To be more organized by getting rid of clutter. I've been purging out the basement today - it's not pretty. Some things are going to the dump, some are going to Goodwill or other places they can be donated. I'm labeling boxes better and taking inventory of what we have. These are things I used to do, but I got busy raising babies and these things got put aside. Time to get back on track.
To eat more fruit and less processed food.
To spend less time at the computer and more time reading or playing with the kids.
To manage my business better - invoicing got slack - can't let that continue.
And - to go to bed before midnight as much as possible because the kids get up so early and I have to be ready to take care of them.
I don't like to make resolutions because the rebel in me gets stirred up, and I then I just don't want to do it! Instead I like to make daily just seems easier for me.
Many years ago I resolved not to make any new years resolutions. The only way I can keep that resolution is to not make resolutions. Therefore, I haven't resolved anything in years.
That lack of resolution is one of the main reasons I post down in 'tacks. Nothing gets resolved there, so it's perfect for me!
I usually don't make resolutions but this year the timing and the need were in conjunction... so... Some of it, like getting rid of clutter, stated in early December but I consider them resolutions anyhow. They're all things I'll continue once I've started on them, so what-the-hey...
...a few years ago we had a thread like this and I posted that I was going to get braces - and I did. I got them off 10/05 and I'm glad I did it. I almost always finish what I start - and if I say I'm gonna do something you'd better get out of my way! :-)
"I'm going to organize Belle's house. I'm going to organize Belle's house. I'm going to organize Belle's house."
Seriously, I've got a new daytimer this year and I'm uber tickled about it. It's an "At A Glance" notebook with a format where you can see your "to do" list, "monthly view" and "daily view" all at once. I LOVE IT!! I'm trying to discipline myself to use it more consistently and for everything - everything!
I'm also reorganizing my office so that I can actually use the desk for something other than catching all the mail and various papers that come into the house.
Those two feats alone will catapult my success in so many other areas that I'm wanting to 'spruce up'. Least, I hope so!
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I resolve to quit drinking, posting, and swearing ...
oh sheeet, i've already had three beers ...
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nah, I got tired of kicking my butt.....
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I posted on the other New Year thread that I make one resolution each year,
and keep it faithfully come hell or high water.
My resolution each year is to make NO OTHER resolutions, other than that one. :)
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read today's dennis the mennace! i agree with margeret
i like me just the way i am
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When I was a teenager I made resolutions...until I got into twi and somebody told me that making resolutions was like reading fortunes.
Now I have just two resolutions every year: 1)stay alive, and, 2)make personal improvements, no matter how small, in all aspects of my life.
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same ones as last year and the year before and the year before and the year before and the year before
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Rhino, you absolutely crack me up!
I don't make them either, but I tend to rebel against being told what to do. ... even (or is that, especially?) when I'm the one doing the telling.
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To be more organized by getting rid of clutter. I've been purging out the basement today - it's not pretty. Some things are going to the dump, some are going to Goodwill or other places they can be donated. I'm labeling boxes better and taking inventory of what we have. These are things I used to do, but I got busy raising babies and these things got put aside. Time to get back on track.
To eat more fruit and less processed food.
To spend less time at the computer and more time reading or playing with the kids.
To manage my business better - invoicing got slack - can't let that continue.
And - to go to bed before midnight as much as possible because the kids get up so early and I have to be ready to take care of them.
Gee... that's all?
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Many years ago I resolved not to make any new years resolutions. The only way I can keep that resolution is to not make resolutions. Therefore, I haven't resolved anything in years.
That lack of resolution is one of the main reasons I post down in 'tacks. Nothing gets resolved there, so it's perfect for me!
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polar bear
I'm going to try my best not to give the finger to stupid drivers!
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I usually don't make resolutions but this year the timing and the need were in conjunction... so... Some of it, like getting rid of clutter, stated in early December but I consider them resolutions anyhow. They're all things I'll continue once I've started on them, so what-the-hey...
...a few years ago we had a thread like this and I posted that I was going to get braces - and I did. I got them off 10/05 and I'm glad I did it. I almost always finish what I start - and if I say I'm gonna do something you'd better get out of my way! :-)
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Chas, repeat after me....
"I'm going to organize Belle's house. I'm going to organize Belle's house. I'm going to organize Belle's house."
Seriously, I've got a new daytimer this year and I'm uber tickled about it. It's an "At A Glance" notebook with a format where you can see your "to do" list, "monthly view" and "daily view" all at once. I LOVE IT!! I'm trying to discipline myself to use it more consistently and for everything - everything!
I'm also reorganizing my office so that I can actually use the desk for something other than catching all the mail and various papers that come into the house.
Those two feats alone will catapult my success in so many other areas that I'm wanting to 'spruce up'.
Least, I hope so!
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