Tom Strange: The Horse may not be as dead as it is to some, but, it is still Dead... I dunno, it just seems to be so weird to me to hang on here and beat to death all things Way, and all things "Offshoot Way" when there is so much LIFE outside of that which is our PAST!
Shoot dude, I do not argue that we wasted some Time in The Way. Lotsa stuff was bayadd! But, there is so much good to enjoy now that we are OUT, why beat the Dead Horse(s)?
Would any of you wonderful GSers be interested in posting on a thread I am considering beginning?
Its purpose would be to speak directly to CESers.
BOD or PAC or followers. Not necessarily by name.
Each post would be as though you were giving advice to CESers.
We could agree with an earlier post, quote from one, etc. but not ask/answer TO that poster. (We could use a PM for that, or start a new thread.) This would be what you would say to someone you love who is either a CES leader or follower. What you wish they would hear.
Could that work?
If you start the thread, and I am inspired to add to it, I will happily. I can't promise anything more than that, because I find it is either there for me to say, or it isn't. :)
I think that Tom meant .....and I know that I mean ..... that we're not on this particular thread for ourselves.
We are here for others.
For those who are in CES or thinking about getting in it.
Many of us have found benefit from reading 'CES Is In A Mess' and, although this thread has been derailed twice by what I choose to call a spirit of strife, it too contains wonderful wisdom for which I am VERY THANKFUL.
CESers are hearing about these two threads and coming to read them.
How about we not be miserable comforters. I am sure the people involved can work their way through this. After all we only know the "heresay" and are not directly involved. Let's see how they do, they won't take our advice anyway.
The only advice I would ever be able to give it to elevate Jesus Christ to his proper position as The Head. That may be too much for many ministries to swallow.
That's a nice point There But For The Grace Go I... :) But, I do think that we need to point out that: We need to move on, and quit beatin' the dead horse. It is dead.
See, I don't think the horse is dead. It's still there! I think it is trampling all over folk, but not over me because I got out from under. Maybe that fact is still a little closer to home to some. Maybe some remember how difficult it is to live under the hooves and are trying to yell a warning.
Well now, I must confess that there are those who are only recently removed from The Way. But, the sooner you extricatate yourself, from the TWI mindset, the better! It's only logical! I know that TWI II was way weirder than Way I (LCM's rantings versus the absense of the same), but regardless, the quicker you "free your mind", the better off you will be! Let it go. You were there when you shouldn't have been. Don't get engrossed in "self analyzation"(sp?), just get on with LIFE!
i john, that is great advice. Maybe it will help someone. Maybe others here have practical advice that will aid others whom maybe unable to accept your recomendation.
Most here have much to offer in the way of recognising and addressing spiritual abuse/false prophet issues.
We have all been there and done that, we all have valuable points of insight to offer.
To lable those as *miserable comforters* is to dismiss folks and their insight as unimportant.
Just because we don`t always understand a persons pov doesn`t mean that it is without merit.
DUDE!!! It's just NOT THAT EASY! and everyone isn't LIKE YOU or your wonderful wife!
"Just Get Over It" is the same thing as saying, "Just Believe God" in TWIt and CESpool speak.... Ya gotta get in there and help dig those paths out of the trenches sometimes.
I'm guessing you've never (or very seldom) gotten a PM from someone thanking you for what you shared and telling you how much your posts have helped them heal. I'm guessing you've never PM'd with someone who's still involved and trying to work things out in their head but too damm scared to post on the boards, but helped by what you've posted. I'm thinking you've never been contacted privately because your beating that dead horse has helped someone.
People are quick to complain and the 'holier than thou' folks seem to post at a louder decibel than those who are getting help, seeing things anew, gaining their strength and growing more confident sometimes. Call it whatever you want to, but the PM's I get on a regular basis are the reason I keep coming back for the coffee and offering the danishes to the new folks.
I'm sorry you don't get those PMs because I'm sure your posts help more folks than you realize. Quit beating the horse if it's dead to you, but realize it's still alive and well in the lives of others and that we are helping those folks. If you want quotes from some of the PMs I get on a regular basis let me know. I refuse to betray confidences, but I'll gladly share what I can.... I'll bet the ones Paw gets would melt your heart. I know the ones I get reduce me to heaving sobs sometimes because they are folks still going through the crap I was going through not so long ago. The fact that the CESpool is doing the same things to people is reprehensible to me. If I can help any of them, then, by golly, I'm going to do it despite your superior attitude.
