I give my dogs carrots and apple slices for treats and I make my own dog food and mix it with Canidae. When I whip up a batch of homemade dog food I put the carrots and an apple (no seeds - they contain a natural arsenic) in the blender with the meat, a bit of water, flaxseed or olive oil (in a pinch). Then, I blend it and make it into a runny mixture. Next, I mix it with the dry HOLISTC Canidae dog food.
I was told at the health food store that Eukanuba - Iams was bought by a BIG company 2 years ago and changed the formula. They now use meat and grain - NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. That usually means diseased meats amd moldy grain/rice. That is why dogs who used to live 15 - 20 years now live 10 - 15 years.
TRY CANIDAE if you do not want to make your own. If you want to make your own you can supplement with PHD.
My holistic vet did want me to do the raw meat andI had the same fears. He told me as carnivores, the dogs needed a bit of bacteria in their system to keep themselves healthy. I tried and the dogs HATED the raw stuff so he gave me a cooked recipe which I make (and mix with Canidae -- but if you do not have time or want to mix the cooked recipe with something crunchy (human grade) try Canidae or Wellness by themselves.
2 parts meat (hamberger, chicken or turkey COOKED) (If you want to try raw go ahead - I had the same misgivings)
1 part vegetables (carrots, or green vegtables with natural chlorophyll for breath such as string beans, a garlic clove -NEVER onions as they can kill a dog)
1 part natural brown rice cooked
1/2 to one whole no seeds/apple
oil - that which would come to about a half teaspoon a cup of food
Then, you can add a half level teaspoon of bonemeal per cup
one half to one level teaspoon of brewers yeast per cup.
And 1/4 teaspoon liquid vitamin per cup of food (you can use human vitamins like miracle 2000. nasty taste - good job
I mix it all in the blender, remove it, then I stir it in with the dry Canidae.
If your dog gets fat leave out -- one of mine could not handle the carbohydrates so I left out --the rice (you can also use natural oats from the health store)
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 08, 2003 at 13:54.]
Dot thanks for the quick reply. I knew you or Jesse would be the first (and probably ONLY LOL) ones to reply to this!
I brought up both links, I think I might try the Canidae if I decide not to go with the BARF diet. I also want to try some of those raw meaty bones for her teeth. Anybody have any suggestions on good raw meaty bones to buy? She likes soup bones but they don't have much meat and she polishes off the meat and marrow in no time at all.
But thank you very much for both links. I hearted both of them and as I said if I don't go with the BARF thing I will most likely try the Canidae (how is that pronounced btw?)
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
Okay Dot I replied via PT. Nico likes the hooves too! I get them at PetSmart and then when I told the rottie breeder about it she hit the roof! She said they can get those things stuck in there teeth. I said I wouldn't buy them anymore but I lied. She's never had a problem with them and she loves them. Although she sure does fart a lot when she chewes them. I just throw it away when it gets too small.
I never heard of toenails!
I will try a butcher for the bones. How funny your dogs bury them! That is so cute!
I knew Canidae (thanks for the pronunciation info) was big in California, that's why I thought you could only buy it out there. I wonder why it's so much cheaper there? Not fair!
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
thanks for clarification on the bonemeal, LOL! Oh thats awful about the onion! That's just like antifreeze, yikes! I wish to hell they would make antifreeze out of something that doesn't attract animals. Thanks for the info once again!
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
I throw out the hooves when they get small as well.
Apparently the factory was in CA and the UPS charge for bringing the bags is what kills the price.
California a 40 pound bag is about $28.00
Here it runs around $39.00
I thought you were a CA gal.
Toe nails - I went to buy a hoof once and the shop owner said "toe nails" so it may just be his stupid shop.
PS the PHD was made for the RAW diet:
quote: A healthy immune system functions quietly. What is needed to achieve healthy immune systems are building blocks of properly digested high-quality food. PHD and raw foods help this happen and allow a clearer expression of your animal's genetic potential. Feed this diet and just stand back and observe. Within two weeks to three months, you'll see a definite increase in the health and vitality of your animal.
