of my area at the time seemed possibly colored by your experiences in other areas. It was my impression that you didn`t find the bigotry that you expected.
That was simply the connection that I was trying to draw. That your perception as to the reasons for people being offended and willing to defend against the gang was not race based, but violence and crime based.
As far as ms13, there was a television special on them not to long ago. They are dangerous and viscious, and completely terrifying. NOT because they are Latino, or that they come from South AMericaa, but BECAUSE they chose to bring their drugs and violence and cruelty to us who simply want to live in a society governed by rules that protect us while we work hard to earn a living and raise our children
They want to make the rules, and when we don`t agree, we die.
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cw if that eight year old had a gun in hand {or a knife or a pipe bomb}you are very correct in assuming i would blow him away if i had reason to think he was threatining me or any one else
and by the way i am 58 years old and have never been a fight in my live
i have a 12 gauge but i am not in any way a violent man
cw take meds
you are a GOOd person
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Well, I happen to know Dot personally. I also happen to have lived in the same profile crappy neighborhoods as Dot. I also have live in Northern Ireland and dealt with some very serious gangs. UVA UDA IRA name a few. To assume one does not remember there are good people in the midst of horrible is to deny one's one presence.
But - that said-- why is it so wrong and why do you get venomous about people not liking gangs or any threatening situation. You have assumed prejudice where there is mature discernment.
Do you know the way to kill a frog? You cannot throw them into boiling water - they will jump out and rightfully so. If you put a frog in cold water in a pan that you slowly heat up, that frog will not jump out. It will die. It will be convinced its okay.
People who have managed to get away from gangs, drug dealers, etc. have the right not to be "boiled." If one is in the middle of it and cannot see how horrible it is, it is much harder to accept others "outside the forest" viewpoint.
In Albuquerque, we have a much higher crime rate than many places in the country. Most of it is gang related and most of it is within certain neighborhoods. Some of the neighborhoods have fought back and manage to get rid of the gang influence, some have not.
I also cannot accept the miserble --oh its in the poor areas -- the poor poor people....when we moved here, we had 1 job for a family of 3 and it was 8.00 an get what you go after.
The reason people are in gangs...and we have em in all ages, is simply for community...there are entire psych classes on this issue, but that is the cut to the chase reason. Doesn't make their behavior okay. There is a line to be drawn as to what is acceptable in our world and what is not.
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My experience in your neighborhood was very good, I have to say. But didn't it take a while for me to settle down and want to stay? I felt it did.
I had other experiences that weren't so good during that time, though.
At no point in time did I even remotely consider that I should have been armed to go into such neighborhoods. Afterwards, though, I realized that there was at least one point I should have ran to the nearest bus station and never looked back. Still, I never once even thought about 'defending' myself with violence. In fact, I was too terrified to even consider that I could defend myself.
Look, I said it in my last post to you but maybe not so clearly, so I will say it again here: I didn't bring race into this and I did not refer to race until it was brought into this. I did not coerce anyone to make racial comments. I simply responded to the race issue once it was introduced.
Those trying to make me out to be a bigoted, lying, twisted sicko at this point are simply doing the same thing a cat does when it takes a crap...trying to cover its own stench.
WW, do you read my posts or just fly off when you're told to fly off?
Being called a good person by someone who would shoot an 8 year old is not something I like too much...with or without meds.
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By the way-- We did have a Neighborhood association president try to allow a sex offender to live with him for safety. He had left Michigan with warnings that he was extremely dangerous. It was all over the press, even on Connie Chung. The guy was an activist trying to make a point. But he lived 2 streets away, and if this offender moved in, he would be that close to our house. ( I have children) We did what we needed to do ---long story--short version is that he still lives offender left New Mexico, He is no longer Pres...We asked the city to disban that association, an we started another one...,He ruined his repuation, all of us personally did many things, but yeas we did act, and yes we did keep him out.
CW- I read this whole thread-- was shocked at you response and tried to understand what it is you are so angry about.
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And that is how it should have been handled, imo. That is very much like what I've explained many times on this thread how things were/are handled in my neighborhoods.
I notice that you didn't mention any use of guns and didn't bring up race.
It is easy for me to 'hear' this type of communication and get that what you were doing was protecting your neighborhood.
It didn't seem like that was difficult to post, but seemed like you were just telling me what happened.
What part of what I have said shocked you?
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How can you with this extremely varied background that you have mentioned on another thread,not respect another's desire to avoid gang activity, other's desire to draw the line when crime and violence start to creep in?
You have made yourself out to be the martyr that lives near gangs or something...could it be that you have rebelled from the "senator's wife" that was forced on you as a young person?
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Cool, I loved your visit. I loved meeting you. I am explaining this very badly.
Sigh...deep breath....You appear to be viewing people as being intolerant racists when it is simply the lawless, violent, destruction that the gangs bring with them that is objectional.
People are frightened, and are doing the best that they can to stop the spread of frightening lawlessness. To accuse Dot, and anyone else who choose not to live in a rough neighborhood of *whitey flighty* was unkind, and the first *racial* stone thrown here, and unjust.
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I asked you this once and now I ask you this again: Do you actually read my posts or just fly off when you're told to fly off?
WHERE have I ever stated or even intimated that I do not respect another's desire to avoid gang activity or another's desire to draw the line when crime and violence start to creep in???????
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When you snapped at Dot *whitey flighty* when she moved out of the tough neighborhood, Cool. I am not siding against you, I just think that you jumped someone unjustly.
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A thought I have about race and poverty and statistics is--without ethnicity-- there would be no affirmative action. without ethnicity -- there would be no statistics to tell you how much money welfare should have budgeted next year.
People complain all the time about a "race issue," when it looks to be unfavorable, but as soon as it is favorable, then the ethnicity card is played and the minority using it to their advantage have no problem...
Statistics are a double edged sword. % of minorites in gangs..higher....ways to get more college funding, be a minority.
I didn't write to the rules. I'm just saying if I or anyone talks about a race/ethnic issue in less than sterile terms, you seems to get defensive. If we speak of the millions that minorities get, that a single white mother of 2 cannot get because she happens to be white someone else will get mad, the point is, when you look at the reality of statistical evidence, certain ethnicities are more involved in gangs than others. Yes I know about white collar crime and all these other what about's--but they do not make up the bulk of violent crime statistically.
cw- I do read you posts, and yes - your attack on Dot was mean. I dont think you know me very well. I do read and do write okay these days. but you do seem mad at everyone and defensive.
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so cw
am i to understand that you would let your 8 yo be shot by another 8 yo b4 you took action ?
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rascal, maybe I'm not getting what you're saying.
I don't view "people" as being intolerant racists...I view the person who made intolerant and racist statements as being intolerant and racist.
I said only to Dot "So you practiced White Flight.." because she said that's what she did. She didn't out-and-out call it White Flight. What she did say was:
From Wikipedia:
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I don't fly off as you say when I am told to fly off---why so upset cw---
What you just quoted of hers- you demeaned and criticized and judged to be unworthy care and concern of hers.
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You honestly believe that welfare budgets are because of ethnicity????????????????????
That's just ignorant! (Ignorant means unlearned...I didn't call you stupid.)
Where have I attacked Dot? This is the 3rd time I've asked you to specify what I've actually said...and the 3rd time you've played it off as a given without any need to point out what I said.
To the cat a former GSCer used to say.
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