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GSC --- People helping people


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Here is the latest quote from Ckmkeon:

Well it seems as though my suspension has been lifted (even though my words are checked). Which just reminds me of how awful you say TWI is. Lets do a comparison:

TWI Bans You

GS Bans you

TWI Want you to follow a set of rules

GS wants you to follow a set of rules

TWI is a so called cult

GS is a so called cult

TWI is trying there best

GS doesn't know what there doing

TWI has been nice all the way through

GS rrrrriggghhhhtt

(The cost of a class at TWI $75, Getting VPW Tapes for learning $25, Coming back to GS to raise hell


Here's a dude that has it all bass-ackwards.

If GSC isn't about helping people, I don't know what is.

Twi has made that claim, and failed miserably (over several dedcades I might add).

The only thing twi helped with (aside from lifting money from *believers* pocket's),

was the hijacking of an entire generation of folks who wanted to do do right by God.

So Ck -- take a hike. Go. Leave. Syonara (or however it's spelled).

Go to where you (might) be welcome.

(I say that with all the love-of-God-in-renewed-mind-manifestation-that-I-can-muster).

If you love docvic so much -- join him. (We can show you where he is buried).

(but I think you know that already).

Sorry -- bro, I don't like being equated with that evil org, twi.

They have no scruples, and many scruples can be found here.

You can make assumptions, but they are just that, and nothing more.

In other words --- you haven't woken up, and smelled the coffee.

So -- back to the title of the thread ----

GSC is all about people helping people.

Twi is all about milking people for what they are worth.

Twi has a long row to hoe, before they can even begin to claim what we at GSC do.

Do us here at GSC a favor, and DO NOT compare us to twi.

Thanks (in advance).

(PS -- Paw (moderators, whomever) --- I posted this here.

If it should be relegated to a different forum, please do so.)

Ck is personifying the mentality I've been trying to leave, (even after 20 years),

so I didn't know where this should be posted.

Do what you need to do, or not.

As long as he reads it --- that's what counts (to me),

(not that it will change anything).

Edited by dmiller
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As much as I respect you and appreciate your POV, I think you're (as opposed to your...ok, socks?) all wet on this one.

I don't like ckmeon any more than anybody else here. I'm certain that you know why, if you recall a number of his posts from his "pre-ban" days. But, you know, I don't recall that he has ever threatened somebody here. The worst I recall that he did was to defend an indefensible, to deny reality of the abuses that were perpetrated by the principle proponent of that belief system, and to attack other people's beliefs when those beliefs didn't line up with his belief system.

When I started reading Waydale, I just thought that TWI was a good organization that went bad under the leadership of LCM. I would have been taken aback had I heard any kind of allegation from VPW. I had NO CLUE of what happened in the 90s (as I'd left prior to that time). It wasn't a matter that I was still a member of a splinter group...I'd already gone back to the Church before that time...but I still was really clueless about what I was involved in. Frankly, had somebody asked me what I thought of Victor Paul Wierwille, I would have said he was a great teacher with a tremendous vision...for a Protestant.

I was wrong. But it took me a while to fully process and, frankly, to believe a lot of what I'd read.

And I was only involved for a few years. Not like some here who grew up with it and had seen that as their only reality.

Bottom line is that, regardless of how much of an a$$hole ck is, I think that the proper response is to feel sorry for him and to pray for him. If his posts are too aggravating, individual gsc members can ignore him (a nice feature of this board). If he crosses the line and threatens people, well, I am one to think that this is a message board...what in the world is he going to do in reality? Not like he's going to be able to get his dad to come over and beat somebody up...not like he can 'actually' stalk a member...

The boy clearly needs help. Condemning him to the outer darkness of being banned is not going to achieve that help. The title of this thread, "GSC --- People helping people" is a nice title. But you don't help people by kicking them out.

At least that's my opinion. Of course my opinion counts for nothing. The only opinions that matter are those of the owners and managers of this site.

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Mark, ck has had one on one conversations with several first hand eye witnesses to viscious cruelty on numerous occasions in chat.

I was there, I saw it....He was treated with kindness and respect. His was allowed to ask his at times insensative questions, he was patiently given truthfull answeres by no less than three different posters who had seen the worst side of twi.

He then posted lies in the forums about the people who treated him kindly, he posted lies about the treatment he recieved, he posted lies about people who were not even present.

CK is not here to learn or interact or help, he wants to *raise hell* HIS words...

He cares nothing for the hearts that he stomps on, he enjoys being cruel.

He has been treated with kindness and patience repeatedly to no avail.

He has proven repeatedly that he is here to hurt, he enjoys what he does, he glories in making a stink, though he is so clumsy and comical in his attempts, nobody really takes him seriously.