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 08, 2003 at 13:52.]
ME a California gal? NEVER! No offense to anyone who lives there hee hee. I live 20 miles west of the Loop in Chicago.
Well, toenails, hooves, whatever, LOL. Boy Nico sure loves them but does she let out the GAS when she chews on those things, and the hooves have this odor to them to that's kind of gross. But, whatever makes her happy I can live with I suppose. She probably thinks I smell funny too.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
The hooves were suggested by my holistic vet. He said they need something hard to chew on. Helps keep the teeth clean and keeps them from chewing table legs!
Hi there. Just thought I'd share a little tip on meat bones with marrow. RottieGrrrl, I have a german shepherd (Duke) and he can put away one of those pretty fast too. I found out that if I freeze the bone it lasts a bit longer. Sorta like a bonesicle instead of a popsicle!
And thank you Dot for the raw food recipe. I did try the BARF diet for a while and my dog liked it but I like the idea of blending those ingredients then adding to the dry.
I know what you mean,these big dogs can really go to town on these bones. Phew!
I like the idea of dry dog food with the homemade stuff too. That way I can make sure she's getting her proper vitamins and dry kibble for her teeth, but mixing it with fresh nutricious natural foods that was intended for her natural diet.
Plus making sure her little (little? lol) tummy is full.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
I just read an article on BARF and some vets are skepticle of it, others say that to go on a pure BARF diet you really need to educate yourself about the diet to do it right and it is very time consuming.
So I think starting off small and mixing it in with the dry food is probably how I will start out and go from there.
I'll suscribe to a couple mailing lists. I actually just tried to sneak in on one thats for vets only so I can see what theyre saying but I haven't been approved yet, and they may ask for some credentials.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
Dot, I went to the site about Canidae and Felidae-- it read so well, I couldn't wait til I could pick it up for my kitties/puppy. It ISN'T AT PETSMART!!! LOL!!
I called a couple feed stores and they both say they don't carry it anymore-- customers brought the bags back because their animals didn't like it! akkkk!
I picked up something called sensible choice for dry food for both. It is made by Royal Canin. I didn't see anywhere where it says "people grade" though, but it has no preservatives, etc.
My hubby insists the kitties HAVE to have canned food. He buys Friskies from the groc store! I told him about the ikky stuff being found out about groc store food, and he siad yuck-- and next time he went shopping, forgot all about it and bought them more of the Friskies!!! LOL!!!
I am experimenting around for a canned food that is healthier, AND that they like--so far, the healthy stuff I have bought, they have turned their noses up at. i just picked up "Nutro natural choice". We haven't given it to them yet. and i don't see where it says people grade meat! (Both this dry food and this canned food have given websites on the bag, guess i need to go there)
Psalm lol. You sound like me when I first heard of BARF. I'm like..That doesn't sound too good!
Dot could tell you more I'm sure but from what I've read it stands for Bones and Raw Food, or Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. The idea is to mimic the dogs evolutionary diet.
I checked at PetSmart too to see if they had the Canadie and they didn't. According to The Canadie website they carry it at a couple stores in the area, but your saying the shops said the dogs didn't like it? That's weird! The ingredients look excellent! I wonder why?
I'm going to try it with Nico when I'm done with the Eukanuba though, Which I still have a several week supply of (I bought a couple of huge bags last trip)
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
Just checked out that link Wayward. That's a BARF group for french bulldogs and other flat faced breeds. i didn't know there was a special name for them!
Yeah, I use the Eukanuba too, But I'm checking out the Canidae as well.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
Rottie, I just saw your thread and I almost died when I saw your barfing smilie!!! After a few long days... I needed that! THANKS!
People and their pets. Don?t ya love it?
