Just wanted to let you know I have been feeding my dog Wellness for about two months now. My original intent was to get him on the Canidae but the store didn't have it. They offered to order it for me but they also suggested Wellness as the ingredients are so similar. Well this food has really helped my dog's coat which tended to be dry and flakey. His coat has really improved and his eyes even seem a bit brighter to me. Wellness is "people" grade food like Canidae.
A friend of mine had a dying cat! BEEN EVERYWHERE -- did the Wellness cat food and her cat recovered! Another friend's cat was near death and did the Felidae (from Canidae) and recovered
In some of the info I got on HOW bad grocery store food is for pets, it spoke of an 18 month old child who would grab the cat food and eat it, the kid did it a few times and got sick THEN, another time DIED! The hospital found it was due to the antibiotic level in pet food being 400 times the amount needed for animals or people!!!!! (cause of the diseased food products!)
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 10, 2003 at 19:15.]
Dot, if I didn?t know about your great love for dogs, I would swear you own stock in Canidae.
OK, I?ll get back to you about it. I?ll order some from the feed store tomorrow. My Peke, Yoda, affectionately known as Oda, will surely thank you for it.
And Jesse had a tumor, the size of a grapefruit, removed from his kidney about 2 months ago. Maybe a change in diet will be that extra something he needs. Although the tumor was malignant the vet is very optimistic. It was very contained, with little blood flow. He is doing great.
Ya know, I am actually bad at sales. But I do harp about stuff I believe in --
My peke Baby was the one whose legs were messed up and her coat was so dry she looked like a POM! My one chow mix had hot spots all over and was miserable biting them all the time!
After my vet shared the TRUTH behind the dog food companies -- I felt so BADLY! Canidae helped. And Canidae is good from puppy to senior years -- I have 5 dogs at varying ages -- so it was better for me to not have to deal with Puppy formula, adult and so on.
Canidae does all life stages (in one formula). But if you cannot find Canidae you can try Wellness. It is healthy, but my dogs (all 5) preferred the Canidae. (you can ask for samples and which they prefer)
I have seen such messed up dogs at the salon! Wow, my heartbreaks! I tell ya someday a class action law suit will be filed. People have no idea that they are giving their dogs diseased meats and moldy grain etc. I know I felt horrible when I found out! Especially because my dogs health had been suffering and I did not know why!
If you cannot find Canidae here is Wellness
Search Results your profile says Chicago land so I pulled it up!
Wellness OMH Neura
Dog Patch
1108 East Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60563
United States of America
Glen Ellyn Pet Center
682 Roosevelt Road
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
United States of America
J&M Feed & Supply, Inc.
6928 S. Wolf Road
Indian Head Park, IL 60525
United States of America
Look N Dandy
422 North Ardmore Avenue
Villa Park, IL 60181
United States of America
Scott's Pet Shop
3054 S. Wolf Road
Westchester, IL 60154
United States of America
My dogs did not like the Wellness but did like Canidae-
See if they have samples
Here is Canidae in the Chicago land:
Company Name
Suzan Seifert
1121 Grave Ct
630 904-0120
Barking Lot-Wheaton
217 South Main St
630 752-1612
Barn Feed & Garden Center
11127 Heggs Rd
630 904-2175
Go West
826 Raintree
630 961-1110
Pet Supplies Plus#107
1261 Lake St Ste F
630 801-4115
Pet Supplies Plus #34
915 Roosevelt Rd
630 510-1111
The Dog Basket
1033 W. Ogden Ave
630 548-9757
Pet Supplies Plus #107
1261 N. Lake St
630 801-4115
Company Name
Alsip Animal Hospital
11843 So. Pulaski
708 385-6930
Scott's Pet Shop
3054 South Wolf
708 562-5000
Ted's Hatchery
3138 180th St
708 474-3000
Pet Supplies Plus #46
8717 S. Ridgeland
Oak Lawn
708 430-5881
J.R.s Aquatics
P.O. Box 243
Tinley Park
708 633-7333
Ain't No Creek Ranch, Inc.
1655 Union Ave
Chicago Heights
708 754-5680
Orland Park Boarding Kennel
15701-B Wolf Rd
Orland Park
708 349-9424
Tree House Pet & Food
309 N. Rte 50
708 258-9913
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 10, 2003 at 20:37.]
