"You're a good man. Your brother is a good man. I assure you, there are other good men. Let us hope the will of good men is enough to counter the terrible strength of this thing that was put in motion."
"And they fire their missiles. And we fire ours."
"We gave up so much to get here. I don't know. Sometimes I think, what the hell did we do it for?"
"Well, I don't know about you, but... I'm in it for the money."
The latter might refer to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and/or Mutually Assured Destruction. With 2 good brothers mentioned, this might be a reference to....
"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion."
"Hey... is that the cops? I'm an innocent victim in here! I was attacked by a coked up whore and a - a f--kin' crazy dentist!"
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay. "
"Jose - psst! Jose, what's going on?"
"Bad news, man."
"Yeah. And they said your name....Hey, maybe they'll give you a pardon, man."
"Yeah, that's why none of the volunteers come back. They all get a pardon."
"Kathryn, you're a rational person. You're a trained psychiatrist. You know the difference between what's real and what's not."
"And what we say is the truth is what everybody accepts. Right, Owen? I mean, psychiatry: it's the latest religion. We decide what's right and wrong. We decide who's crazy or not. I'm in trouble here. I'm losing my faith."
"I don't really come from outer space."
"Oh. L. J. Washington. He doesn't really come from outer space."
"Don't mock me my friend. It's a condition of mental divergence. I find myself on the planet Ogo, part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate the barbarian hordes on Pluto. But even though this is a totally convincing reality for me in every way, nevertheless Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent, in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend?"
"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion."
"Hey... is that the cops? I'm an innocent victim in here! I was attacked by a coked up whore and a - a f--kin' crazy dentist!"
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay. "
"Jose - psst! Jose, what's going on?"
"Bad news, man."
"Yeah. And they said your name....Hey, maybe they'll give you a pardon, man."
"Yeah, that's why none of the volunteers come back. They all get a pardon."
"Kathryn, you're a rational person. You're a trained psychiatrist. You know the difference between what's real and what's not."
"And what we say is the truth is what everybody accepts. Right, Owen? I mean, psychiatry: it's the latest religion. We decide what's right and wrong. We decide who's crazy or not. I'm in trouble here. I'm losing my faith."
"I don't really come from outer space."
"Oh. L. J. Washington. He doesn't really come from outer space."
"Don't mock me my friend. It's a condition of mental divergence. I find myself on the planet Ogo, part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate the barbarian hordes on Pluto. But even though this is a totally convincing reality for me in every way, nevertheless Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent, in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend?"
"You know what crazy is? Crazy is majority rules. Take germs, for example."
"Uh-huh. In the eighteenth century, no such thing, nada, nothing. No one ever imagined such a thing. No sane person, anyway. Ah! Ah! Along comes this doctor, uh, uh, uh, Semmelweis, Semmelweis. Semmelweis comes along. He's trying to convince people, well, other doctors mainly, that's there's these teeny tiny invisible bad things called germs that get into your body and make you sick. Ah? He's trying to get doctors to wash their hands. What is this guy? Crazy? Teeny, tiny, invisible? What do you call it? Uh-uh, germs? Huh? What? Now, cut to the 20th century. Last week, as a matter of fact, before I got dragged into this hellhole. I go in to order a burger in this fast food joint, and the guy drops it on the floor. Jim, he picks it up, he wipes it off, he hands it to me like it's all OK. "What about the germs?" I say. He says, "I don't believe in germs. Germs is just a plot they made up so they can sell you disinfectants and soaps." Now he's crazy, right? See?"
"Cassandra in Greek legend, you recall, was condemned to know the future but to be disbelieved when she foretold it. Hence the agony of foreknowledge combined with the impotence to do anything about it."
SyFy had a TV show based on this movie that ran four seasons.
"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion."
"Hey... is that the cops? I'm an innocent victim in here! I was attacked by a coked up whore and a - a f--kin' crazy dentist!"
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay. "
"Jose - psst! Jose, what's going on?"
"Bad news, man."
"Yeah. And they said your name....Hey, maybe they'll give you a pardon, man."
"Yeah, that's why none of the volunteers come back. They all get a pardon."
"Kathryn, you're a rational person. You're a trained psychiatrist. You know the difference between what's real and what's not."
"And what we say is the truth is what everybody accepts. Right, Owen? I mean, psychiatry: it's the latest religion. We decide what's right and wrong. We decide who's crazy or not. I'm in trouble here. I'm losing my faith."
"I don't really come from outer space."
"Oh. L. J. Washington. He doesn't really come from outer space."
"Don't mock me my friend. It's a condition of mental divergence. I find myself on the planet Ogo, part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate the barbarian hordes on Pluto. But even though this is a totally convincing reality for me in every way, nevertheless Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent, in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend?"
"You know what crazy is? Crazy is majority rules. Take germs, for example."
