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"There are a lot of things in my life that I thought were real and ended up being fake. Why can't the opposite be true?"

" Rejection. That's what makes a college great. The exclusivity of any university is judged primarily by the amount of students it rejects."

"Why, what happened?"

"Some political crap. I got a zero on my SAT's."

"You do know you get 600 points just for signing your name right?"

"Ask me about my wiener!!"

"I want to learn how to blow s* up with my mind."

"Your curriculum is a joke, and you, sir, are a criminal."

"You know what? You're a criminal. 'Cause you rob these kids of their creativity and their passion. That's the real crime! Well, what about you parents? Did -did the system really work out for you? Did it teach you to follow your heart, or to just play it safe, roll over? What about you guys? Did you always want to be school administrators? Dr. Alexander, was that your dream? Or maybe no, maybe you wanted to be a poet. Maybe you wanted to be a magician or an artist. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world."

" Hi there! What's your name? My name's Abernathy Darwin Dunlap but you can call me A.D.D. on the account of the fact that I have A.D.D., which is attention deficit disorder. You know - everyone used to think it was just an addiction to sugar when I was 6 and my mom used to cry because she thought I would never be like a fully functioning member of society like my neighbor who has Legionnaires' disease."

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"There are a lot of things in my life that I thought were real and ended up being fake. Why can't the opposite be true?"

"Rejection. That's what makes a college great. The exclusivity of any university is judged primarily by the amount of students it rejects."

"Why, what happened?"

"Some political crap. I got a zero on my SAT's."

"You do know you get 600 points just for signing your name right?"

"Ask me about my wiener!!"

"I want to learn how to blow sh* up with my mind."

"Nah, I'm not going to answer your question, 'cause you guys have already made up your minds. I'm an expert in rejection, and I can see it on your faces, and it's too bad that you judge us by the way we look and not by who we are, just because you want us to be more like them when the truth is we're not like them, and I am damn proud of that fact! I mean, Harmon College and their - their 100 years of tradition. But tradition of what? Of hazing kids and humiliating anyone who's a bit different? Of putting so much pressure on kids they turn into these - these stress freaks and caffeine addicts."

"Your phony school demeans real colleges everywhere!"

"Why? Why can't we both exist? Huh? You can have your grades, and your rules and your structure and your ivory towers, and then we'll do things our way. Why do we have to conform to what you want?"

"Your curriculum is a joke, and you, sir, are a criminal."

"You know what? You're a criminal. 'Cause you rob these kids of their creativity and their passion. That's the real crime! Well, what about you parents? Did -did the system really work out for you? Did it teach you to follow your heart, or to just play it safe, roll over? What about you guys? Did you always want to be school administrators? Dr. Alexander, was that your dream? Or maybe no, maybe you wanted to be a poet. Maybe you wanted to be a magician or an artist. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world."

" Hi there! What's your name? My name's Abernathy Darwin Dunlap but you can call me A.D.D. on the account of the fact that I have A.D.D., which is attention deficit disorder. You know - everyone used to think it was just an addiction to sugar when I was 6 and my mom used to cry because she thought I would never be like a fully functioning member of society like my neighbor who has Legionnaires' disease."

"I told ya."

"It was your idea to put 'acceptance is just one click away.'"

"Yeah, you put it as 'one click away! You don't make it... clickable!"

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"There are a lot of things in my life that I thought were real and ended up being fake. Why can't the opposite be true?"

"Rejection. That's what makes a college great. The exclusivity of any university is judged primarily by the amount of students it rejects."

"Why, what happened?"

"Some political crap. I got a zero on my SAT's."

"You do know you get 600 points just for signing your name right?"

"Ask me about my wiener!!"

"I want to learn how to blow sh* up with my mind."

"Nah, I'm not going to answer your question, 'cause you guys have already made up your minds. I'm an expert in rejection, and I can see it on your faces, and it's too bad that you judge us by the way we look and not by who we are, just because you want us to be more like them when the truth is we're not like them, and I am damn proud of that fact! I mean, Harmon College and their - their 100 years of tradition. But tradition of what? Of hazing kids and humiliating anyone who's a bit different? Of putting so much pressure on kids they turn into these - these stress freaks and caffeine addicts."

"Your phony school demeans real colleges everywhere!"

