I honor your heart of love and caring for people that have been impacted by TWI.
I do not think it helps us to see ourselves at war with TWI or any other offshoot thereof. The reason Greasespot has been effective is that it offers a forum where people can talk about their experiences as well as listen to what others have experienced in TWI - whether it was good or bad. As long as it continues to be a forum for open-ness and truth, it will continue to succeed in helping people recover from what they may have suffered as a result of being involved with such high demand and high pressure groups.
When we were in TWI, we were pretty much spoon fed the information that the people running the show wanted us to know. We also became socialized about what was acceptable and unacceptable to speak about. Peer pressure was skillfully used to either keep the "deviants" in line or else push them out.
It may help us all to remember that we all took those first few unsure and unsteady steps when we left TWI or when it left us. We, (especially me because I have love to go toe to toe with "waybrain" or any other form of groupthink) need to remember that there are those who post and visit here that are still struggling to regain their balance while others of us celebrate our freedom to think and speak for ourselves.
Actually this is a different type of war if you want to describe it that way. A war of people trying to keep us silent vs us getting our thoughts, feelings and information out to those who need it the most. Obviously, GSC has done a LOT of people a LOT of good. They have been able to evaluate the good and bad of their lives in TWI, while at the same time, rebuilding their lives with the help of a lot of great people here. Always remember, there are some still in who depend onGSC for correct guidance, which the BOD would prefer we don't give them.
So: Let's keep God FIRST and pour it on as long as someone needs our help understanding the truth.[/color]
yes -- "A war of people trying to keep us silent vs us getting our thoughts, feelings and information out to those who need it the most" yes that kind of war
yes -- "So: Let's keep God FIRST and pour it on as long as someone needs our help understanding the truth."
It is my firm belief that TWI is trying, as extremely difficult as it must be, to get away from its sordid past.
By burying it. With a whole lot of dirt.
Don't be surprised to see, should Loy Boy not come back (he is what, 60 now? pushing retirement age), a whole new PFAL, or whatever they call it now, class within the next 3-5 years. As well as a lot of revamping of some of the old material. Probably with the names of the new BOT on it, rather than the originals.
Of course, they'll also insert "new research" as a selling point.
Of course, they'll also insert "new research" as a selling point.
Same lies, different packaging.
there is a moratorium on research. the research department, as far as I've heard, has disappeared. people on the field have been instructed to do no new research. the only approved topics are what is currently in print and on tape.
seems like twi is just a teaching and fellowship ministry now. any new classes will be highly sanitized versions of what has gone before. the last class I took was the christian family class... it was drier than plain white wonderbread left on a counter for two weeks. boring, squeaky clean, and a waste of time and money. there was no research in it, just a few bible verses reinterpreted for an appearance of godliness without heart.
sorry, the class is actually called "Living God's Word as a Family".
I think it was in that class that I started to realize I'd have to part ways with twi. it took all the fun out of life. I was was realizing I didn't want to be one of those women, so damned virtuous that I'd let my psycho husband run rough-shod over my heart, smile, and spread 'em in the dark. hell no, I went out and found a hot younger man outside of twi and learned about love... and respect, something I rarely got in twi.
yuck, all the fake smiles still give me nightmares.
Is it war some say yes others say no but what matters is we have come together to talk about things classes that were a waste, their poor research, and painted love
here we have no love and friendships with each other
yes respect is number #1
many have saw the door here for not respecting others but in the Way there was no respect or at least that I saw
CC, somewhere I think I still have notes on it, someday I might post some of them... I can't even remember who the couple was who taught it, but I know their faces well. it was plastic as hell... fresh of the press in 2005 when I was in my personal crisis, going through divorce, and that class was supposed to heal me... what it did was point out the extreme difference between the life I was discovering outside of twi where people expected me to be my real self, and the extremely narrow, judgmental treatment I was getting in twi, where I was expected to be that woman described in the class so I would fit in.
Roy, that is what's important here. we're all different and our experiences in twi were different, and many (too many) of us experienced a lack of respect in twi. here we can be who we are and the "painted love" can be damned. it's plastic. not even honest, bright pink plastic, but camoflaged wood-grained plastic.
I heard from people like Mr Pawtucket that they the Way Ministry read what we say and from their The Way’s own Email board were I am not welcome.
I have a question, The Way International has an "Email board" ? Where is it I want to try and join. I looked all over their website www.theway.com and I can't find it. Help please.
check under www.theway.org BUT, as far as I know, the only contact allowed is via snail mail. I think they do not want to accept email because they are AFRAID that:
1. Someone will overload them with spam. God Forbid!!
or 2. Someone mean { not us } might actually send them a computer virus and contaminate things.
Familytables is a private website operated by a few followers of The Way International for other followers.
