There is white trash, African American trash, Indian trash, etc. Gangs was the topic...............didn't think color was the issue..... But your response EX shows it's not a COLOR thing. Like I said...topic was GANGS........not a rabbit trail.
These forums are meant to be a place of discussion, where ideas and debates are encouraged. We welcome your opinion.
In that light, please be courteous to fellow posters. Disagree all you want, but respect the fact that someone else may feel as strongly about their ideas as you do about your own. Please don't make it personal. A lively discussions of ideas is both more polite and more relevant.
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The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the cooks, waitresses, bus boys, or cashier of the GreaseSpot Cafe.
EDITED BY Pawtucket replaced with the rules of the forum
SOOOOO....the thread is GANGS...not color, creed, etc. Do we get back to that or do we just keep throwing mud???? YOUR CHOICE. If ya'll want to throw mud....I have a very LARGE backyard you can do it in. BUT if want to talk about the original topic GET BACK TO IT.
If ya'll have a "debate" on color creed, why don't you just IM each other and leave everyone else out of it.
These forums are meant to be a place of discussion, where ideas and debates are encouraged. We welcome your opinion.
In that light, please be courteous to fellow posters. Disagree all you want, but respect the fact that someone else may feel as strongly about their ideas as you do about your own. Please don't make it personal. A lively discussions of ideas is both more polite and more relevant.
Our forums cover many topics from religious to political. While we are not a religious site, we do embrace discussions in this area.
All are welcome here. However, harassing behavior will result in being banned from the forums. There is no need for personal attacks. If you have a specific problem with a poster, settle it outside of the forum. Threads of that nature will be deleted or sent to the Soap Opera Forum.
The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the cooks, waitresses, bus boys, or cashier of the GreaseSpot Cafe.
EDITED BY Pawtucket replaced with the rules of the forum
These forums are meant to be a place of discussion, where ideas and debates are encouraged. We welcome your opinion.
In that light, please be courteous to fellow posters. Disagree all you want, but respect the fact that someone else may feel as strongly about their ideas as you do about your own. Please don't make it personal. A lively discussions of ideas is both more polite and more relevant.
Our forums cover many topics from religious to political. While we are not a religious site, we do embrace discussions in this area.
All are welcome here. However, harassing behavior will result in being banned from the forums. There is no need for personal attacks. If you have a specific problem with a poster, settle it outside of the forum. Threads of that nature will be deleted or sent to the Soap Opera Forum.
The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the cooks, waitresses, bus boys, or cashier of the GreaseSpot Cafe.
EDITED BY Pawtucket replaced with the rules of the forum
I don't understand why cw's attacking posts are allowed, but my posts got deleted, cw's back to me got deleted, but the one I was responding to on page 3, I believe it was, only got edited. I responded to her attacking belle, asking wtf did belle know and then when I responded to that, her big long post got cut down to a short post that sounded reasonable.
She then accused me of lying about her and posting private info about her and reported my post. She's continued to personally attack Dot, Dot's integrity as a wow, accusing her of being a con to the people she witnessed to. That was left intact.
I really just don't understand why it's ok for cw to be nasty and when someone tries to point that out or even defend themself, we get deleted.
No paw, nothing more happened since then. It was those posts being removed I'm referring to. When I pm'd you you said you didn't see the 2 posts beyond what you'd deleted.
I went back later to copy and paste cw's revised by a moderator post, the one where she had originally jumped belle so harshly and suddenly it too was gone so that I could explain it to you better. I give up.
Right I deleted her other things and yours as they wouldn't make sense leaving them there.
Certain people are very talented at baiting others. You(plural) don't have to stoop to that level. Take something called the high road. And if it was an attack report it.
The most amazing thing about this whole process tonight is that she baited you, you took the bait and attacked her. THEN she reported your attack. She placed you right where she wanted you and you followed hook line and sinker
Dot - Gangs suck. Criminal activity, threat to others. Drive-by's. DRIVE BY'S. People that are too dammed lazy to even get out of their car and shoot a rival gang member?!? It's so ugly it's off the chart. It's not funny, at all, and the tragedy is the rest of us stand to fall in the cross fire if we're there.