I had a friend that fed his three neurotic pups the Barf diet. He absolutely swore by it. The allergies went away, they calmed down and weren?t as aggressive. And I watched as one that you would never see because it was hiding, come out and greet strangers. The changes in them were amazing. It had to have been the diet because it was the only thing that had changed.
I glanced through the book but could never feed it to my dogs. Too much work and expense.
I do feed Eukanuba to my brood. It is the only thing I have found that all the dogs can eat without one of them having a reaction. Plus, they all have shiny coats and great energy levels. I was adding LynaTone , or how ever you spell it, to their food. That adds amino acids that processed dog food lacks. I quit that and went to fruits and veggies. Jesse?s favorite smack is the baby peeled carrots. They all love grapes, but I have to cracked the skin. Oh yea, and raw green beans. Just about any thing I eat, they eat.
Deb used to doctor up their food with broths. Yoda, the Peke, would almost always throw-up afterward. It was the onions. Then one day we had to take Claudia to the emergency room because the chicken broth Deb had been pouring on her food had too much fat. It gave her Pancreatitis and we almost lost her. Luckily it stabilized and she was back to her regular diet, minus the extra fat.
Hairette was susceptible to Bladder stones. Again diet related. Yug! It?s always something!
Dot mentioned dogs not living as long as they used to. I agree. All our dogs as kids lived till they were 15 - 17 years. I?m not sure it is the lousy dog foods of today. All our dogs were feed the cheapest of the cheap. But the one thing we always did was scrape our plates into the dogs dish after dinner. I really think that, in moderation so your dog doesn?t get fat, people food is good for the dog. But watch out for onions and high fat!
I tend to think that all the vaccines are a cause of earlier deaths and cancers we are seeing more and more of. But that is seriously just my opinion. I do not advocate NOT getting annual shots. But it is something I have wondered about.
Ten years from now there is no telling what the Vet community will focus on.
They did find the cat vaccination for something - had an aditive that went along with the shot -- that then cause rapid growth cancerous tumors when the cat aged! All kinds of cats 9-13 years old are coming down with it.
Amazing, the plate scraps are very healthy! (no onions! who knew? It blew my mind when I checked it out!) I posted on that before, let me see if the thread is around.
But Eukanuba has altered the formula as it was bought by Pillsbury (I think)
Canidae is the number ONE holistic /med vet suggested dog food. Try it Jesse it is amazing! Try for 2 months and let me know!
Here it is! This is some of the holistic info!
The Best Food For Your Cat/Dog is human grade food. Fresh chicken and turkey and beef. Fresh raw vegetables (carrots and green beans) and fruits (apples and banana's for example). Brown rice and oatmeal. Fresh non-sugar yogurt, eggs, and cottage cheese. These are not "people foods." By calling fresh food "people food" makes it sound as though people are the only living creatures who need to eat fresh foods. All living creatures love fresh foods. Your dog has a sensitive nose and taste buds. That's why he gets so excited when you take fresh food from your shopping bags. He is not begging for "people food" -- he is simply craving real food and a little variety, just as you do. Generations of dogs lived to old ages on fresh foods...before pet food companies came along.
Commercial dog food has only been around since the 1930s. Circa 1930, big cereal companies were trying to find something to do with their rejected grain...their wheat and rice and corn that did not pass USDA inspection, the reason was usually because of mold. They discovered that the meat industry faced the same problem. Leftover meat not fit for human consumption, usually because the livestock was diseased. (or parts not fit for humans such as feathers and bills)
The idea of mixing the rejects together, calling it "pet food", and making big profits off of it, was created. Clever advertising planted this term in the public's mind, but no living creature was ever intended to obtain their nutrition from a bag or can.
A well known vet says: Almost all artificial diets are based on grains and cereals. The problem is, dogs are not cows. Your dog has a short direct digestive tract meant to digest meat and protein. Grains and cereals are carbohydrates that require a longer digestive tract. Think of a cow's several stomachs and its long, winding digestive tract.