As with most non-profit organizations, not everyone who starts to participate continues long term. The Family Tables Forums are for people currently participating in the fellowships, events and activities which you do not. I have read your posts on other forums including greasespot cafe. I conclude that you have no intention of ever participating with The Way Int. again.
Access denied.
-- Webmaster family tables dot net
Comments inserted
On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 12:50, Roy Perry wrote:
God first
Beloved Family Table
God loves you my dear friend
Yes I will never be part of the Way Ministry as a member that gives money to the Way but I no loner have hard feeling for the Way Ministry because of the answers I got about some questions
The Way Ministry is just a church but I tell you if you close it any one not in the Way you lose out on many things other churches can teach you
what are you afraid of Nothing... just not interested in more of your opinions of yours that I have read elsewhere in many other forums. You have mis-interpreted apathy as fear.
both from John Brown
now I will not give John Brown E-mail address and I lost the link but maybe this will help you find it good luck joining
I copied a short section from Roy's reply from Family Tables.
As with most non-profit organizations, not everyone who starts to participate continues long term. The Family Tables Forums are for people currently participating in the fellowships, events and activities which you do not. I have read your posts on other forums including [b][u]greasespot cafe[/u][/b]. I conclude that you have no intention of ever participating with The Way Int. again
Notice how he spelled us out - - lower case letters! I'm so glad they feel they have to "dis" us" ("dis is new jersey speak for causing you disrespect..it is an active idea, not passive. Many times it is a strong and serious put-down.)
I am really glad they look at us that way. We are a serious threat to them. And if they could find a way to shut us down, they absolutely would in a heart beat - no regrets and no questions asked!
AND -- I do believe, given the opportunity we would do the very same thing. Well - I would, I can't speak for everyone.
I'd shut 'em down, liquidate all their assets, start a fund to pay for therapy (medical and emotional) for past and present members (for past and present expenses), and give the rest of the money to foundations helping victims of domestic abuse.
but first I'd throw a party at HQ! open to everyone!
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I duuno. I think we have been involved in all kinds of wars since the beginning of time..
Each side of a conflict seems to have the "right" answer..
If we could simply turn off our individuality, I think there would be no wars. But it is not quite so easy.
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God first
Beloved Mr. Hammeroni
God loves you my dear friend
yes "I think we have been involved in all kinds of wars since the beginning of time.." I do too
and yes, yes "If we could simply turn off our individuality, I think there would be no wars. But it is not quite so easy." but we can not or can we
great words of wisdom so I quoted you my friend
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I honor your heart of love and caring for people that have been impacted by TWI.
I do not think it helps us to see ourselves at war with TWI or any other offshoot thereof. The reason Greasespot has been effective is that it offers a forum where people can talk about their experiences as well as listen to what others have experienced in TWI - whether it was good or bad. As long as it continues to be a forum for open-ness and truth, it will continue to succeed in helping people recover from what they may have suffered as a result of being involved with such high demand and high pressure groups.
When we were in TWI, we were pretty much spoon fed the information that the people running the show wanted us to know. We also became socialized about what was acceptable and unacceptable to speak about. Peer pressure was skillfully used to either keep the "deviants" in line or else push them out.
It may help us all to remember that we all took those first few unsure and unsteady steps when we left TWI or when it left us. We, (especially me because I have love to go toe to toe with "waybrain" or any other form of groupthink) need to remember that there are those who post and visit here that are still struggling to regain their balance while others of us celebrate our freedom to think and speak for ourselves.
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God first
Beloved Robin or oenophile
God loves us my dear friend
yes peace my friend and yes love wins
yes I too celebrate my freedom to think and speak for myselves with this place help me do it my friend
I could never repay this place for the help I received here
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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railroader II
Actually this is a different type of war if you want to describe it that way. A war of people trying to keep us silent vs us getting our thoughts, feelings and information out to those who need it the most. Obviously, GSC has done a LOT of people a LOT of good. They have been able to evaluate the good and bad of their lives in TWI, while at the same time, rebuilding their lives with the help of a lot of great people here. Always remember, there are some still in who depend onGSC for correct guidance, which the BOD would prefer we don't give them.
So: Let's keep God FIRST and pour it on as long as someone needs our help understanding the truth.[/color]
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God first
Beloved railroader II
God loves you my dear friend
yes -- "A war of people trying to keep us silent vs us getting our thoughts, feelings and information out to those who need it the most" yes that kind of war
yes -- "So: Let's keep God FIRST and pour it on as long as someone needs our help understanding the truth."
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Attack Gypsy
It is my firm belief that TWI is trying, as extremely difficult as it must be, to get away from its sordid past.
By burying it. With a whole lot of dirt.
