Bliss, I know this is a off topic here but I think sometimes God allows us to go through the financial woes or physical dilemmas. You remember the verse in James (don't have my bible at the moment) but the verse states something to the effect that tribulation works endurance, endurance works patience etc. Don't know if they were the right words but the point is that without the tribulation we can not understand what another is dealing with unless we have had our own pain it is difficult to be compassionate and more empathetic toward others. Otherwise we would tend to get hard not understanding how they could let certain things in their lives happen. I guess the older I get the more I experience I find myself becoming less critical of others and my experiences have helped me realize why others may do what they do.
FreeAtLast you make alot of sense. Life is too short.
ps. it just burns my butt that sara and kevin wierwille are on the front page of the CFF page
telll you why sometime. but i'm tired
Exie, I don't think we care since you are not interested in CFF, why do you bother reading, or are you just looking for something to pick on. Actually Kevin shared his heart and did an awesome job of it. Stop being so full of bitterness, it will consume you.
1 John, stop picking on ex and don't speak for the rest of us. Some of "we" might want to know what she knows.
Since you either missed it or ignored it, I'm reposting Krysilis' post to you from The Whole Counsel of God's Word thread:
I'm really interested in hearing the introduction, at least, about what you have to say. I wouldn't presume to know it all.
But, although this is a public board, we are kinda used to doing things a certain way here, and we are kinda used to one another. When one says
We can start by praying for Exie, guess she isn't blessed........Oh well............ :rolleyes:
it makes my feathers ruffle. You haven't been here for all these years and watch her life start out so low she had to reach up to touch bottom - and see her get to where she is today! You have absolutely no idea what that lady endured to get to where she is now.
There are others who also come to mind has having "special trials" but that's immaterial now.
If you want us to listen, present your statements. Most of us will give it a look-see and try to understand your point of view. But mocking one of our long standing citizens will get you know where. You didn't considering it "mocking" - I know that. But we who know her, and others like her, don't take kindly to anything that even looks like a put-down to one of God's most bashed around people. I don't believe you know her story, and I'm not going to go through it now.
I'm asking you to hold all the old time members here in the same high regard we hold each other in. I think that's fair.
How do you explain it when somebody does not receive the healing, that really "deserves" it?
The idea that the "green light" is ALWAYS on to minister.. that you ASSUME that that is the primary will of God..
I have a few reservations about that concept. A lot of times, it just doesn't work.. and I have seen people trying to cast out spirits that were not there, to begin with..
I wish I would have seen this thread about a year earlier, but I just noticed this. My comments here do not relate to CFF, but as for Peter Wade, I can vouch for his good character. I have been part of a few fellowship meetings over the years with Peter and he is definitely a lover of God and his people, while always showing a great deal of humility. And he is just an all around great guy to hang out with. And let me add that Peter Wade's personality and leadership style is completely unlike that of the Way International or any of its offshoots that I have heard of or experienced. Furthermore, I am very familiar both biblically and practically with the tactics used by the Way International to build a group that is not dependant on the Lord Jesus Christ, but rather instead has followers dependant on their organization and leaders. I can say with confidence and conviction that Peter Wade would have no part or would have nothing to do with such tactics. And if you are not really sure that I know what I write of here, then read this article which I did not have to copy from out of print books.
I don't know what CCF is, but CFF stands for Christian Family Fellowship. This is a Christian group that spun off of the Way International and as I understand originated in Ohio. I have no personal experience with this group so I can not say if it is good or not.
CFF was started by John Shroyer and Wayne Clapp, so if you knew those men at all, you knew they both have/had HUGE hearts for people. Very decent people. And, of course, Wayne was Martindales' "go to" guy for a lot of his Greek research and stuff (not that Craig listened to him, so don't blame Wayne when Craig spewed some of his twisted garbage)
I've heard good and bad about this group. The bad mostly being that they started from the premise that what Doc Vic taught was basically correct, just got legalistic and egotistical in its practice, and that they structure their fellowships, etc. very similarly to twi. Personally, I would have a hard time working from this starting point. So, whether you would like it, I think, depends a great deal of what you think of The Way International start to finish...
I know people who think the sun rises and sets on this group. Say they've had personal experiences with great physical, mental, and spiritual healing, etc. If that is so, I am happy for them. Unfortunately, they are not good witnesses for me because I know what they once said about TWI and it turned out to be lies. I also see the way they carry on in their everyday lives and it is not an example how a loving Christian should behave toward their fellow man, in my opinion.
