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Sorry, the light is not for sale

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If you were LUCKY enough to find it, THANK GOD.

You can't put light in a bottle.

The licensce conferred is NOT transferrable, or assignable to any other persons, living or otherwise.

for no amount of money, or effort, or training.. or sacrifice..

I wish they'd quit trying to sell it.

enough "new age" babble..

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okay... there's been 68+ hits on this thread and 0 posts.

so... do ya think you could elaborate a little on your first post?

Addressing it to someone(s) might be a good start... maybe a little more info on the light thing... and while you're at it... some more about how it's like New Age... and yes, could I please have fries and extra napkins?

Thanks, love. :)

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Chas, I confess I get it, or think I get it. Either way, here goes, and I'm sure to get it, coming and going...

Mr. Hammeroni - you're saying "the light", the faith or belief or truth/Truth needn't be packaged and resold as a commodity. Through religious endeavor or other means. Promoted in Home-Shows or Malls.

I would agree, if that's where you're going, that's the way it struck me anyway. The licensce conferred is NOT transferrable, or assignable to any other persons, living or otherwise. :)

I view it as when a person comes to what I'll call an enlightened state of mind and heart, the desire to communicate it to others needs to be authentic, real, in real-time and in real-life. Light shines. It's there to see.

I might put a cover on it or a name, particpate in whatever rituals I deem right and appropriate to celebrate it, continue it, develop it. But the light isn't for sale indeed.

I have my "faith". Everyone has to get their own, I can't give them mine. What kind of person would try to "sell it"? That speaks for itself, in a way.

I think we will always have that tendency to want to share what and who we are. Well, some will, some won't, some more than others.

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Chas, I confess I get it, or think I get it. Either way, here goes, and I'm sure to get it, coming and going...

Yeah, I think you got my intent, socks.

I think that sometimes people actually get some real enlightenment of the Divine. The logic of the human mind tries to figure out how it happened.. how it can be replicated.. but I don't think it can be.

What some groups claim they have for sale is a pale imitation of the real thing.

Seems that enlightment is a two edge sword, of sorts.. one edge will burn like fire.. but in the end, that doesn't make any difference.

I think it is SO personal, that nobody else in the world can seem to understand it..

I have my "faith". Everyone has to get their own, I can't give them mine.

Right- I think that if you can't give it- you can hardly SELL it.

Can't hold light in a bottle.

Does this senseless rambling seem to clarify things Chas?


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Maybe it's our world-wide marketing culture, maybe human nature, but people do like to label things. Give it a name, a logo, a font, color-brand it for communication purposes. Standardize the whole thing for consistency. Stamp it out and do it again and again. Product #32500 can be guaranteed for quality and freshness, satisfaction guaranteed.

I like consistency. I like fresh stuff, I like snappy colored wrappers as much as the next person. Maybe more. I'm so excited I can't sit still just seeing the new Holiday design on GS today. But can everything be treated that way? You'd think so - everything from erectile disfunction to Funeral arrangements and your final expenses are marketed with song and dance. (" Celebrex, Celebrex, dance to the muuuu-sic! " )

"Personal Prophecy" strikes me that way. The bible talks about prophets, prophecy. Visions, dreams. It's there, they're all there.

Adding a name like that to it and the inevitable short hand "P.P." seems cheap, self-serving. Classes, syllabii. Tests? How do you quantify successful completion of a Personal Prophecy seminar? Predict something? ("Well, we're sure sorry that Hank got that other job instead of the Nursery gig you prophesied about but you were right on about him being tighter than a turkey on Thanksgiving. Good imagery! That's the stuff, your heart was right, keep at it!! You'll do better!"

Do pens come with it? Branded notepads? Bumper stickers? "Personal Prophecy - Ask Me About It!"

Reading the records in the bible it sounds at the least interesting and possibly neurotic, but hey, a little eccentricity with your coffee can be good. At the most it reads exciting, interesting and at times wonderful......"What's going on here? Are these people nuts? What happened?".

Personal Prophecy sounds less "nuts" and more just plain boring. I don't need to get my feel-goods from Bobby Joe or Sally Sue sitting me down and telling me what they're "getting" on me and taking notes to verify it later and grading their accuracy rate to determine how they're doing. That's just lame.

Edited by socks
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It makes me wonder if they even saw the light to begin with.

At this point, I don't think so.

They (CES, TWI et al) may have a nice, "positive", cleaned and polished package, but I think inside its still darkness.

Maybe they've answered the philosophical question, "when you close the refrigerator door, does the light go off, or does it still stay on.."

Perhaps in lieu of true in depth spiritual perception and awareness, they should drill a 1/4 inch hole in the side of the package to satisfy themselves.


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