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Who was in the 1st Corps? Why was the Zero Corps disbanded?


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  johniam said:
I think Donnie Fugit was in the zero corps. Can't remember where I heard it. I know he ended up in the 5th corps. As of a few years ago Ian Murphy is still in TWI. Wasn't he 2nd corps?

Yes........Ian was in the 2nd corps.

IIRC.......around 1991 or so, Ian was dropped from active corps (and clergy status). Don't know the reasons and all.......but he seemed to stay somewhat involved with twi. But corps status........gone.

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  socks said:
Good point about Wikipedia, modishwasher. Gotta be careful what ya read. :wink2:

Donnie was never in the 0 or 1st corps, he went in later, forget which. The people in the corps that were referred to earliest as "Zero" corps weren't names most would recognize. I'm still looking for that box, I think the names are in that Way Mag. Wordwolf's quote is about that gang The official/now-we-got-a-corps First Corps, the gang pictured in dmiller's photo, were (apparently) erased from the roster by dear Craig and "zeroed' out, so reported here. Figures, though and doesn't surprise me at all.

Actually, the quote was about the First Corps that was renamed the Zero Corps, and the second group was

officially called The First Corps. (Meaning 2 groups were first called that, but one was disbanded and were

stripped of their title, and the second one was allowed to finish and got the name.)

Then we got a THIRD group of people who are NOW called The First Corps.

When none of the people from "The First Corps" (the second First Corps) was still in the group,

(lcm HIMSELF was in the "Second Corps", which was the third sequence of Corps, after the 2 First Corps,)

lcm took a bunch of the long-timers still in twi and said

"these are now the First Corps."

So, the people currently being called "the First Corps" by twi were never IN the corps

and never graduated the corps,

and are now the THIRD group of people to be called "The First Corps."

So, 3 First Corps:

A) First group of Corps. vpw cut the program since they actually thought for themselves.

They were later nicknamed "the Zero Corps" since vpw took their name.

B) Second group of Corps. vpw allowed this more submissive group to finish, and gave this

second group the name "First Corps."

C) A bunch of old-timers still in. Despite never being in the Corps program, they were bunched

together and declared "the First Corps" by lcm, who made this their honorary title to

disguise the fact that all the members of the first 2 groups had all left.


The roots and beginnings of so many things can often be attributed to many different people sometimes, that aren't in the official bio's.

Like Johnny T, Donnie, and others. When VP finally got PFAL in a decent film format, there were many people around in those first few years who formed the "corps" of people that worked with him and the Way. Some of the ideas that got off the ground came from those people. Later when the programs and format got solidified some of them got "ex-officio" statuses, which is kind of funny in way.

Like Donnie and his personal "witnessing program". Donnie took PFAL and started teaching it himself in Wichita, and only later found out he couldn't do that. :) I'm sure Evan remembers that era. Donnie was just a guy - "although just" doesn't serve his memory as well as it deserves - who loved to witness to people and tell them about Jesus Christ and the bible. That's pretty much all he did for most of his life.

His lifestyle was really the foundation of the "WOW" program, and if the program had kept to that it would have been nice in it's day and likely gone through much more natural change over time.

I think this kind of "early" involvment accounts for why people of that era didn't idolize VPW, or give the Way undue credit, in some cases anyway. Really, it could apply to people at any time - where you are doing what you're doing and you own it, live it, do it. Nobody's telling you what to do or how to do it, you're just living your life.


Of course, then vpw made formal programs of each one, and dropped their histories and

made them all look like his idea...

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As for Donnie F being an influence on lcm, I'll take as my source lcm's own words in

"VP and Me" (which was discussed on the "vp and me in wonderland thread

as seen here: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...c=8019&st=0 )

lcm said

"The first time that LCM saw Dr. was when he was a senior at the University of Kansas.

LCM went to twig first and found the teaching to be tremendous (electrifying).

Donny Fugit taught."

As for vpw himself, I personally love the first thing out of vpw's mouth when he first

met lcm, months to a year later.

"When he was first introduced to Dr Wierwille, Dr said to him

'Hello-Well I have to go and eat this piece of cake.' "

Looking back, this was his first personal interaction with vpw.

With the cold light of day, vpw sounds incredibly shallow and secular.

This young man comes up to learn the Bible-vpw blows him off for dessert.

He didn't even invite him along-he had to "GO" and eat his cake.

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quote: .......around 1991 or so, Ian was dropped from active corps (and clergy status). Don't know the reasons and all.......but he seemed to stay somewhat involved with twi.

Hmm. Didn't know that. His divorce happened around 1991. Wonder if that had anything to do with it. He married my wife and I, well, performed the ceremony. My wife finally got up the nerve to call him a few years ago; first time since we left TWI. He was pleasant.