Gang activity is no different than terrorism - it may be the only way to get it under control will be the same way we fight terrorism - diligent and aggressive defense and pursuit.
I grew up wanting to change the world. The world won't change, and I still struggle to not let it change me. Yet, I'm not the 60's kid I once was, now I have kids and cross paths with the "real" world as it is.
It's not a race issue, it's a criminal issue. I sympathize with anyone who encounters it. Not feeling safe in one's own home is the worst thing that can happen, yet it does happen and more and more "we", any citizen who wants to just live peacably and mind their own business, encounter it.
I don't buy into all of us buying guns and preparing to shoot others in the street - but I do understand the point where someone is put in the corner where they fear for their life. So I don't know...the way gangs function...the whole thing makes for an intolerable situtation in many cities today.
I support the efforts to assist law enforcement (and I don't have a blanket trust in them having guns either to be honest) - they are the ones in our communities that are there to fight fire with fire. So I see saw between the realities we face.
I've taught my children and remind them often to live how I live and we raised them - be smart, stay aware, avoid trouble. But it's hard to do that in some cities. I do pray often and try to remain as vigilant as I can, for myself and on my family's behalf.
Mr. Lingo! If I ever go into bear country, I want you as my guide!! Deal?
It's not as much a racial issue, as it is a criminal issue... That's the meat of it, isn't it?
One poster here said something about how gangs would not be tolerated if they moved to his small town, then someone decided that poster was saying "another race other than white" would not be tolerated. Go back and read the posts for yourself.
Last time I checked, not all gangs were set up by the criteria of race.
Seems some don't quite get that... I'm sorry to say.
Don't understand how GANGS got to people's I said rabbit trails. If the topic is about gangs, and gangs in your area, etc. Gangs are NOT a skin color. If you're area is jeprodized, talk about THAT...not who YOU think did it.
Well, Dot's first post was about the gang in her area ... MS-13 ... and from her link later.
Mara Salvatrucha 13 (MS-13) is unfortunately becoming everybody's problem. This plague that came to Long Island from El Salvador by way of the streets of Los Angeles follows the same migratory patterns as the Salvadoran immigrant community that it preys upon, fanning out across the United States from ethnic enclaves in California.
It seems to me a lot of the increase in gang activity and increase in deadliness is being imported. Lack of foreign respect for our white picket fences may be a factor in discussing gangs. Race is an issue because ... well because race is an issue. AFAIK, gangs largely revolve around ethnicity and poverty.
Any real look at gangs would include discussions of ethnicity as that one does. Since Dot started the topic talking about MS-13, immigration is especially pertinent. It seems to me those that cry racism as soon as illegal aliens are mentioned are not really facing the problem directly, and are impeding genuine discussion.
Race is sorta just an extended family, so like the Hatfields and McCoys, a look at those family situations is pertinent. It does appear that it has gotten so bad in some areas, that military intervetnion may be required. That is sad, but maybe better than turning turf and the rule of law over to the gangs.
Yeah, sadly, those who are Lawless, only understand a "Lawless" response. They only understand violence. They live by violence, and will only respond to violence that exceeds their own. If a bear tries to eat me, and I shoot him first, then he dies, and I don't. End of story. But bears cannot reason like humans can.
If gangbangers keep on being able to "cow" the Citizens that pay the taxes that pay their way, they will keep on "cowing" the Citizens. But if the Citizens rise up with force (which does in fact mean guns-for they cow Citizens with their guns), then they will back of, or.....die.
But, America will never take that stance as a whole, and so, things will just keep getting worse and worse, and the Devil will continue to have more and more control of This Old World.
But, his day is coming, and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords will come and Gather us Together, and we will meet him in the air, and then, all of the sudden......The odds will have changed!
And in the meantime, I will trust God to not be in a situation where some gang may hurt my wife and kids. I will trust God that I do NOT make a wrong turn when in L.A. for a recording session and end up in the wrong neighborhood. But also in the meantime, I will be armed in those scary situations (be they bear situations or "human scary" situations) and be prepared like a good boyscout-which I never was, got kicked out-and respond as needed.
