What lies Whitedove, please indulge us with the lies we have told about poor John Lynn......
Fog I have stated them several times as well as provided you documentation you either cant read or don't wish to.
Hey I stated my opinion, whitedove called me a liar, water it down if you want...........Debating is not necessarily arguing back and fort
Not quite I posted first.you took exception with my post dear, and I never called you a liar I said that lies ,mistruths were stated two to be exact and I've listed them several times.
Sushi, how do you debate without sounding like you are arguing?? I am debating whitedove's point. She has insinuated that I am a liar. Do I just let that go by......What is the difference between debating and arguing.
Synonyms for debate: From Microsoft Works thesaurus:
If it isn't in the letter, then there's a good chance its off topic and detracting from the bigger picture.
What is detracting from the bigger picture Sushi? I debate that the letter says thus, whitedove debates that the letter says thus....why am I wrong and she right? Why am I being addressed as the one who is fighting and she is the victim?
I have been discussing this letter because I think it is one of the problems. In my opinion. It looks and sounds very sincere... but it's not. Just as the note from John S on the other thread wasn't.
On the other thread I constantly asked the question "how can you trust THE BOARD" when they were complicit and culpable in all that has gone on?
On this thread I've called for THE BOARD and JAL to get REPENTANT, HONEST AND HUMBLE... and lay everything out for their folks... I don't care where... just do it.
Admitting to only what you've been caught doing is neither HONEST nor REPENTANT...
I'm not trying to get in the middle of this, but, I thought you guys were arguing/debating whether or not JAL had worked a day in his life... or had a job in the real world.
And that was what was distracting from the issue...
...and I think that debate/argument can go away if y'all don't mind... it's been reported that he's conducting SAT classes, etc.
I also hope that CES/STFI folks can sift through all of this, read all of this and realize that we're just like everyone else in the world. We have different opinions on different things. We're different people not all thinking the same thing... and we still manage to co-exist. It's just that not all the moments are worthy of singing koom-bye-yah.
In other words, we're like any other family/community.
Fog call it what you want but I am done debating this issue with you.
Abbie is right it is distracting to the point of the thread , we just disagree if it is worth the fight or not over credibility. I think it is for the big picture. Either way she has not taken sides her post was to me as much as you , I hardly think she sees me a victim or you the aggressor, and she is right you can read the letter either the words are there or not. In this case they are not.
Finally I am not a she...just for the record ......
I started to read this thread...and got more and more bogged down with it so didn't finish it. So I may be wrong in "my opinion" here. Just wondered if anyone just walks individually with God anymore...or if it has to be with CFS or another offshoot. This person said this, this person said that, etc., etc. What ever happened to "me and God"? I've always valued my "one-on-one" with God, not what an organization told me. Is that now arcaic (sp) ? John's letter seems so wrapped up in "this person and that person and this situation and that situation...." where's the simplicity of the walk with God.....isn't that a primary....or am I just plain stupid?
Fog call it what you want but I am done debating this issue with you.
So why do you keep posting?
Abbie is right it is distracting to the point of the thread ,
So you have found an ally in Abbie.....cool
we just disagree if it is worth the fight or not over credibility.
It's not about credibility, it is about truth.....
I think it is for the big picture.
I do too!
Either way she has not taken sides her post was to me as much as you , I hardly think she sees me a victim or you the aggressor, and she is right you can read the letter either the words are there or not. In this case they are not.
Finally I am not a she...just for the record ......
I know that....you were the gentleman that sent me the 2006 dove ornament which I thanked you for and you did not respond.....now you are responding??
I started to read this thread...and got more and more bogged down with it so didn't finish it. So I may be wrong in "my opinion" here. Just wondered if anyone just walks individually with God anymore.
I like to believe I do, that is why I don't believe this warmed over vomit from CES....there is no intercessor but Jesus Christ, not VPW or John Lynn
..or if it has to be with CFS or another offshoot. This person said this, this person said that, etc., etc. What ever happened to "me and God"? I've always valued my "one-on-one" with God, not what an organization told me.
Continue to value that, your one on one, not what an organization tells you
Is that now arcaic (sp) ? John's letter seems so wrapped up in "this person and that person and this situation and that situation...." where's the simplicity of the walk with God.....isn't that a primary....or am I just plain stupid?
