I’ll be glad to communicate with you. I will not, however, dialogue with anonymous people who lack the love and courage to identify themselves in interacting with me.
Sounds to me like your saying that after you have a lengthy letter posted here, you announce that you are not willing to dialogue with us on this forum...just pontificate and leave? ...and because we use cutsie names? I'm sure that many here would be willing to tell you who they are if you would be willing to have open dialogue with us...
The GreaseSpot Cafe is a community...you know many of us. We are not lacking in love nor in courage. Many here go by their real names...others do not. God knows all of us...
John Lynn didn't post it on GS, Jeff USAF did, so why would we even expect John L. to reply through this forum? And why would you say he was pontificating if he isn't even the one to post?
I'm glad to see him write something and state a position.
Considering the dishonesty with which their doctrine was practiced and accepted, I ain't ordering this book or anything else from CES for a good long time.
Considering the dishonesty with which their doctrine was practiced and accepted, I ain't ordering this book or anything else from CES for a good long time.
He said "Prophecy is prophecy, and to criticize “personal prophecy” as unbiblical, in and of itself, is contrary to Scripture. We have a book on Prophecy that deals with this subject in depth from the Word, which you can get from www.stfonline.org."
BS. To criticize personal prophesy is unbiblical and if I want to know why -- buy a book.
I need a nap after that read. My first is impression is ok very nicely put John, God bless you and your family, as for the others good Lord people why can't we just get along.
... Sounds to me like your saying that after you have a lengthy letter posted here, you announce that you are not willing to dialogue with us on this forum...just pontificate and leave? ...and because we use cutsie names? I'm sure that many here would be willing to tell you who they are if you would be willing to have open dialogue with us...
By freely giving us his home phone number and e-mail address, and openly inviting anyone to speak with him and length; he seems very willing to me.
To anyone who accepts and practices this doctrine:
If you ever see me show up to church wearing a shirt, hat or a sign that says "Please take advantage of me: Abuse me at will," then and ONLY then should you feel free to subject me to one of your personal prophecies. Because Personal Prophecy, as explained repeatedly and CERTAINLY as practiced, is the most blatant invitation to personal abuse and manipulation I have ever seen.
Already on this board I can document one time when an individual, referring to a prophecy he/she delivered, told someone else that they were arguing with God if they disagreed with him/her. The person who did this is someone I respect, and the conversation was none of my business so I didn't say anything. But how satisfying it must be to have a disagreement with someone and be able to say, "well, you're not disagreeing with me: you're disagreeing with the God who showed me that vision of you."
"All the signs were there. Swaggart had written an article in 1987 asserting that "pornography is now considered as addictive as drugs." And over the years he had campaigned for tougher anti-porn legislation.
The AOG had no choice but to reprimand him somehow. So they defrocked him for one year. The next week, Swaggart wound up crying his foot off on TV. In front of cameras and congregation, Jimmy seemed contrite: "I have sinned against you, my Lord, and I would ask that your precious blood would wash and cleanse every stain until it is in the seas of God's forgetfulness, never to be remembered against me." But he made no specific mention of the nature of his transgressions, referring only to some vague "moral failure." Maybe he was following the advice of his attorney. "
So, a in THIS CASE of STIFI a man listens to the witch of Endor. Sells out his wife... Hurts people in a ministry ...
Then tells people in a letter he is weeping.
Well GS is not a forum to fix CES. But it does seem like CES folks are venting HERE. In this community FEW are a part of CES -- so do not expect people to dance a jig at a letter... Perhaps all of you should remain VERY CAUSIOUS. Be careful
As far as calling him or whatever, we did not go looking to be in the middle of your mess. It ended up here dumped in this living room. I stopped talking to you years ago when you first presented yourself as an azz.
I do not really care about your ministry -- the growth of it, the death of it, the exposure of it.
I care about MORE people being hurt. And as this information was PLACED HERE, and I read it, it clearly shows you guys are messed up. And people have been hurt the biggest victim of all may very well have been your wife. I might call her.
