Way to go Ron G. -You brought up a good point. We should know what our bodies need. And especially about taking care of our weight. Most doctors agree that you not let your waist get over 36'' for men and 34'' for women.
I wish everyone could read what you just printed. It is great to see someone who is serious about taking care of themselves.
I try to eat lots of lean meat, fish, and veggies-the veggies I grow myself when it's not frozen over here.
You probably will live 10 to 20 years longer than you would have without doing this.
I went to the cardologist on Dec 28 and he took me off my blood pressure pills since my BP was 190/80 without them, gloated and gushed over the shape I was in.
Ron, Way to go, Ron!!!!!
I have started back eating almost exactly the way you described and I FEEL WONDERFUL!
Another bonus is waking up a lot earlier and actually having ENERGY!!!
Thanks for your post. I'm going to send it to a friend.
Vegetarianism is suicide. This has been proven medically. Meat is vital for healthy muscle tissue.
Proven medically by a bunch of quacks. Boston Children's Hospital, The Mayo Clinic, The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, all say a plant based vegetarian diet is healthy.
In June 2003, leading nutrition organization, the American Dietetic Association (ADA), released its new position statement on vegetarian diets.
“It is the position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.”
The report goes on to discuss a variety of vegetarian health issues and further states:
“Vegetarians have been reported to have lower body mass indices than nonvegetarians, as well as lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; vegetarians also show lower blood cholesterol levels; lower blood pressure; and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer.”
“Vegetarian diets offer a number of advantages, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein and higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, boron, folate, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and phytochemicals.”
I don't mean to negate your other advice, Ron. Exercise and portion control are great. But people who live the longest eat a plant based diet.
It was one year ago I began my current regimen of diet/exercise when I went for my 6 month pacemaker check and weighed around 320 lbs. It was all I could do to waddle back to the examination room and got winded doing it.
Here's what I did....
Here are the latest results...
I weighed in this morning at 195.
My cholesteral is 170
my blood sugar is normal
Last week, I was officially made Scoutmaster and I have the energy and stamina to stay ahead of the boys, feeling better and doing as much as I did at age 25...and I just turned 59 last Thanksgiving.
Congrats Ron, that's really great.
I'm taking it a little slower, but I do some of the same things you do...
... like starting the day with a protein enhanced drink (mine's a little simpler, skim milk with WHEY supplement)
I work out at the local community college... they have some great machines... my main aerobic exercise is on a UBE (upper body ergonomics) machine. That's essentially a bike that you row with your arms... and I do a weightlifting routine.
Anyway, your accomplisment is impressive. I hope you're able to keep it up.
Socks-Nu life brand has a product with alpha lipoic acid and ginkgo together. Ginkgo is good for helping the memory (as long as I remember to take it)
I heard that. Thanks. Nu-Life - will check it out, thanks! I take a multi-vitamin supplement that's pretty generic, and I recently got a pill crusher, and taking them crushed up, in yogurt or cereal, seems to help. Usually I don't digest vitamin pills very well and that's solved that.
I also found that "Emergen-C" is a good form for me, a powder that dissolves in water or juice.
Mental health - yeah, life can drive you crazy sometimes. Several years ago I was in a seminar of Jim Loehr's, a sports and 'personal' performance coach and speaker. The company I work for held it and I was helping with the event and sat in the sessions. He had a lot of practical solutions for reducing stress. One that stuck with me - he talked about how disorganization produces stress, the way family, work, personal affairs can push and pull us in different directions all at once, and how to reduce the stress of them piling up.
He talked about how some stress is produced by all of the things we are "going to do", need to do but aren't doing, usually because at the time we can't do them. Like the house - come home, see the lawn, needs mowing, we see it and think yeah I need to mow it. Mail piles up, we think how we need to sit down and go through it. Garage - piles of stuff to go through. Closets need cleaning out. Etc. etc. Everytime we encounter these things and don't do something about them stress is the result, because we register that we "should" be taking care of them, but aren't. Weight seems to accumulate, we become more burdened. We have things that do need to be done now and it's easy to just keep feeling like we're putting everything off.
One simple solution he discussed was simply to use a calendar - calendar these kinds of things to do them, when we have time. So, lawn gets mowed- Saturday, 9 am. Garage - that has to wait, next month, second weekend. Etc. etc. Do it the same way we would our work or business affairs.