Don't be surprised to see, should Loy Boy not come back (he is what, 60 now? pushing retirement age), a whole new PFAL, or whatever they call it now, class within the next 3-5 years. As well as a lot of revamping of some of the old material. Probably with the names of the new BOT on it, rather than the originals.
Of course, they'll also insert "new research" as a selling point.
Same lies, different packaging.
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God first
Beloved Attack Gypsy
God loves you my dear friend
Did you read were they got this new "new research" was it copy from the doctrine area here
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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there is a moratorium on research. the research department, as far as I've heard, has disappeared. people on the field have been instructed to do no new research. the only approved topics are what is currently in print and on tape.
seems like twi is just a teaching and fellowship ministry now. any new classes will be highly sanitized versions of what has gone before. the last class I took was the christian family class... it was drier than plain white wonderbread left on a counter for two weeks. boring, squeaky clean, and a waste of time and money. there was no research in it, just a few bible verses reinterpreted for an appearance of godliness without heart.
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dear potato
i have nevere heard of that class
please expound
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sorry, the class is actually called "Living God's Word as a Family".
I think it was in that class that I started to realize I'd have to part ways with twi. it took all the fun out of life. I was was realizing I didn't want to be one of those women, so damned virtuous that I'd let my psycho husband run rough-shod over my heart, smile, and spread 'em in the dark. hell no, I went out and found a hot younger man outside of twi and learned about love... and respect, something I rarely got in twi.
yuck, all the fake smiles still give me nightmares.
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Potato,Good for you.We are individuals.men and women alike and should be all treated with respect.
I do not think it is war merely exposing a very sick cult for what it is.
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damn potato good for you!
and thanks for explaining that class to me
i was out long befor it came around
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God first
Beloved potato, coolchef, and frank123lol
God loves us all my dear friends
Is it war some say yes others say no but what matters is we have come together to talk about things classes that were a waste, their poor research, and painted love
here we have no love and friendships with each other
yes respect is number #1
many have saw the door here for not respecting others but in the Way there was no respect or at least that I saw
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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CC, somewhere I think I still have notes on it, someday I might post some of them... I can't even remember who the couple was who taught it, but I know their faces well. it was plastic as hell... fresh of the press in 2005 when I was in my personal crisis, going through divorce, and that class was supposed to heal me... what it did was point out the extreme difference between the life I was discovering outside of twi where people expected me to be my real self, and the extremely narrow, judgmental treatment I was getting in twi, where I was expected to be that woman described in the class so I would fit in.
Roy, that is what's important here. we're all different and our experiences in twi were different, and many (too many) of us experienced a lack of respect in twi. here we can be who we are and the "painted love" can be damned. it's plastic. not even honest, bright pink plastic, but camoflaged wood-grained plastic.
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Attack Gypsy
No, I didn't hear it. Just a bit of sarcasm.
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God first
Beloved potato, and Attack Gypsy
God loves us all my dear friends
yes it is important here and I am glad it is
just had to asked my friend
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Seth R.
I have a question, The Way International has an "Email board" ? Where is it I want to try and join. I looked all over their website www.theway.com and I can't find it. Help please.
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railroader II
Seth R:
check under www.theway.org BUT, as far as I know, the only contact allowed is via snail mail. I think they do not want to accept email because they are AFRAID that:
1. Someone will overload them with spam. God Forbid!!
or 2. Someone mean { not us
} might actually send them a computer virus and contaminate things.
Let us know if you find anything different.
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God first
Beloved Seth R.
God loves you my dear friend
I tried to join one time
here what I got back when I tried to join
now I will not give John Brown E-mail address and I lost the link but maybe this will help you find it good luck joining
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved railroader II
God loves us my dear friend
yes they are afraid
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I copied a short section from Roy's reply from Family Tables.
Notice how he spelled us out - - lower case letters! I'm so glad they feel they have to "dis" us" ("dis is new jersey speak for causing you disrespect..it is an active idea, not passive. Many times it is a strong and serious put-down.)
I am really glad they look at us that way. We are a serious threat to them. And if they could find a way to shut us down, they absolutely would in a heart beat - no regrets and no questions asked!
AND -- I do believe, given the opportunity we would do the very same thing. Well - I would, I can't speak for everyone.
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I'd shut 'em down, liquidate all their assets, start a fund to pay for therapy (medical and emotional) for past and present members (for past and present expenses), and give the rest of the money to foundations helping victims of domestic abuse.
but first I'd throw a party at HQ! open to everyone!
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God first
Beloved Krysilis and Potato
God loves us all my dear friends
I do that here sometimes when talking about them the way ministry at times
yes I would like to close their doors too
maybe Potato can close them down and we can have that party and trash hq of the way ministry
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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