"Why? Why can't we both exist? Huh? You can have your grades, and your rules and your structure and your ivory towers, and then we'll do things our way. Why do we have to conform to what you want?"

"Your curriculum is a joke, and you, sir, are a criminal."

"You know what? You're a criminal. 'Cause you rob these kids of their creativity and their passion. That's the real crime! Well, what about you parents? Did -did the system really work out for you? Did it teach you to follow your heart, or to just play it safe, roll over? What about you guys? Did you always want to be school administrators? Dr. Alexander, was that your dream? Or maybe no, maybe you wanted to be a poet. Maybe you wanted to be a magician or an artist. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world."

" Hi there! What's your name? My name's Abernathy Darwin Dunlap but you can call me A.D.D. on the account of the fact that I have A.D.D., which is attention deficit disorder. You know - everyone used to think it was just an addiction to sugar when I was 6 and my mom used to cry because she thought I would never be like a fully functioning member of society like my neighbor who has Legionnaires' disease."

"I told ya."

"It was your idea to put 'acceptance is just one click away.'"

"Yeah, you put it as 'one click away! You don't make it... clickable!"

"When I got accepted here, it was the first time my parents ever said they were proud of me!"

"Hey Shrad, do you know any places up near Harmon we can rent?"

"Oh, yeah I do, actually. I carry around a list with me at all times of abandoned buildings for fake colleges."

"Okay cut the crap Bartleby. Society has rules and the first rule is: You go to college. You wanna have a happy and successful life, you go to college. If you wanna be somebody, you go to college. If you wanna fit in, you go to college."

"Well, you know what? Maybe I didn't get into college!"

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  On 5/6/2013 at 11:39 AM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

Well, then, from your post in "Triple Movie Links," I would guess "Accepted"?


You may not have seen the movie, but at least you're paying attention!


I saw a Jay Leno "Jaywalking" segment where Leno was talking to a guy who'd never

heard the phrase "Competition is Everywhere." It didn't sound familiar.

The camera began a slow closeup of the man's t-shirt-

which had that written in big letters.

Glad that didn't happen here, even with something less obvious.

Your turn!

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"You are a clever boy. Are you not? You do not well at school, but it's because you are too clever. Too busy, thinking your own thoughts. But you are much smarter than your teachers, hah?"

"My teachers are nowhere."

"You are going to be the world's greatest photographer, are you not? Have you ever felt superior to those around you? Like a prince among peasants?"

"I feel different from everyone sometimes."

"You are infinite different. Infinite superior. You are born of the noblest blood in the world."


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  On 5/6/2013 at 4:57 PM, GeorgeStGeorge said:

"You are a clever boy. Are you not? You do not well at school, but it's because you are too clever. Too busy, thinking your own thoughts. But you are much smarter than your teachers, hah?"

"My teachers are nowhere."

"You are going to be the world's greatest photographer, are you not? Have you ever felt superior to those around you? Like a prince among peasants?"

"I feel different from everyone sometimes."

"You are infinite different. Infinite superior. You are born of the noblest blood in the world."


Let's bump this up to the forefront.

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"You're not a guard now, madame! You are a prisoner! I may leave here today empty handed. But you... are not going anywhere."

"Would you like me to tell you who really killed him? God.To set free a stupid little farm girl after twenty-two years of unhappiness. Do Nazis answer prayers Herr Lieberman? No, that is God's business and I have thanked Him every night since He pushed Emil under that car. He could have done it sooner, but I thank Him anyway."

"You are a clever boy. Are you not? You do not well at school, but it's because you are too clever. Too busy, thinking your own thoughts. But you are much smarter than your teachers, hah?"

"My teachers are nowhere."

"You are going to be the world's greatest photographer, are you not? Have you ever felt superior to those around you? Like a prince among peasants?"

"I feel different from everyone sometimes."

"You are infinite different. Infinite superior. You are born of the noblest blood in the world."


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"He was the chief doctor of Auschwitz, who killed 2.5 million people, experimented with children - Jewish and non-Jewish - using twins mostly, injecting blue dyes into their eyes to make them acceptable Aryans... amputating limbs and organs from thousands without anesthetics."

"Do you know what I saw on the television in my motel room at one o'clock this morning? Films of Hitler! They are showing films about the war! The movement! People are fascinated! The time is ripe! Adolf Hitler is alive!"

"You're not a guard now, madame! You are a prisoner! I may leave here today empty handed. But you... are not going anywhere."