Once we do that we've made realistic plans to complete all this incomplete stuff. Now everday I still see the undone stuff but I've ordered it in my mind, relief is produced because I'm not harboring this unrealistic expectation that I "should" be fixing everything, right now.
Sounds simple but I've found in extremely busy times, like the holidays, it helps a LOT. I work with my brain to understand the things I'm NOT going to do. Period, ain't going to happen.
It's so simple, but looking at our time and the demands made on it and actually doing a little planning and writing it down is a huge problem solver for all of this "little" stuff that accumulates on and on and on. Plus, it obviously helps to get stuff done.
I eat alot of organic foods and cut out everything white. eating right and exercising are very important. I try to go to the gym at least 3 times a week. weight trainging is good. I eat alot of berries and drink alot of wine! lol!
Walking Is the only arobic exercise I do. Running is not good for you. I love dancing!!! I don't eat anything after 6 pm and watch portions. I drink alot of water too.
I had 4 kids and after the 4th I was up to size 14-16!! I was always small. So I decided I wanted to be in a bikini by the spring. I did all of the above and lost 60 pounds in 3 months, I got into the bikini and look better than I did when I was a teenager! That was 6 years ago.
I can still wear the bikini after 6 years. It has to become a lifestyle not a diet!!! I don't deprive myself, if I really want a dessert I will take a couple of bites!! I have found ways around dieting because I hate dieting!! I have done all of them and just living healthy is the best!
I'm gonna have to beg to differ on your statement about running not being good for you, I think it's a great way to get exercise provided you do it on trails and and NOT pavement. Of all the sports or exercises I have tried it is the only sport for me that keeps me toned, my weight down and my cardiovascular in peak condition (along with free weights) after having 5 kids and the last two being twins. Aleast for me I can say it covers everything health-wise. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but I have been doing it for years and years and I have no complaints.
I agree, most of us have to be careful with running. It's great while you are young but when you are older you have to watch the knees. I've run for over 30 years and my knees are starting to ache. Now I'm stuck on a stationary bike watching Oprah-ha.
One thing I also done to help my knee ligaments is to take glucosimine chlondriotin-helps the joints.
I've also switched from blended scotch to single malt! lol.
Cowgirl, I guess I should have said in my opinion running is not good for you. I was thinking of the knees, especially for women. I have seen alot of my freinds with knee injuries as well.
If that is what you enjoy I think you should do it. I applaud any kind of exercise!!
Polar Bear I agree with you on both counts; being careful about running and the bikini.....
I have to chime in a little on running. I am not down on running but yes indeed you do have to be careful. I was a competitive runner for many years (no that's not where RumRunner came from). I ran cross and competiive track events. I ran 20 miles a day (on the dirt shoulders of country roads) and then 45 minutes of wind sprints and then an hour in a weight room. The end result is that I wore things out period. I was in chronic pain 24/7 for many years starting in my late 30's. I now (at 50) have a pair of titanium and ceramic hips and the knees are next on the list. They're cool BTW.
Now in all honesty everyone is different. That was my experience and certainly is not the experience of most people...I am not trying to breed fear of running. Running is cool. But in early discussions with the surgeon, when I related my past, he simply said you wore your joints out - and even a novice could see it in the x-rays. Anyway long story short - things are well for me with the latest medical technology but I sure wouldn't wish the previous pain on anyone - well I lied - I can think of a few.
Oh and I definitely second the single malt scotch - no water no ice - just sip a little at a time.
One last cool thought for any of you with a sick sense of humor. Hips and knees made of titanium and ceramic....when I die and the flesh starts to decay I am gonna look like the terminator from Terminator 1 after he is down to mostly metal....oh well it was funny to me anyway
A good alternative aerobic exercise is to use a U B E -- upper body ergonomics machine. It's a bicycle type thing that you "pedal" with your hands/arms. I do 38 minutes a day, 4 days/week and get my heart going to about 75% of max rate (128-135 bpm) which is toward the upper end of the target range for cardio conditioning. Then I also use a NuStep machine, which is a "seated" stair climber... I do that for 15 minutes each day I'm at the gym... I do the NuStep so my legs don't let out of condition, but don't go as intensely as I do with the UBE. Besides the weight loss I've accomplished, my resting heart rate had been in the 80s before I started working out around the summer of 2005, then for a long time it was in the low 70s or high 60s. Now, I'm getting resting HR readings in the lower 50s.
