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dmiller wrote, "Moryan -- find a new girlfriend.

If she won't change, life will never be peaceful between the two of you.

I know it's hard to trust words on a screen, but please listen."

Couldn't have said it better myself but here goes.


BTW I have three daughters :dance:

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  griffp said:
dmiller wrote, "Moryan -- find a new girlfriend.

If she won't change, life will never be peaceful between the two of you.

I know it's hard to trust words on a screen, but please listen."

Couldn't have said it better myself but here goes.


BTW I have three daughters :dance:

I know, right now she is back to being happy with the exception that she threw out there, "Well I could never Marry you" Marriage has never been discussed, so why she brought it up, I have no clue....And as far as the 3 daughters go, I may have to PM you on that one :)

Thanks to everyone for taking the time, it truly means a great deal to me....I haven't dumped her YET, because I consider myself to truly be a nice guy....maybe too nice sometimes, that may be why we are still together in fact.....

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Don't waste any more time. From you post I see you have made up your mind and she has already stated that she wouldn't marry you, so don't waste time on something that wouldn't pan out even if you wanted it to.

Hey check out one of the 3 daughters. :love3: who knows what might come of that. oooo la la.

Edited by FreeAtLast
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Here's a song for you man, take this advice, She's not there for you.

Click here to listen.

As far as the three daughters are concerned boy would I be in a heap of trouble if they knew I posted that one.


And after you listen to that one go for this one and Go your own way.

Click here to listen

God Bless and to all the posters who tried to help this guy here's one for you guys. :dance:

Click here to listen

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Somebody else probably already told you this, but in the immortal words of Woody the Cowboy,

"Ride like the WIND Bullseye!"

I know, personally, how tough it is to break off young love.

Basically, anyone who is currently in TWI is crazy.

The things you mentioned about your girlfriend are insanity, and abuse.

Based on your apparent sincere desire to seek help for your situation.

You deserve better.

Better is available.

Go find better.

Later dude.

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  moryan said:

My name is Ryan and I have currently been in a relationship with a girl for about 6 months now. After we became "a couple" she informed me of her being a member of the Way.

Hi Ryan, welcome. You are in the right place. Unfortunately your girlfriend might choose TWI over you, better be prepared for that. You might have to make the first move, please for your own mental health don't allow her to drag you into the insanity of TWI.

This is a group that operates well under the radar, and has no independent oversight committee, and no elected governing body. They operate without any ruling authority, they would say there ruling authority is God and the King James Bible. Most mainstream denominations have ruling counsels and any minister I've meet who is worth his salt always checks with humans before they claim God told him to say such and such. Even if TWI didn't have all the scandals just the way they run things is suspect, who get's the money, where are the charitable works? Why are all their materials kept guarded by Copyright and lock and key? Why does man have the ego to copyright what they consider the will of God?

At best TWI is a ship of fools sailing nowhere, at worse a pirate slave ship pillaging and plundering the hearts and minds of the unsuspecting.


Edited by Seth R.
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  moryan said:
She feels when we both go back home for the holidays (to seperate places) that between that and getting to go to fellowship after the Holidays might make her return to her old self again, yet she hasn't been to a fellowship in like a year I believe. The other thing I am trying to figure out is, she always says, "I hope this is a good Fellowship...." She even admits how she has been to others that the people are just......then she just kind of leaves it at that, I think it is her sweeping her thoughts against the way back under the rug in her mind.

After reading this I just realized something. She's on the outs and trying to get back in, you are the bait, she's probably going to try and use you to get back in. By bringing fruit to the fellowship, I hate to say it but you are a peace offering to TWI. If TWI was so great all there fellowships would be good.


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Hi Ryan:

I'm Ron , and I've been all the way down that road with a hard core TWI girl , and i can tell you outright it does not get better with them , it gets worse, especially if they are in that fanatic mode of wanting to get back with them.

Despite how much you think you might care for this person, the woman I was with there, hid her whole real life, and their real activitys from me to the very bitter end. They have some of the sickest messes you can ever have to face; and if you get into the wrong situation you will have violence, and an ongoing war for years. They never let go , or let up unless you conceed to their vile mess , and agree to what the higherarchy wants. Short of that you have stoneheaded , rotten liars, that, like their attorney, Mr. S*** ,will

go after you any obsurd way they think of.

I caught up with the fact that the leaders demand that you "share" your partner at their demand, and the war starts when you refuse them their way in anything. Then when it happens to be someone that "she" really wants , you have the worst mess you can ever want , not be be obsene , but it's like caging a dog in heat, and having the males pace around and snarl, one wrong move and it's a riot, and someone's going to get hurt.