Worse than that, many dogs are allergic to grains and/or cereals. They develop chronic digestive problems, or itchy skin characterized by foot-licking or rubbing their faces. You might never think to associate these skin problems with the cereals in your dog's artificial diet.
Each day, unhappy dogs parade through veterinary offices. They suffer from rashes, itchy hotspots, foot-licking, loose stools, gas, flatulism, greasy coats, flaky skins, chronic digestive upsets. What are these dogs eating? Strong possibility it is their artificial diets.
There are two different philosophies of veterinary science. Most vets who belong to the AVMA sell Sc--- Diet. Of course, they received their nutritional training from The Company...who make Sci---- Diet. Most vets who belong to the AHVMA have done their own independent research and DO NOT recommend artificial diets.
Pet food companies and some vets will tell you: "Table scraps are bad for dogs." Now, if they mean hot dogs, chhse whiz, pizza, french fries, and buttered and salted scraps, they're right. Such greasy junk is not fresh food. Fresh food means just that. You feed the same food groups that are in artificial diets...except your ingredients have passed USDA inspection and your ingredients are based on meat, not grain. For anyone to apply the derogatory term "table scraps" to your homemade diet of fresh meats and veggies and oatmeal and other wholesome foods is absurd.
Pet food companies and some non-holistic vets will also tell you: "You will not balance each meal." No animal (or person) needs each and every meal balanced. No living creature eats like that.
We simply eat a variety of good foods. General balance occurs over weeks and months. The concept of a "complete and balanced diet" is a marketing gimmick to persuade you that you're too dumb to feed a dog.
That would come as a shock to your ancestors. They had no problems doing it. Their dogs lived 15 to 20 years on good meaty bones, vegetable stews, and whole-grain breads.
Did you know according to a Holistic Vet Med journal, that most commercial dog food companies accept meat that has come from campaigns to erradicate disease form zoo or farm animals. It can contain, although marginal, cadavors of euthanized pets. They also buy the VERY out dated parcels of meat from stores. The meat is in packages the same way we purchase the meat. That meat is then thrown into the preperation with the wrappers and styrofoam plate still on it.
You folks maybe interested in Canidae, Wellness, PHD or solid Gold dog or cat food. It is made from human grade meats and other wholesome ingredients. There are also recipes you can make dog/cat food from. Remember NO onions in pet food.
If you are interested you can locate a holistic Vet through the internet. I changed to a holistic vet 5/6 years ago and it saved my pets lives at the time. One was loaded with hot spots and the other had extrememly dry skin and trouble walking (there was no oil in the grocery store pet food Petig---- I had been feeding them.)
If you have animals please take the time to investigate this information.
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Dot Matrix
My dogs did not like the RAW meat at all.
The raw chicken bones are pliable so they SAY they are okay.
Here is a site that may help you
PHD dog food, they teach about using the raw meat and adding this PHD formula for kelp, vitamins and the like.
Hope it helps:
I give my dogs carrots and apple slices for treats and I make my own dog food and mix it with Canidae. When I whip up a batch of homemade dog food I put the carrots and an apple (no seeds - they contain a natural arsenic) in the blender with the meat, a bit of water, flaxseed or olive oil (in a pinch). Then, I blend it and make it into a runny mixture. Next, I mix it with the dry HOLISTC Canidae dog food.
A HUMAN GRADE dog food -
I was told at the health food store that Eukanuba - Iams was bought by a BIG company 2 years ago and changed the formula. They now use meat and grain - NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. That usually means diseased meats amd moldy grain/rice. That is why dogs who used to live 15 - 20 years now live 10 - 15 years.
TRY CANIDAE if you do not want to make your own. If you want to make your own you can supplement with PHD.