AND I lift weights... because muscle burns calories, but fat only stores them. Since I started in '05 my body's fat % has dropped more than 15 points... and I still have plenty to go.
OFM---------Remember the old joke with the Camel pack? You hand someone the pack and ask them where they would stay if a sand storm comes up. They usually comment about taking shelter behind the pyramids or palms or the camel itself. At that point you take the pack back, flip it over and say "I'd just go around the corner and stay at the Taj Mahal."( which is pictured on the back side).
Some of my relatives have problems with osteoporosis=sorry about the spelling. Their bones are giving out.
I did some research on it. Here's what I came up with.
After about thirty or so the bone density goes downhill.
Bones are not just solid mass. They are very complex and have different functions other than just holding us up. They also produce our blood.
Not to worry, there are things you can do.
Weights-very important, keeps the bones and muscles strong. Doesn't have to be heavy weights, just enough to do 10 repititions or so and not be too strained.
Vitamin C-we don't get enough. Take vitamins and with it you need folitate and vitamin D (D you get enough when it's nice and sunny out.)
I must correct what I said about vitamin C. It should be taken with magnesium and vitamin D to help obsorb it. (although folilate is good for other stuff)
And if you live north of anywhere between Los Angles and Atanta you don't get enough vitamin D from sun worship. Sorry tanners.
This guy is a world renowned doctor who has studied with a team of other doctors and have over 50 years of research to prove what they are telling us. (And he's even been on Oprah-no kidding!)lol
Who's this for-anyone over 30-after 30 your body stops using the calcium it has stored.
I have many friends who would have loved to have this info. before their bones started to break up.
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polar bear
Way to go Ron G. -You brought up a good point. We should know what our bodies need. And especially about taking care of our weight. Most doctors agree that you not let your waist get over 36'' for men and 34'' for women.
I wish everyone could read what you just printed. It is great to see someone who is serious about taking care of themselves.
I try to eat lots of lean meat, fish, and veggies-the veggies I grow myself when it's not frozen over here.
You probably will live 10 to 20 years longer than you would have without doing this.
I'll bet you feel great too.
Is it worth it=hell yeah.
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Way to go, Ron!!!!!
I have started back eating almost exactly the way you described and I FEEL WONDERFUL!
Another bonus is waking up a lot earlier and actually having ENERGY!!!
Thanks for your post. I'm going to send it to a friend.
Take care,
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RonG said:
Proven medically by a bunch of quacks. Boston Children's Hospital, The Mayo Clinic, The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, all say a plant based vegetarian diet is healthy.
From: http://www.cok.net/feat/ada.php
Vegetarian Diets Healthy for All,
Says American Dietetic Association
In June 2003, leading nutrition organization, the American Dietetic Association (ADA), released its new position statement on vegetarian diets.
“It is the position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.”
The report goes on to discuss a variety of vegetarian health issues and further states:
“Vegetarians have been reported to have lower body mass indices than nonvegetarians, as well as lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; vegetarians also show lower blood cholesterol levels; lower blood pressure; and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer.”
“Vegetarian diets offer a number of advantages, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein and higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, boron, folate, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and phytochemicals.”
I don't mean to negate your other advice, Ron. Exercise and portion control are great. But people who live the longest eat a plant based diet.
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that is truly an awesome story
good for you!
vegan,sorry girl i gotta love ya ,but don't have to agree with you
God had a perfect place for meat that comes from annimals..........right next to the potatos ....and veggies
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Dot Matrix
Lots of great posts
You may want to contact masterherbalist she's really bright in these things as well.
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Congrats Ron, that's really great.
I'm taking it a little slower, but I do some of the same things you do...
... like starting the day with a protein enhanced drink (mine's a little simpler, skim milk with WHEY supplement)
I work out at the local community college... they have some great machines... my main aerobic exercise is on a UBE (upper body ergonomics) machine. That's essentially a bike that you row with your arms... and I do a weightlifting routine.
Anyway, your accomplisment is impressive. I hope you're able to keep it up.
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Right on, Ron! Inspirational. :)
I heard that.
