I cant stop spewing over here Potato...thanks for posting. I haven't heard that snot in so long it is like reading Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" Oh I am so blessed..., Oh it was so inspiring...Oh the impact it had....
I'm so glad I'm not a delta...I'm so glad I'm not a beta...I'm so glad I'm an Alpha...ya gotta have read the book -
wow... this is from the familytables site, a plug for the Way of Abundance and Power Class...
What a foundation to have in our times! You don't need expensive counselors when "The Way of Abundance and Power" can teach you how to live one day at a time and get control of your life. It can show you how to get out of your figurative prisons and lead a victorious life. You don't need family counseling when you know how to build and maintain a strong family, daily winning the spiritual competition by defeating your personal adversary.
now I'll put a link to their page and cite my source http://www.familytables.net/times/WAP.html and state that I'm quoting it as allowed under section 107 of the Copyright Act.
what's horrible about that statement is yes, I did need a family counselor for me and my kids to help us get control of our lives back after what my ex-husband and former Way International fellowship coordinators did to us.
the Way International was a figurative prison.
my family is now strong together since we've broken the shackles of their oppressive dogma.
since leaving the Way International, I've learned to forget the poor advice of their leaders and I have become victorious in my life.
I'm now peaceful where their was pain before.
I've been set free. Jesus said "the truth shall make you free". the truth is, the Way International is a whited sepulchre of the most putrid kind... full of deliberate and politically motivated doctrinal lies. there are more stories than I can tell here because I can't break the confidence of people who've told me what they've been through at the hands of Way leaders.
(ok, this was shamelessly seeded with keywords, but it is absolutely true)
Friends,The greatest prisons the way made were that outside of them we were nothing,and for how many years they fortified that,It has taken years to get rid of that bs.
The truth made us free,The way bound us with lies.God made us hiers.the way made us slaves
There is no one better than anyone else in Gods word,The way made layers of serfdom.
And baby those prisons were not figuritive they cost us years,money families marriages blank you put it here
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It has always been a war..
Us vs. them.
"right".. "wrong"..
I think it's part of our agreement for this existence..
Weird thing.. I think we are all light.. maybe we just can't stand ourselves..
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I haven't met a single soul that I haven't LOVED.
Why do we war with those we love..
I guess there are always good enough reasons.
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God first
Beloved Twinky, and Mr. Hammeroni
God loves us all my dear friends
yes there numbers are low
we do welcome them here but they will not welcome us there
they been around about two years if I recall right now
I hope they only 154 registered users because they numbers of the Way Ministry is below 200 or at least that be a great dream
we do not make war but they make war with us
we can not go there but they send spies here
but they do not know that we have a invisble person head of our spies yes mr Dan who we call Invisible Dan
Wordwolf is holding the hills of words
Coolwaters is holding the water ports
Raf is holding back the lies of the blue book
Belle is telling stories of love
Goey is holding back the way dogs from our chickens
(Goey had a tread about shuting a dog that killed a few of his chickens)
Mr Guess Alot is leading us into real truth
DMiller is leading our music bands
and many more
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I cant stop spewing over here Potato...thanks for posting. I haven't heard that snot in so long it is like reading Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" Oh I am so blessed..., Oh it was so inspiring...Oh the impact it had....
I'm so glad I'm not a delta...I'm so glad I'm not a beta...I'm so glad I'm an Alpha...ya gotta have read the book -
Edited by RumRunnerLink to comment
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wow... this is from the familytables site, a plug for the Way of Abundance and Power Class...
now I'll put a link to their page and cite my source
http://www.familytables.net/times/WAP.html and state that I'm quoting it as allowed under section 107 of the Copyright Act.
what's horrible about that statement is yes, I did need a family counselor for me and my kids to help us get control of our lives back after what my ex-husband and former Way International fellowship coordinators did to us.
the Way International was a figurative prison.
my family is now strong together since we've broken the shackles of their oppressive dogma.
since leaving the Way International, I've learned to forget the poor advice of their leaders and I have become victorious in my life.
I'm now peaceful where their was pain before.
I've been set free. Jesus said "the truth shall make you free". the truth is, the Way International is a whited sepulchre of the most putrid kind... full of deliberate and politically motivated doctrinal lies. there are more stories than I can tell here because I can't break the confidence of people who've told me what they've been through at the hands of Way leaders.
(ok, this was shamelessly seeded with keywords, but it is absolutely true)
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From Family Tables about WAP:
(emphasis mine)
ah.. I think I got it. They DEFINE your prison (figurative), and then wag the supposed "key" to get out of it under your figurative nose..
Two for the price of one! watta deal.. a prison you never thought you had, and a solution you thought you didn't need.
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Friends,The greatest prisons the way made were that outside of them we were nothing,and for how many years they fortified that,It has taken years to get rid of that bs.
The truth made us free,The way bound us with lies.God made us hiers.the way made us slaves
There is no one better than anyone else in Gods word,The way made layers of serfdom.
And baby those prisons were not figuritive they cost us years,money families marriages blank you put it here
that is pretty frickin costly
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God first
Beloved RumRunner, potato, Mr. Hammeroni, and frank123lol
God loves us all my dear friends
glad you all are having fun
yes we are free now and for me this place has help free me
yes we paid our way into the way prison class after class a fleshly prison
then we had to work to get out of the prison of our minds
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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