I need a nap after that read. My first impression is ok very nicely put John, God bless you and your family, as for the others good Lord people why can't we just get along.
Well, JAL's ending paragraphs don't sound too loving to me, even though he says he loves me. He presumes to know my heart about why I remain anonymous. He says I lack love and courage. Well, he's wrong.
There was a time when he knew my name, and he wasn't loving then either.
I don't need to get close to the "nucleus" or buy any CES/STF books. I've already seen how JAL touches lives. I don't need his kind of blessing.
Well, JAL's ending paragraphs don't sound too loving to me, even though he says he loves me. He presumes to know my heart about why I remain anonymous. He says I lack love and courage. Well, he's wrong.
There was a time when he knew my name, and he wasn't loving then either.
I don't need to get close to the "nucleus" or buy any CES/STF books. I've already seen how JAL touches lives. I don't need his kind of blessing.
Well, I suppose I should offer my comment since I read John Lynn's letter. Nice letter John, with one exception. If he still can't see the problem with Personal Prophecy he is just setting himself up for the next fall. Now John my old buddy. Tell us all. Did you get the good words and heart that you expressed in your letters by thinking things through over a period of time while weighing these matters pertaining to your problem and comparing it with the bible? Or did you get it by a quick fix, namely a mysterious vision or dream or did you just open your mouth and all these good words suddenly came out? Or did you get these good words by taking a pen in your hand and then starting to write and without much thought or awareness suddenly and spontaneously great words came to your paper which solved all your problems?
This is SOSDD JAL blathering. It's the same stuff he said often enough on the odd list...with the same excuse for not interacting after he pronounced his 'discernment': he doesn't like to deal with the anonymous...
Makes me wonder if he's scared of ghosts or if he's compiling some sort of list...
Well, seems to me 'personal prophecy' should be personal...between you and your God. If you are prophesying about someone else, then it is not personal...It's shared or group or...Oh! I know, Leadership Prophecy!!! To be given by the leader concerning the horrid faults of a follower, and obeyed by the little person--or else!
"What does it mean that I have been temporarily taken out? What did I bring to the table, and whom have we found to fill my shoes? No one else is me, and no one else is you. If you are taken out, who will then fill your shoes? It is not that someone else cannot be president, just as you took over for me, but it is that no one else is you, the Mark whom God has called to greatness.
All of us together are what makes STF what it is. Sure, we can rebuild without you, but how much better to do it with you? We can have the balance of the truth of the Word as the basis for healthy relationships. It's not either/or. Everyone is feeling pushed and attacked—if you could just step back, you could see that together we can take this ministry in the right direction. We all need one another."
It just seems they feel a little too much like THEY are CES. Maybe that is true, but it doesn't seem to be a group worth following if that is what is behind it. John's words seem sincere enough, but the buy my book part is rather crazy. Just put the thing online ... is it a ministry or a business? Or an ego trip?
God bless you in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am sending this email, with its attachment, to only a relatively few people at this time, each of whom I In that vein, the reason I remain totally committed to Spirit and Truth Fellowship International is because I consider a committed stakeholder in our unique ministry.
It is going to the Spirit & Truth Fellowship Board of Directors, the STF Staff, and others who have inquired of me, or who I have spoken with, or who I think should now be aware of what has been going on for the past 7 months in STF.
I realize that as you read it, you may want to know if you have my permission to send it on to other people you think should be informed about this matter, and the answer is yes. I trust that you will seek the Lord's guidance about that.
Thank you for your love and prayers.
In his service,
John Lynn
As I see it, this is JAL managing to write a reply to the GSC without changing his position of
"I don't reply to the GSC."
"Oh, this is information I want to get out publickly, and you should ask God before releasing it in
any format."
I detect a distinct "wink-wink" in that.
Either JAL wrote this with the express purpose of seeing it appear here, or he didn't.