So, like everything else: it seems to come to down individuals, not the group as a whole. If you are around good individuals, you will get something out of the group. If you are around "not-so-great-examples" of the one body, you probably won't like the group. You can see that even in peoples' posts about twi here on this board.
CFF was started by John Shroyer and Wayne Clapp....
Actually.....Shroyer started cff in '95 or '96 soon after his tenure in florida. In his traveling around, he sat at kitchen tables with hundreds.....listening to hearts of those damaged and abused by twi. Wayne came on board in '98...... after the "scandal of the martindale/married corps woman at the 1998 adv class at hq" came to the forefront.
So, like everything else: it seems to come to down individuals, not the group as a whole. If you are around good individuals, you will get something out of the group. If you are around "not-so-great-examples" of the one body, you probably won't like the group. You can see that even in peoples' posts about twi here on this board.
Five years ago I had almost ten extended phone conversations and e-mails with one "high official" in CFF who told me the following (paraphrasing):
"""We believe Dr. Wierwille was a genuine prophet of the True God, but the sin in his life and it's complications in the CFF congregation (and even in my own blood family) have prompted us to separate ourselves from the man’s name and his tapes and books as much as possible, and we are in the process of re-writing his books."""
The triple quotes are used to emphasize that I was paraphrasing.
I have heard (or perceived) much the same from other CFF officials in tha same past five years, but not as detailed nor as openly honest as the one cited above. Much the same is to be heard from other splinter groups.
I guess they figure God goofed in whom He selected to teach His Word like it had not been known since the first century if he would teach it to others. But LUCKY FOR US the splinter clergy will rescue us from the situation and re-echo Dr’s teachings to the next generation. Only problem is: NONE of those splinter clergy have faithfully mastered the material like they need to in order to “rescue” God from His “goof.”
For the humor impaired, that previous paragraph was laced with sarcasm.
Keep in mind, though, that the above paraphrase was from five years ago. People and organizations drift from original charters if they don't visually refresh their memory and commitment. From my observations and studies, I'd say the norm is that most drift, so my above post may no longer apply to CFF today as much as it did 5 years ago.
then you say as years go by people drift etc... well years have gone by for every person Mike so does your analysis apply to every person ?
who has mastered this stuff in your opinion?
it just sems to me every thing you write is about how the people have not mastered pfal you never write about those who have made the commintment long enough etc... ( it is not that difficult of a read Mike really)
Maybe we should discuss this elsewhere? I was trying to stay on topic. Ordinarily I'd engage you here and now, insert one of my famous infomercials, and move on to the CFF topic. But what I said above is about all I have on the topic.
that said.... I am immensely enjoying and benefiting from the process of just attempting to master it, let alone any areas where actual mastery occurs. It helps me understand many things about life... and things... like why all the clergy went so crazy.... and other things... like... uh...
(((((( <_< psssst! Hey Mike! This is your evil conscience. This is perfect!
You're back to the CFF topic with that crazy clergy phrase,
all you have to do is work that phrase
so it's time for an infomercial, right? It'll be easy! ))))))
uh... so I'm happy with my studies, and .... and happy with a bunch of other grads who similarly inclined... uh...
((((((( No, NO! Mike, remember the topic. You said you depleted it,
so going the crazy clergy route will not be honest
and it won't help the cause. Just trust God that the little you said here
will be absorbed by those who are ready for it,
and then move on to already derailed threads,
like "A note on forgiving" to do your thing.
It'll be better for everyone that way. )))))))
uh... so I'm happy just studying it the best I can and letting God do the rest.
i do not want a commercial or what you think is wrong with everyone eles.
just freaking answer the question will ya?
have you mastered what you state will be the solution to everyones issue in life or not?
If not( and as comminted as you have been and appear to claim to be to the books of twi) is it all then just an attempt at and as yet an impossible task because it is so deep and profound a wrting? :
No. I haven't mastered every lick of it. I don't know anyone who has. I know a bunch who are in the process.
This is a common sense thing, not philosophical. If you set the definition of "mastery" too high, then of course, no one could master anything and it would be a useless word. Mastery is always a relative thing. Compared to my knowledge of 10 years ago, I am well on my way to practical mastering the material in the USUAL sense of the word.