My holistic vet did want me to do the raw meat andI had the same fears. He told me as carnivores, the dogs needed a bit of bacteria in their system to keep themselves healthy. I tried and the dogs HATED the raw stuff so he gave me a cooked recipe which I make (and mix with Canidae -- but if you do not have time or want to mix the cooked recipe with something crunchy (human grade) try Canidae or Wellness by themselves.
2 parts meat (hamberger, chicken or turkey COOKED) (If you want to try raw go ahead - I had the same misgivings)
1 part vegetables (carrots, or green vegtables with natural chlorophyll for breath such as string beans, a garlic clove -NEVER onions as they can kill a dog)
1 part natural brown rice cooked
1/2 to one whole no seeds/apple
oil - that which would come to about a half teaspoon a cup of food
Then, you can add a half level teaspoon of bonemeal per cup
one half to one level teaspoon of brewers yeast per cup.
And 1/4 teaspoon liquid vitamin per cup of food (you can use human vitamins like miracle 2000. nasty taste - good job
I mix it all in the blender, remove it, then I stir it in with the dry Canidae.
If your dog gets fat leave out -- one of mine could not handle the carbohydrates so I left out --the rice (you can also use natural oats from the health store)
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 08, 2003 at 13:54.]
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Dot thanks for the quick reply. I knew you or Jesse would be the first (and probably ONLY LOL) ones to reply to this!
I brought up both links, I think I might try the Canidae if I decide not to go with the BARF diet. I also want to try some of those raw meaty bones for her teeth. Anybody have any suggestions on good raw meaty bones to buy? She likes soup bones but they don't have much meat and she polishes off the meat and marrow in no time at all.
But thank you very much for both links. I hearted both of them and as I said if I don't go with the BARF thing I will most likely try the Canidae (how is that pronounced btw?)
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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OH! I see you added to your post. Hold on while I read the rest.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Okay, reading the recipe. Where do you buy bonemeal? I think my mom uses that stuff to put on her parents grave!? LOL.
Onions can KILL a dog? How come? I NEVER knew that! yikes! would olive oil be okay to use for the oil? Sorry for all the questions!
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Dot Matrix
Can (like how you buy soup
a ( like it is a warm day)
day (" " " ")
I tell you, I got that in the salon and have people using it --
Dogs with awful skin problems etc. and they were healed VERY quickly.
The evils of grocery store dog food is something I think there will be a class action lawsuit someday.
(Go to private topic)
Try a butcher for the bones, I do not do bones I use the "Toe nails" and hooves.
Let me know how the bone works, my dogs always hide it and then it is no longer a FRESH bone but a rancid thing.
Canidae is the BEST stuff and in California you can get it MUCH cheaper than I can here on the East coast!
Dot Matrix
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Dot Matrix
The grave thing I am rocking!
Okay, bonemeal- health food store
Onions - yes once a girl told me that and I thought it to be a lie. Called the vet, the tech said oh that is a LIE.
I said check anyway please!!!
She came back and said YES! It will shut down their kidneys!!! Yikes! She asked if my dog ate an onion and suggested I come immediately!
Olive oil is okay -- Flax seed oil much better (has the omegas in it)
Dot Matrix
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Okay Dot I replied via PT. Nico likes the hooves too! I get them at PetSmart and then when I told the rottie breeder about it she hit the roof! She said they can get those things stuck in there teeth. I said I wouldn't buy them anymore but I lied. She's never had a problem with them and she loves them. Although she sure does fart a lot when she chewes them. I just throw it away when it gets too small.
I never heard of toenails!
I will try a butcher for the bones. How funny your dogs bury them! That is so cute!
I knew Canidae (thanks for the pronunciation info) was big in California, that's why I thought you could only buy it out there. I wonder why it's so much cheaper there? Not fair!
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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thanks for clarification on the bonemeal, LOL! Oh thats awful about the onion! That's just like antifreeze, yikes! I wish to hell they would make antifreeze out of something that doesn't attract animals. Thanks for the info once again!
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Dot Matrix
I throw out the hooves when they get small as well.