After the third confrontation , she and Martindale decided I was never going to "see the glory of their bless ways and sharing" , and I was informed that he had told her to do what ever she needed to to deal with me, and move on , and he'd back here on what ever she did. So , still wearing her ring , she went right on out for three more one nighters, and almost got me into life and death fights till I finally threw the whole thing

with her down and walked away. She cryed for three days, then on to anyone and everyone that she though could be fun, then tried the WayCorps.

Later I found out all the truth of all the filthy mess of even three some's with her witness prospects on her

WOW year that they covered up , and dozenes literally , "thats just considered being a blessing to the leaders", and your "friends". That , the real extent of her alhol and drugs, and all the various partners. She went on a binge for two years through our local areas that astounded and revolted party animals, and bikers.

And the whole time , V*** M**** was right there for her in everything. Later I also saw her car at his home at 3:30 in the morning , after hearing about them out together. Yep, I finally had to check, and until I caught her spending the night there while V****'s wife was gone to headquarters for weeks at a time, I just could not get my head to believe it.

Then if they get exposed in something, you've got a sick mess for ever, or until you jail them , or just hospitalize them as standard practice, they are just a sick, arrogant , and mind programed mess.

In closing, if you did'nt believe in spirits and possesion before, be very carefull or they will educate you!

They will look away for a second , and when they look back at you, all you see are big black eyes, and a face like what it used to be , but not really them anymore. After P**** got back with them , she got into a fight in a club one night, over a pool game, and six grown men could not control her. She threw them off like nothing and almost killed a big lesbian softball player that was there , over her little girlfriend.

They get wierd, and dangerous in a blink of an eye.

The group will also fight like a union, so if one is after you , then all their "faithfull" will be.

Please be carefull, I have not even told the worst parts.

God Bless and help you,



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Thanks for the insight into it....

WELL, As I am sure many of you are wondering, What did he end up doing with the relationship? Well, As I told my dad, I am going to be me and be with her FOR NOW, BUT with ONE outburst like she did a couple weeks back, Thats it, OVER....

And now onto Fellowship.....

I attended "Fellowship" this past week for the very first time with her, There were a few things I noticed....

1. Some of the people had this really hollow-eyed look on their faces that kind of made my skin crawl, as if nothing was going on inside their heads and they were programmed.

2. I did not like the "drilling" format of just asking people to pray on the spot, as if to test them on how faithful they are...

3. The teaching of the week of whatever I thought was pointless crap, I could've came up with something more thoughtful and inspirational back in High school.

4. Felt as if I was being interviewed the whole time, very inconspicuously, Where Am I from, What are My Hobbies, Why Did I come, etc.etc.etc.

5. Felt like the people were staring at me everytime I looked up, they would look away....

All in all, it just reaffirms in my head that I would NEVER, EVER Join the way or Support anything about it, including a significant other. I feel I would be letting down God, My Family, My Friends, and whoever else if I did and even worse, the thought that I would have Children someday raised into the way makes me sick to my stomach.

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  moryan said:
WELL, As I am sure many of you are wondering, What did he end up doing with the relationship? Well, As I told my dad, I am going to be me and be with her FOR NOW, BUT with ONE outburst like she did a couple weeks back, Thats it, OVER....

I have been wondering, and I'm glad you came back to let us know. I'm glad you recognize her behavior is unreasonable and will not let yourself be abused again.

  moryan said:
1. Some of the people had this really hollow-eyed look on their faces that kind of made my skin crawl, as if nothing was going on inside their heads and they were programmed.

yes, they are programmed and only twi-sanctioned thoughts are flitting around up there. I was one of them once. you do what you need to, to survive, and try to convince yourself you're living the life "more than abundant".

  moryan said:
2. I did not like the "drilling" format of just asking people to pray on the spot, as if to test them on how faithful they are...


  moryan said:
3. The teaching of the week of whatever I thought was pointless crap

there's an approved short list of topics. do not stray outside the lines, do not research.

  moryan said:
4. Felt as if I was being interviewed the whole time, very inconspicuously, Where Am I from, What are My Hobbies, Why Did I come, etc.etc.etc.

yep. you probably didn't pass but they think if you take the class you can prove yourself.

  moryan said:
the thought that I would have Children someday raised into the way makes me sick to my stomach.

amen!!! I'm so glad to get my kids out of there.