My car mechanic has relatively mastered his craft and can do consistently great work with it. Could there be a college professor somewhere who has mastered internal combustion theory and practice better? Sure. Does this preclude me from saying my car mechanic is a master? No.
If you had looked at my "Masters of the Word" thread (the largest thread in GreaseSpot history, but unfortunately pruned off the board), OR if you had read (with remembrance) the 1979 Way Magazine article "Masters of the Word" then you would know that when Dr taught it he meant that mastering the Word really means the Word becomes the master of our minds is crucial in the process.
Has the Word become the master of my mind? Yes, when I walk in that mind of Christ, nourished by the collaterals God provided specially for His kids (Marsha, was that an infomercial that just flew past us?I don't know; it was so fast, just like you John. Oh, Marsha, you're something else! Oh John! OH Marsha! OH JOHN!!MARSHA, MARSHA!!JOHN, JOHN, JOHN.MARSH...) in these last days.
wel thank you Mike i understand your answer other than the bit with marsha .
so no one can fully master it so in behaviour you can for the rest of our life remind somone how they are just not quite arrived yet... it sounds very much like my muscle is bigger than yours type of behaviour creating competition in a very fleshy manner without any sense of holy spirit that Jesus sent to every personwho bekives romans 10;9 ,10 in which He teaches each person has the ability to hear from the ONLY teacher we ever need ( yes the bible says Jesus is the only teacher we need)
it sounds very much like my muscle is bigger than yours type of behaviour creating competition in a very fleshy manner...
I liken it to "my muscle (energized by God) is bigger than he (the adversary) that is in this world, and likewise are my spiritual siblings being bigger."
Christ most certainly IS the teacher, spiritually, not Dr. Wierwille. Same for the Epistles of Paul. They are really the Epistles of Christ from his ministry seated at the right hand of God, instead of his previous ministry on earth as recorded in the four gospels. Both the originals from Paul and the collaterals from Victor Paul are "by revelation of Jesus Christ." As Dr said, "I didn't write the book."
You also wrote: “ in behavior you can for the rest of our life remind someone how they are just not quite arrived yet...”
Yes, I can. But that wouldn’t be love, so instead of moving TOWARDS mastering the Word (with it mastering me) I’d then be moving AWAY from mastery if I used my past ten years of study to lord it over someone with less. Sure, I can get very feisty here with those who try to out-feisty me, but I try to quickly calm right down and look for ways to bless with what God has shown me in these ten years.
In the SNS teaching “Christ Formed In You” Dr addressed this subject. The SNS tapes were not copyrighted, and have been openly marketed by several grad groups for years now. With that and with fair use in mind let’s see what Dr said on that SNS tape #732 from November 24, 1974:
In II Peter is a tremendous truth, chapter 3, verse 18.
II Peter 3:18: But grow in [what?] grace [grow in grace], and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Grow in grace. The word "grace" literally could be translated "love's gifts." Grace is always God, who is love, at work. Love at work is grace. It says "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."
It doesn't say "grow in the knowledge of scripture." The Way Ministry's loaded with that stuff at times, but no love. We've got grads of the class on Power for Abundant Living, I wish I'd never taught them. All they do is prance around showing how much knowledge of the scriptures they have and make everybody else that hasn't got that knowledge feel badly, if they can.
Why my goodness, what did I ever teach them God's Word for? It breaks my heart. It's not the knowledge of the scripture you know, but the extent to which you know Him and walk in the love wherewith He loved.
Nothing wrong with knowledge of the scripture, but it looks to me you haven't got enough knowledge if you don't apply it, and you ought to read a few verses that tell you how to put it on, how to love with the love wherewith He loved, how to forgive with the forgiveness for which He forgives, how to keep your tongue under control so you don't go blabbing everything all the time.
It's an unruly evil, remember? The tongue. No man can tame it, so quit trying to tame it, let God tame it. He's the only one that can do it, otherwise you're always gonna have the running off of the tongue.
Grow in grace. That growing in grace is to grow in the love-life of Christ, like you can grow in the new birth, you can't get more spiritually. Then in the growing of it is in the renewed mind and in the walk.
