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Need A Good Book On The OJ Trial


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BTW, if you can't find anything good on OJ, my daughter and I did the trial of Clarence Earl Gideon. He was an itinerate man who wrote his own Supreme Court appeal ultimately leading to the decision providing legal counsel to those who could not afford it. Not only is there a book, Gideon's Trumpet, there is also a good movie of the same name staring Henry Fonda as Gideon. I recommend the book and movie even if you decide not to do a report on it.

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My friend is an atty and she and her friends liked An American Tragedy


It talks about how they put pictures around the house to make him seem like a great father and took all the pictures of White girls out as they thought it would tilt the blacks on the jury. It was all staged


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I do not care one iota about that case, and do not suggest that I have any idea as to his guilt or innocence. It seems to me that for a school project on a trial, a book that gives an impartial portrayal of it would be preferable. Not one that seems from your description to be predisposed to Simpson's guilt. Perhaps I am misunderstanding your description. Is it one sided or does it also point out prosecution attempts to sway the jury?

Tommy- is she looking at the criminal or the civil trial for her study? or both?


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