He is nothing more than an immature kid that is trying to be a tough guy bully...shrug

Oh yeah, and he comes in here masquerading as a parent who has been in twi to add legitimacy to his position.

He doesn`t want your defense nor your kindness Mark.

Edited by rascal
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(The cost of a class at TWI $75, Getting VPW Tapes for learning $25, Coming back to GS to raise hell


He has stated his purpose here. It's not to engage in any sort of dialog or discussion. It's to raise hell. To torment, abuse and disgust folks. <_<

I don't engage or acknowledge him most of the time. I was rather surprised and somewhat upset to see that folks even gave him any kind of recognition on the thread he started. But that's just me.

Things have been really nice around here without ck, allan and the like attacking, derailing and otherwise disrupting a great dining experience.

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  Belle said:

He has stated his purpose here. It's not to engage in any sort of dialog or discussion. It's to raise hell. To torment, abuse and disgust folks. <_<

I don't engage or acknowledge him most of the time. I was rather surprised and somewhat upset to see that folks even gave him any kind of recognition on the thread he started. But that's just me.

Things have been really nice around here without ck, allan and the like attacking, derailing and otherwise disrupting a great dining experience.

Yeah... what she said!


Yes, I'm thankful too for what we have here. I hate it when people come in here with an evil intent - even if it's just one of willful ignorance.

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Mark -- thank you for your input. What you said makes a whole lot of sense.

I hesitated posting this last night, for those very reasons you espoused.

I am more than willing to put up with a brand new poster, still thinking twi thoughts.

I have no problem with that at all. Civil conversation and discussions can be utilized,

and they can make choices, based on how they feel, what they want in life, etc.

But I do have a problem with someone coming in here to *raise hell*.

I don't need that. Folks questioning twi don't need that.

This board doesn't need that. We are about helping, not condemning.

Again -- thanks for your input.

Sorry if I sounded like I was condemning someone irrationally . I never meant it in that light.

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I wish I had a dollar for every one that has come to the GSC shores looking to convert us all or prove us wrong or tell us all to go to hell. Many of them still post here or read here. It takes all kinds.

Some people will never "get" GreaseSpot. That's fine I think that one Great thing we learn here at the Spot is that the world is made up of all kinds and we have to learn to deal with them. It's easy to point at someone and say that they are possessed, it is a whole other thing to learn how to deal with others that aren't of your thinking.

The AA thread reminds me of an organization that is made up of people from all classes of life and all lifestyles with a common dilemma. They come together to recognize and solve or cope with a problem.

We do the same thing here. We are as divergent a crowd as I have ever seen. Somehow between all the fighting and bickering; start and maintain a healing process. And as I have said before, We will continue to tell the other side of the story, and have some fun while doing it.

Anyway that's my take.

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I said this on another thread – about the therapeutic and strengthening process experienced at GSC. After someone is injured they must do physical therapy to gain their strength back. A healthy person must do physical exercise to maintain their strength. I see GSC being like that for one's thinking process…I think it's very useful to have people come on GSC parading TWI's craziness – everybody gets a good workout…Okay – I know you macho Grease Spotters grunt "No Pain no Gain – throw another TWIt on the rack…bet I can press it!" Sorry…I'm a little past my prime and get concerned more about constipation than extreme exercise. But I do like getting rid of the leftover TWI crap in my life...so for me it's more like "Let's get the $h1t out of TWIt."...Now I didn't say "Let's kick the $h1t out of TWIt." For that wouldn't be a loving thing to do. Remember brethren and sistren we're to love the TWIt not the $h1t.

Edited by T-Bone
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And I think in a real way it's a selfish thing to do.

In a great way.

Cause if you don't have the help then how can you help another.

So in a good selfishness to improve yourselves.

To concentrate on fixing yourself.

However you want to put it.

And have fun too...yeah...

Thanks Paw

GSC has helped me tremendously.

Edited by cman
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  dmiller said:
Mark -- thank you for your input. What you said makes a whole lot of sense.

I hesitated posting this last night, for those very reasons you espoused.

I am more than willing to put up with a brand new poster, still thinking twi thoughts.

I have no problem with that at all. Civil conversation and discussions can be utilized,

and they can make choices, based on how they feel, what they want in life, etc.

But I do have a problem with someone coming in here to *raise hell*.

I don't need that. Folks questioning twi don't need that.

This board doesn't need that. We are about helping, not condemning.

Again -- thanks for your input.

Sorry if I sounded like I was condemning someone irrationally . I never meant it in that light.

We can see that ck is already doing his thing.

People simply need to hit "ignore" when he passes their tolerance level. Eventually he'll just be talking to himself. (Most chat room software packages have an "ignore" feature, as well...if it exists, that feature could be used for that medium, as well)

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