Grow in grace. Love at work in your life by God through Christ who saved us when we were totally dead in trespasses and sins, without God and without hope, people. He loved us enough that He saved us. Can you and I really, if we know what that means, do less than endeavor to build the grace of God in our minds and the love wherewith He loved, to share that love.
So, it's not a knowledge of the scriptures, but what? Do I love? How do I love with that knowledge?
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Bliss, I know this is a off topic here but I think sometimes God allows us to go through the financial woes or physical dilemmas. You remember the verse in James (don't have my bible at the moment) but the verse states something to the effect that tribulation works endurance, endurance works patience etc. Don't know if they were the right words but the point is that without the tribulation we can not understand what another is dealing with unless we have had our own pain it is difficult to be compassionate and more empathetic toward others. Otherwise we would tend to get hard not understanding how they could let certain things in their lives happen. I guess the older I get the more I experience I find myself becoming less critical of others and my experiences have helped me realize why others may do what they do.
Am I making sense?
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Am I making sense?
yup, I agree.
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1 john 3:1
FreeAtLast you make alot of sense. Life is too short.
Exie, I don't think we care since you are not interested in CFF, why do you bother reading, or are you just looking for something to pick on. Actually Kevin shared his heart and did an awesome job of it. Stop being so full of bitterness, it will consume you.
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1 John, stop picking on ex and don't speak for the rest of us. Some of "we" might want to know what she knows.
Since you either missed it or ignored it, I'm reposting Krysilis' post to you from The Whole Counsel of God's Word thread:
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How do you explain it when somebody does not receive the healing, that really "deserves" it?
The idea that the "green light" is ALWAYS on to minister.. that you ASSUME that that is the primary will of God..
I have a few reservations about that concept. A lot of times, it just doesn't work.. and I have seen people trying to cast out spirits that were not there, to begin with..
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hey thank you !!!!!!
i missed what kryssie said on another thread
and this is beautiful:
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Mark Sanguinetti
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Mark Sanguinetti
I wish I would have seen this thread about a year earlier, but I just noticed this. My comments here do not relate to CFF, but as for Peter Wade, I can vouch for his good character. I have been part of a few fellowship meetings over the years with Peter and he is definitely a lover of God and his people, while always showing a great deal of humility. And he is just an all around great guy to hang out with. And let me add that Peter Wade's personality and leadership style is completely unlike that of the Way International or any of its offshoots that I have heard of or experienced. Furthermore, I am very familiar both biblically and practically with the tactics used by the Way International to build a group that is not dependant on the Lord Jesus Christ, but rather instead has followers dependant on their organization and leaders. I can say with confidence and conviction that Peter Wade would have no part or would have nothing to do with such tactics. And if you are not really sure that I know what I write of here, then read this article which I did not have to copy from out of print books.
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what is ccf
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Mark Sanguinetti
I don't know what CCF is, but CFF stands for Christian Family Fellowship. This is a Christian group that spun off of the Way International and as I understand originated in Ohio. I have no personal experience with this group so I can not say if it is good or not.
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CFF was started by John Shroyer and Wayne Clapp, so if you knew those men at all, you knew they both have/had HUGE hearts for people. Very decent people. And, of course, Wayne was Martindales' "go to" guy for a lot of his Greek research and stuff (not that Craig listened to him, so don't blame Wayne when Craig spewed some of his twisted garbage)
I've heard good and bad about this group. The bad mostly being that they started from the premise that what Doc Vic taught was basically correct, just got legalistic and egotistical in its practice, and that they structure their fellowships, etc. very similarly to twi. Personally, I would have a hard time working from this starting point. So, whether you would like it, I think, depends a great deal of what you think of The Way International start to finish...
I know people who think the sun rises and sets on this group. Say they've had personal experiences with great physical, mental, and spiritual healing, etc. If that is so, I am happy for them. Unfortunately, they are not good witnesses for me because I know what they once said about TWI and it turned out to be lies. I also see the way they carry on in their everyday lives and it is not an example how a loving Christian should behave toward their fellow man, in my opinion.
So, like everything else: it seems to come to down individuals, not the group as a whole. If you are around good individuals, you will get something out of the group. If you are around "not-so-great-examples" of the one body, you probably won't like the group. You can see that even in peoples' posts about twi here on this board.
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CFF thinks "the world" of veepee :)
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No - not really. It seems that they go out of their way NOT to refer to VPW by name, and really emphasize the scriptures.