Looking for some resolution for my own heart. Not to say "ha ha" but to see whether or not there has been any board level recognition of some other issues - so if anyone knows what Mark is talking about in 'lovingly dealing with one of their own' during the Feb meeting it would be appreciated.
I'm guessing you've never (or very seldom) gotten a PM from someone thanking you for what you shared and telling you how much your posts have helped them heal. I'm guessing you've never PM'd with someone who's still involved and trying to work things out in their head but too damm scared to post on the boards, but helped by what you've posted. I'm thinking you've never been contacted privately because your beating that dead horse has helped someone. knuddel2.gif
Well my dear, you are very very wrong on this. I have gotten many a reply privately where folks are thankful to be able to say that the "idea of moving on" is the very best plan for their lives. That is why I keep hanging around here: To help those who want to move on, like I HAVE. Don't forget: I was very involved, and saw many of the evils way before you did. And, I want to help. And I have. It is Time To Move On. So, that's that on that....
Then, Darlin', you should know that it takes more than those two words "move on" to help folks move on. You're coming across as more cold-hearted, judgemental and impatient than I know you are. Maybe you should go spend some time with Mother Nature and a batch of salmon to send to me for stress relief.
Belle, my wife really is my "wonderful wife". I certainly hope that you didn't mean that sarcastically. I love her, and she is the Mama of my four beautiful Children, for whom I am very thankful... 23 years of marriage with all of it's normal ups and downs....
Yeah Belle, but, the bottom line, the very bottom line is simply that, we do in fact need to move on. And that is the Truth. And the sooner that this is reckoned with, the better for the folks involved....
I'm not being sarcastic or nasty at all, Jonny. :) I only know you from here, but from what you have shared about Keno, your daughter and how you and your wife have raised your kiddos, I have the utmost respect and admiration for her. You, too, even though we do tend to disagree at times. I know your heart is in the right place - sometimes, I think you could communicate better, but that could just be a reflection of my own personal challenges.... hence, my signature.
Well Belle, hell. Thanks for your love and kindliness. I just know that the best thing for most is that just plain sayin; "Well! Guess I was in the wrong boat! Time to move on!" Is the best way to save time and heartache. Thass all. Anyway. You have simmered me down with your charm and lovliness (the avatar maybe? ), and I will stand down. I just love folks and hates to see them hurtin' when they don't have to be hurtin'. I just think that re-hashin instead of "lettin' go" is the best way ta go.... :)
White Dove! You have pricked my memory! "Limitless Love"? Eighth/Tenth Corps band? won't hear from CES yet. Joeoday has been the closest thing to a spokesman for CES here at GS. He said they are waiting until the Board meeting January 15, and then the new BOD will be contacting their 'faith community'. As I posted earlier, no corporation announces their fights, but announces their new Staff once the fight is fairly well over. (Note: I'm speaking strictly from a business/adminstrative standpoint here.)
Have you sent other CESers to read the FACTS and the CES Is In a Mess thread? I think we'd all be interested to know if you've gotten any feedback from them.
Back to 1broken1.
Hi! You if anyone knows what Mark is talking about in 'lovingly dealing with one of their own' during the Feb meeting it would be appreciated.
Mark's letter identified this. Earlier in it (Raf could proably find it instantly, buth he might be asleep by now)...he wrote of 'confronting' Susan in February. I'm not sure which verb he used, but when I read the ;lovingly dealing with one of their own during the Feb meeting', my brain put the two together. I think he did not mean to put Susan's name in there, but oh well.
What we are trying to do here (with a few interruptions) is to help CES people
a) find out what their organization has been up to and
b) know that there are many of us at GS who will listen, comfort and give wise counsel.
I was a CESer. I can probably answer most of your CES questions...but almost anyone here can answer your help-me-see-this-straight ones. Please keep posting or PM almost any of us.
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J0nny Ling0
Tom Strange: The Horse may not be as dead as it is to some, but, it is still Dead... I dunno, it just seems to be so weird to me to hang on here and beat to death all things Way, and all things "Offshoot Way" when there is so much LIFE outside of that which is our PAST!
