LG is spot on. I always thought Miracle Whip was only sold in the French Quater of New Orleans.....
......and 3's a crowd. I wouldn't use Miracle Whip to grease my cookie sheet!
My mother had a great recipe for dark chocolate cake during the war. Everything was rationed then. Sugar and flour you could get sometimes if you hadn't used the ration for them, and cocoa powder was no problem, but fat of any kind was very hard to get. So there was a recipe developed using mayonaise instead of any other shortening and it was delicious. We used to ask for "mayonaise cake" sometimes but she said she hated the idea of it so that she would never make it again.
After smoking for as many years as I have, my taste buds are not quite as "discriminating" as they once were...You could probably mix WD40 with my egg salad and I couldn't tell the difference. :)
Johnny, I am in the Hellmans camp. Everththing else takes like oil or grease. I never cared for salad dressing, barf. I finally found Hellmans here in Australia but it is made in Holland. They also sell Best Food real mayonnaise which is only sold west of the Rockys everything else east of the Rockys is Hellmans, Ironically the same taste it must be a selling thingy bobby. Johnny there is nothing better than a spoon full of Hellmans or Best Food real mayonnaise on a halved avacodo. Yum. I will go with your sons rebellion on anything else.
After smoking for as many years as I have, my taste buds are not quite as "discriminating" as they once were...You could probably mix WD40 with my egg salad and I couldn't tell the difference. :)
The egg salad probably slides down faster with the WD40. :blink: :)
Mayonnaise was invented in 1756 by the French chef of the Duc de Richelieu. After the Duc beat the British at Port Mahon, his chef created a victory feast that was to include a sauce made of cream and eggs. Realizing that there was no cream in the kitchen, the chef substituted olive oil for the cream and a new culinary creation was born. The chef named the new sauce "Mahonnaise" in honor of the Duc's victory.
With no cream in the kitchen the chef must've yelled at his assistant
"Oh hell man!! Just get me some olive oil instead!"
HELLMAN'S (or homemade) is the ONLY way to go. Miracle Whip is horrible. Kraft "Mayonnaise" is barely tolerable.
Ya know LG, when I was in Oklahoma, I was turned on to the greatness of Hellman's Mayonaisse by none other than Fellowshipper here who just now posted his preference for Hellman's Mayonaisse. I remember that Fellowshipper used to say the word "Hellman's" in a manner in which it sounded like "Helllmmmuuuhhhnnnns" all drawn out like. Back in Oak City (OKC), he was very preferential about his mayo.....
And dagnabbitt! When I was in the mayonaisse section of the grocery store, with YOU Fellowshipper in mind, I wanted to buy Hellman's. I looked high and low, thinking about you and....."Helllmmmuuuhhhnnnsss...." But there was none. And so, on a whim, since I, (like Groucho Marx Jr), like them both, decided to try it out on my Oklahoma born son Riley. Well, he tried some and says he "hates it". I guess he and Jardinero can go camping together with no problem. And hey Groucho, we agree on something! Kewel! It is a fine and merry Christmas Eve!
LG, get you some Hellman's mayo and some smoked salmon, mix it together and put it on some Triscuits. If you want some smoked salmon, I would be honored to send you some via the US Mail. Seriously, post me your address, and I'll send you some. I caught them myself, smoked them up in my home made smoker and have them all vacuum sealed good and proper. It's the good stuff. Coho. :)
smoked salmon, I would be honored to send you some via the US Mail. Seriously, post me your address, and I'll send you some :) JL
You know Jonny, I never got that salmon you told me about ... that's OK, I was just checkin to see if you sent it ... it could be some animal smelled it and took it off my porch before I got there ...LOL abi, did you get yours? Groucho didn't get any ...
Ya know, I have always liked Miracle Whip as well as Mayonaisse. But, I am aware of the fact that there has always been Dissension between the Two Different Camps. And so, which Camp are you in?
Ha Ha!! Great topic, one that I've had discussions about with members of my family.
I like both, actually. However, on my peanut butter sandwiches, i prefer mayo. I will tolerate miracle whip with my PB sandwiches. I prefer miracle whip with slices of cucumber.
Ah yes, the Pizza Wars. Well, I don't care what Dooj and that other guy said; "I Love Pineapple Pizza!"