I pray to God that I never take a human life, but, if in the defense of my wife and kids: "I'd rather be tried by Twelve, than carried by Six......" I want to be like Enos/Enoch(?), who "never saw death". Too late though, I already helped a little black boy to die on the highway in Cincinatti when I was picking up a Way VIP (LP) from the airport and driving him to the ROA and Corps week. He (the little boy-8-ran straight into the path of the car in front of us at 65 mph, and was way whacked. Flew into the air. He barely had anything to speak before he checked out. Sad day, that. And to think that I got reproved for stopping to help the little boy by the Way Rev VIP (LP). Glad I made him squirm and made him "be on the line" as a "MOG."
I broke into tears numerous times as we proceeded north to New Knoxville. Poor little guy. Yeah, guess I am a racist because I would like to see gangs of illegal aliens dealt with in the only way that they know....
Johnny, I'm so sorry. We all have bad memories. All I can say is when I knew you and your wife in Alaska, you two were refreshing to me.
You know, your mind just naturally goes back to the times you enjoyed with people. I enjoyed those times with SA and you guys.
I enjoyed your music, your sense of humor that you still have (thank God!), and I enjoyed hearing you teach. Since you were in Kenai that wasn't very often. But every now and then I would hear you share in Anchorage when you were there. Your wife was very much to the point. She was honest. I could tell she didn't pull any punches with people. I remember trying to explain something, and she just said, "I don't get it."
I just wish there were more people like you and her.
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we had a gang when we were growing up called the southwood gang
they stole, beat up kids, damaged property, etc.
all white
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There is white trash, African American trash, Indian trash, etc. Gangs was the topic...............didn't think color was the issue..... But your response EX shows it's not a COLOR thing. Like I said...topic was GANGS........not a rabbit trail.
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i take offense that you took my comment as hatred yes i am offended
i do not hate
i would welcome any color person next door to me
as long as they don't want to sell drugs,rape,rob,pillage
hcw i am NOT predudice but i think you are
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Dot Matrix
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These forums are meant to be a place of discussion, where ideas and debates are encouraged. We welcome your opinion.
In that light, please be courteous to fellow posters. Disagree all you want, but respect the fact that someone else may feel as strongly about their ideas as you do about your own. Please don't make it personal. A lively discussions of ideas is both more polite and more relevant.
Our forums cover many topics from religious to political. While we are not a religious site, we do embrace discussions in this area.
All are welcome here. However, harassing behavior will result in being banned from the forums. There is no need for personal attacks. If you have a specific problem with a poster, settle it outside of the forum. Threads of that nature will be deleted or sent to the Soap Opera Forum.
The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the cooks, waitresses, bus boys, or cashier of the GreaseSpot Cafe.
EDITED BY Pawtucket replaced with the rules of the forum
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Edited by CoolWatersLink to comment
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SOOOOO....the thread is GANGS...not color, creed, etc. Do we get back to that or do we just keep throwing mud???? YOUR CHOICE. If ya'll want to throw mud....I have a very LARGE backyard you can do it in. BUT if want to talk about the original topic GET BACK TO IT.
If ya'll have a "debate" on color creed, why don't you just IM each other and leave everyone else out of it.
TOPIC: GANGS................get it?
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Dot Matrix
Please read this
These forums are meant to be a place of discussion, where ideas and debates are encouraged. We welcome your opinion.
In that light, please be courteous to fellow posters. Disagree all you want, but respect the fact that someone else may feel as strongly about their ideas as you do about your own. Please don't make it personal. A lively discussions of ideas is both more polite and more relevant.
Our forums cover many topics from religious to political. While we are not a religious site, we do embrace discussions in this area.
All are welcome here. However, harassing behavior will result in being banned from the forums. There is no need for personal attacks. If you have a specific problem with a poster, settle it outside of the forum. Threads of that nature will be deleted or sent to the Soap Opera Forum.
The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the cooks, waitresses, bus boys, or cashier of the GreaseSpot Cafe.
EDITED BY Pawtucket replaced with the rules of the forum
Edited by pawtucketLink to comment
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Please read this
These forums are meant to be a place of discussion, where ideas and debates are encouraged. We welcome your opinion.
In that light, please be courteous to fellow posters. Disagree all you want, but respect the fact that someone else may feel as strongly about their ideas as you do about your own. Please don't make it personal. A lively discussions of ideas is both more polite and more relevant.