Edited by potato
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:cryhug_1_: Hi Moryan,

This is the first time I've posted on this thread. Moryan, you know in the depths of your heart what you need to do for yourself. I said, yourself, because you need to think about yourself right now...

Stop thinking about your significant other...and ask yourself....is this what you are going to want for yourself 5 years from now, 10, 15?

I will say there are ways to know God and his word without The Way Ministry, and without all the fear as you saw in that meeting...There are alot of us here who still love God and his people. If those people had any love of God in their lives, they would have welcomed you with open arms, nothing restrained.

Forget the questions...or the drilling as you called it.

I have to ask you this question. Does she think her only redemption is the Way Ministry? That is the question you need answered from her.

You see, we all have heard the lie that the truth is only in the Way Ministry..I don't believe that anymore. There are ways to get to know the true God without the fear...I will have to say where there is fear, God isn't there!

So, what do you want for your life?

If she loves you and wants to be with you, she will respect your position.

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Hi Moryan,

I've been reading along and I have to tell you....I admire you for not just following along blindly. It looks like you are doing the right thing...checking it out for yourself, but arming yourself with facts first.

One question I have....what did your girlfriend think about this fellowship?

I used to be in the Way in the late 70's & early 80's. I faded out as things blew all to hell. I went back in the early 90's 'to check things out'. Boy, were things different!! I remember that hollow love people had when I came back, that fake 'joy'. Back in the late 70's, there was some great love going on. People got to teach what was on their hearts...and it usually met many people's needs. Now, no way, with the 'approved list' of teaching topics. That's junk and it doesn't help anyone...unless they have a burning need to feel religious!

Sometimes I think they still have a few old people there only because they remember the old days and can't see the present. They can't see what's going on around them. What's going on around them is so stuffy, so religious, so controlling...so fear filled...that it's sad. The Way used to teach people that you should have NO FEAR. Now, what they teach IS fear.

Someone said earlier that you may be the one who saves your girlfriend from the group (or something to that effect). I hope so. Stick around, keep trying, but don't get sucked into the deep end. I'm sure you won't. Just make sure your girlfriend see's the difference in a honestly loving group and in one that is programmed to interrogate you, etc. It fools no one, unless they either WANT to be fooled, or unless they are already brainwashed.

Go to the library and read Steve Hassan's books, "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves". Both books are wonderful. He wrote "Combatting Cult Mind Control" first...and then "Releasing the Bonds" most recently. If you only read one, read the 2nd. I know you can find the first at the library. Not sure about the 2nd...if not, you can get it via his website or via Barnes & Noble.com.

Steve's website is: http://www.freedomofmind.com

There are links to many different cults, as well as links to purchase the books. I've met the guy. He was one of us and he knows what it's like. He's one of the world's leading authorities on cult awareness. He is often on TV getting interviewed, etc.

I was firmly entrenched in "Way-Think" even years after I left. Reading his stuff helped me put it all in perspective.

Good luck, dude. Keep us informed. Many of us are praying for you and thinking about you. It's not all about dumping the girl...it's about offering her a better choice...NOT "The Way"!



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:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: Ryan :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

Awesome, Dude!! You're one sharp cookie! I hope she recognizes what a gem you are and re-thinks what she'll be giving up if she choose that group of kool-aid drinkers over you. God is alive and well outside the walls of TWI. Hopefully she'll realize it one day!

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In closing, if you did'nt believe in spirits and possesion before, be very carefull or they will educate you!

They will look away for a second , and when they look back at you, all you see are big black eyes, and a face like what it used to be , but not really them anymore.


Can anyone elaborate on this, I know my girlfriend talks about devil spirits, Blessing stuff you buy at the store before you bring it into your house because a spirit could be hiding in it, touching someone and getting something bad from them, etc. which I think is all crap, but what is the deal with them looking away for a second and big black eyes, is he just kidding or is this a mind control thing?

And to answer Robes question, After the fellowship my girlfriend first asked me, "Well That wasn't so bad was it?" And without just laughing in her face and telling her what a bunch of bologna it was I said, "No not too bad at all..." I then asked her what she thought and she just said, "It wasn't too bad, not as good as my old one and not as bad as other ones I have been too. She really hasn't spoken of it since, I know they have like 5 or 6 others in this town apparently, but she hasn't said anything about going to those. She just said last night she felt her devotion to God and reading the bible has really been lacking, whatever that means.....