Although there may be some things similar to twi (home fellowships, non-trinity, etc.) they actually have several "churches"
(and I mean the kind with large congregation buildings).
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I thought they had some kind of memorial on grounds in his honor..
maybe I'm mistaken. Anybody know?
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Actually.....Shroyer started cff in '95 or '96 soon after his tenure in florida. In his traveling around, he sat at kitchen tables with hundreds.....listening to hearts of those damaged and abused by twi. Wayne came on board in '98...... after the "scandal of the martindale/married corps woman at the 1998 adv class at hq" came to the forefront.

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Five years ago I had almost ten extended phone conversations and e-mails with one "high official" in CFF who told me the following (paraphrasing):
"""We believe Dr. Wierwille was a genuine prophet of the True God, but the sin in his life and it's complications in the CFF congregation (and even in my own blood family) have prompted us to separate ourselves from the man’s name and his tapes and books as much as possible, and we are in the process of re-writing his books."""
The triple quotes are used to emphasize that I was paraphrasing.
I have heard (or perceived) much the same from other CFF officials in tha same past five years, but not as detailed nor as openly honest as the one cited above. Much the same is to be heard from other splinter groups.
I guess they figure God goofed in whom He selected to teach His Word like it had not been known since the first century if he would teach it to others. But LUCKY FOR US the splinter clergy will rescue us from the situation and re-echo Dr’s teachings to the next generation. Only problem is: NONE of those splinter clergy have faithfully mastered the material like they need to in order to “rescue” God from His “goof.”
For the humor impaired, that previous paragraph was laced with sarcasm.
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Keep in mind, though, that the above paraphrase was from five years ago. People and organizations drift from original charters if they don't visually refresh their memory and commitment. From my observations and studies, I'd say the norm is that most drift, so my above post may no longer apply to CFF today as much as it did 5 years ago.
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seriously mike
in your opinion
Has ANYONE mastered the pfal stuff?
is it even possible?
then you say as years go by people drift etc... well years have gone by for every person Mike so does your analysis apply to every person ?
who has mastered this stuff in your opinion?
it just sems to me every thing you write is about how the people have not mastered pfal you never write about those who have made the commintment long enough etc... ( it is not that difficult of a read Mike really)
have you mastered the writting yu cherish?
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Maybe we should discuss this elsewhere? I was trying to stay on topic. Ordinarily I'd engage you here and now, insert one of my famous infomercials, and move on to the CFF topic. But what I said above is about all I have on the topic.
that said.... I am immensely enjoying and benefiting from the process of just attempting to master it, let alone any areas where actual mastery occurs. It helps me understand many things about life... and things... like why all the clergy went so crazy.... and other things... like... uh...
(((((( <_< psssst! Hey Mike! This is your evil conscience. This is perfect!
You're back to the CFF topic with that crazy clergy phrase,
all you have to do is work that phrase
so it's time for an infomercial, right? It'll be easy! ))))))
uh... so I'm happy with my studies, and .... and happy with a bunch of other grads who similarly inclined... uh...
No, NO! Mike, remember the topic. You said you depleted it,
so going the crazy clergy route will not be honest
and it won't help the cause. Just trust God that the little you said here
will be absorbed by those who are ready for it,
and then move on to already derailed threads,
like "A note on forgiving" to do your thing.
It'll be better for everyone that way. )))))))
uh... so I'm happy just studying it the best I can and letting God do the rest.
(((((((Whshoooo! That was a close one.)))))))
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i do not want a commercial or what you think is wrong with everyone eles.
just freaking answer the question will ya?
have you mastered what you state will be the solution to everyones issue in life or not?
If not( and as comminted as you have been and appear to claim to be to the books of twi) is it all then just an attempt at and as yet an impossible task because it is so deep and profound a wrting? :
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No. I haven't mastered every lick of it. I don't know anyone who has. I know a bunch who are in the process.
This is a common sense thing, not philosophical. If you set the definition of "mastery" too high, then of course, no one could master anything and it would be a useless word. Mastery is always a relative thing. Compared to my knowledge of 10 years ago, I am well on my way to practical mastering the material in the USUAL sense of the word.
My car mechanic has relatively mastered his craft and can do consistently great work with it. Could there be a college professor somewhere who has mastered internal combustion theory and practice better? Sure. Does this preclude me from saying my car mechanic is a master? No.