Our forums cover many topics from religious to political. While we are not a religious site, we do embrace discussions in this area.
All are welcome here. However, harassing behavior will result in being banned from the forums. There is no need for personal attacks. If you have a specific problem with a poster, settle it outside of the forum. Threads of that nature will be deleted or sent to the Soap Opera Forum.
The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the cooks, waitresses, bus boys, or cashier of the GreaseSpot Cafe.
EDITED BY Pawtucket replaced with the rules of the forum
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Dot Matrix
you also erased
That they are operating in a gang -- thus my reply
There is a collection of things you have changed to look better -- what them?
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come and go
i'm getting dizzy
and where is my freaking face
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I don't understand why cw's attacking posts are allowed, but my posts got deleted, cw's back to me got deleted, but the one I was responding to on page 3, I believe it was, only got edited. I responded to her attacking belle, asking wtf did belle know and then when I responded to that, her big long post got cut down to a short post that sounded reasonable.
She then accused me of lying about her and posting private info about her and reported my post. She's continued to personally attack Dot, Dot's integrity as a wow, accusing her of being a con to the people she witnessed to. That was left intact.
I really just don't understand why it's ok for cw to be nasty and when someone tries to point that out or even defend themself, we get deleted.
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Dot Matrix
Dear Paw
I love you but...
She started it and you have been taking things out that are pertinent to her attacks on others.
You have erased things other people have said to defend themselves thus keeping her a saint.
I will pm you.
And I will send my POST by email to everyone Cool waters -- enjoy your reflection.
I am going back throught the thread and reporting her crap....
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are they intake in our inbox notifications
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I edited your post and then you reposted it. That was a personal attack, you know better.
YOU reported the post and then reposted it yourself.
You both know better.
Since you are acting like children, why don't you take a time out !!
I deleted all the posts between the two of you, if more happened since and you didn't report then how am I supposed to know
I've asked Coolwaters to stop posting and she has agreed.
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No paw, nothing more happened since then. It was those posts being removed I'm referring to. When I pm'd you you said you didn't see the 2 posts beyond what you'd deleted.
I went back later to copy and paste cw's revised by a moderator post, the one where she had originally jumped belle so harshly and suddenly it too was gone so that I could explain it to you better. I give up.
cw agreed to quit posting. sounds good to me.
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Right I deleted her other things and yours as they wouldn't make sense leaving them there.
Certain people are very talented at baiting others. You(plural) don't have to stoop to that level. Take something called the high road. And if it was an attack report it.
The most amazing thing about this whole process tonight is that she baited you, you took the bait and attacked her. THEN she reported your attack. She placed you right where she wanted you and you followed hook line and sinker
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Thank you paw - I get your point.
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Dot - Gangs suck. Criminal activity, threat to others. Drive-by's. DRIVE BY'S. People that are too dammed lazy to even get out of their car and shoot a rival gang member?!? It's so ugly it's off the chart. It's not funny, at all, and the tragedy is the rest of us stand to fall in the cross fire if we're there.
Gang activity is no different than terrorism - it may be the only way to get it under control will be the same way we fight terrorism - diligent and aggressive defense and pursuit.
I grew up wanting to change the world. The world won't change, and I still struggle to not let it change me. Yet, I'm not the 60's kid I once was, now I have kids and cross paths with the "real" world as it is.
It's not a race issue, it's a criminal issue. I sympathize with anyone who encounters it. Not feeling safe in one's own home is the worst thing that can happen, yet it does happen and more and more "we", any citizen who wants to just live peacably and mind their own business, encounter it.
I don't buy into all of us buying guns and preparing to shoot others in the street - but I do understand the point where someone is put in the corner where they fear for their life. So I don't know...the way gangs function...the whole thing makes for an intolerable situtation in many cities today.
I support the efforts to assist law enforcement (and I don't have a blanket trust in them having guns either to be honest) - they are the ones in our communities that are there to fight fire with fire. So I see saw between the realities we face.
I've taught my children and remind them often to live how I live and we raised them - be smart, stay aware, avoid trouble. But it's hard to do that in some cities. I do pray often and try to remain as vigilant as I can, for myself and on my family's behalf.
