you [Griff]must have learned at the feet of LCM as well) - don't worry about compassion - what people need is CONFRONTATION - even if it's totally riddled with errors, judgement calls and b.s. unrelated to the actual situation and need of the individual.
Wot, didn't you hear LCM say that we are now in the Age of Confrontation? (LOL) The Word has gone all over the Word and people need confronting for not standing on it. (I know you support Pink, Belle)
Looks like the age of grace is over.
Anyway (back to topic) Confrontation is just what Pink is doing.
FYI - Pinklady and I have known each other for many years. Our 19 year olds were born a week apart!
Everything she has said about this local group and it's leaders is factual. I've know others who are still involved with them and they're out there where the buses don't run. I don't know about any others who might be connected to them - but these guys seem very cult-ish and IMO, a bit dangerous because of their need to keep to themselves and their total denial of anything that's critical of them. Sound familiar?
Anyway - email me if you want to continue the discussion.
Ok I have apologized to Pink for what I wrote. If you just want to pile it on that is ok cause if ya gotta go ahead.
Now one observation, I have read quite a few of the posts on quite a few of the recent topics I being a recent member here.
I have noticed that there is a "click" if you will and that if one of them posts something no matter how outrageous with claims and someone else like myself takes issue with the post, the rest of the "click' rides to the defense.
Now my original post which caused all this stir resulted in quite a few (at least 15) emails that thanked me for the post and the challenge to what did seem a little let's say not all that well written or documented (no offense please).
Oh well no need to respond to this, carry on with the original thread. God bless. I really enjoy GS.
I want to chime in and say that being "challenged" never helped me bring the abuse I was subject to out in the open. whenever I opened my mouth about it, the disbelief was tangible because "he's such a great guy, he'd never do that". I'm sure many patted themselves on the back for challenging me because my complaints seemed petty and undocumented. good TWIt "believers" they were, too, full of "love".
I speak up about such things these days not for those who require proof that I was victimized because I owe them NOTHING. I speak up for other victims so they know they aren't alone.
Thanks guys for your support. It is comforting to know that there are still some believers left who have some empathy and compassion for others. The ones like my soon to be ex husband and other way corps like griffp, I can only pray that they wake up one day.
griffp, if you really had 15 e-mails, why aren't they coming forward on this thread to help you out? Your claim does not ring true!!!!
Not one of those people have come forward. It seems to me that you are the phony one.
You have made this thread about you and not the kids, I really don't care about what you think that is if I am making claims that "don't ring true".
My concern is the kids!!
You and I make choices as adults every day as to where our lives take us. You don't know me and what is in my heart. I believe there is a Bible verse about that. We are responsible for our choices.
Your life took the path that you made it take, you may have been tricked or fooled into making certain bad decisions like staying too long in a situation etc. but you however made the choice.
Kids as you know do not make their own choices and I was very distraught when I read your post to start this thread. My heart sank. I wanted to go to where ever this abuse was taking place a remove the kids and leave a lasting impression on the whacko who was causing the abuse if you know what I mean.
I have four children that I love dearly and I get upset even when little things go wrong for them.
I am sure if we knew each other in real life we would be fast friends. You are grieving and this GS is helping you overcome some big issues, please don't let my BS post challenging you hurt you.
I really am sorry for it.
I would quit this board rather than hurt you.
There is a lot of evil out there to fight and little time to fight it. We must continue steadfast in the Word and let that sword wield the power. I am praying every day for you and the others who have been hurt by such abuse.
I normally stay out of these kinds of posts and forums but I really think you are pretty wrong here Griffp.
First of all I have seen numerous posts from PinkLady about her kids and not making an issue of herself.
Secondly with what she has been through and is continuing to go through she should feel absolutely free to talk about herself as well as her kids.
Third, reminding her about her choices in life is about as comforting as a root canal without anasthesia,
Fourth, TWI made it easy for women and children to be victimized and traumatized and for men to either ignore it or be a part of it. Our wives were taught to be willing slaves to their men and children were slaves to everyone not just their own parents. Doesn't the thought of that wooden spoon junk just bring bile up your throat?
Personally I think that PinkLady ought to be honored for her strength and resolve. I also think she should be able to find some level of comfort here rather than being trounced.
edited for typos
Dear Pink
You have made this thread about you and not the kids, I really don't care about what you think that is if I am making claims that "don't ring true".
My concern is the kids!!
You and I make choices as adults every day as to where our lives take us. You don't know me and what is in my heart. I believe there is a Bible verse about that. We are responsible for our choices.
Your life took the path that you made it take, you may have been tricked or fooled into making certain bad decisions like staying too long in a situation etc. but you however made the choice.
As I recall the TWI of the nineties, there were no victims. People who have illness and calamity bring it on themselves with weakness, slothfullness, hardheartedness, not obeying the mog, or whatever.
Just like the fearful mother made that driver smash her kid, somehow all your problems are caused by you.
It's the TWI Law of Believing at work.
Perhaps griffp believes this. And since truly horrible things haven't happened to him...
Griffp, I do accept your apology. At least you do say you are wrong and apologize. My soon to be ex never did that.
I forgive you. I will say that I do not agree that because I made those choices that I asked for my kids to be taken and abused. I had a heart for God and just wanted to teach my kids to love him too. My heart was innocent.
The people who decieve the hearts of the simple for their own bellies are the ones who made bad choices. I would not want to be them. They will pay with their eternal rewards.
So God Bless. I have no hard feelings for you at all!!!!!!!!!!
Regardless of what griffp and that ilk say to you or try to imply...
Those of us here at GS who have fought a hard fight to get free of the evil influences of twi in our lives know you are posting the truth and we support you whole-heartedly!!
Do what you have to do, for yourself and your kids, and don't let anyone discourage you...