Rottiegrll EWWWWW! LOL!!!! That barfing guy is really funny!
Dot, thanks for the reminder that calling food "People food" is so discriminatory against the pets we so love!
My puppy loves the carrots-- he loves butter, too! LOL! (we give both him and the kitties a lick of butter about 2-3 times a week-- seems to make their coats nicer. Although from what I'm reading, I think I oughta look into flax seed oil-- wouldn't hurt the peopleiods in our home, either! LOL!
Rottie, i thought the Canidae website sounded pretty good, too, and i really would have tried it for my pets if I coulda found it. I AM going to check into the wellness brand though, cuz the stuff i have doesn't say human grade foods.
I am really saddened to read about the kitty vaccine and the tumors. I lost a beloved kitty when he was 12 yrs old to a rapidly forming tumor in his tummy. we discovered it too late and he was gone quickly.
Some pets worm their way deeper into your heart than others, even though ya love them all. This kitty was one of those heart grabbers. Made it even harder cuz he died on my birthday 3 years ago. :(--> I have to go read something lighter before i go to bed tonight or I'm gonna have sad dreams about him tonight-- that really hit me hard tonight, realizing maybe he woulda/coulda lived longer . . .
I had written the info months ago and id not want to retype it. I just cut and pasted the infor and I was not correcting you regarding the "people food" comment. PLEASE do not think I was doing that!
Okay, gosh I would not want to sound harsh over something so innocently spoken!
(mine does chiropratic as well! the other vet wanted to put my dog down after her back went out. I found my animal chiropractor at the holistc vet/medicine place! He popped her back in and she lived for years!)
Oh Psalm I hope your feeling better about the kitty. I know what you mean though, but I won't go into any of my own personal examples cause then it does gets sad.
Gee I wish Nico would like raw veggies. I try to give her some and she won't hardly even sniff it. Weird since she'll eat paper, mud, leaves and once dug into some horse manure like it was filet mignon before I could stop her. Yick.
Jesse how awful about the chicken broth! I guess it shows you really have to be careful good Lord. And yes, our families 3 dogs I had growing up ate real cheap crap and they lived pretty long lives.
It;s good to know plate scraps are healthy, but you still have to watch the weight thing. Once a dog gets fat it seems so hard to take it off. And I don't want a fat rottie. They don't look intimidating then they just just look like a tub of butter.
Dot thanks a million for the addresses for the stores. Naperville and Wheaton are the closest (Wheaton, Billy Graham town, is just 5 miles west) and I'll be damned if you didn't find that store "The Dog Patch" in Naperville, Whos name I have been trying to think of for the past few years! I bought the coolest leather studed collar for my last dog from there about 12 years ago. I haven't seen anything like it since then.(quality wise) And I couldn't think of the darn stores name I bought it from. Thats it! Ha ha!
Thanks all for your input.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
[This message was edited by RottieGrrrl on March 11, 2003 at 15:05.]
This one seems to be a better comparison though -- www.naturapet.com It includes some of the really better brands, such as California Natural and Solid Gold. The chart above will only compare what PetsMart carries, which is NOT the premium foods.
Of the foods PetsMart carries, Nutro Natural Choice is the best...no corn, no poultry by product digest meal (heads, feet, and guts including manure) which is used as the primary "protein" source in all the other foods PetsMart carries.
JJ- I bought Innova because the health store that carried was closer then the one who had Canidae. My friend uses California natural I know nothing about it however.
Innova is A GOOD food! But my dogs spit it out and did not like it!
Oh well, so I drive further and get Canidae.
WayW- good sites the last confirms all my vet has been saying!(I wrote her to include Canidae and Wellness and although Solid Gold is good I have been told it dropped a bit in quality) Amazing info isn't? Thanks for the site, I am on a personal crusade to tell everyone what goes into commercial dog food! I was SO angry that I spent money on food and gave it to my dogs when the producers KNEW the food was NOT healthy! They may have pictures of chunks of beef and fresh vegetables but that is NOT what is inside. It is moldy, diseased, rancid and toxic!
Shame on them! Thanks to you my fellow dog lover!