"Uh-huh. In the eighteenth century, no such thing, nada, nothing. No one ever imagined such a thing. No sane person, anyway. Ah! Ah! Along comes this doctor, uh, uh, uh, Semmelweis, Semmelweis. Semmelweis comes along. He's trying to convince people, well, other doctors mainly, that's there's these teeny tiny invisible bad things called germs that get into your body and make you sick. Ah? He's trying to get doctors to wash their hands. What is this guy? Crazy? Teeny, tiny, invisible? What do you call it? Uh-uh, germs? Huh? What? Now, cut to the 20th century. Last week, as a matter of fact, before I got dragged into this hellhole. I go in to order a burger in this fast food joint, and the guy drops it on the floor. Jim, he picks it up, he wipes it off, he hands it to me like it's all OK. "What about the germs?" I say. He says, "I don't believe in germs. Germs is just a plot they made up so they can sell you disinfectants and soaps." Now he's crazy, right? See?"
"Cassandra in Greek legend, you recall, was condemned to know the future but to be disbelieved when she foretold it. Hence the agony of foreknowledge combined with the impotence to do anything about it."
"...5 billion people will die from a deadly virus in 1997... /... The survivors will abandon the surface of he planet... /... Once again the animals will rule the world... / - Excerpts from interview with clinically diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, April 12, 1990 - Baltimore County Hospital."
Sorry I missed that. I've been taking care of some personal stuff so I've been away. I won't be checking in until the end of the week but I might read one or two posts now and then.
On 5/15/2020 at 7:48 PM, WordWolf said:
Um, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?"
Clearly, you haven't seen this movie before (OFOTCN) WordWolf.
Sorry I missed that. I've been taking care of some personal stuff so I've been away. I won't be checking in until the end of the week but I might read one or two posts now and then.
Clearly, you haven't seen this movie before (OFOTCN) WordWolf.
You'd be shocked at how often I guess at a movie- often correctly- having not seen it, or having seen a few clips.
You wouldn't be shocked at how many of my wild swings have been clean misses.
"Our ways are not your ways. And to you there shall be many strange things."
I... love you too much to condemn you."
"I'm no lunatic man. I'm a sane man fighting for his soul."
"Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose? That the luckiest man who walks upon this earth is the one who finds... True love?"
"Absinthe is the aphrodisiac of the self. The green fairy who lives in the absinthe wants your soul. But you are safe with me."
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Crimson Tide?
I'm guessing that WW won't mind my adding a clue: the movie starred Danny Kaye. George
Once again, you posted a quote from a movie, where you could have posted 1/2 the script without me getting it, except for the one quote you posted. This was from early on in "Red Dawn."
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Star Trek II Redux (aka, Star Trek Into Darkness)
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Indeed. I was tempted to go with "Khaaaaaaannnnn!!!" but I don't think it would have fooled anybody.
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Ok i'm up
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"You're a good man. Your brother is a good man. I assure you, there are other good men. Let us hope the will of good men is enough to counter the terrible strength of this thing that was put in motion."
"And they fire their missiles. And we fire ours."
"We gave up so much to get here. I don't know. Sometimes I think, what the hell did we do it for?"
"Well, I don't know about you, but... I'm in it for the money."
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That last one sounds familiar, but I can't place it.
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If it helps, this is a true story [hollywood style, but still].
That should really narrow it down when you realize who's being referenced in the first quote.
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*studies the first 2 quotes*
The latter might refer to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and/or Mutually Assured Destruction. With 2 good brothers mentioned, this might be a reference to....
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So much accuracy to result in the wrong conclusion.
Change your third paragraph.
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"Thirteen Days"?
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So, there was a movie called "Thirteen Days" and it was about JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Live and learn.
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So it's George's turn...
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"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion."
"Hey... is that the cops? I'm an innocent victim in here! I was attacked by a coked up whore and a - a f--kin' crazy dentist!"
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay. "
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"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion."
"Hey... is that the cops? I'm an innocent victim in here! I was attacked by a coked up whore and a - a f--kin' crazy dentist!"
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay. "
"Jose - psst! Jose, what's going on?"
"Bad news, man."
"Yeah. And they said your name....Hey, maybe they'll give you a pardon, man."
"Yeah, that's why none of the volunteers come back. They all get a pardon."
"Kathryn, you're a rational person. You're a trained psychiatrist. You know the difference between what's real and what's not."
"And what we say is the truth is what everybody accepts. Right, Owen? I mean, psychiatry: it's the latest religion. We decide what's right and wrong. We decide who's crazy or not. I'm in trouble here. I'm losing my faith."
"I don't really come from outer space."
"Oh. L. J. Washington. He doesn't really come from outer space."
"Don't mock me my friend. It's a condition of mental divergence. I find myself on the planet Ogo, part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate the barbarian hordes on Pluto. But even though this is a totally convincing reality for me in every way, nevertheless Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent, in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend?"
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"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion."
"Hey... is that the cops? I'm an innocent victim in here! I was attacked by a coked up whore and a - a f--kin' crazy dentist!"
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay. "
"Jose - psst! Jose, what's going on?"
"Bad news, man."
"Yeah. And they said your name....Hey, maybe they'll give you a pardon, man."
"Yeah, that's why none of the volunteers come back. They all get a pardon."
"Kathryn, you're a rational person. You're a trained psychiatrist. You know the difference between what's real and what's not."