If you had looked at my "Masters of the Word" thread (the largest thread in GreaseSpot history, but unfortunately pruned off the board), OR if you had read (with remembrance) the 1979 Way Magazine article "Masters of the Word" then you would know that when Dr taught it he meant that mastering the Word really means the Word becomes the master of our minds is crucial in the process.
Has the Word become the master of my mind? Yes, when I walk in that mind of Christ, nourished by the collaterals God provided specially for His kids (Marsha, was that an infomercial that just flew past us? I don't know; it was so fast, just like you John. Oh, Marsha, you're something else! Oh John! OH Marsha! OH JOHN!! MARSHA, MARSHA!! JOHN, JOHN, JOHN. MARSH...) in these last days.
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wel thank you Mike i understand your answer other than the bit with marsha .
so no one can fully master it so in behaviour you can for the rest of our life remind somone how they are just not quite arrived yet... it sounds very much like my muscle is bigger than yours type of behaviour creating competition in a very fleshy manner without any sense of holy spirit that Jesus sent to every personwho bekives romans 10;9 ,10 in which He teaches each person has the ability to hear from the ONLY teacher we ever need ( yes the bible says Jesus is the only teacher we need)
thx again
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I liken it to "my muscle (energized by God) is bigger than he (the adversary) that is in this world, and likewise are my spiritual siblings being bigger."
Christ most certainly IS the teacher, spiritually, not Dr. Wierwille. Same for the Epistles of Paul. They are really the Epistles of Christ from his ministry seated at the right hand of God, instead of his previous ministry on earth as recorded in the four gospels. Both the originals from Paul and the collaterals from Victor Paul are "by revelation of Jesus Christ." As Dr said, "I didn't write the book."
You also wrote: “ in behavior you can for the rest of our life remind someone how they are just not quite arrived yet...”
Yes, I can. But that wouldn’t be love, so instead of moving TOWARDS mastering the Word (with it mastering me) I’d then be moving AWAY from mastery if I used my past ten years of study to lord it over someone with less. Sure, I can get very feisty here with those who try to out-feisty me, but I try to quickly calm right down and look for ways to bless with what God has shown me in these ten years.
In the SNS teaching “Christ Formed In You” Dr addressed this subject. The SNS tapes were not copyrighted, and have been openly marketed by several grad groups for years now. With that and with fair use in mind let’s see what Dr said on that SNS tape #732 from November 24, 1974:
In II Peter is a tremendous truth, chapter 3, verse 18.
II Peter 3:18: But grow in [what?] grace [grow in grace], and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Grow in grace. The word "grace" literally could be translated "love's gifts." Grace is always God, who is love, at work. Love at work is grace. It says "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."
It doesn't say "grow in the knowledge of scripture." The Way Ministry's loaded with that stuff at times, but no love. We've got grads of the class on Power for Abundant Living, I wish I'd never taught them. All they do is prance around showing how much knowledge of the scriptures they have and make everybody else that hasn't got that knowledge feel badly, if they can.
Why my goodness, what did I ever teach them God's Word for? It breaks my heart. It's not the knowledge of the scripture you know, but the extent to which you know Him and walk in the love wherewith He loved.
Nothing wrong with knowledge of the scripture, but it looks to me you haven't got enough knowledge if you don't apply it, and you ought to read a few verses that tell you how to put it on, how to love with the love wherewith He loved, how to forgive with the forgiveness for which He forgives, how to keep your tongue under control so you don't go blabbing everything all the time.
It's an unruly evil, remember? The tongue. No man can tame it, so quit trying to tame it, let God tame it. He's the only one that can do it, otherwise you're always gonna have the running off of the tongue.
Grow in grace. That growing in grace is to grow in the love-life of Christ, like you can grow in the new birth, you can't get more spiritually. Then in the growing of it is in the renewed mind and in the walk.
Grow in grace. Love at work in your life by God through Christ who saved us when we were totally dead in trespasses and sins, without God and without hope, people. He loved us enough that He saved us. Can you and I really, if we know what that means, do less than endeavor to build the grace of God in our minds and the love wherewith He loved, to share that love.
So, it's not a knowledge of the scriptures, but what? Do I love? How do I love with that knowledge?
Does anyone have a “Back to Topic” emoticon? ;)
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