The Petsmart stuff is not human grade (I called the 800 number on their best bag and it was not human grade, the clerk was not sure that is why I called before buying it) -- except they just got human grade treats called Healthy Pro.
One of my client's swears by Flint River, I have never seen it sold anywhere.
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 12, 2003 at 9:43.]
Jesse, seems like I've heard of it before, but I've never seen it so far. But it could be in Pet specialty stores like the Canidae. and yes I hate it when I write a big post and I lose it, get booted, or the computer freezes. I swear I want to take a hammer to the computer.
Great sites Wayward, thanks. I will check them out more when I have time, this weekend.
Dot: replied via PT. (I don't know if you get email notificaton for new posts) and good for you for calling the 800 number for petsmart! I almost never do stuff like that, partly I think because it's been my experience the operators almost never know what there talking about. I think they get there info off a screen, which is okay, but some of them are so bad at even acting like they know what their doing, lol.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
Yo Dot. I'm still working through a 40 lbs bag of Eukanuba. I put brewers yeast and this supplement called Mira-coat in her food everyday. Her coat is shiney as hell. but....starting new thread.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Hi fellow animal lovers!
Just wanted to let you know I have been feeding my dog Wellness for about two months now. My original intent was to get him on the Canidae but the store didn't have it. They offered to order it for me but they also suggested Wellness as the ingredients are so similar. Well this food has really helped my dog's coat which tended to be dry and flakey. His coat has really improved and his eyes even seem a bit brighter to me. Wellness is "people" grade food like Canidae.
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Dot Matrix
Wow behave I was just telling Psalmie about Wellness on a private topic!
Psalmie here is the store locator and it is also EXCELLENT!
A friend of mine had a dying cat! BEEN EVERYWHERE -- did the Wellness cat food and her cat recovered! Another friend's cat was near death and did the Felidae (from Canidae) and recovered
In some of the info I got on HOW bad grocery store food is for pets, it spoke of an 18 month old child who would grab the cat food and eat it, the kid did it a few times and got sick THEN, another time DIED! The hospital found it was due to the antibiotic level in pet food being 400 times the amount needed for animals or people!!!!! (cause of the diseased food products!)
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 10, 2003 at 19:15.]
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Hi Dot,
Wow, that is something! Maybe it's because we're twins that we think alike. Seriously though, Wellness is a good one that's for sure!
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Dot Matrix
It IS Great stuff!
We are cute arn't we?
Dot Matrix
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I swear I don't mean to get off topic here but Rottiegrrrl your little puking face guy just cracks me up!!!!
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Dot, if I didn?t know about your great love for dogs, I would swear you own stock in Canidae.
OK, I?ll get back to you about it. I?ll order some from the feed store tomorrow. My Peke, Yoda, affectionately known as Oda, will surely thank you for it.
And Jesse had a tumor, the size of a grapefruit, removed from his kidney about 2 months ago. Maybe a change in diet will be that extra something he needs. Although the tumor was malignant the vet is very optimistic. It was very contained, with little blood flow. He is doing great.
You do a good sale. Thank you.
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Dot Matrix
Ya know, I am actually bad at sales. But I do harp about stuff I believe in --
My peke Baby was the one whose legs were messed up and her coat was so dry she looked like a POM! My one chow mix had hot spots all over and was miserable biting them all the time!
After my vet shared the TRUTH behind the dog food companies -- I felt so BADLY! Canidae helped. And Canidae is good from puppy to senior years -- I have 5 dogs at varying ages -- so it was better for me to not have to deal with Puppy formula, adult and so on.
Canidae does all life stages (in one formula). But if you cannot find Canidae you can try Wellness. It is healthy, but my dogs (all 5) preferred the Canidae. (you can ask for samples and which they prefer)
I have seen such messed up dogs at the salon! Wow, my heartbreaks! I tell ya someday a class action law suit will be filed. People have no idea that they are giving their dogs diseased meats and moldy grain etc. I know I felt horrible when I found out! Especially because my dogs health had been suffering and I did not know why!
If you cannot find Canidae here is Wellness
Search Results your profile says Chicago land so I pulled it up!