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So, 3 First Corps:

A) First group of Corps. vpw cut the program since they actually thought for themselves.

They were later nicknamed "the Zero Corps" since vpw took their name.

B) Second group of Corps. vpw allowed this more submissive group to finish, and gave this

second group the name "First Corps."

C) A bunch of old-timers still in. Despite never being in the Corps program, they were bunched

together and declared "the First Corps" by lcm, who made this their honorary title to

disguise the fact that all the members of the first 2 groups had all left.

Hmmm, I'm not sure about your assessment Wordwolf. I'm sure the 0/First group of corps thought for themselves. Those I met were nice people, but not that interested in me or my wife or others I met. I'm sure they had perfectly reasonable personal goals and were stand-up people, I don't know exactly what they decided or why. It may have been they disagreed with VPW about any number of things, or not.

What distinguishes the second group/First Corps to me is what I stated above, they were very open and involved with others. There was a desire to actively help others and do that through friendship and support. That takes time, involvment, being with one another. Any church congregation, same thing. Again, I'm sure they had their own personal goals that were good ones. I knew Naomi, we graduated from the same high school. Del, slightly before the Way, and both Del and Nancy after they got involved. Glenda was from Alameda/Ookland area. These people weren't saints, nor were they robots. But they were caring individuals who wanted to get in and get busy living their lives.

The reshuffling of the deck of this corps to that corps was VPW's thing. I think the individuality of the people that got involved at that time sticks out to me.

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  WordWolf said:
Actually, the quote was about the First Corps that was renamed the Zero Corps, and the second group was

officially called The First Corps. (Meaning 2 groups were first called that, but one was disbanded and were

stripped of their title, and the second one was allowed to finish and got the name.)

Actually, the first group was not known as "The First Corps," so they weren't stripped of that title.

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Going through the thread has been REALLY WONDERFUL!

I remember so many of the stories about the "0" Corps all the way to the 8th (or 9th, if you count the "0" as a digit)

If memory serves me right, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Corps were a handful of people. I would venture to say Donnie F. and Dale D. and Bo R. were amoung the major contributors to the 6th Corps becoming so big. I just stand in awe at the growth from a handful of people to hundreds (about 600 if I remember rightly) going into the Corps. Fellowships running amuck. The Word Over the USA! ! ! ! !

I was 19 and in the Army in 1975 when I got in. I remember going to the Rock (left for it 2 days after meeting WOW's)and seeing astounding, amazing things happen. I still look back in awe. I was so on fire, I wanted to go WOW. Of course, I was instructed that I had to have the class in order to go WOW. By the end of the ROA, I was committed. I knew God didn't have a WOW program. I made a personal commitment to do the WOW program for the next year, to GO, STAND, SPEAK. By March, one Twig Leader told her twig, if you have anyone that you want to sign up for the class, introduce them to XXX (ME). He'll sign them up! ! ! ! I immediately began soaking up information about Donnie F and trying my best to duplicate his accomplishments. I failed miserably.

Still, the comment by the TL was like music to my ears. Sure enough over the years, I always had people in the class. I ran a video class of about 21 people in Reno. I convinced that if I spoke the Word properly, I could sign up anyone. And there were times I did.

Those years were all heart and love was extremely deep for God and for each other. There was a reason to get up in the morning. The air was fresher, the colors were brighter.

I recall the ROA in '77 or '78 "He sent His Word and healed them" There were so many people claiming to have gotten healed, you would have thought Jesus Christ was walking on the grounds. Supposively, one girl was an Albino, and blind, heard she received her sight.

Later that year, I wondered if the entire Corps had gone to garage sales to buy up all the crutches and walkers, wheel chairs and leg braces and brought them to the ROA so people could claim they got healed.

Then, certain of the brethern, introduced the legalism and the rituals. By '81 it was over. Just like the book of Acts. About a 15 year apex and then it was gone.

Just the other day, I was singing "We are sons of God with power.............." by Brian Bliss and remembered how that motivated me. I plaid that tape until it broke and bought another one. Remembering that song reminded me of why I loved what I was doing then.

Today, I'm nearing 51 years old. I long to teach the Word again. And I do from time to time. I love to watch people's hearts melt as I show them their sonship rights. I know so much more than when I had IOF (ignorance on fire).

Wasn't Dr. about this old when he started the WOW program? He was able to reach the 'kids'. Gawd! ! ! as screwed up as things got and as much as people find fault with the man, that point still amazes me! ! ! If only I could do so well (or badly [for those of you of the opposite view])

One man awake

Awakens another

Edited by YIdon'tgotochurch
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