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Child Abuse in the Way


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I was reading the last post of the incident that happened in Alaska and I decided to start another thread on it because I think alot of children are still being abused and parents are still being taught by leadership to cause harm both physically and mentally and sexually.

I have started a investigation on a leader here who I believe abused my son, who was 5 at the time, he is 12 now. I saw horrible things being done to my kids as well as other children. My son was left nude all day and made fun of by the leaders daughter. He was crying when I picked him up. I was furious.

He said he was not allowed to put his clothes on because they were dirty. I asked myself and the leader why he did not call me to come bring him clean clothes or pick him up!

That is what a day care is required to do. From that time on I could not go in the bathroom with my son to gave him a bath, he would scream, get out!!! Then he would cover up. There were other times before that I found out later that a video had been made and nude pictures were taken.

During that time I was kicked out of the fellowship for questioning leadership and my husband went along with it. My husband would, when the leader called for my son to come over, make my son go. But after I picked him up nude I refused to let him go back. That caused alot of fights but I did not care. I was trying to save my marriage and get all 4 of my kids out. I stayed in for a year after being let back in after 2 months only to be watched by his asssistant.

It was a year of hell and looking back I regret staying. I learned alot more after I left. My son finally told me that he was beaten with a wooden spoon many times by this leader. He was put in a chair and left there for over a hour, and the leader saying, I know everything. You must obey me.

My other son told me of the fellowlabourer weekends where kids from 13-17 went to his house for the weekend. He had alot of acreage and they had to work in the hot and extreme cold all day. Once he made them get up at 2 am to work! My son forgot his lunch one day and the leader told him he was a liar and made him work longer than anyone else because he had to have my daughter bring him home to get his lunch.

The kids were yelled at and harassed. One twig leader was bragging about how one of my sons had taken many verbal attacks and said, he took it like a man. They broke his spirit. I do not see 2 of my kids because they are still under this evil man's control.

The leader said the parents were welcomed any time but I was never allowed. I was confronting him that is why. I was telling him he was wrong to treat them that way. His face got red and he kicked me out later. I had 3 kids in his camp!!!!!!! God did not tell the leaders to teach and discipline the children, He told the paren'ts to do it!! He was taking over my children. I started reading the notes from his teachings at night, He was teaching them to obey the man of God. He was telling them he only liked teaching the youth because the parent's and the older grads had lost the word. He was brainwashing them and I was the only one seeing it! It was a nightmare that I lived. I was alone except for God. He told all my freinds I was a liar and a backbiter. He ruined my reputation to save his. He took half of my heart away from me and as long as my kids are gone I will be in deep pain.

We were taught by the family corps to break the childs will. That it was a battle and you had to win. At 2 years old they would say, If he reaches for something hit him and keep on hitting him, I regret doing that . I was a young mother only 21 at the time and I wish I could go back and change some things. I never beat my kids but I could have been so much more loving. Today, I am a new and improved Mother. I only wish my other 2 could see how loving I have become since I left.

Verbal abuse is promoted as well as physical and even sexual abuse of children is allowed by these so called leaders. I am trying right now to stop this man. I think more of us should do all we can to protect the children from any future abuse. God forbid that he should do this to another child. I am very concerned for my daughter who lives on his property.

The reason he is able to continue is because no one but one little woman is trying to stop him. I believe you have to shine a light on the darkness. Noone wants to get involved. All of you read this stuff and get appalled but noone is doing anything to help. There are many of us who have suffered by loosing family. But they are going after and targeting our Youth and making them even more evil than themselves. I beleive Jesus Christ says that in the gospels. That is what is happening to 2 of my kids. They were the most beautiful and loving kids and now they are full of hatred for their own flesh and blood. They have not seen their 2 brothers or their 82 year old grandma in over 4 years.

I quess you could say I have alot at stake, Many say to sit back and pray and do nothing, But how can we allow our youth to go through years of bondage like we did? People have to be accountable for their actions. That is why splinter groups are dangerous they can do anything they want and get away with it.

How can we help the children?? How can we stop all this abuse?

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I have started a investigation on a leader here who I believe abused my son, who was 5 at the time, he is 12 now. I saw horrible things being done to my kids as well as other children. My son was left nude all day and made fun of by the leaders daughter. He was crying when I picked him up. I was furious.