A) If JAL wrote this with the express purpose of seeing it appear here, he did so with the little
disclaimers at the beginning and the end saying "I don't communicate with people on the
GSC" while writing a response he expected to be communicated with the people on the GSC.
This doesn't strike me as particularly HONEST and without ARTIFICE.
If I was paying money to CES/STFI, I'd question why leadership would feel the need to
be intentionally less than honest in their dealings with me or anyone else.
Does God sanction dishonest dealings with the family? How about when they're not in
OUR ORGANIZATION-does it become sanctioned then?
B) If JAL did NOT write this knowing that it would appear in THE single biggest avenue of
communication where the CES/STFI people are getting information about the inner workings
of their own group and the sole venue for discussing it
(and personally, I think both of THOSE are important points in and of themselves)
then he demonstrated a lack of understanding that I think makes him unsuited to leading
a group in anything more detailed than a song.
"Oh, I had no idea it would end up at the GSC when I wrote it."
Give me a break. I find it hardly credible he's that obtuse.
(Others may disagree with me, and simply think he was HONEST, but LACK VISION.)
A brief p.s. to critics of Spirit & Truth Fellowship:
Given the way that documents such as this somehow wind up on the Internet, let me say a few things to our detractors who will use this current situation in STF to say “I told you so,” take potshots at us, and magnify our flaws above the good we are doing for people. First, God bless you, I love you. Second, be sure you know enough truth about the issues to make a rational judgment. Third, get close enough to the nucleus of STF leadership to see their hearts before you impugn them. Fourth, take an honest look at what we teach from the Word about whatever subjects are pertinent to this matter, like prophecy. Prophecy is prophecy, and to criticize “personal prophecy” as unbiblical, in and of itself, is contrary to Scripture. We have a book on Prophecy that deals with this subject in depth from the Word, which you can get from www.stfonline.org.
In that vein, the reason I remain totally committed to Spirit and Truth Fellowship International is because I can find no one else with the “package” we have to offer, and I know the true heart with which we present it, as well as the liberating impact it has had on people around the world during the past 20 years. You will have to judge for yourself whether what we teach is sound doctrine, and whether we practice it in love. But you cannot do that from afar. I encourage you to dig into our work, and I exhort you to “stay tuned” and see if the hand of God is on us. Watch and see where He takes this ministry in the days ahead. I do hope that among the millions whose lives we hope to touch, we will be able to bless you, the only you God has.
As to what is flying around cyberspace about me and my personal life, my email is jalces@aol.com and my home phone is 317-849-5707. If you know me and care about me, I’ll be glad to communicate with you. I will not, however, dialogue with anonymous people who lack the love and courage to identify themselves in interacting with me.
And here's the part that's directed directly to us.
But not by name.
Because he's not talking to us.
He's just using a megaphone to carry on a conversation right near us.
Let's look at this a bit.
"A brief p.s. to critics of Spirit & Truth Fellowship:"
Translation: 'This is to the GSC, whose only purpose in here is to attack us with critical statements.'
Or, in other words, 'the GSC has nothing positive to offer in this discussion,
which we've been forced to have largely because of them opening up communication
we were trying to close.'
"Given the way that documents such as this somehow wind up on the Internet, "
Translation: 'I don't write this with the INTENT it ends up on the GSC,
but it might SOMEHOW end up there anyway. SOMEHOW.'
Or, in other words, 'I write this with no plans to see it on the GSC, but I'll address them anyway
in case it "somehow" ends up there.'
Honest? What do you guys think?
"let me say a few things to our detractors who will use this current situation in STF to say “I told you so,” take potshots at us, and magnify our flaws above the good we are doing for people."
Translation: 'Let me make it clear that discussion at the GSC does nothing but magnify our flaws,
and especially take cheap shots at us.'
Or, in other words, 'You guys have nothing to offer here other than complaints.'
"First, God bless you, I love you."