Mr. Lingo! If I ever go into bear country, I want you as my guide!! Deal?
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Good post.
It's not as much a racial issue, as it is a criminal issue... That's the meat of it, isn't it?
One poster here said something about how gangs would not be tolerated if they moved to his small town, then someone decided that poster was saying "another race other than white" would not be tolerated. Go back and read the posts for yourself.
Last time I checked, not all gangs were set up by the criteria of race.
Seems some don't quite get that... I'm sorry to say.
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Don't understand how GANGS got to people's I said rabbit trails. If the topic is about gangs, and gangs in your area, etc. Gangs are NOT a skin color. If you're area is jeprodized, talk about THAT...not who YOU think did it.
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Well, Dot's first post was about the gang in her area ... MS-13 ... and from her link later.
It seems to me a lot of the increase in gang activity and increase in deadliness is being imported. Lack of foreign respect for our white picket fences may be a factor in discussing gangs. Race is an issue because ... well because race is an issue. AFAIK, gangs largely revolve around ethnicity and poverty.
Any real look at gangs would include discussions of ethnicity as that one does. Since Dot started the topic talking about MS-13, immigration is especially pertinent. It seems to me those that cry racism as soon as illegal aliens are mentioned are not really facing the problem directly, and are impeding genuine discussion.
Race is sorta just an extended family, so like the Hatfields and McCoys, a look at those family situations is pertinent. It does appear that it has gotten so bad in some areas, that military intervetnion may be required. That is sad, but maybe better than turning turf and the rule of law over to the gangs.
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J0nny Ling0
Yeah, sadly, those who are Lawless, only understand a "Lawless" response. They only understand violence. They live by violence, and will only respond to violence that exceeds their own. If a bear tries to eat me, and I shoot him first, then he dies, and I don't. End of story. But bears cannot reason like humans can.
If gangbangers keep on being able to "cow" the Citizens that pay the taxes that pay their way, they will keep on "cowing" the Citizens. But if the Citizens rise up with force (which does in fact mean guns-for they cow Citizens with their guns), then they will back of, or.....die.
But, America will never take that stance as a whole, and so, things will just keep getting worse and worse, and the Devil will continue to have more and more control of This Old World.
But, his day is coming, and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords will come and Gather us Together, and we will meet him in the air, and then, all of the sudden......The odds will have changed!
And in the meantime, I will trust God to not be in a situation where some gang may hurt my wife and kids. I will trust God that I do NOT make a wrong turn when in L.A. for a recording session and end up in the wrong neighborhood. But also in the meantime, I will be armed in those scary situations (be they bear situations or "human scary" situations) and be prepared like a good boyscout-which I never was, got kicked out-and respond as needed.
I pray to God that I never take a human life, but, if in the defense of my wife and kids: "I'd rather be tried by Twelve, than carried by Six......" I want to be like Enos/Enoch(?), who "never saw death". Too late though, I already helped a little black boy to die on the highway in Cincinatti when I was picking up a Way VIP (LP) from the airport and driving him to the ROA and Corps week. He (the little boy-8-ran straight into the path of the car in front of us at 65 mph, and was way whacked. Flew into the air. He barely had anything to speak before he checked out. Sad day, that. And to think that I got reproved for stopping to help the little boy by the Way Rev VIP (LP). Glad I made him squirm and made him "be on the line" as a "MOG."
I broke into tears numerous times as we proceeded north to New Knoxville. Poor little guy. Yeah, guess I am a racist because I would like to see gangs of illegal aliens dealt with in the only way that they know....
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Johnny, I'm so sorry. We all have bad memories. All I can say is when I knew you and your wife in Alaska, you two were refreshing to me.
You know, your mind just naturally goes back to the times you enjoyed with people. I enjoyed those times with SA and you guys.
I enjoyed your music, your sense of humor that you still have (thank God!), and I enjoyed hearing you teach. Since you were in Kenai that wasn't very often. But every now and then I would hear you share in Anchorage when you were there. Your wife was very much to the point. She was honest. I could tell she didn't pull any punches with people. I remember trying to explain something, and she just said, "I don't get it."
I just wish there were more people like you and her.
God Bless You Guys,
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