He wants to blame it all on somebody or something else
The problems with CES run far deeper and are more widespread than John Lynn. John's letter is a distraction from the core problems, a distraction from how widespread the problems are.
This is not something I said, I think it was Abbie..............
As I said I am done with this debate I am however concerned for your health
You may want to get checked out ,really I don't mean this as any insult but here is what you said, three times you called me a she. then you said you knew I was not. I hope you are ok really I am worried for you.
Sushi, how do you debate without sounding like you are arguing?? I am debating whitedove's point. She has insinuated that I am a liar. Do I just let that go by?
If it isn't in the letter, then there's a good chance its off topic and detracting from the bigger picture.
What is detracting from the bigger picture Sushi? I debate that the letter says thus, whitedove debates that the letter says thus....why am I wrong and she right? Why am I being addressed as the one who is fighting and she is the victim?
JAL schmal Gittin tired of this. Those folks over there will get over it all when they want to. And not a day sooner. Looks like JAL and his ministry is causing division and anger amongst people whom he hasn't see in ages! Welcome to, the twilight zone...
As I said I am done with this debate I am however concerned for your health
You need not be concerned Whitedove, I usually respond to other posters in the sense that I do not know who they are, but since you insist, you are the guy that sent me the 2006 dove and failed to respond to my heartfelt thank you, you are done and yet you continue to post
I don't mean this as any insult but here is what you said, three times you called me a she.
Technically it would be hard for anyone to know that you are a he or she......I was just trying to protect your identity in my responses
then you said you knew I was not. I hope you are ok really I am worried for you.
Thank you for your concern, but with friends like you I need no enemies
JAL schmal. Gittin tired of this. Those folks over there will get over it all when they want to. And not a day sooner. Looks like JAL and his ministry are causing division and anger amongst people whom he hasn't see in ages! Welcome to, the twilight zone...
JAL schmal. Gittin tired of this. Those folks over there will get over it all when they want to. And not a day sooner. Looks like JAL and his ministry are causing division and anger amongst people whom he hasn't see in ages! Welcome to, the twilight zone.
My point exactly Johnny................oh and by the way...I know you are a guy......so I don't think my mental health is in question...........
And if you don't think that CES/STFI folks haven't been coming here to look... you haven't been taking a look at the "guest" figures on the front page... also, in the first couple of days there were over 600 views per hour to CES thread... and many thousands more since then. Do you think that's just GS folks?
Yes Tom I do at just over 1,900 members here allowing for the multiple name changes and posters that no longer post, just for the sake of numbers I'll use the number 1000 for actual posters here . The highest thread here on CES is at 15,532 at 13 days that is average of 1.194 views per person per day. Even assuming that there are only 500 regular posters here which I doubt ,that still only works out to to a little over 2 views a day per poster. That accounts for a few CES folks as I said. The guest figures also include anyone that does not log in as visible of which we have several I believe. It looks to me like the regulars checked out the thread a couple of times a day., but unless all those CES folks speak up I suppose we will never know for sure. Anyway it seems logical that given the topic I bet people are checking the thread a couple of times a day some more some less.
Karen Anne Graeser has often spoken prophetically into my life and been right on the money, to my great benefit.
You know, this line in John's letter has been bugging me, and I've been trying to figure out why. Then it hit me.
The woman's known you for decades. It doesn't take a vision from the Lord to make an observation about a close friend. However, it does take a truly devious heart to convert painful observations friends might make into "revelations from the LAWD-uh" that are not subject to scrutiny or even disagreement because they're coming from the creator of heaven and earth.
Get it? She did not speak prophetically into your heart. She told you crap she figured out on her own after knowing you for years upon years.
By the way, the above didn't come from me. It came from God, so you can't argue with me about it. Take it up with Management.
Oh? You don't believe me? Well, guess what? I don't believe your self-appointed prophetess. And based on the lack of wisdom and discernment in what you've posted here, I don't believe you either.
JAL does not see the profit in coming onto this board and engaging in public dialogue about personal prophecy or the problems with CES. Likewise, I do not see the profit in calling him to tell him words he would not accept.
