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What happened to the regular skin?


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I do like the improvements and added features tho. More toys to be creative with.

:dance: :dance:

In accordance with the festive 'skin', Have a Happy New Year all!


P.S., cuz Sudo wants things 1957:



Edited by GarthP2000
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For those who cannot get into the holiday spirit (those who still retain way-brains can pause for a twinge now, cringing about devil spirts :biglaugh: ), I've set up the default skin for use. You can use it by selecting "Default" from the drop-down list on the bottom-left of any page.

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This new skin is very nice, but there are too many graphic details and it makes it so I have a hard time focusing on the content. You used to have an option on which skin to use. Can you please restore that option?

Thank you.

Ever the traditionalist, aren't you, Mark?


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It's hard to read the words on the buttons so to speak, that bubble effect isn't easy on the eyes, or am I just getting old.???

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It's hard to read the words on the buttons so to speak, that bubble effect isn't easy on the eyes, or am I just getting old.???

:offtopic: My family and I (ages between 80 and 11) played a game at Christmas called "Catch Phrase." You try to get your team to guess a word based on your description. The key to winning is being fast. The game went ok, until it was someone who was over 40's turn. The word is so small, and printed under a plastic bubble. It took 5 minutes to try to see what the word was! The kids had no problem seeing the word. Amazing what happens to us as we age.

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