P.S. Steve! was right, of course, about "What's Up, Tiger Lily?" I think it's Allen's best work, surpassing even "Sleeper." I recently read that someone has actually re-written Allen's dialogue to make it more politically correct (read BORING); so, if you see it on, say, TCM, you won't find it funny. Get a tape of the original, and you'll die laughing!
It's actually "Traxx" with Shadoe Stevens, but close enough. Traxx is a mercenary who gives it up to bake cookies, but he needs money to do it, so he hires himself out as a "town-tamer" to clean up a town. Priscilla Barnes is the mayor, and Robert Davi is the main bad guy.
I don't choose movies for this game because they may be obscure, but because I really enjoyed them. That's why I remember a lot of the lines.
Shadow was a mercanary who was giving up the life to retire to some pow dunk town in Texas and make cookies. When the cookies crumbled he went back to what he knew..
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Crimson Tide?
I'm guessing that WW won't mind my adding a clue: the movie starred Danny Kaye. George
Once again, you posted a quote from a movie, where you could have posted 1/2 the script without me getting it, except for the one quote you posted. This was from early on in "Red Dawn."
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P.S. Steve! was right, of course, about "What's Up, Tiger Lily?" I think it's Allen's best work, surpassing even "Sleeper." I recently read that someone has actually re-written Allen's dialogue to make it more politically correct (read BORING); so, if you see it on, say, TCM, you won't find it funny. Get a tape of the original, and you'll die laughing!
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Nope, not "Spiderman 2".
I'll add another quote to narrow it down:
"But they were all bad men."
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"True Lies"
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Dang, I always make it too easy.
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I'm not sure if this one was ever in the theaters. I rented it a few years ago. But, if you've seen it, this should be a giveaway:
Be good, be gone, or be dead!
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Sounds like something my big brother once said to one of my old boyfriends!
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Up in Smoke?
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No, not a Cheech and Chong movie. Try again!
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Okay, here's another clue:
We've got a batch of tuna macaroons in the oven!
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Nightmare on Elm Street?
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The Grateful Dead?
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Half Baked?
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Interesting choices, all, but incorrect. Here's another line:
Good night. Drive safely. If I see you here again, I'll kill you.
This movie is a comedy, between 15 and 20 years old.
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Well-known or obscure?
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Trax? w/Shadow Stevens ?
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It's actually "Traxx" with Shadoe Stevens, but close enough. Traxx is a mercenary who gives it up to bake cookies, but he needs money to do it, so he hires himself out as a "town-tamer" to clean up a town. Priscilla Barnes is the mayor, and Robert Davi is the main bad guy.
I don't choose movies for this game because they may be obscure, but because I really enjoyed them. That's why I remember a lot of the lines.
You're up, Sharon!
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I remembered the cookies
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You can keep the deceased chickens!
(i 2 choose movies i
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I don't know. Let's try "Chicken Run."
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There's nothing that says you can't pick a movie you love, no matter how obscure.
I kind of thought, "Traxx," starring Shadoe Stevens? Sheesh! Was that even in theaters? For what, a week in 1987? But okay.
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As I mentioned when I first posted a clue for it:
I'm not sure if this one was ever in the theaters. I rented it a few years ago.
Assuming I get back in any time soon, I'll pick a better-known flick.
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Next we're going to get quotes from Cinemax late night movies.
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Most Cinemax late night films don't have a lot of dialogue. Nothing memorable, anyway!
Besides, it sounds as though YOU'VE seen Traxx!
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No, not Cinemax, Encore~~Late late at night,
Shadow was a mercanary who was giving up the life to retire to some pow dunk town in Texas and make cookies. When the cookies crumbled he went back to what he knew..
think Patrick Swazye in Road House..
back to my movie-
May the Lord smite me with it!
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