Apparently the factory was in CA and the UPS charge for bringing the bags is what kills the price.
California a 40 pound bag is about $28.00
Here it runs around $39.00
I thought you were a CA gal.
Toe nails - I went to buy a hoof once and the shop owner said "toe nails" so it may just be his stupid shop.
PS the PHD was made for the RAW diet:
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 08, 2003 at 13:52.]
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ME a California gal? NEVER! No offense to anyone who lives there hee hee. I live 20 miles west of the Loop in Chicago.
Well, toenails, hooves, whatever, LOL. Boy Nico sure loves them but does she let out the GAS when she chews on those things, and the hooves have this odor to them to that's kind of gross. But, whatever makes her happy I can live with I suppose. She probably thinks I smell funny too.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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PS. thanks for the added info, I just see you posted. Interesting!
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Dot Matrix
I don't know why I thought California!
I used to live there --
Oh well!
The hooves were suggested by my holistic vet. He said they need something hard to chew on. Helps keep the teeth clean and keeps them from chewing table legs!
Dot Matrix
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Not trying to "step in on" your conversation
but Hi ya'll
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Hi there. Just thought I'd share a little tip on meat bones with marrow. RottieGrrrl, I have a german shepherd (Duke) and he can put away one of those pretty fast too. I found out that if I freeze the bone it lasts a bit longer. Sorta like a bonesicle instead of a popsicle!
And thank you Dot for the raw food recipe. I did try the BARF diet for a while and my dog liked it but I like the idea of blending those ingredients then adding to the dry.
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hiya firebee!
ohbehave that's a great idea. A bonesicle, LOL.
I know what you mean,these big dogs can really go to town on these bones. Phew!
I like the idea of dry dog food with the homemade stuff too. That way I can make sure she's getting her proper vitamins and dry kibble for her teeth, but mixing it with fresh nutricious natural foods that was intended for her natural diet.
Plus making sure her little (little? lol) tummy is full.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Dot Matrix
Oh behave
We look alike!
What kinda dogs
you have?
Firebee - Hello little bee!
Dot Matrix
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I just read an article on BARF and some vets are skepticle of it, others say that to go on a pure BARF diet you really need to educate yourself about the diet to do it right and it is very time consuming.
So I think starting off small and mixing it in with the dry food is probably how I will start out and go from there.
I'll suscribe to a couple mailing lists. I actually just tried to sneak in on one thats for vets only so I can see what theyre saying but I haven't been approved yet, and they may ask for some credentials.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Dot Matrix
You cannot go wrong with Canidae.
It can stand alone.
It is easier then cooking and mixing and keeps dog's healthy!
Dot Matrix
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 09, 2003 at 11:34.]
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Psalm 71 one
'SCUSE ME! whatindaheck is the BARF diet? LOL!!!!
Dot, I went to the site about Canidae and Felidae-- it read so well, I couldn't wait til I could pick it up for my kitties/puppy. It ISN'T AT PETSMART!!! LOL!!
I called a couple feed stores and they both say they don't carry it anymore-- customers brought the bags back because their animals didn't like it! akkkk!
I picked up something called sensible choice for dry food for both. It is made by Royal Canin. I didn't see anywhere where it says "people grade" though, but it has no preservatives, etc.
My hubby insists the kitties HAVE to have canned food. He buys Friskies from the groc store! I told him about the ikky stuff being found out about groc store food, and he siad yuck-- and next time he went shopping, forgot all about it and bought them more of the Friskies!!! LOL!!!
I am experimenting around for a canned food that is healthier, AND that they like--so far, the healthy stuff I have bought, they have turned their noses up at. i just picked up "Nutro natural choice". We haven't given it to them yet. and i don't see where it says people grade meat! (Both this dry food and this canned food have given websites on the bag, guess i need to go there)
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Psalm lol. You sound like me when I first heard of BARF. I'm like..That doesn't sound too good!
