OR maybe a hound dog -- they are plentiful here and abandoned frequently
Anyway how nice of you to care!!!!! Yipee!!!!!
I hope he gets a nice home. His running would indicate fear -- probably kicked or hit by people he went to for help.
So sad.
Here is a little something FYI - When we found Simba (a chow owned by a client that is now in Arizona) he had been missing for oct 15 thru Dec 21. HE was A GREAT dog -- a show dog and very bright.
Animal control called the clinic and I went to get him (off the clock) and called the owners in AZ.
He was starving so I kept feeding him --- It can make their stomachs flip. With a starving dog or human you need to start slow and work up as if they had been fasting. Simba had to have x-rays. You could see all the undigested food I gave him... (I didn't know)
They had to give him oil to get it to move. But in your case with a lost abandoned dog I would have done the same thing and hoped he ate until full then stopped -- cause what else can you do?
Thank you all! I don't think I could have slept if we'd have known he had to spend yet another night out in the cold. And yeah, I know he'd spent many a night out there, but now that we saw him, there was no way we could have left him. The lady at the shelter says he was probably dumped right there, at the fire hydrant we found him at, and he sat waiting patiently for them to come back. That makes me tear up again, just typing that! (I know, I'm weird)
Dot he looked like the Sharpei, but not quite as wrinkly--and thinner--but he was thin because he was hungry. I did wonder if he would chomp down too much too fast, which was why we left two dishes--I thought he'd puke the first bit back up.
Yes, it is a kill shelter. I hate the idea he'd be put down, but figured that alternative would be better than his staving to death. I'm going to call the lady at the pet rescue, and leave an email for the Sharpei rescue people-- maybe they can get him outa there.
My older son, Isaac, came whispering to me last night , that maybe we could keep him after he got all cleaned up. That would be nice, but we have two dogs and two cats, and that is really pushing my hubby's threshold for animals in the house! (Two was almost too much for him!) We're still gonna broach the subject. . . :D
The Shar Pei rescue folks didn't have room for him right now, nor did the other rescue place. They're full right now.
The animal shelter here says he IS a SharPei and he's only about 4-5 months old! :(
Why would somebody dump a PUPPY? In a location like he was in, I don't think it's likely he was a run-away. Poor poor baby!
They are not going to put him down--there's a lady who works there who takes a special interest in mange dogs, healing them up. The director of the shelter tells me they are going to give this guy a chance--they want to see him placed. I'm so glad! I'm going to keep following up on him.
I'm so proud of you. what a sweet thing to do! We adopted a dog that had been abandoned. She was so grateful that we saved her. Really. One day I left the back gate open and she sat right there. She had no desire to run away and that's the truth. she knew this was her home.
the backyard is so empty, now, becasue she went to be with the Lord Oct. 11th, but I still think of her sitting under her favorite tree. She loved us much! And, we her.
Oh, and yes, I believe animals will be in heaven. The Lord rides a horse, doesn't he?
Please keep us posted on how "your" little dog is getting along.
WB, your post reminds me of one of my favorite quotes about dogs: "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Psalmie, I'm so glad they're going to give that little pup a chance to find a good home! It just breaks my heart that people can be so cruel. :(
You deserve the Golden Bacon Award for your generosity, compassion and action. :)
I think its wrong to abandon any dog, but a shar pei? Aren't they very expensive? I mean, I don't know anything about the dog trade, but if I had a pure bred dog, that wasn't too common, I would think I would be able to sell it for some money. Especially if it was a puppy. Surely someone would have $20 to buy a shar pei. It just doesn't seem logical to abandon a shar pei puppy.
I dunno, maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist, but maybe the puppy was dog napped? Taken from someone's home, then dumped when the owner couldn't come up with the money? Or stolen by someone's ex, just to get revenge? Has anyone listed the dog as found? Tried to find the owners, or even the breeders?
Anyway, I'm happy you cared enough to stop to help him. I bet he's happy too!
Well, we went to the shelter to see him today. His skin looks better, but he's still pretty scaley. They said the type of mange he has is not the one that can pass over to humans, so they lat us pet him. (It's a type that is more likely hereditary) Isaac would have none of that! LOL! Ben and I were nervous about it--he has so many dried icky spots! But he's a sweet, friendly little guy. He was fairly quiet, too--a good trait of SharPeis.