"And what we say is the truth is what everybody accepts. Right, Owen? I mean, psychiatry: it's the latest religion. We decide what's right and wrong. We decide who's crazy or not. I'm in trouble here. I'm losing my faith."
"I don't really come from outer space."
"Oh. L. J. Washington. He doesn't really come from outer space."
"Don't mock me my friend. It's a condition of mental divergence. I find myself on the planet Ogo, part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate the barbarian hordes on Pluto. But even though this is a totally convincing reality for me in every way, nevertheless Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent, in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend?"
"You know what crazy is? Crazy is majority rules. Take germs, for example."
"Uh-huh. In the eighteenth century, no such thing, nada, nothing. No one ever imagined such a thing. No sane person, anyway. Ah! Ah! Along comes this doctor, uh, uh, uh, Semmelweis, Semmelweis. Semmelweis comes along. He's trying to convince people, well, other doctors mainly, that's there's these teeny tiny invisible bad things called germs that get into your body and make you sick. Ah? He's trying to get doctors to wash their hands. What is this guy? Crazy? Teeny, tiny, invisible? What do you call it? Uh-uh, germs? Huh? What? Now, cut to the 20th century. Last week, as a matter of fact, before I got dragged into this hellhole. I go in to order a burger in this fast food joint, and the guy drops it on the floor. Jim, he picks it up, he wipes it off, he hands it to me like it's all OK. "What about the germs?" I say. He says, "I don't believe in germs. Germs is just a plot they made up so they can sell you disinfectants and soaps." Now he's crazy, right? See?"
"Cassandra in Greek legend, you recall, was condemned to know the future but to be disbelieved when she foretold it. Hence the agony of foreknowledge combined with the impotence to do anything about it."
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Um, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?"
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SyFy had a TV show based on this movie that ran four seasons.
"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's only popular opinion."
"Hey... is that the cops? I'm an innocent victim in here! I was attacked by a coked up whore and a - a f--kin' crazy dentist!"
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay. "
"Jose - psst! Jose, what's going on?"
"Bad news, man."
"Yeah. And they said your name....Hey, maybe they'll give you a pardon, man."
"Yeah, that's why none of the volunteers come back. They all get a pardon."
"Kathryn, you're a rational person. You're a trained psychiatrist. You know the difference between what's real and what's not."
"And what we say is the truth is what everybody accepts. Right, Owen? I mean, psychiatry: it's the latest religion. We decide what's right and wrong. We decide who's crazy or not. I'm in trouble here. I'm losing my faith."
"I don't really come from outer space."
"Oh. L. J. Washington. He doesn't really come from outer space."
"Don't mock me my friend. It's a condition of mental divergence. I find myself on the planet Ogo, part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate the barbarian hordes on Pluto. But even though this is a totally convincing reality for me in every way, nevertheless Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent, in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend?"
"You know what crazy is? Crazy is majority rules. Take germs, for example."
"Uh-huh. In the eighteenth century, no such thing, nada, nothing. No one ever imagined such a thing. No sane person, anyway. Ah! Ah! Along comes this doctor, uh, uh, uh, Semmelweis, Semmelweis. Semmelweis comes along. He's trying to convince people, well, other doctors mainly, that's there's these teeny tiny invisible bad things called germs that get into your body and make you sick. Ah? He's trying to get doctors to wash their hands. What is this guy? Crazy? Teeny, tiny, invisible? What do you call it? Uh-uh, germs? Huh? What? Now, cut to the 20th century. Last week, as a matter of fact, before I got dragged into this hellhole. I go in to order a burger in this fast food joint, and the guy drops it on the floor. Jim, he picks it up, he wipes it off, he hands it to me like it's all OK. "What about the germs?" I say. He says, "I don't believe in germs. Germs is just a plot they made up so they can sell you disinfectants and soaps." Now he's crazy, right? See?"
"Cassandra in Greek legend, you recall, was condemned to know the future but to be disbelieved when she foretold it. Hence the agony of foreknowledge combined with the impotence to do anything about it."
"...5 billion people will die from a deadly virus in 1997... /... The survivors will abandon the surface of he planet... /... Once again the animals will rule the world... / - Excerpts from interview with clinically diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, April 12, 1990 - Baltimore County Hospital."
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Um...." Quarantine???"
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I'm going to turn over all the cards, here.
"12 Monkeys"
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Anybody? Anybody???
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Human without the bean
Sorry I missed that. I've been taking care of some personal stuff so I've been away. I won't be checking in until the end of the week but I might read one or two posts now and then.
Clearly, you haven't seen this movie before (OFOTCN) WordWolf.
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You'd be shocked at how often I guess at a movie- often correctly- having not seen it, or having seen a few clips.
You wouldn't be shocked at how many of my wild swings have been clean misses.
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This is still a free post, if anyone wants it.
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"We've all become God's Madmen. All of us."
"I have crossed oceans of time to find you."
"Our ways are not your ways. And to you there shall be many strange things."
I... love you too much to condemn you."
"I'm no lunatic man. I'm a sane man fighting for his soul."
"Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose? That the luckiest man who walks upon this earth is the one who finds... True love?"
"Absinthe is the aphrodisiac of the self. The green fairy who lives in the absinthe wants your soul. But you are safe with me."
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