And, Peruser said:
I like both, actually. However, on my peanut butter sandwiches, i prefer mayo. I will tolerate miracle whip with my PB sandwiches. I prefer miracle whip with slices of cucumber.
Whoa! Peruser! PB with Mayo!! I haven't heard of Mayo/Miracle Whip on PB sammiches in a long time! However, I didhave WOW bro (Jeff Ludwig) who, when making a baloney sammich would put mayo AND peanut butter on his sammich. And ya know, he actually got me to try it, and, I liked it! But then again, we were perpetually starved out WOWs that year, and it seemed like anything tasted good...Haha! But then again, maybe I'll try it again... :)
But yeah, I like either/or. I kinda like the sweetness of miracle whip. But when it comes to mayo, I am with Fellowshipper when it comes to the Brand. Hellman's is the s!uff!
Whoa! Peruser! PB with Mayo!! I haven't heard of Mayo/Miracle Whip on PB sammiches in a long time! However, I didhave WOW bro (Jeff Ludwig) who, when making a baloney sammich would put mayo AND peanut butter on his sammich. And ya know, he actually got me to try it, and, I liked it! But then again, we were perpetually starved out WOWs that year, and it seemed like anything tasted good...Haha! But then again, maybe I'll try it again... :)
But yeah, I like either/or. I kinda like the sweetness of miracle whip. But when it comes to mayo, I am with Fellowshipper when it comes to the Brand. Hellman's is the s!uff!
Ha ha, Jonny!! I also like PB, bologna (or basically any cold cut meat) and mayo. . and add some cheese in it too. Better even if its 'grilled'!! Another combo I like with PB, cheese and mayo is bacon . . nice crispy bacon, and with bacon, the sandwich definitely needs to be grilled.
I'd have to agree, Hellman's is the cream of the crop for me with mayo brands.
I've only met a handful of people, apart from my siblings, who like PB and mayo . ..one of em here at gspot (tho I haven't seen the person here in some time), two at the office, and some others over the years.
You would think that with a name like "Miracle Whip" VPW would have claimed he invented it.
( Now that I think of it, the "miracle" part of the name makes sense also)
I don't know if Watered Garden would remember, but we used to make our own from scratch in Fellowlaborers. We had to make a weeks' supply for 50 people as part of our food co-op called "Manna".(Pretty original,huh?) It actually tasted quite good. I don't think it would be such a good idea these days with all the pathagens associated with eggs. Count my vote as one in favor of mayo.
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you must be really bored up there Jonny :)
I get miracle whip, because I believe in miracles ...
people that buy mayo are usually seed boys ...it's that simple
How much daylight did you have today?
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My family is seed!!!
Personally, I like Miracle Whip because it is a little sweeter. But I am all alone in that preference as everyone else in my family prefers mayo.
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HELLMAN'S (or homemade) is the ONLY way to go. Miracle Whip is horrible. Kraft "Mayonnaise" is barely tolerable.
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LG is spot on. I always thought Miracle Whip was only sold in the French Quater of New Orleans.....
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......and 3's a crowd. I wouldn't use Miracle Whip to grease my cookie sheet!
My mother had a great recipe for dark chocolate cake during the war. Everything was rationed then. Sugar and flour you could get sometimes if you hadn't used the ration for them, and cocoa powder was no problem, but fat of any kind was very hard to get. So there was a recipe developed using mayonaise instead of any other shortening and it was delicious. We used to ask for "mayonaise cake" sometimes but she said she hated the idea of it so that she would never make it again.
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Strangely enough, I like them both.
After smoking for as many years as I have, my taste buds are not quite as "discriminating" as they once were...You could probably mix WD40 with my egg salad and I couldn't tell the difference. :)
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Miracle Whip -- a Commie plot hatched by Hillary Clinton!
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Johnny, I am in the Hellmans camp. Everththing else takes like oil or grease. I never cared for salad dressing, barf. I finally found Hellmans here in Australia but it is made in Holland. They also sell Best Food real mayonnaise which is only sold west of the Rockys everything else east of the Rockys is Hellmans, Ironically the same taste it must be a selling thingy bobby. Johnny there is nothing better than a spoon full of Hellmans or Best Food real mayonnaise on a halved avacodo. Yum. I will go with your sons rebellion on anything else.