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Wot, didn't you hear LCM say that we are now in the Age of Confrontation? (LOL) The Word has gone all over the Word and people need confronting for not standing on it. (I know you support Pink, Belle)
Looks like the age of grace is over.
Anyway (back to topic) Confrontation is just what Pink is doing.
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Hope R.
Hey Griff...
FYI - Pinklady and I have known each other for many years. Our 19 year olds were born a week apart!
Everything she has said about this local group and it's leaders is factual. I've know others who are still involved with them and they're out there where the buses don't run.
I don't know about any others who might be connected to them - but these guys seem very cult-ish and IMO, a bit dangerous because of their need to keep to themselves and their total denial of anything that's critical of them. Sound familiar?
Anyway - email me if you want to continue the discussion.
Hope R.
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thanks hope
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Thanks Hope,
Ok I have apologized to Pink for what I wrote. If you just want to pile it on that is ok cause if ya gotta go ahead.
Now one observation, I have read quite a few of the posts on quite a few of the recent topics I being a recent member here.
I have noticed that there is a "click" if you will and that if one of them posts something no matter how outrageous with claims and someone else like myself takes issue with the post, the rest of the "click' rides to the defense.
Now my original post which caused all this stir resulted in quite a few (at least 15) emails that thanked me for the post and the challenge to what did seem a little let's say not all that well written or documented (no offense please).
Oh well no need to respond to this, carry on with the original thread. God bless. I really enjoy GS.
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GriffP, I think your apology is a joke and not exactly from your heart. lol! But you know what is really great? I don't care !!!!
Who cares how its written or documented? Most everyone supports me because, sadly, I am not the only victim with a horror story to tell.
Sounds like you may know these men and even support them. The people that you claim e-mailed you probally do as well.
Why should we believe you?
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I want to chime in and say that being "challenged" never helped me bring the abuse I was subject to out in the open. whenever I opened my mouth about it, the disbelief was tangible because "he's such a great guy, he'd never do that". I'm sure many patted themselves on the back for challenging me because my complaints seemed petty and undocumented. good TWIt "believers" they were, too, full of "love".
I speak up about such things these days not for those who require proof that I was victimized because I owe them NOTHING. I speak up for other victims so they know they aren't alone.
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Thanks guys for your support. It is comforting to know that there are still some believers left who have some empathy and compassion for others. The ones like my soon to be ex husband and other way corps like griffp, I can only pray that they wake up one day.
griffp, if you really had 15 e-mails, why aren't they coming forward on this thread to help you out? Your claim does not ring true!!!!
Not one of those people have come forward. It seems to me that you are the phony one.
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Dear Pink
You have made this thread about you and not the kids, I really don't care about what you think that is if I am making claims that "don't ring true".
My concern is the kids!!
You and I make choices as adults every day as to where our lives take us. You don't know me and what is in my heart. I believe there is a Bible verse about that. We are responsible for our choices.
Your life took the path that you made it take, you may have been tricked or fooled into making certain bad decisions like staying too long in a situation etc. but you however made the choice.
Kids as you know do not make their own choices and I was very distraught when I read your post to start this thread. My heart sank. I wanted to go to where ever this abuse was taking place a remove the kids and leave a lasting impression on the whacko who was causing the abuse if you know what I mean.
I have four children that I love dearly and I get upset even when little things go wrong for them.
I am sure if we knew each other in real life we would be fast friends. You are grieving and this GS is helping you overcome some big issues, please don't let my BS post challenging you hurt you.
I really am sorry for it.
I would quit this board rather than hurt you.
There is a lot of evil out there to fight and little time to fight it. We must continue steadfast in the Word and let that sword wield the power. I am praying every day for you and the others who have been hurt by such abuse.
God Bless you and thank you for posting.
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my pink friend
count me as being in your corner!!
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I normally stay out of these kinds of posts and forums but I really think you are pretty wrong here Griffp.
First of all I have seen numerous posts from PinkLady about her kids and not making an issue of herself.
Secondly with what she has been through and is continuing to go through she should feel absolutely free to talk about herself as well as her kids.
Third, reminding her about her choices in life is about as comforting as a root canal without anasthesia,
Fourth, TWI made it easy for women and children to be victimized and traumatized and for men to either ignore it or be a part of it. Our wives were taught to be willing slaves to their men and children were slaves to everyone not just their own parents. Doesn't the thought of that wooden spoon junk just bring bile up your throat?
Personally I think that PinkLady ought to be honored for her strength and resolve. I also think she should be able to find some level of comfort here rather than being trounced.
edited for typos
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As I recall the TWI of the nineties, there were no victims. People who have illness and calamity bring it on themselves with weakness, slothfullness, hardheartedness, not obeying the mog, or whatever.
Just like the fearful mother made that driver smash her kid, somehow all your problems are caused by you.
It's the TWI Law of Believing at work.
Perhaps griffp believes this. And since truly horrible things haven't happened to him...
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Griffp, I do accept your apology. At least you do say you are wrong and apologize. My soon to be ex never did that.
I forgive you. I will say that I do not agree that because I made those choices that I asked for my kids to be taken and abused. I had a heart for God and just wanted to teach my kids to love him too. My heart was innocent.
The people who decieve the hearts of the simple for their own bellies are the ones who made bad choices. I would not want to be them. They will pay with their eternal rewards.
So God Bless. I have no hard feelings for you at all!!!!!!!!!!
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Hang in there, PinkLady...
Regardless of what griffp and that ilk say to you or try to imply...
Those of us here at GS who have fought a hard fight to get free of the evil influences of twi in our lives know you are posting the truth and we support you whole-heartedly!!
Do what you have to do, for yourself and your kids, and don't let anyone discourage you...
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