I did a search on SharPeis last night. Yes Vegan, they are expensive--about $1000!! And prone to skin problems. And not good to have around other small animals, as they can be aggressive. And people who are very consistent trainers, as they are strong-willed and aggresive. Okay, then. My guess is the people who dumped him didn't know all this. Thought, "oh how cute, lets buy a Wrinkle Dog!" And then the skin problems came along. And he wasn't as easy to train as they thot. And maybe he bit their cat. And he grew bigger, wasn't as cute as he was when they got him.
BUT THAT DOESN'T GIVE 'EM AN EXCUSE TO DUMP HIM!!!! (I know, I'm preaching to the choir, I'm not yellin at you all, just yellin!)
And this guy isn't even full-breed SharPei!! He's got Lab ears and doesn't have that fat, hippo head. I asked them at the shelter, and they said the same--and that they haven't seen an aggressive side to him. DARN those jerks for dumping him like that! I'd like to see them dumped somewhere where they can't leave, don't have fresh water or food, have to live exposed to the elements, and have a skin disease! SHEESH!
There's a chance he could be lost, or stolen, but given where he was, according to the shelter, he was more likely dumped. (that doesn't mean he wasn't stolen then dumped). But it's most likely he was dumped because of the skin disease--people dump their animals when they can't afford to take care of whatever medical situation comes up. This is all what I learned at the shelter.
He's not up for adoption yet, they want to clear up the mange better. They posted a picture of him on the other web site, if ya want, I can try to paste it here--he looks pretty scaley still, though. Other people who visit this shelter to love on the animals posted how sweet he is, too--I'm glad they met him! LOL!
Someone over at that website is going to take the pup in for foster care!!!! They have a dog that they had taken in a couple years ago that had mange and they nursed her back to health, so now they're gonna do the same with this one! It is only a foster care, then they will put him up for adoption later, but I am still soooo happy the hear it!!
I hope this works, if not, I'm gonna have to get instructions as to how to get these pictures over here. (I don't have a digital camera, so I'm pasting the pic here, I hope!)
This is the pic that earned him the name Mugsy
And here is the condition he was in--actually worse than this a couple days before when we'd found him
Ya done good, Psalmie. What a sweet face. It's beyond my comprehension how anyone can throw away a dog as easily as they'd toss a McDonald's wrapper out the car window.
I'm sure once they get his skin problem resolved it will be easy to find Mugsy a home. He's sooooo adorable.
My Sophie was on her way to a kill shelter when I got her. The people who had had her for 6 years were getting rid of her because she shed and they were fixing up their house to sell. They tried to feed me some story about her being vicious around the 22 month old child. She is a pure bred labrador retriever, show type, and very vocal and not at all vicious. She wasn't healthy, either, got too much food, no exercise, and no attention. I gave them $50, they gave me a leash a dog dish and papers. I brought her home, walked her, fed her better food, and explained who was the boss. She is the best dog I ever had. She is 13, has bad arthritis from being obese all those years. We got her a series of shots from our vet of a medication developed for lame racehorses, $200 series of 8 shots over four weeks, then one booster a month. She is much more agile now and not in much pain at all. The treatment is a lifesaver.
I don't understand people who abandon dogs or turn them in to be killed for reasons like illness or they don't play any more because they're not puppies.
The first thing we did after we got Sophie slimmed down was get her spayed. But that's another soapbox.
So thankful Mugsy is on the right road. You're my HERO!
as a construction worker myself, I doubt that running him off or abusing him would have been in the cards. I would say a majority of us have dogs ourselves, and a certain empathy for the abused. (canine or human) We are such lowlifes oursleves ! LOL
HAP, I apologize for my statement about the construction workers. I really didn't mean to imply they were the bad guys, but in rereading what I said, it is a negative statement--prejudging them. I'm sorry.
I'll try to s'plain myself better. This is going to be an upscale developement, and I thought someone--anyone in any way connected to the developement, would come along and see the pup and be "offended" at him in their developement, and try to run him off, and the picture I got in my mind was throwing stones or such at him, yelling "GIT!" OR picturing an accident--someone driving heavy equipment, accidently running over him. Or just plain ole mean people-not necessarily workers or people who'd purchased a lot there, but drive-by mean people--I've heard some awful stories of abuse of stray animals.
Linda-- love your statement about piggies! LOL! And I agree with ya-- I can't even imagine someone dumping a pet so crulely (sp?)