Translation: 'Since saying negative things about you would detract from my image that I'm a
heckuva nice guy, I'll follow up my initial disguised shot at you all by saying something pious.'
It reminds me of a complaint I saw once about a poster on one messageboard.
At the end of lengthy posts talking down to all other Christians, they posted their
signature, "God bless you." People found that hypocritical at the time.
How genuine THIS is, I leave to each reader to decide. Me, I do not think it is 100% false,
but I find the evidence makes accepting this as 100% to be unsupportable.
"Second, be sure you know enough truth about the issues to make a rational judgment."
Translation: 'I'm going to state the obvious-know the truth before making any decisions,
so as to demonstrate I'm a reasonable man. Of course, I hardly wanted anyone to HEAR
the truth on any of this, but that's not important right now.'
Personally, I find the timing of this statement rather convenient. It's a good idea in general,
but at this moment, I see it going somewhere.
"Third, get close enough to the nucleus of STF leadership to see their hearts before you impugn them."
Translation: 'Stop criticizing us as making bad decisions or ungodly decisions or harmful decisions
until you get to know us PERSONALLY over an EXTENDED period of time.'
Meant to quell discussion by the majority of people, it's as sensible as saying we can't ever
discuss Paul the Apostle since none of us know him personally-only by his writings
(and one side-comment from Peter, whom we don't know personally either.)
Knowing "their hearts" on a subject may help explain WHY they make a boneheaded decision,
but is irrelevant to whether or not a decision IS boneheaded, which is one of the main things
we're discussing here.
I also find it ironic that harmful talk of people, called "personal prophecy", was sometimes
given to people who the speaker did NOT know, and that was fine for years, but to say so
is "impugning" the speaker. I might consider there to be an element of hypocrisy present.
" Fourth, take an honest look at what we teach from the Word about whatever subjects are pertinent to this matter, like prophecy. Prophecy is prophecy, and to criticize “personal prophecy” as unbiblical, in and of itself, is contrary to Scripture. We have a book on Prophecy that deals with this subject in depth from the Word, which you can get from www.stfonline.org."
Translation: 'Our doctrine is correct no matter what you say. 'Personal prophecy' has ALWAYS
been correct, and we will continue to defend it as true no matter what.
Our position on 'personal prophecy' is sound doctrine.
Oh, and buy our book.'
I never heard the leadership apologize for Momentus, or admit it was a bad idea or harmful to the
brethren. It was just quietly dropped, and ANY inquiries were stifled with the famous
"talking evil" party line. Now 'personal prophecy' is being defended with fervor.
Leadership seems to find it approaching impossible to admit to the possibility of making
bad decisions as a whole.
Considering what's on the table now, that strikes me as mildly ironic.
"In that vein, the reason I remain totally committed to Spirit and Truth Fellowship International is because I
can find no one else with the “package” we have to offer, and I know the true heart with which we present it, as well as the liberating impact it has had on people around the world during the past 20 years."
Translation: 'Be loyal to the ministry that taught you The Word. If not for us, you'd wander in darkness
without any accurate Word.'
Fine, that's a SLIGHT exaggeration. But it's only a small step from here to there.
Plus, it says that the people who were HARMED over the past 20 years are an acceptable consequence
for defending 'the ministry', since this thing seems to ONLY have positive results on people.
"You will have to judge for yourself whether what we teach is sound doctrine, and whether we practice it in love."
Doesn't this contradict where he JUST DECLARED 'personal prophecy' was sound doctrine?
"But you cannot do that from afar. I encourage you to dig into our work, and I exhort you to “stay tuned” and see if the hand of God is on us. Watch and see where He takes this ministry in the days ahead. I do hope that among the millions whose lives we hope to touch, we will be able to bless you, the only you God has."
Translation: 'You can't judge our doctrine by just reading it and comparing it to Scripture- you will need
to interact with us for months in detail, and buy our stuff, before making any judgements.
Did I forget to mention you're a fabulous human being?'