Wellness OMH Neura
Dog Patch
1108 East Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60563
United States of America
Glen Ellyn Pet Center
682 Roosevelt Road
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
United States of America
J&M Feed & Supply, Inc.
6928 S. Wolf Road
Indian Head Park, IL 60525
United States of America
Look N Dandy
422 North Ardmore Avenue
Villa Park, IL 60181
United States of America
Scott's Pet Shop
3054 S. Wolf Road
Westchester, IL 60154
United States of America
My dogs did not like the Wellness but did like Canidae-
See if they have samples
Here is Canidae in the Chicago land:
Company Name
Suzan Seifert
1121 Grave Ct
630 904-0120
Barking Lot-Wheaton
217 South Main St
630 752-1612
Barn Feed & Garden Center
11127 Heggs Rd
630 904-2175
Go West
826 Raintree
630 961-1110
Pet Supplies Plus#107
1261 Lake St Ste F
630 801-4115
Pet Supplies Plus #34
915 Roosevelt Rd
630 510-1111
The Dog Basket
1033 W. Ogden Ave
630 548-9757
Pet Supplies Plus #107
1261 N. Lake St
630 801-4115
Company Name
Alsip Animal Hospital
11843 So. Pulaski
708 385-6930
Scott's Pet Shop
3054 South Wolf
708 562-5000
Ted's Hatchery
3138 180th St
708 474-3000
Pet Supplies Plus #46
8717 S. Ridgeland
Oak Lawn
708 430-5881
J.R.s Aquatics
P.O. Box 243
Tinley Park
708 633-7333
Ain't No Creek Ranch, Inc.
1655 Union Ave
Chicago Heights
708 754-5680
Orland Park Boarding Kennel
15701-B Wolf Rd
Orland Park
708 349-9424
Tree House Pet & Food
309 N. Rte 50
708 258-9913
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 10, 2003 at 20:37.]
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Psalm 71 one
Rottiegrll EWWWWW! LOL!!!! That barfing guy is really funny!
Dot, thanks for the reminder that calling food "People food" is so discriminatory against the pets we so love!
My puppy loves the carrots-- he loves butter, too! LOL! (we give both him and the kitties a lick of butter about 2-3 times a week-- seems to make their coats nicer. Although from what I'm reading, I think I oughta look into flax seed oil-- wouldn't hurt the peopleiods in our home, either! LOL!
Rottie, i thought the Canidae website sounded pretty good, too, and i really would have tried it for my pets if I coulda found it. I AM going to check into the wellness brand though, cuz the stuff i have doesn't say human grade foods.
I am really saddened to read about the kitty vaccine and the tumors. I lost a beloved kitty when he was 12 yrs old to a rapidly forming tumor in his tummy. we discovered it too late and he was gone quickly.
Some pets worm their way deeper into your heart than others, even though ya love them all. This kitty was one of those heart grabbers. Made it even harder cuz he died on my birthday 3 years ago.
:(--> I have to go read something lighter before i go to bed tonight or I'm gonna have sad dreams about him tonight-- that really hit me hard tonight, realizing maybe he woulda/coulda lived longer . . .
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There is good information here. Thank you all.
BTW, grapes and onions are toxic to dogs.
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Dot Matrix
Well, Simpleton thanks
I called the holistic vet about the grapes as I have never heard they were toxic and cracked and gave them to my dogs all the time!
They said there is a huge debate going on right now as to whether or not grapes are toxic so do not do it until further studies are performed!
Thanks for the INFO! That was a new one on me!!!
Psalmie - I am sorry about kitty! Weird how the very shots given to protect them showed up later as what was killing them!
Dot Matrix
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Dot Matrix
I had written the info months ago and id not want to retype it. I just cut and pasted the infor and I was not correcting you regarding the "people food" comment. PLEASE do not think I was doing that!
Okay, gosh I would not want to sound harsh over something so innocently spoken!
Here are some holistic/medical vets
(mine does chiropratic as well! the other vet wanted to put my dog down after her back went out. I found my animal chiropractor at the holistc vet/medicine place! He popped her back in and she lived for years!)
Dot Matrix
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I'm glad you guys liked the puke guy, LOL.
Oh Psalm I hope your feeling better about the kitty. I know what you mean though, but I won't go into any of my own personal examples cause then it does gets sad.