Feathers, HUSH! When the boys and I were at the shelter, we asked about naming him, since we found him, but I think we asked the wrong person. I coulda called him Porky! HAHA!!!
WG--I'm so glad you found Sophie-- or she found you! LOL!
Here are some more pictures, the foster family took these and posted these. They gave him a bath/dip with some medicine for the mange, and it's amazing how it helped his skin. She also posted about the type of mange Mugsy has--I'm gonna paste that here now.
"This is the story of Mugsy, a male Shar-Pei/Lab mix puppy that was dumped by his owner when he developed demodectric mange. Demodectric mites are hereditary and are passed from mothers to puppies. It is a type of mite that every puppy has present on its skin. However, if a puppy has a damaged immune system, the mites can take over. When the mites take over, demodectric mange occurs. This type of mange infects the hair follicles, which causes the hair to fall out. The skin becomes rough, bumpy, and itchy. The dog will literally scratch until he bleeds. Demodectric mange is not contagious to humans or other animals. If the puppy receives proper nutrition, veterinary care, and lives in sanitary conditions, it is rare for demodectric mange to even develop. But if it does, it is easy to treat and cure. In Mugsy's case, his demodectric mange was so far advanced when he was rescued that his was a long and painful path to recovery."
After the dip:
There are a lot more, but I had to pick and choose!
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Thanks Psalmie for taking Time to make a difference.
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You and yours are some of the Good Ones.

I hope all turns out well (I'll "believe" that it will
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What a beautiful thing you did Psalm, and a smart thing too!
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Dot Matrix
Construction sites are notorious dumping grounds for cats and dogs.
When you say wrinkle dog are you meaning a sharpei?
OR maybe a hound dog -- they are plentiful here and abandoned frequently
Anyway how nice of you to care!!!!! Yipee!!!!!
I hope he gets a nice home. His running would indicate fear -- probably kicked or hit by people he went to for help.
So sad.
Here is a little something FYI - When we found Simba (a chow owned by a client that is now in Arizona) he had been missing for oct 15 thru Dec 21. HE was A GREAT dog -- a show dog and very bright.
Animal control called the clinic and I went to get him (off the clock) and called the owners in AZ.
He was starving so I kept feeding him --- It can make their stomachs flip. With a starving dog or human you need to start slow and work up as if they had been fasting. Simba had to have x-rays. You could see all the undigested food I gave him... (I didn't know)
They had to give him oil to get it to move. But in your case with a lost abandoned dog I would have done the same thing and hoped he ate until full then stopped -- cause what else can you do?
GREAT Job in helping the baby!!!!
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Dot Matrix
Is the place he went a kill shelter ?
There are no kill shelters -- Not Animal control (they only hold about 3 days)
Is he a sharpei? They probably have a rescue.
I do not know if you are interested but here is some info for him or the next time:
Here is a director I call for our Abandoned dogs
Judy Price judy@atlantapetrescue.org (email)
Or a rescue
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Psalm 71 one
Thank you all! I don't think I could have slept if we'd have known he had to spend yet another night out in the cold. And yeah, I know he'd spent many a night out there, but now that we saw him, there was no way we could have left him. The lady at the shelter says he was probably dumped right there, at the fire hydrant we found him at, and he sat waiting patiently for them to come back. That makes me tear up again, just typing that! (I know, I'm weird)
Dot he looked like the Sharpei, but not quite as wrinkly--and thinner--but he was thin because he was hungry. I did wonder if he would chomp down too much too fast, which was why we left two dishes--I thought he'd puke the first bit back up.
Yes, it is a kill shelter. I hate the idea he'd be put down, but figured that alternative would be better than his staving to death. I'm going to call the lady at the pet rescue, and leave an email for the Sharpei rescue people-- maybe they can get him outa there.
My older son, Isaac, came whispering to me last night , that maybe we could keep him after he got all cleaned up. That would be nice, but we have two dogs and two cats, and that is really pushing my hubby's threshold for animals in the house! (Two was almost too much for him!) We're still gonna broach the subject. . . :D
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Psalm 71 one
The Shar Pei rescue folks didn't have room for him right now, nor did the other rescue place. They're full right now.
The animal shelter here says he IS a SharPei and he's only about 4-5 months old! :(
Why would somebody dump a PUPPY?
In a location like he was in, I don't think it's likely he was a run-away. Poor poor baby!