I'm getting whiplash!
First I was scum for even DISCUSSING error,
then whether or not it's error is up to me,
then I'm a great guy!
"As to what is flying around cyberspace about me and my personal life, my email is jalces@aol.com and my home phone is 317-849-5707."
Translation:'I only dialogue with people in private, so I can control the discussion.'
" If you know me and care about me, I’ll be glad to communicate with you."
Naturally, I remain the final arbiter as to whether or not you know me and care about me, and reserve the
right to refuse private discussion with you entirely.
" I will not, however, dialogue with anonymous people who lack the love and courage to identify themselves in interacting with me."
Translation: 'And those people who use screen-names, they're scum and have nothing to offer.
The only reasons they can maintain anonymity are because they lack
and courage.'
Gee, wasn't I a great guy a few sentences ago?
One might think that JAL was exercising the tactic known as
"poisoning the well",
attempting to label a source of information so that its genuine merits would be ignored.
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What a great heart.
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Sounds to me like your saying that after you have a lengthy letter posted here, you announce that you are not willing to dialogue with us on this forum...just pontificate and leave? ...and because we use cutsie names? I'm sure that many here would be willing to tell you who they are if you would be willing to have open dialogue with us...
The GreaseSpot Cafe is a community...you know many of us. We are not lacking in love nor in courage. Many here go by their real names...others do not. God knows all of us...
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I only have one thing to say to all this:
If any self-appointed CES/STFI prophet tries to interfere in my marriage or engagement, they can kiss my disenchanted ...
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That's exactly right Hammer..."I don't have to speak with you, I've written a book on the subject!"
A bit aloof?...or is it just me?
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Dear Groucho,
John Lynn didn't post it on GS, Jeff USAF did, so why would we even expect John L. to reply through this forum? And why would you say he was pontificating if he isn't even the one to post?
I'm glad to see him write something and state a position.
I agree with Galen, nice to see his heart.
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Dot Matrix
Forget it
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Considering the dishonesty with which their doctrine was practiced and accepted, I ain't ordering this book or anything else from CES for a good long time.
I've seen the fruit: I ain't buying the seeds.
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Dot Matrix
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Turned it into a daggone advertisement. Can't say I didn't see it coming.
Yeah, "have real questions, read my book".
How sad.
I think the organization is cooked..
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Dot Matrix
He said "Prophecy is prophecy, and to criticize “personal prophecy” as unbiblical, in and of itself, is contrary to Scripture. We have a book on Prophecy that deals with this subject in depth from the Word, which you can get from www.stfonline.org."
BS. To criticize personal prophesy is unbiblical and if I want to know why -- buy a book.
F -off
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I need a nap after that read. My first is impression is ok very nicely put John, God bless you and your family, as for the others good Lord people why can't we just get along.
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By freely giving us his home phone number and e-mail address, and openly inviting anyone to speak with him and length; he seems very willing to me.
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To anyone who accepts and practices this doctrine:
If you ever see me show up to church wearing a shirt, hat or a sign that says "Please take advantage of me: Abuse me at will," then and ONLY then should you feel free to subject me to one of your personal prophecies. Because Personal Prophecy, as explained repeatedly and CERTAINLY as practiced, is the most blatant invitation to personal abuse and manipulation I have ever seen.
Already on this board I can document one time when an individual, referring to a prophecy he/she delivered, told someone else that they were arguing with God if they disagreed with him/her. The person who did this is someone I respect, and the conversation was none of my business so I didn't say anything. But how satisfying it must be to have a disagreement with someone and be able to say, "well, you're not disagreeing with me: you're disagreeing with the God who showed me that vision of you."
That's not dialogue: it's a dissent squelcher.
Personal prophecy has NO WHERE TO GO BUT DOWN.
It's vain imagination plus flashy title.
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Dot Matrix
We all know how sincere these chaps can be --
Actions speak louder than words...