In reality, my comments are not directed at him. They are here for all to see and comment on.
JAL does not see the profit in GS. That's fine. I do not see the prophet in CES.
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What lies Whitedove, please indulge us with the lies we have told about poor John Lynn......
Fog I have stated them several times as well as provided you documentation you either cant read or don't wish to.
Not quite I posted first.you took exception with my post dear, and I never called you a liar I said that lies ,mistruths were stated two to be exact and I've listed them several times.
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Sushi, how do you debate without sounding like you are arguing?? I am debating whitedove's point. She has insinuated that I am a liar. Do I just let that go by......What is the difference between debating and arguing.
Synonyms for debate: From Microsoft Works thesaurus:
I think I have done all of these.............
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If it isn't in the letter, then there's a good chance its off topic and detracting from the bigger picture.
What is detracting from the bigger picture Sushi? I debate that the letter says thus, whitedove debates that the letter says thus....why am I wrong and she right? Why am I being addressed as the one who is fighting and she is the victim?
Edited by outofdafogLink to comment
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Tom Strange
I have been discussing this letter because I think it is one of the problems. In my opinion. It looks and sounds very sincere... but it's not. Just as the note from John S on the other thread wasn't.
On the other thread I constantly asked the question "how can you trust THE BOARD" when they were complicit and culpable in all that has gone on?
On this thread I've called for THE BOARD and JAL to get REPENTANT, HONEST AND HUMBLE... and lay everything out for their folks... I don't care where... just do it.
Admitting to only what you've been caught doing is neither HONEST nor REPENTANT...
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Tom Strange
I'm not trying to get in the middle of this, but, I thought you guys were arguing/debating whether or not JAL had worked a day in his life... or had a job in the real world.
And that was what was distracting from the issue...
...and I think that debate/argument can go away if y'all don't mind... it's been reported that he's conducting SAT classes, etc.
I also hope that CES/STFI folks can sift through all of this, read all of this and realize that we're just like everyone else in the world. We have different opinions on different things. We're different people not all thinking the same thing... and we still manage to co-exist. It's just that not all the moments are worthy of singing koom-bye-yah.
In other words, we're like any other family/community.
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Fog call it what you want but I am done debating this issue with you.
Abbie is right it is distracting to the point of the thread , we just disagree if it is worth the fight or not over credibility. I think it is for the big picture. Either way she has not taken sides her post was to me as much as you , I hardly think she sees me a victim or you the aggressor, and she is right you can read the letter either the words are there or not. In this case they are not.
Finally I am not a she...just for the record ......
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I started to read this thread...and got more and more bogged down with it so didn't finish it. So I may be wrong in "my opinion" here. Just wondered if anyone just walks individually with God anymore...or if it has to be with CFS or another offshoot. This person said this, this person said that, etc., etc. What ever happened to "me and God"? I've always valued my "one-on-one" with God, not what an organization told me. Is that now arcaic (sp) ? John's letter seems so wrapped up in "this person and that person and this situation and that situation...." where's the simplicity of the walk with God.....isn't that a primary....or am I just plain stupid?
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Fog call it what you want but I am done debating this issue with you.
So why do you keep posting?
Abbie is right it is distracting to the point of the thread ,
So you have found an ally in Abbie.....cool
we just disagree if it is worth the fight or not over credibility.
It's not about credibility, it is about truth.....
I think it is for the big picture.
I do too!
Either way she has not taken sides her post was to me as much as you , I hardly think she sees me a victim or you the aggressor, and she is right you can read the letter either the words are there or not. In this case they are not.
Finally I am not a she...just for the record ......
I know that....you were the gentleman that sent me the 2006 dove ornament which I thanked you for and you did not respond.....now you are responding??
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I started to read this thread...and got more and more bogged down with it so didn't finish it. So I may be wrong in "my opinion" here. Just wondered if anyone just walks individually with God anymore.
I like to believe I do, that is why I don't believe this warmed over vomit from CES....there is no intercessor but Jesus Christ, not VPW or John Lynn
..or if it has to be with CFS or another offshoot. This person said this, this person said that, etc., etc. What ever happened to "me and God"? I've always valued my "one-on-one" with God, not what an organization told me.