Shoot dude, I do not argue that we wasted some Time in The Way. Lotsa stuff was bayadd! But, there is so much good to enjoy now that we are OUT, why beat the Dead Horse(s)?
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In the document titled, "Clergy_Meeting_Report" on page 5 Mark comments on the board "lovingly dealing with one of their own" in Februrary.
Does anyone know what this was about?
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Hi Jonny,
I think that Tom meant .....and I know that I mean ..... that we're not on this particular thread for ourselves.
We are here for others.
For those who are in CES or thinking about getting in it.
Many of us have found benefit from reading 'CES Is In A Mess' and, although this thread has been derailed twice by what I choose to call a spirit of strife, it too contains wonderful wisdom for which I am VERY THANKFUL.
CESers are hearing about these two threads and coming to read them.
YEA Paw!|
YEA you all!
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1 john 3:1
How about we not be miserable comforters. I am sure the people involved can work their way through this. After all we only know the "heresay" and are not directly involved. Let's see how they do, they won't take our advice anyway.
The only advice I would ever be able to give it to elevate Jesus Christ to his proper position as The Head. That may be too much for many ministries to swallow.
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J0nny Ling0
That's a nice point There But For The Grace Go I... :) But, I do think that we need to point out that: We need to move on, and quit beatin' the dead horse. It is dead.
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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See, I don't think the horse is dead. It's still there! I think it is trampling all over folk, but not over me because I got out from under. Maybe that fact is still a little closer to home to some. Maybe some remember how difficult it is to live under the hooves and are trying to yell a warning.
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J0nny Ling0
Well now, I must confess that there are those who are only recently removed from The Way. But, the sooner you extricatate yourself, from the TWI mindset, the better! It's only logical! I know that TWI II was way weirder than Way I (LCM's rantings versus the absense of the same), but regardless, the quicker you "free your mind", the better off you will be! Let it go. You were there when you shouldn't have been. Don't get engrossed in "self analyzation"(sp?), just get on with LIFE!
It's nice out here!
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Now I'm confused. Who is saying it is not nice out here?
I thought we were saying it isn't nice in there.
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i john, that is great advice. Maybe it will help someone. Maybe others here have practical advice that will aid others whom maybe unable to accept your recomendation.
Most here have much to offer in the way of recognising and addressing spiritual abuse/false prophet issues.
We have all been there and done that, we all have valuable points of insight to offer.
To lable those as *miserable comforters* is to dismiss folks and their insight as unimportant.
Just because we don`t always understand a persons pov doesn`t mean that it is without merit.
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J0nny Ling0
Well now, for now, I just wish everone of us a very Happy New Year! Yeah! God bless! Take care Y'all.... :)
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DUDE!!! It's just NOT THAT EASY! and everyone isn't LIKE YOU or your wonderful wife!
"Just Get Over It" is the same thing as saying, "Just Believe God" in TWIt and CESpool speak.... Ya gotta get in there and help dig those paths out of the trenches sometimes.
I'm guessing you've never (or very seldom) gotten a PM from someone thanking you for what you shared and telling you how much your posts have helped them heal. I'm guessing you've never PM'd with someone who's still involved and trying to work things out in their head but too damm scared to post on the boards, but helped by what you've posted. I'm thinking you've never been contacted privately because your beating that dead horse has helped someone.
People are quick to complain and the 'holier than thou' folks seem to post at a louder decibel than those who are getting help, seeing things anew, gaining their strength and growing more confident sometimes. Call it whatever you want to, but the PM's I get on a regular basis are the reason I keep coming back for the coffee and offering the danishes to the new folks.
I'm sorry you don't get those PMs because I'm sure your posts help more folks than you realize. Quit beating the horse if it's dead to you, but realize it's still alive and well in the lives of others and that we are helping those folks. If you want quotes from some of the PMs I get on a regular basis let me know. I refuse to betray confidences, but I'll gladly share what I can.... I'll bet the ones Paw gets would melt your heart. I know the ones I get reduce me to heaving sobs sometimes because they are folks still going through the crap I was going through not so long ago. The fact that the CESpool is doing the same things to people is reprehensible to me. If I can help any of them, then, by golly, I'm going to do it despite your superior attitude.
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Well -- perhaps. I'm here for myself, as well as others.
I want to know what is going on. And I'm finding info here at GSC.
Seems like one learns more from GreaseSpot by accident,
than from elsewhere by design.