Also, maybe you could answer this question to me everyone, Say I go to like a few more of these just to see what card they are going to try and play next, Will they expect me to take the class and what if they asked me if I wanted to take the class and I told them no I wasn't interested at all....Would I not be allowed to return or what? I know they have my girlfriends cellphone and maybe email address, I just wonder how long they start calling and manipulating her to convert me or get rid of me.....

Thanks again to everyone's support...it means ALOT to me :eusa_clap:

I will keep you posted on any happenings in the way or when and if our relationship is over...


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Aw Ryan

They will give you SOME time to change your mind and take the class but they will never stop pushing it on you. Eventually they will tell your girlfriend that she needs to find a man who "wants to walk with God." At that point she will have to make a choice. Believe me I was there in my younger days and passed up a lot of good men because of the Way.

As for the devil spirit thing, I still believe that some things have evil influence but I have never been one to ascertain that very well. However, if I went along with what I learned in the Way I wouldn't watch TV listen to the radio, or even bring certain art works in my home. I would rarely read anything that wasn't bible related and I would never even consider a concept outside of their doctrine.

Toward the end of my time in the Way they marked and avoided my ex and I because of something that had happened and they told us that we were influenced by devil spirits because we didn't move in the neighborhoods that were approved by our leadership and lived in a neighborhood he considered "devilish". I found out later it was because the Ne$$les lived there. For the record I love those people. lol and what bs it was.

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(My answers in bold)

Also, maybe you could answer this question to me everyone, Say I go to like a few more of these just to see what card they are going to try and play next, Will they expect me to take the class (Yes) and what if they asked me if I wanted to take the class and I told them no I wasn't interested at all....Would I not be allowed to return or what? (Very likely scenario, or they might allow you to return at most a couple more times, and those times they will focus more on you with the 'take the class' sales pitch; after which, if that doesn't work, you are out the door) I know they have my girlfriends cellphone and maybe email address, I just wonder how long they start calling and manipulating her to convert me or get rid of me.....(Very soon. Count on it!)

I don't buy into the 'mind control' theory that some others here do, but I do agree with their overall suggestions to you, and hope that your girlfriend sees your loving example, and decides to see TWI for the dead end group that it is, and that she can do a LOT better, and then drops them like a bad habit.

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After you've attended a few fellowships, they will eventually ask you to take the classes or hint to it in some way. I have seen people come a few times & then not appear after a while. All I ever heard was "they did not want the Word." I always took that to mean they did not want to take the classes and/or did not agree with what they believe & stopped going.

As to devil spirits, twi(t) love to control with that thinking. My ex once accused me of being possessed by devil spirits & tried to "exercise them" from me. Anything we wanted to buy if he did not feel it was "spiritually clean" we could not buy it. Very weird to me now looking back.

If you ever need to talk or if your girlfriend does, feel free todrop me a personal message & I will get you my contact info. I know how hard it is to deal with the whole mess!


  moryan said:
Can anyone elaborate on this, I know my girlfriend talks about devil spirits, Blessing stuff you buy at the store before you bring it into your house because a spirit could be hiding in it, touching someone and getting something bad from them, etc. which I think is all crap, but what is the deal with them looking away for a second and big black eyes, is he just kidding or is this a mind control thing?

And to answer Robes question, After the fellowship my girlfriend first asked me, "Well That wasn't so bad was it?" And without just laughing in her face and telling her what a bunch of bologna it was I said, "No not too bad at all..." I then asked her what she thought and she just said, "It wasn't too bad, not as good as my old one and not as bad as other ones I have been too. She really hasn't spoken of it since, I know they have like 5 or 6 others in this town apparently, but she hasn't said anything about going to those. She just said last night she felt her devotion to God and reading the bible has really been lacking, whatever that means.....

Also, maybe you could answer this question to me everyone, Say I go to like a few more of these just to see what card they are going to try and play next, Will they expect me to take the class and what if they asked me if I wanted to take the class and I told them no I wasn't interested at all....Would I not be allowed to return or what? I know they have my girlfriends cellphone and maybe email address, I just wonder how long they start calling and manipulating her to convert me or get rid of me.....

Thanks again to everyone's support...it means ALOT to me :eusa_clap:

I will keep you posted on any happenings in the way or when and if our relationship is over...


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hang in there bro

i have been out for 20 years

they tried to control my brain

i would not let them

beware of them

i am just now reading the book "the cult that snapped"

i highly recommend it

i thought i knew all about twi but this book has really opened up my eyes

again think of youself first

there are many wonderful women in the world who won't put you or test you with twi kind of crap

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