"All we've got are pieces. We can't seem to figure out what the puzzle is supposed to look like."
Once, at a gathering, he put his hand over a candle. And he kept it there. He kept it right in the flame until his flesh seared. A woman who was watching asked, "What's the trick?" And he replied. "The trick is not minding."
Then get your a**** back in gear. We're under a lot of pressure, you know, and you put us there. Nothing's riding on this except the, uh, first amendment to the Constitution, freedom of the press, and maybe the future of the country. Not that any of that matters, but if you guys f*** up again, I'm going to get mad. Goodnight.
This is from an early 1990's movie, just to show that it's not a new idea:
"The Schwartzenegger Presidential library?" "Yes. Even though he wasn't a natural-born citizen, his overwhelming popularity at the time helped pass the 61st Amendment!"
That you did, WW. This was just another example of Sly and Ahnold ribbing each other. I was reminded of it when the "new" idea of AS for President was circulating a few moths ago. I just had to see it again (Encore, last night) to get the quote right.
I don't think I've seen this movie. These are not Blazing Saddles or South Park quotes, two movies that could well qualify as "funniest R rated movie."
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Crimson Tide?
I'm guessing that WW won't mind my adding a clue: the movie starred Danny Kaye. George
Once again, you posted a quote from a movie, where you could have posted 1/2 the script without me getting it, except for the one quote you posted. This was from early on in "Red Dawn."
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Christmas with the Kranks?
The Day the Earth Stood Still?
The Longest Day?
Harry Potter?
Independence Day?
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Trefor Heywood
Darn! Raf beat me to it!
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Have A great weekend!!!!
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"All we've got are pieces. We can't seem to figure out what the puzzle is supposed to look like."
Once, at a gathering, he put his hand over a candle. And he kept it there. He kept it right in the flame until his flesh seared. A woman who was watching asked, "What's the trick?" And he replied. "The trick is not minding."
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I infer from the lack of responses that we need more clues.
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All right, this should be a giveaway...
Then get your a**** back in gear. We're under a lot of pressure, you know, and you put us there. Nothing's riding on this except the, uh, first amendment to the Constitution, freedom of the press, and maybe the future of the country. Not that any of that matters, but if you guys f*** up again, I'm going to get mad. Goodnight.
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"All the President's Men"?
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You're up, George.
Those are some great quotes, by the way.
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This is from an early 1990's movie, just to show that it's not a new idea:
"The Schwartzenegger Presidential library?" "Yes. Even though he wasn't a natural-born citizen, his overwhelming popularity at the time helped pass the 61st Amendment!"
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I got here first!
That's from "DEMOLITION MAN"!
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Let's see.....
"Would someone please show this poor @$$h**e the way out of town?"
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That you did, WW. This was just another example of Sly and Ahnold ribbing each other. I was reminded of it when the "new" idea of AS for President was circulating a few moths ago. I just had to see it again (Encore, last night) to get the quote right.
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Trefor Heywood
Rambo - First Blood?
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Nope, neither a Stallone NOR a war/military film at all.
Here's 2 more quotes.
" Oy gevalt!"
" 'Oy, she it!' That makes sense."
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I'm surprised you guys haven't gotten this yet.
Someone once described it as the funniest R-rated movie ever made.
It also had star power.
Other quotes.
"The shmendrick can go."
"How many rabbis can say they had a bank-robber as a best man?"
"...but He does not bring rain! *thunder sounds*
But sometimes, just like THAT! *snaps fingers* He changes His mind!"
"If you had gotten here yesterday, we could have had roast chicken!"
For reasons which become clear about 1/2way thru the movie,
one working title for this movie was 'No Knife'.
Hm-I only included quotes which don't come up on Google, and everybody's
baffled. No, I'm sure it's just that they haven't seen this movie in a while...
or just seen the edited-for-television version, which changes a few of those
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I don't think I've seen this movie. These are not Blazing Saddles or South Park quotes, two movies that could well qualify as "funniest R rated movie."
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Would this be "The Frisco Kid" with Gene Wilder?
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Not only WOULD it be that movie, it IS that movie!
Starring Gene Wilder as the rabbi from Poland who goes to San Francisco to serve
a congregation lacking a rabbi, in the days of the Wild West.
Along the way, he meets a bank-robber played by Harrison Ford.
I think current standards would make this PG-13 at WORST.
It's got comedy, it's got drama. I think of it more as a drama due to its
approach. You can laugh at Avram, but he has YOUR respect by the end of the
movie, or you have no heart.
Go, Steve!
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Okay, you guys are real good, I've got to take a little bit of time to come up with something.
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"I don't see no resemblance!"
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Talented Mr. Ripley?
or Nip/Tuck?
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Trefor Heywood
The Parent Trap?
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No, no, no, and no.
"I think we owe him an apology!"
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