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Camp Gunnison video


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I saw the recent post about Camp Gunnison and Family Camps. LCM decided that Family Camps should be discontinued and my family attended the last or second to last one they had back in 1994. I have to say that it was one of the best family vacations that we had ever taken.

Camp Gunnison – Family Camp 1994 (10:05 min)

For those who may be interested, here are the other videos that I had posted here on GS back in January of 2006:

Outreach Services Center tour – 1992/1993 (6:15 min)

Party for LCM – April 1995 (10:55 min)

The Way International Headquarters – 1994 (4:48 min)

Indiana Campus – July 1993 (3:01 min)

The Rock of Ages – 1993 (10:31 min)

The Fountain of Living Waters (3:20 min)

VPW WOW Auditorium - May 1994 (4:10 min)

The Way Woods – 1994 (3:47 min)

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royal george


what a blast from the past

i don't know how i missed it when you first posted it.

again thanks

could you share more

an awful thing to think but could not help wonder just how much of my woops our money it cost to run that shrine in a cornfield

Edited by coolchef
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I decided to watch the RoA 93 clip to see if I saw anyone I knew.

background music for the day before opening: Devo, Pink Pussycat

background music for opening day: Devo, Triumph of the Will

music faded just in time to hear mrs. vpw say "it's good to be home again"

somehow it was perfect...

icky feelings aside, I think killing RoA was what killed any love left in twi. it effectively isolated everyone to their local areas and brought communications down the tree under complete control.

Lord Loy said it was because the teenagers were experimenting with bdsm on grounds. I think it's really because he realized there was no way to control so many people gathering in one place like that and he couldn't stand people talking together... they might realize how corrupt things were getting and I'm not talking about kids messing around.

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As far as cancelling ROA, a big reason LCM gave to those of us on staff during that time was the amount of work it was on the staff and how much it took away from being able to do a lot of other projects at HQ. Most of the staff were glad to see ROA cancelled because of the work. It was six months of work for many of us. But I agree that the real reasons were probably control - much easier to control people who were scattered around the country and who did not have the opportunity to share notes when they got together at the Rock. Many people missed having ROA and I also agree that it added a great deal to the fellowship of the ministry as a whole and the bond that people felt being a part of something big.

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  royal-gorge said:
As far as cancelling ROA, a big reason LCM gave to those of us on staff during that time was the amount of work it was on the staff and how much it took away from being able to do a lot of other projects at HQ.

weird, we heard something totally different on the field, and from LCM himself. I appreciate how much work it was, I was very thankful for everyone who put in long long days to make it happen even after the oppressive overtones took the joy out of going.

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Yes, 1994 was the last year. There were six of them that summer and sometime after LCM announced that they would not be doing them anymore. It was an old wineskin you know. Camp Gunnison was to train the Way Corps and that's what he wanted them doing as their focus. The camps were a huge effort for the staff their as well and basically that's all the Corps and staff did for about two months in the summer.

Of course the next year the Rock was cancelled and about the only thing that remained was Word in Buisiness for a number of years more.

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I saw your earlier videos when you posted them...

I can hardly watch them...they give me such a yikky feeling inside...not because of your filming ability, but rather the content.

i was watching the one you did of the OSC ... sheeshhh... when you showed the bulletin board in the lobby I couldn't believe how straight everything was pinned to it... I WANTED TO GO AND MAKE EVERYTHING CROOKED!!!!

What a sterilized unfeeling place!!!

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They canceled Family Camp? I never knew that. LEAD...cancelled...LEAD property...sold. Way College...cancelled, Emporia...sold, Rome City...sold...ROA...cancelled...WOW...ended...Family Camp...cancelled...

I'm waiting for Gunnison to go on the block and TWI assets split up...with the BOD leaving the country with the money. Too much work? All this stuff kept people coming. They then needed to hire more staff there at TWI and Gunnison and less in other states. Management at TWI sucked. Look at the result.

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