I've yet to hear from CES about this whole matter
(e-mail, snail mail, phone call, whatever),
and I'm one of their *partners*.
<_< <_< <_<
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Hi all -
Looking for some resolution for my own heart. Not to say "ha ha" but to see whether or not there has been any board level recognition of some other issues - so if anyone knows what Mark is talking about in 'lovingly dealing with one of their own' during the Feb meeting it would be appreciated.
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J0nny Ling0
Well my dear, you are very very wrong on this. I have gotten many a reply privately where folks are thankful to be able to say that the "idea of moving on" is the very best plan for their lives. That is why I keep hanging around here: To help those who want to move on, like I HAVE. Don't forget: I was very involved, and saw many of the evils way before you did. And, I want to help. And I have. It is Time To Move On. So, that's that on that....
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Then, Darlin', you should know that it takes more than those two words "move on" to help folks move on.
You're coming across as more cold-hearted, judgemental and impatient than I know you are.
Maybe you should go spend some time with Mother Nature and a batch of salmon to send to me for stress relief.
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J0nny Ling0
And PS
Belle, my wife really is my "wonderful wife". I certainly hope that you didn't mean that sarcastically. I love her, and she is the Mama of my four beautiful Children, for whom I am very thankful... 23 years of marriage with all of it's normal ups and downs....
Yeah Belle, but, the bottom line, the very bottom line is simply that, we do in fact need to move on. And that is the Truth. And the sooner that this is reckoned with, the better for the folks involved....
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I'm not being sarcastic or nasty at all, Jonny. :) I only know you from here, but from what you have shared about Keno, your daughter and how you and your wife have raised your kiddos, I have the utmost respect and admiration for her.
You, too, even though we do tend to disagree at times. I know your heart is in the right place - sometimes, I think you could communicate better, but that could just be a reflection of my own personal challenges.... hence, my signature.
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Hey Jonny Is that a Limitless Love song I'm hearing?
I've got to keep Moving on...Keep on Moving On...
Edited by WhiteDoveLink to comment
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J0nny Ling0
Well Belle, hell. Thanks for your love and kindliness. I just know that the best thing for most is that just plain sayin; "Well! Guess I was in the wrong boat! Time to move on!" Is the best way to save time and heartache. Thass all. Anyway. You have simmered me down with your charm and lovliness (the avatar maybe?
), and I will stand down. I just love folks and hates to see them hurtin' when they don't have to be hurtin'. I just think that re-hashin instead of "lettin' go" is the best way ta go.... :)
White Dove! You have pricked my memory! "Limitless Love"? Eighth/Tenth Corps band?
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Welcome 1broken1....
Stand by for a sec? won't hear from CES yet. Joeoday has been the closest thing to a spokesman for CES here at GS. He said they are waiting until the Board meeting January 15, and then the new BOD will be contacting their 'faith community'. As I posted earlier, no corporation announces their fights, but announces their new Staff once the fight is fairly well over. (Note: I'm speaking strictly from a business/adminstrative standpoint here.)
Have you sent other CESers to read the FACTS and the CES Is In a Mess thread? I think we'd all be interested to know if you've gotten any feedback from them.
Back to 1broken1.
Hi! You if anyone knows what Mark is talking about in 'lovingly dealing with one of their own' during the Feb meeting it would be appreciated.
Mark's letter identified this. Earlier in it (Raf could proably find it instantly, buth he might be asleep by now)...he wrote of 'confronting' Susan in February. I'm not sure which verb he used, but when I read the ;lovingly dealing with one of their own during the Feb meeting', my brain put the two together. I think he did not mean to put Susan's name in there, but oh well.
What we are trying to do here (with a few interruptions) is to help CES people
a) find out what their organization has been up to and
b) know that there are many of us at GS who will listen, comfort and give wise counsel.
I was a CESer. I can probably answer most of your CES questions...but almost anyone here can answer your help-me-see-this-straight ones. Please keep posting or PM almost any of us.
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yep Limitless Love /Manifest Victory
Didn't they do a song on that tape like that?
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J0nny Ling0
Okay WD, were we there at the same time?
And yeah, they did a tape. I wonder who might have a copy? Maybe Mark Gluckin's wife? T'would be swell to have it...
"We got to keep a movin' on! Keep on movin on!"
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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