Dot could tell you more I'm sure but from what I've read it stands for Bones and Raw Food, or Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. The idea is to mimic the dogs evolutionary diet.
I checked at PetSmart too to see if they had the Canadie and they didn't. According to The Canadie website they carry it at a couple stores in the area, but your saying the shops said the dogs didn't like it? That's weird! The ingredients look excellent! I wonder why?
I'm going to try it with Nico when I'm done with the Eukanuba though, Which I still have a several week supply of (I bought a couple of huge bags last trip)
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Yahoo Groups has a great discussion group on the BARF diet. It's too expensive and time consuming to be a viable option for me.
Yahoo BARF Group
I use Eukanuba, but I think I'm going to look at this Canidae brand.
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Just checked out that link Wayward. That's a BARF group for french bulldogs and other flat faced breeds. i didn't know there was a special name for them!
Yeah, I use the Eukanuba too, But I'm checking out the Canidae as well.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Rottie, I just saw your thread and I almost died when I saw your barfing smilie!!! After a few long days... I needed that! THANKS!
People and their pets. Don?t ya love it?
I had a friend that fed his three neurotic pups the Barf diet. He absolutely swore by it. The allergies went away, they calmed down and weren?t as aggressive. And I watched as one that you would never see because it was hiding, come out and greet strangers. The changes in them were amazing. It had to have been the diet because it was the only thing that had changed.
I glanced through the book but could never feed it to my dogs. Too much work and expense.
I do feed Eukanuba to my brood. It is the only thing I have found that all the dogs can eat without one of them having a reaction. Plus, they all have shiny coats and great energy levels. I was adding LynaTone , or how ever you spell it, to their food. That adds amino acids that processed dog food lacks. I quit that and went to fruits and veggies. Jesse?s favorite smack is the baby peeled carrots. They all love grapes, but I have to cracked the skin. Oh yea, and raw green beans. Just about any thing I eat, they eat.
Deb used to doctor up their food with broths. Yoda, the Peke, would almost always throw-up afterward. It was the onions. Then one day we had to take Claudia to the emergency room because the chicken broth Deb had been pouring on her food had too much fat. It gave her Pancreatitis and we almost lost her. Luckily it stabilized and she was back to her regular diet, minus the extra fat.
Hairette was susceptible to Bladder stones. Again diet related. Yug! It?s always something!
Dot mentioned dogs not living as long as they used to. I agree. All our dogs as kids lived till they were 15 - 17 years. I?m not sure it is the lousy dog foods of today. All our dogs were feed the cheapest of the cheap. But the one thing we always did was scrape our plates into the dogs dish after dinner. I really think that, in moderation so your dog doesn?t get fat, people food is good for the dog. But watch out for onions and high fat!
I tend to think that all the vaccines are a cause of earlier deaths and cancers we are seeing more and more of. But that is seriously just my opinion. I do not advocate NOT getting annual shots. But it is something I have wondered about.
Ten years from now there is no telling what the Vet community will focus on.
So, what was it? The Barf Diet? LOVE the pukey!!!
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They did find the cat vaccination for something - had an aditive that went along with the shot -- that then cause rapid growth cancerous tumors when the cat aged! All kinds of cats 9-13 years old are coming down with it.
Amazing, the plate scraps are very healthy! (no onions! who knew? It blew my mind when I checked it out!) I posted on that before, let me see if the thread is around.
But Eukanuba has altered the formula as it was bought by Pillsbury (I think)
Canidae is the number ONE holistic /med vet suggested dog food. Try it Jesse it is amazing! Try for 2 months and let me know!
Here it is! This is some of the holistic info!