"Would you like me to tell you who really killed him? God.To set free a stupid little farm girl after twenty-two years of unhappiness. Do Nazis answer prayers Herr Lieberman? No, that is God's business and I have thanked Him every night since He pushed Emil under that car. He could have done it sooner, but I thank Him anyway."

"You are a clever boy. Are you not? You do not well at school, but it's because you are too clever. Too busy, thinking your own thoughts. But you are much smarter than your teachers, hah?"

"My teachers are nowhere."

"You are going to be the world's greatest photographer, are you not? Have you ever felt superior to those around you? Like a prince among peasants?"

"I feel different from everyone sometimes."

"You are infinite different. Infinite superior. You are born of the noblest blood in the world."


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Last chance. :)

"We were in a biblical frame of mind on the twenty-third of May 1943, at the Berghof. He had denied himself children because he knew that no son could flourish in the shadow of so godlike a father! But when he heard what was theoretically possible, that I could create one day not his son, not even a carbon-copy but another original, he was thrilled by the idea! The right Hitler for the right future! A Hitler tailor-made for the 1980s, 90s, 2000!"

"He was the chief doctor of Auschwitz, who killed 2.5 million people, experimented with children - Jewish and non-Jewish - using twins mostly, injecting blue dyes into their eyes to make them acceptable Aryans... amputating limbs and organs from thousands without anesthetics."

"Do you know what I saw on the television in my motel room at one o'clock this morning? Films of Hitler! They are showing films about the war! The movement! People are fascinated! The time is ripe! Adolf Hitler is alive!"

"You're not a guard now, madame! You are a prisoner! I may leave here today empty handed. But you... are not going anywhere."

"Would you like me to tell you who really killed him? God.To set free a stupid little farm girl after twenty-two years of unhappiness. Do Nazis answer prayers Herr Lieberman? No, that is God's business and I have thanked Him every night since He pushed Emil under that car. He could have done it sooner, but I thank Him anyway."

"You are a clever boy. Are you not? You do not well at school, but it's because you are too clever. Too busy, thinking your own thoughts. But you are much smarter than your teachers, hah?"

"My teachers are nowhere."

"You are going to be the world's greatest photographer, are you not? Have you ever felt superior to those around you? Like a prince among peasants?"

"I feel different from everyone sometimes."

"You are infinite different. Infinite superior. You are born of the noblest blood in the world."


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"Let's work the problem, people. Let's not make things any worse by guessing."

"I don't care what anything was designed to do. I care about what it can do.

So let's get to work, let's lay it out, okay?"

"With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour."

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"Let's work the problem, people. Let's not make things any worse by guessing."

"I don't care what anything was designed to do. I care about what it can do.

So let's get to work, let's lay it out, okay?"

"With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour."

"When I go up there on 19, I'm gonna take my entire collection of Johnny Cash along!"

"Dad, can I please wear this?"



"No! No, absolutely not."

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"Let's work the problem, people. Let's not make things any worse by guessing."

"I don't care what anything was designed to do. I care about what it can do.

So let's get to work, let's lay it out, okay?"

"With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour."

"When I go up there on 19, I'm gonna take my entire collection of Johnny Cash along!"

"Dad, can I please wear this?"



"No! No, absolutely not."

"Do they know they're not on the air?"

"We'll tell them when they get back."

" I remember this one time - I'm in a Banshee at night in combat conditions, so there's no running lights on the carrier. It was the Shrangri-La, and we were in the Sea of Japan and my radar had jammed, and my homing signal was gone... because somebody in Japan was actually using the same frequency. And so it was - it was leading me away from where I was supposed to be. And I'm lookin' down at a big, black ocean, so I flip on my map light, and then suddenly: zap. Everything shorts out right there in my cockpit. All my instruments are gone. My lights are gone. And I can't even tell now what my altitude is. I know I'm running out of fuel, so I'm thinking about ditching in the ocean. And I, I look down there, and then in the darkness there's this uh, there's this green trail. It's like a long carpet that's just laid out right beneath me. And it was the algae, right? It was that phosphorescent stuff that gets churned up in the wake of a big ship. And it was - it was - it was leading me home. You know? If my cockpit lights hadn't shorted out, there's no way I'd ever been able to see that. So uh, you, uh, never know... what... what events are to transpire to get you home."

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