Here is an example:
Jimmy Swaggart
"All the signs were there. Swaggart had written an article in 1987 asserting that "pornography is now considered as addictive as drugs." And over the years he had campaigned for tougher anti-porn legislation.
The AOG had no choice but to reprimand him somehow. So they defrocked him for one year. The next week, Swaggart wound up crying his foot off on TV. In front of cameras and congregation, Jimmy seemed contrite: "I have sinned against you, my Lord, and I would ask that your precious blood would wash and cleanse every stain until it is in the seas of God's forgetfulness, never to be remembered against me." But he made no specific mention of the nature of his transgressions, referring only to some vague "moral failure." Maybe he was following the advice of his attorney. "
So, a in THIS CASE of STIFI a man listens to the witch of Endor. Sells out his wife... Hurts people in a ministry ...
Then tells people in a letter he is weeping.
Well GS is not a forum to fix CES. But it does seem like CES folks are venting HERE. In this community FEW are a part of CES -- so do not expect people to dance a jig at a letter... Perhaps all of you should remain VERY CAUSIOUS. Be careful
As far as calling him or whatever, we did not go looking to be in the middle of your mess. It ended up here dumped in this living room. I stopped talking to you years ago when you first presented yourself as an azz.
I do not really care about your ministry -- the growth of it, the death of it, the exposure of it.
I care about MORE people being hurt. And as this information was PLACED HERE, and I read it, it clearly shows you guys are messed up. And people have been hurt the biggest victim of all may very well have been your wife. I might call her.
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Well, JAL's ending paragraphs don't sound too loving to me, even though he says he loves me. He presumes to know my heart about why I remain anonymous. He says I lack love and courage. Well, he's wrong.
There was a time when he knew my name, and he wasn't loving then either.
I don't need to get close to the "nucleus" or buy any CES/STF books. I've already seen how JAL touches lives. I don't need his kind of blessing.
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Dot Matrix
with a big AMEN!
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Intersting, I sent him an email almost a week ago now - and used my name. Haven't heard anything back.
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Mark Sanguinetti
Well, I suppose I should offer my comment since I read John Lynn's letter. Nice letter John, with one exception. If he still can't see the problem with Personal Prophecy he is just setting himself up for the next fall. Now John my old buddy. Tell us all. Did you get the good words and heart that you expressed in your letters by thinking things through over a period of time while weighing these matters pertaining to your problem and comparing it with the bible? Or did you get it by a quick fix, namely a mysterious vision or dream or did you just open your mouth and all these good words suddenly came out? Or did you get these good words by taking a pen in your hand and then starting to write and without much thought or awareness suddenly and spontaneously great words came to your paper which solved all your problems?
Don't mind me. I am just wondering out loud.
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This is SOSDD JAL blathering. It's the same stuff he said often enough on the odd list...with the same excuse for not interacting after he pronounced his 'discernment': he doesn't like to deal with the anonymous...
Makes me wonder if he's scared of ghosts or if he's compiling some sort of list...
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Well, seems to me 'personal prophecy' should be personal...between you and your God. If you are prophesying about someone else, then it is not personal...It's shared or group or...Oh! I know, Leadership Prophecy!!! To be given by the leader concerning the horrid faults of a follower, and obeyed by the little person--or else!
We just need a new book.
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Here's what stood out to me ...
"What does it mean that I have been temporarily taken out? What did I bring to the table, and whom have we found to fill my shoes? No one else is me, and no one else is you. If you are taken out, who will then fill your shoes? It is not that someone else cannot be president, just as you took over for me, but it is that no one else is you, the Mark whom God has called to greatness.
All of us together are what makes STF what it is. Sure, we can rebuild without you, but how much better to do it with you? We can have the balance of the truth of the Word as the basis for healthy relationships. It's not either/or. Everyone is feeling pushed and attacked—if you could just step back, you could see that together we can take this ministry in the right direction. We all need one another."