Thanks. Nu-Life - will check it out, thanks! I take a multi-vitamin supplement that's pretty generic, and I recently got a pill crusher, and taking them crushed up, in yogurt or cereal, seems to help. Usually I don't digest vitamin pills very well and that's solved that.
I also found that "Emergen-C" is a good form for me, a powder that dissolves in water or juice.
Mental health - yeah, life can drive you crazy sometimes.
Several years ago I was in a seminar of Jim Loehr's, a sports and 'personal' performance coach and speaker. The company I work for held it and I was helping with the event and sat in the sessions. He had a lot of practical solutions for reducing stress. One that stuck with me - he talked about how disorganization produces stress, the way family, work, personal affairs can push and pull us in different directions all at once, and how to reduce the stress of them piling up.
He talked about how some stress is produced by all of the things we are "going to do", need to do but aren't doing, usually because at the time we can't do them. Like the house - come home, see the lawn, needs mowing, we see it and think yeah I need to mow it. Mail piles up, we think how we need to sit down and go through it. Garage - piles of stuff to go through. Closets need cleaning out. Etc. etc. Everytime we encounter these things and don't do something about them stress is the result, because we register that we "should" be taking care of them, but aren't. Weight seems to accumulate, we become more burdened. We have things that do need to be done now and it's easy to just keep feeling like we're putting everything off.
One simple solution he discussed was simply to use a calendar - calendar these kinds of things to do them, when we have time. So, lawn gets mowed- Saturday, 9 am. Garage - that has to wait, next month, second weekend. Etc. etc. Do it the same way we would our work or business affairs.
Once we do that we've made realistic plans to complete all this incomplete stuff. Now everday I still see the undone stuff but I've ordered it in my mind, relief is produced because I'm not harboring this unrealistic expectation that I "should" be fixing everything, right now.
Sounds simple but I've found in extremely busy times, like the holidays, it helps a LOT. I work with my brain to understand the things I'm NOT going to do. Period, ain't going to happen.
It's so simple, but looking at our time and the demands made on it and actually doing a little planning and writing it down is a huge problem solver for all of this "little" stuff that accumulates on and on and on. Plus, it obviously helps to get stuff done.
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Love you too! We'll just agree to disagree.
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I eat alot of organic foods and cut out everything white. eating right and exercising are very important. I try to go to the gym at least 3 times a week. weight trainging is good. I eat alot of berries and drink alot of wine! lol!
Walking Is the only arobic exercise I do. Running is not good for you. I love dancing!!! I don't eat anything after 6 pm and watch portions. I drink alot of water too.
I had 4 kids and after the 4th I was up to size 14-16!! I was always small. So I decided I wanted to be in a bikini by the spring. I did all of the above and lost 60 pounds in 3 months, I got into the bikini and look better than I did when I was a teenager! That was 6 years ago.
I can still wear the bikini after 6 years. It has to become a lifestyle not a diet!!! I don't deprive myself, if I really want a dessert I will take a couple of bites!! I have found ways around dieting because I hate dieting!! I have done all of them and just living healthy is the best!
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Hi there Pink Lady!
I'm gonna have to beg to differ on your statement about running not being good for you, I think it's a great way to get exercise provided you do it on trails and and NOT pavement. Of all the sports or exercises I have tried it is the only sport for me that keeps me toned, my weight down and my cardiovascular in peak condition (along with free weights) after having 5 kids and the last two being twins. Aleast for me I can say it covers everything health-wise. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but I have been doing it for years and years and I have no complaints.
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polar bear
Pinklady-when do we get to see you in the bikini.
I agree, most of us have to be careful with running. It's great while you are young but when you are older you have to watch the knees. I've run for over 30 years and my knees are starting to ache. Now I'm stuck on a stationary bike watching Oprah-ha.
One thing I also done to help my knee ligaments is to take glucosimine chlondriotin-helps the joints.
I've also switched from blended scotch to single malt! lol.
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You are funny! I think the malt was a great idea!
Cowgirl, I guess I should have said in my opinion running is not good for you. I was thinking of the knees, especially for women. I have seen alot of my freinds with knee injuries as well.
If that is what you enjoy I think you should do it. I applaud any kind of exercise!!
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Polar Bear I agree with you on both counts; being careful about running and the bikini.....