He said he was not allowed to put his clothes on because they were dirty. I asked myself and the leader why he did not call me to come bring him clean clothes or pick him up!

That is what a day care is required to do. From that time on I could not go in the bathroom with my son to gave him a bath, he would scream, get out!!! Then he would cover up. There were other times before that I found out later that a video had been made and nude pictures were taken.

This where you call the police. Let them go in, find the pictures and video, and arrest the perverts.

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my God, I feel sick to my stomach reading your post. a leader calls for a child... why???? why would he need your child? only one thing I can think of.

call the police. your son was very likely molested from what you describe, and definitely abused. call child protection services... call everyone who can help. that pervert who passes himself off as a man of god more than likely required other children to make visits so he could use them, too. try to find those people.

my prayers are with you and your son.

and yes, get a lawyer! if you need to, set up a paypal donation account. I'm poor but I'll make a donation. for something like this, I will absolutely make a donation.

also... do you have any idea what might have been done with the pictures and tapes? if they were distributed, then this might be a federal case.

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Pink Lady my heart goes out to you and the children. Even though I am not a parent, I have seen this go on in certain areas before this. Here are a couple suggestions:

1. Document everything that you know or suspect has happened. Get it ALL down on paper as concisely as you can.

2. Once that is done, make multiple copies and PLEASE make sure at least one copy is stored in a safe deposit box. This is your back-up in case they suddenly start disappearing. believe me, if you are not absolutely careful, things WILL suddenly start vanishing. "been there, done that.

3. Get with your local police and social services department, give them the information that you have and be totally honest when they talk to you.

4. Take another copy of your documentation to the local district attorney's office, discuss this with them and make them investigate.

5. If you seem to be hitting a brick wall, hand deliver the information and anything else you can get a hold of pertinent to this to your state attorney general's office and hand it to the head of the criminal investigation unit.

6. Find out who your U.S. Attorney is and where his office is located. Make another copy of EVERYTHING you have and send it to him Registered Mail with a signature required.

This may seem like a lot of leg work. I'va already been on this road for about 14 months dealing with my own headache. Believe me, it is well worth every bit of the effort you will have to put into it, if you really want your kids back where they belong. I know you do.

One more requirement & I will stop babbling. You mentioned that your husband has been involved and has left. Get a reputable locksmith in and change every lock on the house, and then get your attorney to request a court restraining order to keep him away from you and the kids. As you walk, trust God always. He will guide you on the path you need to take.

God Bless You Always........

Edited by railroader II
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I did get child protective services involved and they transferred it to a dectective where this leader lives, same town. He waited 2 months before he did anything and questioned my son as if he was making things up.

The dcf dectective was appalled and is still in contact with me. I am thinking something is not right with that investigation, they did not get a search warrant. I believe the tape and pictures are gone now.

I wrote a letter to this leader, saying that as long as he had 2 of my kids in his control that I would continue to expose him. I will go media if I can, even hold sighs up in front of his house to let the community know that he is a threat to their children as well..

He runs a fellowship for youth and I think people should hear my story. I quess this leader got nervous and had my daughter call and threaten me that if I don't leave this leader alone she would never have anything to do with me!

Thats a joke because she has not even tried to have anything to do with me or her brothers or her grandmother! That hurt me but that only made me want to fight harder!!!

The investigation is closed and I was thinking of going over his head. I don't know what to do because I am dealing with a divorce now and trying to put the pieces back togeather of my life not to mention the 2 kids I have left. I have been a stay at home mom for 25 years and now I need to get a job!!

I am confident becaust I do present myself well and have taken care of myself. God has blessed me so much with prosperity but now it is time to take care of myself!!

I do not feel I not should drop this because I feel responsible for knowing what I know and what happpened to my son that I would feel horrible if it happened to another mom.

Edited by pinklady
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my advice to you, pink, is to go to school if you can. get alimony, as much as you can. your husband will not be fair with you, so get as much as you can now, since alimony will be determined by your circumstances at the time you get divorced. getting a job that keeps you stuck where you are won't help you. you have no retirement and no skills, and most states will take that into consideration in the divorce and make your ex support you for a period of time to allow you to gain skills you need in the job marketplace. I tried to be fair and didn't go for everything I could, and my ex used that against me so that we were actually homeless for a while, and my credit is now in shambles. it's more expensive to fix it later, so please, be ruthless. 25 years is a lot to sacrifice to a man who didn't deserve you.