It just seems they feel a little too much like THEY are CES. Maybe that is true, but it doesn't seem to be a group worth following if that is what is behind it. John's words seem sincere enough, but the buy my book part is rather crazy. Just put the thing online ... is it a ministry or a business? Or an ego trip?
Nice he gave out his phone number though.
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This is a letter (position paper) from John Lynn.
Posted with permission.
As I see it, this is JAL managing to write a reply to the GSC without changing his position of"I don't reply to the GSC."
"Oh, this is information I want to get out publickly, and you should ask God before releasing it in
any format."
I detect a distinct "wink-wink" in that.
Either JAL wrote this with the express purpose of seeing it appear here, or he didn't.
A) If JAL wrote this with the express purpose of seeing it appear here, he did so with the little
disclaimers at the beginning and the end saying "I don't communicate with people on the
GSC" while writing a response he expected to be communicated with the people on the GSC.
This doesn't strike me as particularly HONEST and without ARTIFICE.
If I was paying money to CES/STFI, I'd question why leadership would feel the need to
be intentionally less than honest in their dealings with me or anyone else.
Does God sanction dishonest dealings with the family? How about when they're not in
OUR ORGANIZATION-does it become sanctioned then?
B) If JAL did NOT write this knowing that it would appear in THE single biggest avenue of
communication where the CES/STFI people are getting information about the inner workings
of their own group and the sole venue for discussing it
(and personally, I think both of THOSE are important points in and of themselves)
then he demonstrated a lack of understanding that I think makes him unsuited to leading
a group in anything more detailed than a song.
"Oh, I had no idea it would end up at the GSC when I wrote it."
Give me a break. I find it hardly credible he's that obtuse.
(Others may disagree with me, and simply think he was HONEST, but LACK VISION.)
And here's the part that's directed directly to us.
But not by name.
Because he's not talking to us.
He's just using a megaphone to carry on a conversation right near us.
Let's look at this a bit.
"A brief p.s. to critics of Spirit & Truth Fellowship:"
Translation: 'This is to the GSC, whose only purpose in here is to attack us with critical statements.'
Or, in other words, 'the GSC has nothing positive to offer in this discussion,
which we've been forced to have largely because of them opening up communication
we were trying to close.'
"Given the way that documents such as this somehow wind up on the Internet, "
Translation: 'I don't write this with the INTENT it ends up on the GSC,
but it might SOMEHOW end up there anyway. SOMEHOW.'
Or, in other words, 'I write this with no plans to see it on the GSC, but I'll address them anyway
in case it "somehow" ends up there.'
Honest? What do you guys think?
"let me say a few things to our detractors who will use this current situation in STF to say “I told you so,” take potshots at us, and magnify our flaws above the good we are doing for people."
Translation: 'Let me make it clear that discussion at the GSC does nothing but magnify our flaws,
and especially take cheap shots at us.'
Or, in other words, 'You guys have nothing to offer here other than complaints.'
"First, God bless you, I love you."
Translation: 'Since saying negative things about you would detract from my image that I'm a
heckuva nice guy, I'll follow up my initial disguised shot at you all by saying something pious.'
It reminds me of a complaint I saw once about a poster on one messageboard.
At the end of lengthy posts talking down to all other Christians, they posted their
signature, "God bless you." People found that hypocritical at the time.
How genuine THIS is, I leave to each reader to decide. Me, I do not think it is 100% false,
but I find the evidence makes accepting this as 100% to be unsupportable.
"Second, be sure you know enough truth about the issues to make a rational judgment."
Translation: 'I'm going to state the obvious-know the truth before making any decisions,
so as to demonstrate I'm a reasonable man. Of course, I hardly wanted anyone to HEAR
the truth on any of this, but that's not important right now.'
Personally, I find the timing of this statement rather convenient. It's a good idea in general,
but at this moment, I see it going somewhere.
"Third, get close enough to the nucleus of STF leadership to see their hearts before you impugn them."
