from my survival class (Rome City) dont forget the non-poisionous and poisionous plant guide..The posionous plant resemble the etible by slight differences..
Don't forget your handy dandy all purpose ready for any situation and then some, swiss army knife. Make sure it's the one with the toothpick. You just never know.....
Don't forget your handy dandy all purpose ready for any situation and then some, swiss army knife. Make sure it's the one with the toothpick. You just never know.....
yeah... I've got the one with the toothpick and the tweezers (they're not only for splinters ya know!)
I'm not going anywhere, I'm just putting together a MALpack... aren't we supposed to always have one ready to go?
waysider - MALpack....More Abundant Life Pack for when the communist invaded and we needed to head for the hills while putting our holiest seminary on hold in Emporia kansas.
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Tom Strange
(I'm thinking maybe some Twinkies as well, that should cover most of the food groups)
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Dont forget the bon bons.
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And Sno Cones, Tom! MALPacks MUST have sno cones! Can you get Astronaut Ice Cream to make them with?
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Left to their own devices, Slim Jims will probably outlast anyone on the planet at the moment.
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Tom, if you had gone to Tracker school, you wouldn't need no steenkin MALpack or slim jims ... all you need is a sharp knife and a loin cloth ...
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from my survival class (Rome City) dont forget the non-poisionous and poisionous plant guide..The posionous plant resemble the etible by slight differences..
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Don't forget a bottle of good scotch!
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Tom Strange
I'm thinking Bon Bons would probably go bad.
The astronaut ice cream pellets might be a good thing though...
That's why I was thinking slim jims verbal, they'll probably outlast Kieth Richards...
Scotch... oh yeah... for medicinal purposes!
I didn't go to the Tracker school but I did read his books (the cold is your friend)...
And I do have a copy of his field guide to plants, I'll make sure and pack that!
Slim Jims, Twinkies, Astronaut Ice Cream, Scotch, Field Guide...
Food, First Aid, hmmm, what else? Oh yeah! of those hand crank combo radio/flashlights!
what else?
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Don't forget your handy dandy all purpose ready for any situation and then some, swiss army knife. Make sure it's the one with the toothpick. You just never know.....
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tom- where are you going?
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What's a MALPack?
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Tom Strange
yeah... I've got the one with the toothpick and the tweezers (they're not only for splinters ya know!)
I'm not going anywhere, I'm just putting together a MALpack... aren't we supposed to always have one ready to go?
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What else?? A coupla good cigars to complement the scotch! ;)
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polar bear
Don't forget the spam! Grilled spam, fried spam, spam on spam etc. (I liked the scotch idea too)
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Tom, Be sure and take along yer digital camera and bring back plenty of pic's fer tha gallery. And also, don't forget your lift list!
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Tom Strange
Dave, cigars aren't part of the MALPack... they're a given (everyday)...
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Most of us here in my part of the country have *malpacks* in the trunks of our cars.
But we call them "snow emergency kits".
To be used if ya happen to get stuck somewhere on the highway,
in a snow storm.
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waysider - MALpack....More Abundant Life Pack for when the communist invaded and we needed to head for the hills while putting our holiest seminary on hold in Emporia kansas.
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You can never be too careful.
Those dirty,commie,pinko rats could cut off the worlds' supply of beef jerky at a moments' notice!
I can do all things through my -------MALpack--------Which strengtheneth me.
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did you ever see the movie red dawn? kinda loosely patterned on that premise.
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waterproof matches. to light your cigars. or your farts.
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Waysider -- You owe me a new keyboard, as I just spilt coffee all over it!
I'm sure it's ruined. :( And it's all your fault with that quote!!
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Tom Strange
TONTO!!! Young Lady!!! why... I... er... of course I'll have them...
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Water-proof matches --- Light a candle.
Tip it so the wax drips onto a plate.
While the wax is still molten, insert the match head.
Make sure the match-head is totally covered.
Make sure it is a *Strike-Anywhere* wooden match.
When ya need to fire it up ----------
Scrape off the Wax, stike the match, and light that cigar!!
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