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I am going to get slaughtered by the "believe the women at all costs" group but this post is a classic women in distress, "I am convincing myself" and that this is the right rhetoric way to manipulate people.

In 14 paragraphs you did not mention that you are going through a divorce but in a later post

"The investigation is closed and I was thinking of going over his head. I don't know what to do because I am dealing with a divorce now and trying to put the pieces back togeather of my life not to mention the 2 kids I have left. I have been a stay at home mom for 25 years and now I need to get a job!!"

You are the poor I gotta go back to work ex wife. Oh my God the real world is going to chew you up lady.

"I think alot of children are still being abused and parents are still being taught by leadership to cause harm both physically and mentally and sexually."

That's an outrageous accusation if you have no evidence. The alleged porn film is now missing so you say.

"a leader here who I believe abused my son"

How and why are the police not involved, just a social agency and a private detective.

"I saw horrible things being done to my kids as well as other children."

What the heck is wrong with you why did you not get the cops right there and then.

"I asked myself and the leader why he did not call me to come bring him clean clothes or pick him up!"

You told us the question but not the answer.

"During that time I was kicked out of the fellowship for questioning leadership and my husband went along with it. My husband would, when the leader called for my son to come over, make my son go. But after I picked him up nude I refused to let him go back. That caused alot of fights but I did not care. I was trying to save my marriage and get all 4 of my kids out. I stayed in for a year after being let back in after 2 months only to be watched by his asssistant."

This is amazing no way I'm letting my kid or my spouse do this. Cops Cops Cops, Lady get a grip. Or is this the blame for the divorce lawyer.

"My son finally told me that he was beaten with a wooden spoon many times by this leader. He was put in a chair and left there for over a hour, and the leader saying, I know everything. You must obey me."

Your son who was 5 and now is 12, seven years ago over half his life time hmmm maybe a little mommy influence here. Could this be about custody remember you did it too by your own admittance but you are sorry.

"The kids were yelled at and harassed. One twig leader was bragging about how one of my sons had taken many verbal attacks and said, he took it like a man. They broke his spirit. I do not see 2 of my kids because they are still under this evil man's control."

Your kids as I read it are minors get the cops go in there and get them.

"The leader said the parents were welcomed any time but I was never allowed. I was confronting him that is why. I was telling him he was wrong to treat them that way. His face got red and he kicked me out later. I had 3 kids in his camp!!!!!!!"

Again where was your head at and where are the cops.

"Verbal abuse is promoted as well as physical and even sexual abuse of children is allowed by these so called leaders. I am trying right now to stop this man. I think more of us should do all we can to protect the children from any future abuse. God forbid that he should do this to another child. I am very concerned for my daughter who lives on his property."

Third time you mentioned sexual abuse, and you have no evidence except a missing tape. This is weak.

"The reason he is able to continue is because no one but one little woman is trying to stop him."

And here is the plea, the plight of the victim, you have made so many wrong choices and decisions I am amazed you are still walking around.

If truly you are a victim and your children are victims of child abuse I stand corrected by all. I will help you in any way I can, but you better do better than this because I have lot's of doubts. Your most likely seeing these things as you have written them and you are getting even more validation from other posters here I can imagine what the people you actually talk to think.

Pray to God that you are wrong for your children's sake and get the cops involved and get your minor kids out.

Disclaimer: I have no idea who this person is or who the allegations are about so if I am wrong or way off base someone let me know and I will apologize.

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I had the same things written and said about me when I started to talk about what I went through. I don't know pinklady personally, but her story rings very true to me. why? because I lived a very big part of it. she's either been victimized in ways you can never imagine, or she's the world's biggest con artist. you're assuming she's a con artist. I believe she was broken and abused and is recovering herself and if I'm right, then your words are the most hurtful I can imagine posting in a place like this.

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To our doubting Thomas: aka griffp, before you start condemning this woman, I would suggest that you read some of the other posts that have appeared regarding this subject, This has been a prevalent occurence over the years. The reason that not much has been done is because TWI goon squad/ attorneys have managed to suppress a lot of the information, or they have humiliated the people complaining to the point that the charges end up being dismissed because they are severely harassed into not pursueing things ant further. Please note: this woman did go to Child Protective Services, who then sent her to a detective. Yet nothing was done. Why??? Typical TWI interference behind the scenes. They mot likely did exactly what you are doing by painting a picture of her as the villian instead of the victim. You MIGHT want to rethink your statement and apologize to the lady.