I have to chime in a little on running. I am not down on running but yes indeed you do have to be careful. I was a competitive runner for many years (no that's not where RumRunner came from). I ran cross and competiive track events. I ran 20 miles a day (on the dirt shoulders of country roads) and then 45 minutes of wind sprints and then an hour in a weight room. The end result is that I wore things out period. I was in chronic pain 24/7 for many years starting in my late 30's. I now (at 50) have a pair of titanium and ceramic hips and the knees are next on the list. They're cool BTW.
Now in all honesty everyone is different. That was my experience and certainly is not the experience of most people...I am not trying to breed fear of running. Running is cool. But in early discussions with the surgeon, when I related my past, he simply said you wore your joints out - and even a novice could see it in the x-rays. Anyway long story short - things are well for me with the latest medical technology but I sure wouldn't wish the previous pain on anyone - well I lied - I can think of a few.
Oh and I definitely second the single malt scotch - no water no ice - just sip a little at a time.
One last cool thought for any of you with a sick sense of humor. Hips and knees made of titanium and ceramic....when I die and the flesh starts to decay I am gonna look like the terminator from Terminator 1 after he is down to mostly metal....oh well it was funny to me anyway
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I think we need a discussion on the health benefits of single malt vs Southern Comfort vs Jack Daniel's
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Single malt scotch wins every time....
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Even over Drambuie?
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I tried that snot once. Who could possibly drink that... well I guess we know one person.
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A good alternative aerobic exercise is to use a U B E -- upper body ergonomics machine. It's a bicycle type thing that you "pedal" with your hands/arms. I do 38 minutes a day, 4 days/week and get my heart going to about 75% of max rate (128-135 bpm) which is toward the upper end of the target range for cardio conditioning. Then I also use a NuStep machine, which is a "seated" stair climber... I do that for 15 minutes each day I'm at the gym... I do the NuStep so my legs don't let out of condition, but don't go as intensely as I do with the UBE. Besides the weight loss I've accomplished, my resting heart rate had been in the 80s before I started working out around the summer of 2005, then for a long time it was in the low 70s or high 60s. Now, I'm getting resting HR readings in the lower 50s.
AND I lift weights... because muscle burns calories, but fat only stores them. Since I started in '05 my body's fat % has dropped more than 15 points... and I still have plenty to go.
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...and by all means...make sure you smoke the right brand
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OFM---------Remember the old joke with the Camel pack? You hand someone the pack and ask them where they would stay if a sand storm comes up. They usually comment about taking shelter behind the pyramids or palms or the camel itself. At that point you take the pack back, flip it over and say "I'd just go around the corner and stay at the Taj Mahal."( which is pictured on the back side).
Good to hear from you, Smokey.
OK, back to health tips.
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polar bear
Some of my relatives have problems with osteoporosis=sorry about the spelling. Their bones are giving out.
I did some research on it. Here's what I came up with.
After about thirty or so the bone density goes downhill.
Bones are not just solid mass. They are very complex and have different functions other than just holding us up. They also produce our blood.
Not to worry, there are things you can do.
Weights-very important, keeps the bones and muscles strong. Doesn't have to be heavy weights, just enough to do 10 repititions or so and not be too strained.
Vitamin C-we don't get enough. Take vitamins and with it you need folitate and vitamin D (D you get enough when it's nice and sunny out.)
Anyone else?
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Women shouldn't smoke. Smoking lowers the amount of estrogen in our bodies, and estrogen slows bone loss.
If you drink, drink only one alcoholic drink a day. Alcohol makes it harder for our bodies to use calcium.
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"Don't you go where the huskies go and don't you eat that yellow snow!"
Frank Zappa
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polar bear
I must correct what I said about vitamin C. It should be taken with magnesium and vitamin D to help obsorb it. (although folilate is good for other stuff)
And if you live north of anywhere between Los Angles and Atanta you don't get enough vitamin D from sun worship. Sorry tanners.
This guy is a world renowned doctor who has studied with a team of other doctors and have over 50 years of research to prove what they are telling us. (And he's even been on Oprah-no kidding!)lol
Who's this for-anyone over 30-after 30 your body stops using the calcium it has stored.
I have many friends who would have loved to have this info. before their bones started to break up.
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