Translation: 'Stop criticizing us as making bad decisions or ungodly decisions or harmful decisions
until you get to know us PERSONALLY over an EXTENDED period of time.'
Meant to quell discussion by the majority of people, it's as sensible as saying we can't ever
discuss Paul the Apostle since none of us know him personally-only by his writings
(and one side-comment from Peter, whom we don't know personally either.)
Knowing "their hearts" on a subject may help explain WHY they make a boneheaded decision,
but is irrelevant to whether or not a decision IS boneheaded, which is one of the main things
we're discussing here.
I also find it ironic that harmful talk of people, called "personal prophecy", was sometimes
given to people who the speaker did NOT know, and that was fine for years, but to say so
is "impugning" the speaker. I might consider there to be an element of hypocrisy present.
" Fourth, take an honest look at what we teach from the Word about whatever subjects are pertinent to this matter, like prophecy. Prophecy is prophecy, and to criticize “personal prophecy” as unbiblical, in and of itself, is contrary to Scripture. We have a book on Prophecy that deals with this subject in depth from the Word, which you can get from www.stfonline.org."
Translation: 'Our doctrine is correct no matter what you say. 'Personal prophecy' has ALWAYS
been correct, and we will continue to defend it as true no matter what.
Our position on 'personal prophecy' is sound doctrine.
Oh, and buy our book.'
I never heard the leadership apologize for Momentus, or admit it was a bad idea or harmful to the
brethren. It was just quietly dropped, and ANY inquiries were stifled with the famous
"talking evil" party line. Now 'personal prophecy' is being defended with fervor.
Leadership seems to find it approaching impossible to admit to the possibility of making
bad decisions as a whole.
Considering what's on the table now, that strikes me as mildly ironic.
"In that vein, the reason I remain totally committed to Spirit and Truth Fellowship International is because I
can find no one else with the “package” we have to offer, and I know the true heart with which we present it, as well as the liberating impact it has had on people around the world during the past 20 years."
Translation: 'Be loyal to the ministry that taught you The Word. If not for us, you'd wander in darkness
without any accurate Word.'
Fine, that's a SLIGHT exaggeration. But it's only a small step from here to there.
Plus, it says that the people who were HARMED over the past 20 years are an acceptable consequence
for defending 'the ministry', since this thing seems to ONLY have positive results on people.
"You will have to judge for yourself whether what we teach is sound doctrine, and whether we practice it in love."
Doesn't this contradict where he JUST DECLARED 'personal prophecy' was sound doctrine?
"But you cannot do that from afar. I encourage you to dig into our work, and I exhort you to “stay tuned” and see if the hand of God is on us. Watch and see where He takes this ministry in the days ahead. I do hope that among the millions whose lives we hope to touch, we will be able to bless you, the only you God has."
Translation: 'You can't judge our doctrine by just reading it and comparing it to Scripture- you will need
to interact with us for months in detail, and buy our stuff, before making any judgements.
Did I forget to mention you're a fabulous human being?'
I'm getting whiplash!
First I was scum for even DISCUSSING error,
then whether or not it's error is up to me,
then I'm a great guy!
"As to what is flying around cyberspace about me and my personal life, my email is jalces@aol.com and my home phone is 317-849-5707."
Translation:'I only dialogue with people in private, so I can control the discussion.'
" If you know me and care about me, I’ll be glad to communicate with you."
Naturally, I remain the final arbiter as to whether or not you know me and care about me, and reserve the
right to refuse private discussion with you entirely.
" I will not, however, dialogue with anonymous people who lack the love and courage to identify themselves in interacting with me."
Translation: 'And those people who use screen-names, they're scum and have nothing to offer.
The only reasons they can maintain anonymity are because they lack
and courage.'
Gee, wasn't I a great guy a few sentences ago?
One might think that JAL was exercising the tactic known as
"poisoning the well",
attempting to label a source of information so that its genuine merits would be ignored.
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