Gee I wish Nico would like raw veggies. I try to give her some and she won't hardly even sniff it. Weird since she'll eat paper, mud, leaves and once dug into some horse manure like it was filet mignon before I could stop her. Yick.
Jesse how awful about the chicken broth! I guess it shows you really have to be careful good Lord. And yes, our families 3 dogs I had growing up ate real cheap crap and they lived pretty long lives.
It;s good to know plate scraps are healthy, but you still have to watch the weight thing. Once a dog gets fat it seems so hard to take it off. And I don't want a fat rottie. They don't look intimidating then they just just look like a tub of butter.
Dot thanks a million for the addresses for the stores. Naperville and Wheaton are the closest (Wheaton, Billy Graham town, is just 5 miles west) and I'll be damned if you didn't find that store "The Dog Patch" in Naperville, Whos name I have been trying to think of for the past few years! I bought the coolest leather studed collar for my last dog from there about 12 years ago. I haven't seen anything like it since then.(quality wise) And I couldn't think of the darn stores name I bought it from. Thats it! Ha ha!
Thanks all for your input.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
[This message was edited by RottieGrrrl on March 11, 2003 at 15:05.]
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Damn, just lost my whole post! I hate it when that happens.
OK, real short. Has anyone heard of Innova? California Natural?
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I just found this website that compares several brans and styles of dog foods, in case someone else is interested : http://www.petsmart.com/pfc/foodcalc?op=sh...refoodselection
This one seems to be a better comparison though -- www.naturapet.com It includes some of the really better brands, such as California Natural and Solid Gold. The chart above will only compare what PetsMart carries, which is NOT the premium foods.
Of the foods PetsMart carries, Nutro Natural Choice is the best...no corn, no poultry by product digest meal (heads, feet, and guts including manure) which is used as the primary "protein" source in all the other foods PetsMart carries.
This lady has a great site on her research for the best dog food: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/healthypets/
[This message was edited by WaywardWayfer on March 12, 2003 at 5:24.]
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Dot Matrix
JJ- I bought Innova because the health store that carried was closer then the one who had Canidae. My friend uses California natural I know nothing about it however.
Innova is A GOOD food! But my dogs spit it out and did not like it!
Oh well, so I drive further and get Canidae.
WayW- good sites the last confirms all my vet has been saying!(I wrote her to include Canidae and Wellness and although Solid Gold is good I have been told it dropped a bit in quality) Amazing info isn't? Thanks for the site, I am on a personal crusade to tell everyone what goes into commercial dog food! I was SO angry that I spent money on food and gave it to my dogs when the producers KNEW the food was NOT healthy! They may have pictures of chunks of beef and fresh vegetables but that is NOT what is inside. It is moldy, diseased, rancid and toxic!
Shame on them! Thanks to you my fellow dog lover!
The Petsmart stuff is not human grade (I called the 800 number on their best bag and it was not human grade, the clerk was not sure that is why I called before buying it) -- except they just got human grade treats called Healthy Pro.
One of my client's swears by Flint River, I have never seen it sold anywhere.
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 12, 2003 at 9:43.]
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Jesse, seems like I've heard of it before, but I've never seen it so far. But it could be in Pet specialty stores like the Canidae. and yes I hate it when I write a big post and I lose it, get booted, or the computer freezes. I swear I want to take a hammer to the computer.
Great sites Wayward, thanks. I will check them out more when I have time, this weekend.
Dot: replied via PT. (I don't know if you get email notificaton for new posts) and good for you for calling the 800 number for petsmart! I almost never do stuff like that, partly I think because it's been my experience the operators almost never know what there talking about. I think they get there info off a screen, which is okay, but some of them are so bad at even acting like they know what their doing, lol.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Dot Matrix
Did you try a new chow for Nikko?
Do you like it?
does Nikko?
Praying for our troops to return safely,
Dot Matrix
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Yo Dot. I'm still working through a 40 lbs bag of Eukanuba. I put brewers yeast and this supplement called Mira-coat in her food everyday. Her coat is shiney as hell. but....starting new thread.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Dot Matrix
Bringing this to the top for Abi and Vickles
Dot Matrix
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