The Best Food For Your Cat/Dog is human grade food. Fresh chicken and turkey and beef. Fresh raw vegetables (carrots and green beans) and fruits (apples and banana's for example). Brown rice and oatmeal. Fresh non-sugar yogurt, eggs, and cottage cheese. These are not "people foods." By calling fresh food "people food" makes it sound as though people are the only living creatures who need to eat fresh foods. All living creatures love fresh foods. Your dog has a sensitive nose and taste buds. That's why he gets so excited when you take fresh food from your shopping bags. He is not begging for "people food" -- he is simply craving real food and a little variety, just as you do. Generations of dogs lived to old ages on fresh foods...before pet food companies came along.
Commercial dog food has only been around since the 1930s. Circa 1930, big cereal companies were trying to find something to do with their rejected grain...their wheat and rice and corn that did not pass USDA inspection, the reason was usually because of mold. They discovered that the meat industry faced the same problem. Leftover meat not fit for human consumption, usually because the livestock was diseased. (or parts not fit for humans such as feathers and bills)
The idea of mixing the rejects together, calling it "pet food", and making big profits off of it, was created. Clever advertising planted this term in the public's mind, but no living creature was ever intended to obtain their nutrition from a bag or can.
A well known vet says: Almost all artificial diets are based on grains and cereals. The problem is, dogs are not cows. Your dog has a short direct digestive tract meant to digest meat and protein. Grains and cereals are carbohydrates that require a longer digestive tract. Think of a cow's several stomachs and its long, winding digestive tract.
Worse than that, many dogs are allergic to grains and/or cereals. They develop chronic digestive problems, or itchy skin characterized by foot-licking or rubbing their faces. You might never think to associate these skin problems with the cereals in your dog's artificial diet.
Each day, unhappy dogs parade through veterinary offices. They suffer from rashes, itchy hotspots, foot-licking, loose stools, gas, flatulism, greasy coats, flaky skins, chronic digestive upsets. What are these dogs eating? Strong possibility it is their artificial diets.
There are two different philosophies of veterinary science. Most vets who belong to the AVMA sell Sc--- Diet. Of course, they received their nutritional training from The Company...who make Sci---- Diet. Most vets who belong to the AHVMA have done their own independent research and DO NOT recommend artificial diets.
Pet food companies and some vets will tell you: "Table scraps are bad for dogs." Now, if they mean hot dogs, chhse whiz, pizza, french fries, and buttered and salted scraps, they're right. Such greasy junk is not fresh food. Fresh food means just that. You feed the same food groups that are in artificial diets...except your ingredients have passed USDA inspection and your ingredients are based on meat, not grain. For anyone to apply the derogatory term "table scraps" to your homemade diet of fresh meats and veggies and oatmeal and other wholesome foods is absurd.
Pet food companies and some non-holistic vets will also tell you: "You will not balance each meal." No animal (or person) needs each and every meal balanced. No living creature eats like that.
We simply eat a variety of good foods. General balance occurs over weeks and months. The concept of a "complete and balanced diet" is a marketing gimmick to persuade you that you're too dumb to feed a dog.
That would come as a shock to your ancestors. They had no problems doing it. Their dogs lived 15 to 20 years on good meaty bones, vegetable stews, and whole-grain breads.
Did you know according to a Holistic Vet Med journal, that most commercial dog food companies accept meat that has come from campaigns to erradicate disease form zoo or farm animals. It can contain, although marginal, cadavors of euthanized pets. They also buy the VERY out dated parcels of meat from stores. The meat is in packages the same way we purchase the meat. That meat is then thrown into the preperation with the wrappers and styrofoam plate still on it.
You folks maybe interested in Canidae, Wellness, PHD or solid Gold dog or cat food. It is made from human grade meats and other wholesome ingredients. There are also recipes you can make dog/cat food from. Remember NO onions in pet food.
If you are interested you can locate a holistic Vet through the internet. I changed to a holistic vet 5/6 years ago and it saved my pets lives at the time. One was loaded with hot spots and the other had extrememly dry skin and trouble walking (there was no oil in the grocery store pet food Petig---- I had been feeding them.)
If you have animals please take the time to investigate this information.
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