They are not going to put him down--there's a lady who works there who takes a special interest in mange dogs, healing them up. The director of the shelter tells me they are going to give this guy a chance--they want to see him placed. I'm so glad! I'm going to keep following up on him.
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I'm so proud of you.
what a sweet thing to do! We adopted a dog that had been abandoned. She was so grateful that we saved her. Really. One day I left the back gate open and she sat right there. She had no desire to run away and that's the truth. she knew this was her home.
the backyard is so empty, now, becasue she went to be with the Lord Oct. 11th, but I still think of her sitting under her favorite tree. She loved us much! And, we her.
Oh, and yes, I believe animals will be in heaven. The Lord rides a horse, doesn't he?
Please keep us posted on how "your" little dog is getting along.
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WB, your post reminds me of one of my favorite quotes about dogs: "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Psalmie, I'm so glad they're going to give that little pup a chance to find a good home! It just breaks my heart that people can be so cruel. :(
You deserve the Golden Bacon Award for your generosity, compassion and action. :)
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I think its wrong to abandon any dog, but a shar pei? Aren't they very expensive? I mean, I don't know anything about the dog trade, but if I had a pure bred dog, that wasn't too common, I would think I would be able to sell it for some money. Especially if it was a puppy. Surely someone would have $20 to buy a shar pei. It just doesn't seem logical to abandon a shar pei puppy.
I dunno, maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist, but maybe the puppy was dog napped? Taken from someone's home, then dumped when the owner couldn't come up with the money? Or stolen by someone's ex, just to get revenge? Has anyone listed the dog as found? Tried to find the owners, or even the breeders?
Anyway, I'm happy you cared enough to stop to help him. I bet he's happy too!
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Psalm 71 one
Well, we went to the shelter to see him today. His skin looks better, but he's still pretty scaley. They said the type of mange he has is not the one that can pass over to humans, so they lat us pet him. (It's a type that is more likely hereditary) Isaac would have none of that! LOL! Ben and I were nervous about it--he has so many dried icky spots! But he's a sweet, friendly little guy. He was fairly quiet, too--a good trait of SharPeis.
I did a search on SharPeis last night. Yes Vegan, they are expensive--about $1000!! And prone to skin problems. And not good to have around other small animals, as they can be aggressive. And people who are very consistent trainers, as they are strong-willed and aggresive. Okay, then. My guess is the people who dumped him didn't know all this. Thought, "oh how cute, lets buy a Wrinkle Dog!" And then the skin problems came along. And he wasn't as easy to train as they thot. And maybe he bit their cat. And he grew bigger, wasn't as cute as he was when they got him.
BUT THAT DOESN'T GIVE 'EM AN EXCUSE TO DUMP HIM!!!! (I know, I'm preaching to the choir, I'm not yellin at you all, just yellin!)
And this guy isn't even full-breed SharPei!! He's got Lab ears and doesn't have that fat, hippo head. I asked them at the shelter, and they said the same--and that they haven't seen an aggressive side to him. DARN those jerks for dumping him like that! I'd like to see them dumped somewhere where they can't leave, don't have fresh water or food, have to live exposed to the elements, and have a skin disease! SHEESH!
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I'm sure you're right, Psalm. I tend to let my imagination go into overdrive.
That's great he's getting better at the shelter. Do you know when he goes up for adoption? Or is he available already?
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Psalm 71 one
There's a chance he could be lost, or stolen, but given where he was, according to the shelter, he was more likely dumped. (that doesn't mean he wasn't stolen then dumped). But it's most likely he was dumped because of the skin disease--people dump their animals when they can't afford to take care of whatever medical situation comes up.
This is all what I learned at the shelter.
He's not up for adoption yet, they want to clear up the mange better. They posted a picture of him on the other web site, if ya want, I can try to paste it here--he looks pretty scaley still, though. Other people who visit this shelter to love on the animals posted how sweet he is, too--I'm glad they met him! LOL!
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Psalm 71 one
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!
Someone over at that website is going to take the pup in for foster care!!!! They have a dog that they had taken in a couple years ago that had mange and they nursed her back to health, so now they're gonna do the same with this one! It is only a foster care, then they will put him up for adoption later, but I am still soooo happy the hear it!!
BTW, they named him "Mugsy" LOL!
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That is great news! Hurray for Mugsy! (What a cute name.)
I'd love to see him. If you could post his picture, or a link to it, that would be nice.