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  potato said:
I had the same things written and said about me when I started to talk about what I went through. I don't know pinklady personally, but her story rings very true to me. why? because I lived a very big part of it. she's either been victimized in ways you can never imagine, or she's the world's biggest con artist. you're assuming she's a con artist. I believe she was broken and abused and is recovering herself and if I'm right, then your words are the most hurtful I can imagine posting in a place like this.

Anecdotal evidence, I am a graduate of the Sixth Corp (Yeah big deal I know) I have seen it, all of it and I even had some of this stuff happen to me.

My point is that common sense and decency prevails over the bs leadership crap that people swallow. So after some thought, I may have been a tough on the lady, she is a victim, just being associated with the Way is victimization.

My Bible says that Believers are overcomers and that's where I stand. My heart goes out to her if she is honest about what she is saying and not just playing to a sympathetic audience. So if your honest and we will not know I apologize for my harsh words. If you are not you will live with it.

I am not assuming she is a con artist I am simply saying that she might have an agenda and that she has made a lot of accusations that are not supported by evidence nor have been handled well when they happened.

Oh well I knew I would get lambasted so ok I did.

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  griffp said:
My point is that common sense and decency prevails over the bs leadership crap that people swallow.

not always. some people have lost their lives because of leadership crap. others have lost children. I almost lost one of mine.

  griffp said:
I am not assuming she is a con artist I am simply saying that she might have an agenda and that she has made a lot of accusations that are not supported by evidence nor have been handled well when they happened.

she's not obligated to present evidence to you. a lot of what you hear in here is not supported by evidence, they are the personal accounts of the people who lived them. so what's your point?

I can look back at plenty of times I didn't handle things well. if I had, I'd have been divorced many years ago and out of twi instead of wasting 20 years of my life in there. it's no good telling people they screwed up when they already know it. I can't tell you how many times I thought about killing myself. are you going to criticize me for it, or rejoice that I finally found the strength to get out? one way or another, I didn't ask for it and it's not my fault. I was abused. I thought leaving was not an option for a very long time.

there's no point in accusing people of being weak who are turning it around and finding their strength. she was hurt, her kids were hurt. it wasn't handled well. evidence is gone. her husband, who should love her and protect his family, worked with the guilty to keep the victims victimized. is that such a shocking story that you can't believe it? yes, the fight will be so much harder now because of the time that's passed. she's not the only person who's found themselves in this predicament because they didn't act swiftly enough or they talked to the wrong person. you just want to shrug it off and tell them it's their own fault for not acting on common sense?

man, sometimes people just need to cry when they've been through it. who are you to judge that? who are you to judge their mistakes?

got love?

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I can't get past that 3rd paragraph...there were videos made....OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am crying and shaking and raging and screaming and I just want to rip twi a new a$$hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feel free to PM me...email me at billandvickynicholson@yahoo.com...you can call me...anything I can say or do to help you, I will!

So far, it's the same SH*+ as what happened in Alaska!!!!!!!!!!


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I am not even going to answer all the unlearned questions in griffp's post. Unless you have walked in someone else's shoes you really can't judge what you would do given the very same circunstances.

Do I have regrets? Yes. I would gladly give up my life if I could go back and make the right descions. I really don't want to live now, but I fight for my kids sake.

The DCF detectives and a sheriff here believed me and Austin. She had to transfer it because it was another county. She is still in contact with me. She said, That it was not my fault. I did the best I could with what I knew at the time. I am still trying to sort through all the spiritual abuse.

He says he was in the 6th corps, so was my ex. Mabe that is why he seems to have lost the most important thing, the love of God. They would rather believe leadership than a victim of spiritual abuse. Where's the empathy? My ex never had it.

I have the report. My two kids and my husband all admit there was a video. So there is more proof that it did exist.

I still love my husband. He comes over and we are trying to be freinds for the kids sake. I have forgiven him. This divorce is not nasty. There is no court battle. He even beat me and I forgave him. I just feel sorry for him that he is not awake yet. I have to move on without him and it makes me mad as hell that the devil destroyed my marriage and my family.

Mabe if more way corps had woken up sooner they could have saved their own marriages as well. I commend of of you that have changed.

I have no agenda except to love God and try to find a place to worship Him with people who love Him too. I know He will take care of me and the boys and my mom.

