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17yr old has sex and gets 10 years w/o parole


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Has anyone else seen this?



ATLANTA (AP) — The Georgia Supreme Court has turned down an appeal from a teen who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for having sex with a 15-year-old.

In a ruling released Friday, the court denied a motion for reconsideration filed by lawyers for Genarlow Wilson, who was 17 when he and the 15-year-old engaged in consensual oral sex. He was sentenced for aggravated child molestation.

Wilson's case was one of two cases that were cited earlier this year when lawmakers passed a law that otherwise strengthened penalties for sex offenders, but reduced the penalty from a felony to a misdemeanor for some teenagers convicted of sodomy.

Presiding Justice Carol Hunstein noted that in easing the penalties for teens, ''the Legislature expressly chose not to allow the provisions of the new amendments to affect persons convicted under the previous version of the statute.''

Hunstein added she was ''very sympathetic to Wilson's argument regarding the injustice of sentencing this promising young man with good grades and no criminal history to 10 years in prison without parole and a lifetime registration as a sexual offender because he engaged in consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old victim only two years his junior,'' but said the court was bound the by limits set by the Legislature.

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My son was busted for the very same thing, except she was fifteen and he was eighteen. She said she was sixteen which would have made it legal, and well, she offered the bj, and being a boy overflowing with testosterone, well, he "obliged her". Then, she started bragging about it on the internet in a local Juneau chat place about how she had "bagged a senior". And the cops, who monitor the place all the time, simply picked up the story with his name included, went to the high school, told him what they knew, he admitted it without thinking to asking for a lawyer, and boom, he was busted!

Fortunately, the girls' parents were flabergasted that their daughter would offer such a thing (they read the transcript from the Net), and didn't want to press charges. The DA, saw that there wasn't that much difference in the ages of the two, and also saw that the fifteen year old girl looked to be nineteen and not fifteen, and basically dropped the case. However, my son could very well have ended up like this poor kid, caught in the spider web of this evil old world...Geez. It's hard to believe that that poor kid will stay in JAIL for this incident. Evil man, evil.....

Hopefully this kid will be able to appeal again and get it straightened out...

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Well, don't we still teach our boys about "jail bait" as they grow up?

As irrational as it seems that a 17 yo would be convicted for this, it IS against the law. As with JL's son, I can't imagine the prosecutor in the Georgia case didn't have enough discretion to make this go away. What we don't get from this news item is any of the political background/environment in which the situation occurred.

And political environment matters. First, the judge pointed out that the state legislature had made specific provisions related to this type of activity.

Given the controversial nature of a situation like this, can a reader reasonably assume there was NO press coverage of what the legislature was up to when they dealt with it?

How often do we hear about the need for parents to be involved in their kids' lives, even as teens. I know, much easier said than done.

But the roots of this behavior go back, in these children's lives to early childhood/preschool years. Did the parents' of either of them try to teach/train their kids about delayed gratification?

In light of last week's reports that 90 percent of Americans, according to at least one study, engage(d) in pre-marital sex, I would think it would behoove parents and maybe others in the community (schools/churches, perhaps others) to find ways to get the point across to (most) kids to make a clear distinction between sexual activity with "of age vs under age" partners.

I'm quite familiar with how horny and impulsive teens can be. But for goodness sake -- teach boys how to keep it in their pants to keep them out of (more than one kind of) trouble.


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I have a friend who spent 26 years in Jail with a man who was sentenced with the same type of offense and that guy spent 6 years in Jail. It destroyed him and the girl was consenting. Didn't seem fair. Maybe they should put the girls parents in jail for not keeping a better eye on her, or raising her with some morals.

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