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Psalm 71 one
I hope this works, if not, I'm gonna have to get instructions as to how to get these pictures over here. (I don't have a digital camera, so I'm pasting the pic here, I hope!)
This is the pic that earned him the name Mugsy
And here is the condition he was in--actually worse than this a couple days before when we'd found him
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Aww, what a sweetie! Even with his skin condition, he's so cute. Thanks for posting them!
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Linda Z
Ya done good, Psalmie. What a sweet face. It's beyond my comprehension how anyone can throw away a dog as easily as they'd toss a McDonald's wrapper out the car window.
I'm sure once they get his skin problem resolved it will be easy to find Mugsy a home. He's sooooo adorable.
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Good job Piggie!
What a face.......
I'm glad Mugsy will find a happy home.
I was getting worried that he might end up with some pig name like sloppy,or mud pie for the rest of his life.
I know he is wrinkle dog but I'd hate to see him called Bacon for all of his days.
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Watered Garden
My Sophie was on her way to a kill shelter when I got her. The people who had had her for 6 years were getting rid of her because she shed and they were fixing up their house to sell. They tried to feed me some story about her being vicious around the 22 month old child. She is a pure bred labrador retriever, show type, and very vocal and not at all vicious. She wasn't healthy, either, got too much food, no exercise, and no attention. I gave them $50, they gave me a leash a dog dish and papers. I brought her home, walked her, fed her better food, and explained who was the boss. She is the best dog I ever had. She is 13, has bad arthritis from being obese all those years. We got her a series of shots from our vet of a medication developed for lame racehorses, $200 series of 8 shots over four weeks, then one booster a month. She is much more agile now and not in much pain at all. The treatment is a lifesaver.
I don't understand people who abandon dogs or turn them in to be killed for reasons like illness or they don't play any more because they're not puppies.
The first thing we did after we got Sophie slimmed down was get her spayed. But that's another soapbox.
So thankful Mugsy is on the right road. You're my HERO!
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as a construction worker myself, I doubt that running him off or abusing him would have been in the cards. I would say a majority of us have dogs ourselves, and a certain empathy for the abused. (canine or human) We are such lowlifes oursleves ! LOL
Glad you were able to assist the critter anyhow.
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Psalm 71 one
HAP, I apologize for my statement about the construction workers. I really didn't mean to imply they were the bad guys, but in rereading what I said, it is a negative statement--prejudging them. I'm sorry.
I'll try to s'plain myself better. This is going to be an upscale developement, and I thought someone--anyone in any way connected to the developement, would come along and see the pup and be "offended" at him in their developement, and try to run him off, and the picture I got in my mind was throwing stones or such at him, yelling "GIT!" OR picturing an accident--someone driving heavy equipment, accidently running over him. Or just plain ole mean people-not necessarily workers or people who'd purchased a lot there, but drive-by mean people--I've heard some awful stories of abuse of stray animals.
Linda-- love your statement about piggies! LOL! And I agree with ya-- I can't even imagine someone dumping a pet so crulely (sp?)
Feathers, HUSH! When the boys and I were at the shelter, we asked about naming him, since we found him, but I think we asked the wrong person. I coulda called him Porky! HAHA!!!
WG--I'm so glad you found Sophie-- or she found you! LOL!
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Psalm 71 one
Here are some more pictures, the foster family took these and posted these. They gave him a bath/dip with some medicine for the mange, and it's amazing how it helped his skin. She also posted about the type of mange Mugsy has--I'm gonna paste that here now.
"This is the story of Mugsy, a male Shar-Pei/Lab mix puppy that was dumped by his owner when he developed demodectric mange. Demodectric mites are hereditary and are passed from mothers to puppies. It is a type of mite that every puppy has present on its skin. However, if a puppy has a damaged immune system, the mites can take over. When the mites take over, demodectric mange occurs. This type of mange infects the hair follicles, which causes the hair to fall out. The skin becomes rough, bumpy, and itchy. The dog will literally scratch until he bleeds. Demodectric mange is not contagious to humans or other animals. If the puppy receives proper nutrition, veterinary care, and lives in sanitary conditions, it is rare for demodectric mange to even develop. But if it does, it is easy to treat and cure. In Mugsy's case, his demodectric mange was so far advanced when he was rescued that his was a long and painful path to recovery."
After the dip:
There are a lot more, but I had to pick and choose!
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