Continue to value that, your one on one, not what an organization tells you
Is that now arcaic (sp) ? John's letter seems so wrapped up in "this person and that person and this situation and that situation...." where's the simplicity of the walk with God.....isn't that a primary....or am I just plain stupid?
He wants to blame it all on somebody or something else
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The problems with CES run far deeper and are more widespread than John Lynn. John's letter is a distraction from the core problems, a distraction from how widespread the problems are.
This is not something I said, I think it was Abbie..............
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As I said I am done with this debate I am however concerned for your health
You may want to get checked out ,really I don't mean this as any insult but here is what you said, three times you called me a she. then you said you knew I was not. I hope you are ok really I am worried for you.
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J0nny Ling0
JAL schmal
Gittin tired of this. Those folks over there will get over it all when they want to. And not a day sooner. Looks like JAL and his ministry is causing division and anger amongst people whom he hasn't see in ages! Welcome to, the twilight zone...
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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Ouch! My head hurts mommy! Can I have some St Josephs orange flavored aspirin for children?
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As I said I am done with this debate I am however concerned for your health
You need not be concerned Whitedove, I usually respond to other posters in the sense that I do not know who they are, but since you insist, you are the guy that sent me the 2006 dove and failed to respond to my heartfelt thank you, you are done and yet you continue to post
I don't mean this as any insult but here is what you said, three times you called me a she.
Technically it would be hard for anyone to know that you are a he or she......I was just trying to protect your identity in my responses
then you said you knew I was not. I hope you are ok really I am worried for you.
Thank you for your concern, but with friends like you I need no enemies
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J0nny Ling0
JAL schmal. Gittin tired of this. Those folks over there will get over it all when they want to. And not a day sooner. Looks like JAL and his ministry are causing division and anger amongst people whom he hasn't see in ages! Welcome to, the twilight zone...
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JAL schmal. Gittin tired of this. Those folks over there will get over it all when they want to. And not a day sooner. Looks like JAL and his ministry are causing division and anger amongst people whom he hasn't see in ages! Welcome to, the twilight zone.
My point exactly Johnny................oh and by the way...I know you are a guy......so I don't think my mental health is in question...........
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Yes Tom I do at just over 1,900 members here allowing for the multiple name changes and posters that no longer post, just for the sake of numbers I'll use the number 1000 for actual posters here . The highest thread here on CES is at 15,532 at 13 days that is average of 1.194 views per person per day. Even assuming that there are only 500 regular posters here which I doubt ,that still only works out to to a little over 2 views a day per poster. That accounts for a few CES folks as I said. The guest figures also include anyone that does not log in as visible of which we have several I believe. It looks to me like the regulars checked out the thread a couple of times a day., but unless all those CES folks speak up I suppose we will never know for sure. Anyway it seems logical that given the topic I bet people are checking the thread a couple of times a day some more some less.
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J0nny Ling0
Umm, I don't quite follow this. But I do know that someone else said something about your mental health. But it wasn'nt me... :)
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You know, this line in John's letter has been bugging me, and I've been trying to figure out why. Then it hit me.
The woman's known you for decades. It doesn't take a vision from the Lord to make an observation about a close friend. However, it does take a truly devious heart to convert painful observations friends might make into "revelations from the LAWD-uh" that are not subject to scrutiny or even disagreement because they're coming from the creator of heaven and earth.
Get it? She did not speak prophetically into your heart. She told you crap she figured out on her own after knowing you for years upon years.
By the way, the above didn't come from me. It came from God, so you can't argue with me about it. Take it up with Management.
Oh? You don't believe me? Well, guess what? I don't believe your self-appointed prophetess. And based on the lack of wisdom and discernment in what you've posted here, I don't believe you either.
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I dare you to call him and tell him that.
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I dare him to come here and read and post.
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JAL does not see the profit in coming onto this board and engaging in public dialogue about personal prophecy or the problems with CES. Likewise, I do not see the profit in calling him to tell him words he would not accept.
In reality, my comments are not directed at him. They are here for all to see and comment on.
JAL does not see the profit in GS. That's fine. I do not see the prophet in CES.
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Tom Strange
You should write for a living...
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How do you know he won't accept it?
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