I forgive you for saying mean and uncaring things that you know nothing about. I have already been dealing with this ego.

I am simply sharing my story like so many other victims here do for healing to myself and mabe just mabe it can help someone else who may be going through the same thing. Mabe it can be a warning not to get your kids invoved. To check everything out very throughly. To ask questions, Mabe it can help to save other moms from loosing their children, I can assure you there is no greater pain.

Mabe we can stop the abuse of women and children and youth who are being verbally, sexually and most of all spiritually abused.

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All I can say . . .

Praying with you and for you for you and for your kids and family (oh how their grandmother must weep for them, too).pi_cry.gif

(The sooner you find these things out, the better. I didn't find out the reality of twi child abuse stuff until both my kids were 18+.)

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I am not even going to answer all the unlearned questions in griffp's post. Unless you have walked in someone else's shoes you really can't judge what you would do given the very same circumstances.

Mabe if more way corps had woken up sooner they could have saved their own marriages as well. I commend of of you that have changed.

I have no agenda except to love God and try to find a place to worship Him with people who love Him too. I know He will take care of me and the boys and my mom.

I forgive you for saying mean and uncaring things that you know nothing about. I have already been dealing with this ego.

I am simply sharing my story like so many other victims here do for healing to myself and mabe just mabe it can help someone else who may be going through the same thing.

Thank you Pink Lady for setting me straight I am sorry, please carry on in your plight and continue to struggle for what you need.

If I can help you, as I have said before, please ask.

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About the way child abuse, i had a short comment.

The Way was convicted in North Carolina of child abuse for various reasons. This started about a two year war of TWI and North Carolina, not even on argument of issues, but that "Religious Freedom", and other arguments gave them the right to do anything they chose to their children, and unless they

were seriously injured etc. , they would fight them to the death about it.

They evidently spent millions, and attacked NC as a group, for the whole time , even a paper a day till the courts could not handle it any more and dismissed the charges. The prosecuter said she had never seen a vile , and rotten mess like them in her life, or a more diabolical fighting filth, damanding the right to program by abuse, and or deprevation or what ever means it took for their children to be WAY

children in training, and keep the secrets of the group.

The level or their blatent abomination, and their corruption and coersion of the system here in NC is ledgendary. But thats the ways of TWI , you ever come against them in anything, they mean to win , and hurt you bad enough that you never want to do it again at the least, their preference is to see you die, or destroyed for you abominable arrogance to oppose THE HOLY MAN OF GOD , in any matter.

Then, overturn him!! you'll fight till one dies.

Thank you,GodBless You,


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It is still very difficult for me to read all of the information here, pinklady.

Know that no matter what happens, you, your children and your grandchildren are in my heart's prayers.

Again, anything I can do to help...even if it means just listening...I'm here.

It's hard to explain how things become overwhelming so rapidly inside a cult. Most people cannot even comprehend what happens when a 'man of god' decides to destroy a family. It's all over the news all the time, but people seem to think that those whose lives were destroyed must have done something to the 'man of god' or to 'the one body' to have brought such crap upon themselves. Others think that somebody's hiding something and that's why they didn't come forward sooner. Still others think that those of us who have been caught up in such tragedies are just plain stupid for not getting out and doing something about it all.

The sad truth is that when it comes to a religious organization, most of those who can help won't.

These threads here at GSC are full of the stories of those of us who ended up having to fight the system itself to protect our families. Some of us lost that battle, too.

Those of us who have been down this path or a similar path include Robes, templelady, myself, and a few others I can't think of their handles right now. Read the threads and contact these women....they're great resources!!!!!! They're also great support.

Have you heard of Steve Hassan? Google his name and maybe contact him/his organization. I hear he's helped many, many extwi folks. Even Dr. Phil turns to him when dealing with cults.

Help is out here, pinklady. Maybe you haven't found it yet, but it's there. Seek and ye shall find. That's a promise ya know. :)

Again, I'm here whenever you need it if you ever need it.


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griffp: Glad you apologized.

Pink has come a very long way since she first started posting on GSC.

She still has a long way to go with this particular matter.

It took all of us a long time to recover from Waybrain and her oldest kids don't want rescuing from their variant of Waybrain, at the present time. But the youngest kid is safe - now.

How many other kids are being abused - now? She is very courageous in trying to bring light on this.

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