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Merry Christmas!!!!
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The egg salad probably slides down faster with the WD40. :blink: :)
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Miracle Whip - - ICK!!!!
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I have to confess, I like mayo...Miracle Whip just tastes like .....it has a sweet taste..that I don't like..
is all.
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With no cream in the kitchen the chef must've yelled at his assistant
"Oh hell man!! Just get me some olive oil instead!"
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roflmao, D

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Man, the Miracle Whip is really gettin whipped up on ...
I buy some generic salad dressing ...
I'm not all that discerning, but it seems a little lighter than mayo ... and I want to keep my girlish figure
But I doubt I'd notice if one was switched for the other ...
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J0nny Ling0
Ya know LG, when I was in Oklahoma, I was turned on to the greatness of Hellman's Mayonaisse by none other than Fellowshipper here who just now posted his preference for Hellman's Mayonaisse. I remember that Fellowshipper used to say the word "Hellman's" in a manner in which it sounded like "Helllmmmuuuhhhnnnns" all drawn out like. Back in Oak City (OKC), he was very preferential about his mayo.....
And dagnabbitt! When I was in the mayonaisse section of the grocery store, with YOU Fellowshipper in mind, I wanted to buy Hellman's. I looked high and low, thinking about you and....."Helllmmmuuuhhhnnnsss...." But there was none. And so, on a whim, since I, (like Groucho Marx Jr), like them both, decided to try it out on my Oklahoma born son Riley. Well, he tried some and says he "hates it". I guess he and Jardinero can go camping together with no problem. And hey Groucho, we agree on something! Kewel! It is a fine and merry Christmas Eve!
LG, get you some Hellman's mayo and some smoked salmon, mix it together and put it on some Triscuits. If you want some smoked salmon, I would be honored to send you some via the US Mail. Seriously, post me your address, and I'll send you some. I caught them myself, smoked them up in my home made smoker and have them all vacuum sealed good and proper. It's the good stuff. Coho. :)
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HA! This is reminding me of the pizza wars. ;)
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J0nny Ling0
Ah yes, the Pizza Wars. Well, I don't care what Dooj and that other guy said; "I Love Pineapple Pizza!"
And, Peruser said:
Whoa! Peruser! PB with Mayo!! I haven't heard of Mayo/Miracle Whip on PB sammiches in a long time! However, I didhave WOW bro (Jeff Ludwig) who, when making a baloney sammich would put mayo AND peanut butter on his sammich. And ya know, he actually got me to try it, and, I liked it! But then again, we were perpetually starved out WOWs that year, and it seemed like anything tasted good...Haha! But then again, maybe I'll try it again... :)
But yeah, I like either/or. I kinda like the sweetness of miracle whip. But when it comes to mayo, I am with Fellowshipper when it comes to the Brand. Hellman's is the s!uff!
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Ha ha, Jonny!! I also like PB, bologna (or basically any cold cut meat) and mayo. . and add some cheese in it too. Better even if its 'grilled'!! Another combo I like with PB, cheese and mayo is bacon . . nice crispy bacon, and with bacon, the sandwich definitely needs to be grilled.
I'd have to agree, Hellman's is the cream of the crop for me with mayo brands.
I've only met a handful of people, apart from my siblings, who like PB and mayo . ..one of em here at gspot (tho I haven't seen the person here in some time), two at the office, and some others over the years.
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You would think that with a name like "Miracle Whip" VPW would have claimed he invented it.
( Now that I think of it, the "miracle" part of the name makes sense also)
I don't know if Watered Garden would remember, but we used to make our own from scratch in Fellowlaborers. We had to make a weeks' supply for 50 people as part of our food co-op called "Manna".(Pretty original,huh?) It actually tasted quite good. I don't think it would be such a good idea these days with all the pathagens associated with eggs. Count my vote as one in favor of mayo.
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Tom Strange
Well... flame me if you must but I pretty much use them interchangably... when I use that stuff... I much rather prefer MUSTARD!
...but my dear old Dad did used to call it "Mackeral Whip"...
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Mustard would be a different topic/thread.
As in Dijon, or yellow?? ;)
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